Published on: 28152133. Rule amendment is necessary to clarify that civil cost judgments will be treated as liens rather than holds on inmate trusts accounts; adjust for inflation by increasing the weekly canteen and cash draw limits; allow release ....
Published on: 25295289. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Public hearing commencement
2. Opening remarks and administrative matters
3. Overview of proposed .... December 7, 2021, 1:00 PM lasting no later than 5:00 PM GoToWebinar platform
Published on: 23729030. Rulemaking is necessary to reorganize the rule, to provide greater accountability in order to prevent fraudulent, unauthorized, or other illegal financial transactions involving inmate trust fund accounts, to limit depositors ....
Published on: 19668222. The purpose of the Rule amendment is to provide greater accountability, detect fraudulent, unauthorized, or other illegal financial transactions by limiting depositors to those individuals on the inmate’s approved visitor list.