00-001472 Department Of Children And Family Services vs. Louise Daniels
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 9, 2000.

View Dockets  
Summary: A foster parent spanked a foster child. This constitutes corporal punishment, leading to a recommendation that the foster license be revoked.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 00-1472




30Respondent. )



35Notice was provided and on August 23, 2000, a formal hearing

46was held in this case. The hearing location was the Suwannee

57County Courthouse, Second Floor, Room 2, 200 South Ohio Avenue,

67Live Oak, Florida. Authority for conducting the hearing is set

77forth in Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The

86hearing was conducted by Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law



97For Petitioner: Lucy Goddard, Esquire

102Depar tment of Children

106and Family Services

109Post Office Box 390, Mail Sort 3

116Gainesville, Florida 32602-0390

119For Respondent: Merrill C. Tunsil, Esquire

125Post Office Box 2113

129Lake City, Florida 32056


137Should Petitioner revoke the foster home license held by

146Respondent for the alleged use of excessive corporal punishment

155against a foster child cared for in Respondent's home?


166On March 16, 2000, Ms. Judith S. Parks, Operations Program

176Administrator, Department of Children and Family Services,

183District 3, wrote Respondent notifying Respondent pursuant to

191Section 409.175, Florida Statutes, and Rules 65C-13.005, 65C-

19913.006 and 65C-13.010(1)(b)5, Florida Administrative Code, that

206Petitioner proposed to revoke Respondent's foster home license.

214The basis for the proposed action was in relation to an alleged

226incident on or about December 30, 1999, involving use of

236excessive corporal punishment against a foster child cared for by

246Respondent in her home, as evidenced by bruises on that child.

257The charging document notified Respondent that she could contest

266the allegations by requesting a hearing to be conducted in

276accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. In correspondence

284from Respondent to Petitioner received by Petitioner's District 3

293legal counsel on March 29, 2000, Respondent sought a formal

303hearing to contest the factual allegations in the complaint


313On April 5, 2000, the Division of Administrative Hearings

322received written notification from Petitioner requesting an

329Administrative Law Judge to conduct a hearing to resolve disputed

339facts between the parties leading to the entry of a recommended

350order. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

355Following one continuance the hearing was conducted on the

364aforementioned date.

366Petitioner filed a Motion to Use Video Taped Deposition of

376Minor Child in Lieu of Live Testimony or Alternatively for In-

387Camera or Separate Examination of Minor Child. This motion was

397in relation to B.H. who at the time of hearing was six years old

411and was five years old on or about December 30, 1999, when the

424alleged incident took place. The alleged incident involves the

433use of corporal punishment by Respondent directed to A.H., B.H.'s

443brother. A.H. at the time of the alleged incident was three

454years old. A.H. was four years old when the motion was filed.

466The motion is dated August 22, 2000. The video deposition of

477B.H. referred to in the motion was taken on August 3, 2000, in

490the presence of Cassie Minnich, Court Reporter; Lucy Goddard,

499Esquire; and Merril C. Tunsil, Esquire, who questioned B.H.

508concerning the alleged incident without the child's providing an

517oath before responding to the questions. B.H.'s guardian ad

526litem , Ms. Becky Hamalian, was also in attendance. The

535transcript of the video deposition was identified in the hearing

545record as DCF Exhibit No. 2. The video-tape of the deposition

556session was identified as DCF Exhibit No. 3.

564At hearing, by agreement between the attorneys, B.H. was

573presented as a witness in - camera , without Respondent's

582attendance. The in-hearing examination of the witness B.H. was

591made in the presence of Ray D. Convery, Court Reporter, the

602attorneys, Ms. Hamalian as guardian ad litem , and the

611undersigned. Again, B.H. was questioned without his oath to tell

621the truth but in consideration of questions designed to test his

632ability to discern the truth. Through the questioning B.H. did

642not recount facts implicating Respondent in the use of corporal

652punishment directed to A.H. on or about December 30, 1999.

