9B-57.007. Eligible Projects (Transferred)  

Effective on Thursday, March 10, 1994
  • 1(1) The grantee shall provide services to qualifying low-income persons for the purposes stated herein. The following dwelling units are eligible:

    22(a) A dwelling unit which is occupied by an individual or family that is low-income as defined in Rule 419B-57.012, 42F.A.C.

    43(b) A dwelling unit which is in a multi-family building occupied by persons eligible for assistance under Rule 619B-57.012, 62F.A.C., where:

    641. Not less than 66 percent (50 percent for duplexes and four-unit buildings) of the dwelling units in the building:

    84a. Are eligible dwelling units, or

    90b. Will become eligible dwelling units within 180 days of completed repairs under a federal, state or local government program for rehabilitating the building or making similar improvements to the building; and

    1222. The repairs:

    125a. Primarily benefit those units occupied by eligible persons; and

    135b. Only incidentally and indirectly benefit units occupied by non-eligible persons.

    146(c) A dwelling unit which is a rental unit occupied by persons eligible for assistance under Rule 1639B-57.012, 164F.A.C., where:

    1661. The grantee has obtained the written permission of the owner or his/her agent; and

    1812. The grantee has established procedures, approved by the department, to ensure that:

    194a. Rents shall not be raised because of the increased value of dwelling units due solely to the work provided under this program for a period of one year from the date of completion of all repair work;

    232b. No undue or excessive enhancement will occur to the value of the dwelling units;

    247c. All landlords participating in the program are encouraged to provide a match contribution of labor and/or materials equal to at least 25 percent of the total value of the labor and materials to be completed on the building including these grant funds and any other match funds; and

    296d. No more than five units owned by a specific landlord may participate in the program during any program year, unless the landlord contributes at least 25 percent match as defined in c. above. The landlord’s contribution may be waived or reduced if the landlord can document that he/she cannot afford to provide match.

    350(2) The grantee must disclose in the grant contract, prior to beginning work, its intent to provide assistance to any unoccupied units or units planned for resale within one year after the work is completed. The department may request additional information on the units to assure that the work done on the units will benefit eligible low-income people. If satisfactory proof cannot be provided, the department will not qualify these units as eligible for the program. If such units are provided service without department approval, all program funds expended on the unit will be disallowed and the grantee will be required to return the funds to the department.

    458(3) The following types of units are not eligible for the program:

    470(a) Publicly owned rental units.

    475(b) Units planned for demolition within one year after work is completed.

    487(c) Units under litigation or subject to impending legal action.

    497Specific Authority 499120.53(1), 500163.03 FS. Law Implemented 504420.36 FS. 506History–New 3-10-94.


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