9J-2.024. Regional Report and Recommendations (Transferred)  

Effective on Sunday, June 1, 2003
  • 1(1) Upon receipt of the notice of public hearing issued pursuant to subsection 14380.06(11), 15Florida Statutes, the appropriate regional planning agency shall prepare a report and recommendations on the regional impact of the proposed development in accordance with the criteria identified in subsection 44380.06(12), 45Florida Statutes. In preparing the regional report, the regional planning agency shall identify and make recommendations on regional issues. Regional issues to be used in reviewing DRI applications are included in the applicable local government comprehensive plans, the Development of Regional Impact Uniform Standards Rule, the State Comprehensive Plan, and Sections 96380.06(12)(a)1., 972., and 3., Florida Statutes. In addition, Strategic Regional Policy Plans adopted by regional planning councils pursuant to Sections 116186.507 117and .508, Florida Statutes, are a long-range policy guide for the development of the region and shall be used as the basis for regional review of DRIs. The regional planning agency may also identify and make recommendations on other local issues. However, local issues shall not be grounds for or be included as issues in a regional planning agency recommendation for appeal of a local government development order.

    185(2) The regional planning agency may request other agencies to prepare reports and recommendations on issues that are clearly within their jurisdiction. If any other agency reports and recommendations are received, they shall be included in the regional planning agency report pursuant to paragraph 229380.06(12)(b), 230Florida Statutes. The regional planning agency may then attach dissenting views.

    241(3) The regional planning agency shall afford any substantially affected party the opportunity to present evidence to the regional planning agency head related to the proposed regional report and recommendations.

    271(4) As part of the regional report and recommendations, the regional planning agency may prepare a short summary of conclusions and recommendations for the purpose of providing easy-to-read public information about the DRI. The regional planning agency may also address the consistency of the development with the State Comprehensive Plan, the State Land Development Plan, and the local government comprehensive plan.

    332(5) Copies of the completed report and recommendations shall be submitted by the regional planning agency to the local government, the Division, and the developer within 50 days after receipt by the regional planning agency of notice of public hearing.

    372(6)(a) When the proposed DRI lies within the review jurisdiction of two or more regional planning agencies, the state land planning agency shall designate a lead regional planning council. The lead regional planning council shall prepare the regional report.

    411(b) Upon completion of the staff report and recommendations, copies should be transmitted to the respective regional planning agencies for formal action.

    433(c) The regional report and recommendations adopted by formal action of the respective regional planning agencies where possible should be coordinated and consistent. Upon concurrence by each regional planning agency, the report and recommendations should be submitted to the appropriate local governments pursuant to subsection 478380.06(12), 479Florida Statutes. When the reviewing regional planning agencies are unable to concur in the adoption of a joint report and recommendations, each agency shall prepare and submit to the local government within its jurisdiction and the other regional planning agencies and local governments with jurisdiction involved in the DRI review a separate report and recommendations.

    534Specific Authority 536380.032(2)(a), 537380.06(23)(a), 538(b) FS. Law Implemented 542380.06(12) FS. 544History–New 7-7-76, Amended 5-4-83, Formerly 27F-1.22, 9B-16.24, Amended 11-20-90, 2-21-01, 6-1-03.


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