662In turn Petitioner's counsel sought the introduction of DCF

671Exhibits Nos. 2 and 3, the video deposition transcript and video-

682tape of the deposition taken on August 3, 2000, under authority

693set forth in Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes. In addition

702Petitioner's counsel sought the introduction of oral statements

710attributable to B.H. and A.H. made on December 30, 1999,

720concerning Respondent's alleged use of corporal punishment

727against A.H. on or around that date. The basis for the attempted

739introduction of those hearsay statements was Section 90.803(23),

747Florida Statutes. By these attempts Petitioner hoped to

755demonstrate that the statements made by the children outside the

765hearing, complied with the hearsay exception set forth in Section

77590.803(23), Florida Statutes.

778Moreover, on August 3, 2000, A.H. gave a video-taped

787deposition before Ms. Minnich, Court Reporter. A.H. was examined

796by Ms. Goddard and Mr. Tunsil. Ms. Hamalian as guardian ad litem

808was also in attendance. Respondent offered the transcript of

817that video-deposition as Respondent's Exhibit No. 1 and the video

827of that deposition as Respondent's Exhibit No. 2. The A.H. video

838deposition is subject to consideration consistent with Section

84690.803(23), Florida Statutes.

849In the event that the out-of-hearing statements by B.H. and

859A.H., made through the deposition sessions on August 3, 2000, or

870made orally on December 30, 1999, were not found to be exceptions

882to hearsay in accordance with Section 90.803(23), Florida

890Statutes, they are subject to consideration as other forms of

900evidence. As explained during the final hearing, those

908statements would be examined to determine if they might be used

919for purposes of supplementing or explaining other evidence,

927having been found insufficient in themselves to support a finding

937of fact based upon the realization that those statements by the

948children would be inadmissible over objections lodged in civil

957actions. Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes.

962Consideration of the statements by A.H. and B.H. under

971Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes, is controlled by the

979decisions in State v. Townsend , 635 So. 2d 949 (Fla. 1994) and In

992the Interest of C.W., a Child v. Dept of Health and

1003Rehabilitative Services , 681 So. 2d 1181, (Fla. 2d DCA 1996).

1013Having considered these matters, DCF Exhibits Nos. 2 and 3

1023and Respondent's Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2, in relation to the video-

1035taped depositions given by A.H. and B.H. on August 3, 2000, are

1047denied admission as not constituting exceptions to hearsay under

1056Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes. The oral statements

1063attributable to B.H. on December 30, 1999, do not constitute

1073exceptions to hearsay under Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes.

1081The oral statements attributable to A.H. on December 30, 1999,

1091are exceptions to hearsay under Section 90.803(23), Florida

1099Statutes. 1

1101DCF Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3 pertaining to B.H. are admissible

1112under Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes. The oral

1119statements attributable to B.H. on December 30, 1999, are

1128admissible under Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes.

1134Respondent's Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2, the August 3, 2000,

1144video-deposition materials in association with A.H. are

1151admissible to the extent they tend to impeach A.H.'s oral

1161statement made on December 30, 1999.

1167Petitioner presented B.H., Stacey Cleveland, Julia Johnson,

1174Steve Lampros, and Barbara Brannan as its witnesses. DCF's

1183Exhibits Nos. 1 and 4 through 10 were admitted. Ruling was

1194reserved on the admission of DCF's Exhibits Nos. 2 and 3. They

1206are admitted as described above. Respondent testified in her own

1216behalf. Ruling was reserved on the admission of Respondent's

1225Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2. They are admitted as described above.

1236The hearing transcript was filed on September 7, 2000. Upon

1246the request by counsel for Petitioner, without opposition from

1255Respondent's counsel, the time for filing proposed recommended

1263orders was extended to 20 days from receipt of the transcript by

1275the Division of Administrative Hearings. By such arrangement the

1284requirement for entering a recommended order within 30 days of

1294the date upon which the transcript was received was waived.

1304Section 28-106.216, Florida Administrative Code. On

1310September 25, 2000, Petitioner filed its proposed recommended

1318order which has been considered in preparing the recommended

1327order. Respondent did not submit a proposed recommended order.


13391. In accordance with Section 409.175, Florida Statutes,

1347Petitioner licenses family foster homes.

13522. At times relevant to the inquiry Respondent has held a

1363family foster home license issued by Petitioner.

13703. As a condition of her licensure as a foster parent,

1381Respondent received training in Model Approach to Partnerships

1389and Parenting (MAPP). The MAPP training addressed the imposition

1398of discipline directed to foster children in Respondent's care.

