9B-57.005. Distribution of Funds (Transferred)  

Effective on Thursday, March 10, 1994
  • 1Funds appropriated to the department for the Low-income Emergency Home Repair Program shall be deposited in the Economic Opportunity Trust Fund. The department may retain a portion of the funds appropriated for the program for administrative and personnel costs incurred by the department in implementing the provisions of this Rule Chapter 9B-57, F.A.C. Based on the availability of funds each year, funds shall be distributed to grantees as follows:

    70(1) For each county, a base amount of $3,000 shall be set aside from the total funds available, and such amount shall be deducted from the total amount appropriated by the Legislature.

    103(2) The balance of the funds appropriated by the Legislature shall be divided by the total poverty population of the state, and this quotient shall be multiplied by each county’s share of the poverty population. That amount plus the base of at least $3,000 shall constitute each county’s share. A grantee that serves more than one county shall receive the base amount plus the poverty population share for each county to be served. Contracts with grantees that have weatherization grants in good standing at the beginning of the grant award cycle may be renewed annually.

    199Specific Authority 201120.53(1), 202163.03 FS. Law Implemented 206420.36 FS. 208History–New 3-10-94.


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