9B-43.0081. Nonrecurring CDBG Funding (Transferred)

Effective on Sunday, June 6, 2010
  • 1(1) When nonrecurring CDBG funds are awarded to the State of 12Florida 13by the 15U.S. 16Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address disaster recovery needs in Presidentially declared disaster areas, the Department will adhere to the following process:

    41(a) Submit an Action Plan to HUD which describes the proposed use of the funds.

    56(b) Notify eligible applicants of the availability of the funds, the eligible uses, and the manner in which they can be accessed.

    78(c) Evaluate local government proposals for the use of the funds and make on-site visits to ensure compliance with federal guidelines.

    99(d) Execute subgrant agreements with the local governments.

    107(2) The objective of nonrecurring disaster funding is to address disaster relief, long-term recovery, to restore housing and infrastructure, and other activities allowed under the applicable Federal Register notice, particularly that which affects persons who are of low and moderate income that suffered damage or loss as a result of the disaster. Funds may be made available to both Urban Entitlements and participants of the Florida Small Cities CDBG Program, federally designated Indian Tribes and nonprofit organizations.

    184(3) Rule 1869B-43.0031, 187F.A.C. (Definitions, except the definition of “service area”) and subsections 1979B-43.0051(2), 198(3), (4) and (8), F.A.C. (Selected portions of Subgrant Administration and Project Implementation) will apply to CDBG disaster recovery funding. All other portions of Rule Chapter 9B-43, F.A.C., are waived.

    228(4) Service area. “Service area” is defined as the total geographical area to be served by an activity. A service area will encompass all beneficiaries who are reasonably served or would be reasonably served by an activity.

    265(5) Interlocal Agreements. Eligible applicants proposing eligible activities in other eligible jurisdictions will enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the following provisions or submit documentation of an established relationship between eligible jurisdictions which includes the following provisions:

    302(a) Includes as parties all local governments whose jurisdictions are included in the project and/or service area(s);

    319(b) Authorizes the applicant to undertake the activities in all jurisdictions included in the interlocal agreement; and

    336(c) Affirms that all activities are consistent with each local government’s comprehensive plan and provides applicable excerpts of each local government’s comprehensive plan in the supporting documentation section of the application.

    367(6) Administrative Costs. The State’s Action Plan will limit the amount of funds that local governments may use for the administrative costs specified in 24 C393.394F395.396R397. 398s. 399570.206. This does not include staff and administrative costs directly related to carrying out activities eligible under 24 C418.419F420.421R422. 423s. 424570 since those costs are eligible as part of those activities.

    435(7) Program Income. Any program income earned as a result of activities funded under a CDBG disaster recovery subgrant must be reported to the Department, but may be retained for the life of the subgrant by the local government and used to continue the activities from which the funds were generated. Contractual agreements will provide additional guidelines for utilization of program income funds.

    498(8) Other Funds. Applicants and/or beneficiaries must provide documentation of funds received from other sources which were applied toward the costs of the project funded by CDBG disaster recovery funds.

    528(9) Beneficiaries of Public Improvements. For activities where hookups or connections are required for beneficiary access to CDBG-funded infrastructure, low and moderate income benefit shall be determined by the number of low and moderate income persons in households connected to and able to use the water, sewer or other infrastructure at the time of administrative closeout. For activities where hookups or connections are required as a condition for beneficiary access to a CDBG funded infrastructure, no hookup or connection fees shall be charged to very-low, low or moderate-income beneficiaries. Further, no portion of the project construction costs shall be charged to very-low, low or moderate-income beneficiaries.

    634(10) Amendments. All proposed subgrant agreement amendments must be approved by the Department.

    647(a) Documentation Required. All requests for amendments shall include the following written documentation for review by the Department:

    6651. A cover letter signed by the Chief Elected Official or their designee which describes the need for the proposed changes and their effect upon the approved project.

    6932. All application forms that would be changed by the proposed amendment.

    7053. If applicable, a revised activity work plan.

    7134. If applicable, a revised budget showing the current and amended budget.

    7255. If there is a change in activity location, a legible map which indicates the proposed change.

    7426. A copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the amendment was approved.

    757(b) The amendment must be received by the Department at least 45 days prior to the end of the subgrant agreement. If the amendment is extending the subgrant agreement period, it must be received by the Department at least 90 days prior to the end of the subgrant agreement.

    806(c) If the local government requests administrative closeout prior to the termination date of the subgrant agreement, any amendment affecting closeout and requiring Department approval must be included with the closeout.

    837(d) Time Extensions to Subgrant Agreements. Any proposed amendment extending the termination date of the subgrant agreement must be approved by the Department. The local government must explain any delay affecting project completion and must justify the need for the extension.

    878(11) Subgrant Closeout.

    881(a) At the time of submission of the closeout report, the local government must have available documentation which verifies its certification that all construction has been completed, inspected and approved by all parties prior to the subgrant agreement end date and submission of the administrative closeout.

    927(b) An administrative closeout may be submitted only when the local government has no funds on hand. All funds drawn from the Department and not expended must be returned to the Department prior to, or with, the submission of the closeout.

    968(c) Upon completion of the activities contained in the local government’s CDBG subgrant agreement (including any amendments), the local government shall submit to the Department a closeout which, at a minimum, gives the final statement of costs, certifies that the project and all non-administrative activities are completed and accepted, certifies that all costs except those reflected on the closeout have been paid and reports demographics of the program’s beneficiaries.

    1037(d) If any change has been made since the application map or the last map amendment, the closeout shall also contain a revised map of the activities completed during the term of the CDBG contract.

    1072(e) When housing assistance is provided, the closeout must, at a minimum, include a list of the households assisted by the contract. Additional information required by HUD may be requested by the Department at any time.

    1108(f) For activities where hookups or connections are required for beneficiary access to the public improvement, evidence at the time of closeout must show:

    11321. The total number of persons in all households in the service area;

    11452. The number of low and moderate income persons in households connected to the infrastructure; and

    11613. Projects required to meet the LMI national objective must document that the number of LMI persons in households connected to the infrastructure divided by the total number of beneficiaries in the service area equals at least 51 percent or higher or the percentage required by HUD at the time of the application.

    1214(g) The closeout must contain original signatures. Facsimile (FAX) submissions are not acceptable.

    1227(h) If a local government fails to meet contractual requirements on time, the Department reserves the right to require that a local government financially (not administratively) close out a subgrant agreement in order to meet federal requirements for the timely distribution of funds set by HUD.

    1273(i) All closeout documentation is due within 45 days after expiration or termination of the subgrant agreement.

    1290Rulemaking Authority 1292290.048 FS. 1294Law Implemented 1296290.043 FS. 1298History–New 12996-6-101300.

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