1407The disciplinary policy included a prohibition against

1414disciplinary practices involving corporal punishment. In

1420particular the disciplinary policy prohibited slapping or

1427spanking a child. (DCF Exhibit No. 9) By signing a copy of that

1440disciplinary policy Respondent acknowledged her understanding and

1447agreement to abide by those terms on May 28, 1999. Generally, by

1459stipulation between counsel, Respondent concedes the existence of

1467the policy prohibiting slapping or spanking a child in her care.

14784. Ms. Stacey Cleveland has responsibility in Petitioner's

1486District 3 related to foster home licensing. Ms. Cleveland

1495provided MAPP training to Respondent, including training on

1503discipline and the prohibition against the use of corporal

1512punishment. In 1997, Ms. Cleveland had a specific discussion

1521with Respondent concerning the prohibition against the use of

1530corporal punishment in caring for foster children. At that time

1540Respondent stated her agreement with the prohibition against the

1549use of corporal punishment directed to foster children.

15575. From April 23, 1999, through December 30, 1999, A.H. and

1568B.H. lived in Respondent's home as foster children. On

1577December 30, 1999, A.H. was three years old and B.H. was five

1589years old.

15916. On December 30, 1999, A.H. and B.H. were involved in a

1603supervised visit with their natural mother at the Petitioner's

1612Live Oak, Florida office.

16167. During the visit the natural mother took A.H. to the

1627bathroom and discovered bruises on his buttocks. The natural

1636mother immediately reported the discovery to Petitioner's


16448. Julia Johnson and Steven Lampros, Petitioner's

1651employees, both observed the bruises on A.H.'s buttocks.

1659Mr. Lampros took photographs of the bruises. (DCF Exhibits

1668Nos. 4 through 6)

16729. Respondent caused the bruising to A.H.'s buttocks by

1681imposing corporal punishment on A.H. at a time prior to

1691December 30, 1999. This act was contrary to the prohibitio n

1702against the use of corporal punishment by spanking. Respondent

1711knowingly violated those terms. Respondent's testimony that A.H.

1719may have received the bruises by jumping off the sofa and falling

1731on the wooden arm of that furniture; jumping off the sofa landing

1743on his buttocks on the floor; being pushed by another foster

1754child from a toy jeep or being pushed against the bathroom door

1766by B.H., his brother, is not persuasive.

177310. The finding that A.H. was bruised on his buttocks when

1784Respondent spanked him is corroborated by the deposition

1792testimony of Dr. Howard Rogers, a Board-Certified physician in

1801general pediatrics. Dr. Rogers routinely examines children who

1809are the alleged victims of abuse. Dr. Rogers examined A.H. on

1820December 30, 1999. He recalls the examination based upon his

1830report rendered concerning the examination and the photos made by

1840Mr. Lampros on December 30, 1999. Dr. Rogers does not believe

1851that the bruises on A.H.'s buttocks were accidental in nature

1861given the intensity of the bruising and the linear shape of some

1873of the bruises. Within a reasonable degree of medical certainty

1883Dr. Rogers did not find the bruises to be consistent with any

1895form of trauma other than corporal punishment. According to

1904Dr. Rogers corporal punishment was t he more likely cause of the

1916bruising. Dr. Rogers' opinion concerning the appearance of the

1925bruises is credited.


193111. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1938jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

1948action in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida


195812. Petitioner seeks to revoke the foster home license held

1968by Respondent based upon the alleged administration of corporal

1977punishment against A.H., a foster child in her care, on or about

1989December 30, 1999.

199213. Petitioner issued a foster care license to Respondent

2001under Section 409.175, Florida Statutes.

200614. Section 409.175(8)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes

2013empowers Petitioner to discipline the foster home license held by

2023Respondent wherein it states:

2027(a) The department may deny, suspend or

2034revoke a license.

2037(b) Any of the following actions by a home

2046or agency or its personnel is a ground for

2055denial, suspension or revocation of a


20621. An intentional or negligent act

2068materially affecting the health or safety of

2075children in the home or agency.

20812. A violation of the provisions of this

2089section or of licensing rules promulgated

2095pursuant to this section.

