9B-24.007. Minimum Program Requirements and Policies (Transferred)  

Effective on Wednesday, November 20, 1985
  • 1Prior to the expenditure of any WAP funds, each subgrantee shall develop and implement procedures to ensure and document that:

    21(1) No dwelling unit will be weatherized without documentation that the unit is an eligible dwelling unit as provided in 4110 CFR Part 440;

    45(2) Priority is given to identifying and providing weatherization assistance to eligible elderly and handicapped low-income persons;

    62(3) To the maximum extent practicable, the subgrantee will secure the services of volunteers, training participants and community service employment workers, to work under the supervision of qualified supervisors pursuant to 9310 CFR Part 440.

    97(4) To the maximum extent practicable, the use of weatherization assistance shall be coordinated with other federal, state, local, or privately funded programs in order to improve thermal efficiency and to reduce the energy consumption levels of eligible dwelling units;

    137(5) Financial assistance provided under the WAP will be used to supplement, and not supplant any other available state or local funds which can be used for weatherization activities;

    166(6) The low-income members of an Indian Tribe shall receive benefits equivalent to the assistance provided to other low-income persons within the state unless the state has made the recommendation provided in 19810 CFR Part 440 202of the Federal Regulations;

    206(7) No dwelling unit may be reported as completed until the subgrantee, or the authorized representative of the subgrantee, has ensured and documented that a final on-site inspection and certification has been conducted and that all work has been completed in a manner acceptable to DCA in accordance with the priorities as determined by the energy audit procedures required by 26610 CFR Part 440; 270and

    271(8) All weatherization materials utilized will meet the standards set forth in Appendix A, Standards for Weatherization Material of 29010 CFR Part 440.

    294Specific Authority 296120.53(1), 297163.03(3) FS. Law Implemented 163.03 FS. History–New 11-20-85, Formerly 9B-24.07.