209915. The foster home license held by Respondent is not a

2110property right, it is a matter of public trust and privilege, not

2122an entitlement. Section 409.175(2)(f), Florida Statutes. Having

2129in mind the nature of the license, to prevail in this case

2141Petitioner must prove its allegations by a preponderance of the

2151evidence. Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida Statutes.

215616. As stated in the charge letter, Respondent is alleged

2166to have violated Rule 65C-13.010(1)(b)5, a licensing rule

2174promulgated pursuant to Section 409.175(8)(b), Florida Statutes.

2181Rule 65C-13.010(1)(b)5.f states:

2184(1) Responsibilities of the Substitute

2189Parent to the Child.

2193* * *

2196(b) Family Care Activities.

2200* * *

22035. Discipline.

2205* * *

2208f. The substitute care parents must not use

2216corporal punishment of any kind.

222117. Petitioner has also provided guidance to the Respondent

2230through the MAPP training that Respondent should not engage in

2240corporal punishment by spanking a child, an admonition

2248acknowledged by Respondent.

225118. Petitioner has proven by a preponderance of the

2260evidence that Respondent engaged in corporal punishment in

2268spanking A.H. a foster child in her care. Given the absolute

2279prohibition against the use of corporal punishment of any kind in

2290caring for a foster child license, revocation is appropriate.


2300Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of

2310law reached, it is


2315That Petitioner enter a final order revoking the family

2324foster home license held by Respondent.

2330DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of November, 2000, in

2340Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2348Administrative Law Judge

2351Division of Administrative Hearings

2355The DeSoto Building

23581230 Apalachee Parkway

2361Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2364(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2368Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2373Filed with the Clerk of the

2379Division of Administrative Hearings

2383this 9th day of November , 2000.


23901/ Section 90.803(23) states:


2400(a) Unless the source of information or the

2408method or circumstances by which the

2414statement is reported indicates a lack of

2421trustworthiness, an out-of-court statement

2425made by a child victim with a physical,

2433mental, emotional, or developmental age of 11

2440or less describing any act of child abuse or

2449neglect, any act of sexual abuse against a

2457child, the offense of child abuse, the

2464offense of aggravated child abuse, or any

2471offense involving an unlawful sexual act,

2477contact, intrusion, or penetration performed

2482in the presence of, with, by, or on the

2491declarant child, not otherwise admissible, is

2497admissible in evidence in any civil or

2504criminal proceeding if:

25071. The court finds in a hearing conducted

2515outside the presence of the jury that the

2523time, content, and circumstances of the

2529statement provide sufficient safeguards of

2534reliability. In making its determination,

2539the court may consider the mental and

2546physical age and maturity of the child; the

2554nature an duration of the abuse or offense,

2562the relationship of the child to the

2569offender, the reliability of the assertion,

2575the reliability of the child victim, and any

2583other factor deemed appropriate; and

25882. The child either:

2592a. Testifies; or

2595b. Is unavailable as a witness, provided

2602that there is other corroborative evidence of

2609the abuse or offense. Unavailability shall

2615include a finding by the court that the

2623child's participation in the trial or

2629proceeding would result in a substantial

2635likelihood of severe emotional or mental

2641harm, in addition to findings pursuant to s.


2650(b) In a criminal action, the defendant

2657shall be notified no later than 10 days

2665before trial that a statement which qualifies

2672as a hearsay exception pursuant to this

2679subsection will be offered as evidence at

2686trial. The notice shall include a written

2693statement of the content of the child's

2700statement, the time at which the statement

2707was made, the circumstances surrounding the

2713statement which indicate its reliability, and

2719such other particulars as necessary to

2725provide full disclosure of the statement.

2731(c) The court shall make specific findings

2738of fact, on the record, as to the basis for

2748its ruling under this subsection.

2753Both A.H and B.H. at times they gave out-of-hearing

2762statements on December 30, 1999 and August 3, 2000, were less

2773than eleven years of age as contemplated by Section 90.803(23),

2783Florida Statutes.

2785On December 30, 1999, the natural mother of A.H. and B.H.

2796was participating in a visit with the children at Petitioner's

2806facility. On that date the natural mother discovered bruises on

2816the buttocks of A.H. as depicted in DCF Exhibits Nos. 4 through 6

2829admitted as evidence. Upon this discovery, the mother

2837immediately inquired of Ms. Julia Johnson, Family Services

2845Counselor for Petitioner, what should be done.

2852On this occasion A.H. told Ms. Johnson that "he had been


2864When Ms. Johnson refers to A.H.'s remarking that he had been

"2875spanked," that reflects her sense of what the child said, it is

2887not a verbatim recount of the remarks by A.H.

2896On December 30, 1999, while questioning A.H. at the

2905Petitioner's facility Ms. Johnson recounts A.H.'s reference to

"2913Mother", "Mommie", "Mom." Ms. Johnson attempted to clarify "who

2922Mommie was, was it the Mom he lived with or the Mom that was

2936visiting him there?" A.H. responded that it was the "Mom" he

2947lived with. At that time A.H. was living with the Respondent and

2959not his natural mother. In Ms. Johnson's presence A.H. stated

2969that the "spanking" was done with a belt.

2977A.H. was taken to Mr. Steve Lampros, a Child Protective

2987Investigator for Petitioner. Mr. Lampros took pictures of the

2996bruises on A.H.'s buttocks. DCF Exhibits Nos. 4 through 6

3006Ms. Johnson also observed the bruises on A.H.'s buttocks.

3015Mr. Lampros interviewed A.H. and B.H. on December 30, 1999.

3025A.H. was interviewed first. Mr. Lampros asked A.H. how A.H. got

3036the marks on his backside. Mr. Lampros interpreted A.H.'s

3045response as stating that he received a spanking from Mom. In his

3057remarks A.H. used the term "spanked." A.H. told Mr. Lampros that

3068he was spanked with a belt. Mr. Lampros asked A.H. to clarify

3080whether the mother that A.H. referred to as spanking A.H. was his

3092natural mother or Respondent. During this process A.H. referred

3101to Respondent as being the person who spanked A.H.

3110On December 30, 1999, when Mr. Lampros questioned B.H. about

3120A.H., Mr. Lampros asked B.H. if "A.H." had been bad and been

3132spanked. B.H. replied that A.H. was spanked and sent to his

3143room. In this interview B.H. told Mr. Lampros that Respondent,

3153whom B.H. referred to as "Mrs. Daniels," had spanked "A." The

3164reference to "A." is taken to mean A.H. B.H. said a dark blue

3177belt had been used in the spanking. In the earlier interview

3188A.H. had referred to the belt as being black in color.

3199The interview which Mr. Lampros held with A.H., to include

3209the examining and photographing of A.H.'s buttocks took

3217approximately 15 minutes. The actual conversation held between

3225Mr. Lampros and A.H. took approximately 5 to 6 minutes.

3235Mr. Lampros did not find A.H. especially talkative, but A .H. did

3247answer the questions posed to him. A.H. did not give a clear

3259answer concerning the point in time at which he had been spanked.

3271This was in contrast to B.H.'s statement to Mr. Lampros

3281indicating that A.H. was spanked by Respondent the day before the

3292December 30, 1999 interview. B.H. referred to the place in time

3303at which Respondent spanked A.H. as "yesterday."

3310On December 30, 1999, Mr. Lampros took approximately ten

3319minutes in interviewing B.H. concerning the alleged incident. In

3328the course of this discussion Mr. Lampros asked B.H. if he had

3340been spanked, but spent most of the interview inquiring about

3350A.H. being spanked. B.H.'s comments about A.H.'s spanking were

3359made toward the end of the interview with Mr. Lampros.

3369As contemplated by Section 90.803(23)(a), Florida Statutes,

3376the statements made by A.H. during the course of his interview on

3388December 30, 1999, refer to child abuse through the Respondent's

3398use of corporal punishment within the context of the prohibited

3408disciplinary practice of slapping or spanking a child who is

3418under foster care. A.H. was the putative victim of child abuse.

3429B.H. was an observer, not a victim. Only A.H.'s statements made

3440on December 30, 1999, are subject to examination pursuant to

3450Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes.

3454Given the nature of the report of bruising, the time taken

3465in conducting the interview, the place in which the interview was

3476conducted, the content of the remarks by the child when

3486identifying the person responsible for administering the corporal

3494punishment, as has been explained, sufficient safeguards of

3502reliability exists concerning A.H.'s remarks. The age of A.H. on

3512December 30, 1999 leads to the conclusion that A.H. did not

3523specifically understand the duty of a witness to tell the truth.

3534No attempt was made to ascertain his ability to tell the truth in

3547the course of the interview. Notwithstanding his age, given the

3557nature of the statements made by A.H. and the method and

3568circumstances under which the spanking was reported, the

3576statements made by A.H. do not lack trustworthiness.

3584In relation to reliability, while it is recognized that A.H.

3594was young when the interview was conducted on December 30, 1999,

3605as to mental age and maturity, this did not detract from his

3617ability to report the nature and duration of the abuse that has

3629been described, taking into account his relationship to the


3639In determining the trustworthiness and reliability of A.H.'s

3647December 30, 1999 statement, it is noted that the bruises were

3658discovered by the natural mother who immediately sought the

3667assistance of Petitioner's employees. Shortly thereafter in a

3675brief interview A.H. responded that "Mom" had spanked him and

3685distinguished between the Respondent and his natural mother. His

3694terminology in describing the incident was what you would expect

3704of a child of similar age. There was no apparent motive to

3716fabricate the claim that Respondent spanked him. Given the

3725nature of A.H.'s statement and the supporting physical evidence,

3734the circumstance was not one in which A.H. was unable to

3745distinguish between reality and fantasy. His accusations were

3753not vague nor the product of improper influence. His accusations

3763were not contradictory.

3766A.H. did not testify at the hearing. Section

377490.803(23)(a)2.a, Florida Statutes. For his statement provided

3781on December 30, 1999, concerning corporal punishment administered

3789by Respondent to be admitted as an exception to hearsay, A.H.

3800must be found to be unavailable as a witness consistent with

3811Section 90.803(23)(a)2.b, Florida Statutes, and the cases cited.

3819To corroborate A.H.'s December 30, 1999 statement accusing

3827Respondent, the deposition testimony of Dr. Howard Rogers, Board

3836Certified in general pediatrics, was presented. That deposition

3844is DCF Exhibit No. 1. Dr. Rogers examined A.H.'s buttocks on

3855December 30, 1999. Dr. Rogers observed bruises on the buttocks

3865as well as the lower back. Based upon his observation,

3875Dr. Rogers expressed, within a reasonable degree of medical

3884certainty, that the bruises on the buttocks were not accidentally

3894obtained. Dr. Rogers observed the bruising by the intensity

3903present and the shape, implying a linear pattern, especially as

3913to the right side of the buttocks, indicating something like a

3924belt or some instrument had been used in establishing the

3934bruises. Given that bruising was found on both sides of the

3945buttocks that was fairly significant, Dr. Rogers, within a

3954reasonable degree of medical certainty, expressed the opinion

3962that the bruising was inconsistent with other forms of trauma

3972than corporal punishment. Dr. Rogers expressed the opinion that

3981it is very uncommon to get bruises on the buttocks that are not

3994inflicted. The appearance of the bruising on A.H.'s buttocks was

4004consistent with something Dr. Rogers sees fairly often in his

4014work. That appearance is associated with the administration of

4023corporal punishment by spanking or paddling, causing bruising.

4031Dr. Rogers' opinion is persuasive when describing the bruises

4040present on A.H.'s buttocks.

4044No expert testimony was introduced that A.H.'s participation

4052in the hearing would result in substantial likelihood of severe

4062emotional or mental harm.

4066It has been concluded that A.H. when he provided his

4076statement on December 30, 1999, was incapable of understanding

4085the duty of a witness to tell the truth. Section 90.603(2),

4096Florida Statutes. Thus in keeping with the opinion in State v.

4107Townsend , supra , A.H. was unavailable to testify as a witness at

4118the hearing based upon an existing mental infirmity within the

4128meaning of Section 90.804(1)(d), Florida Statutes, related to his

4137incompetency to testify, lacking an appreciation of the duty and

4147obligation to tell the truth when the statement was provided on

4158December 30, 1999. Nonetheless, the nature of the incident

4167reported by A.H., together with the continuing physical

4175manifestation of A.H.'s report, the bruising, make A.H.'s

4183statement sufficiently competent without strict adherence to the

4191expectation that A.H. be capable of understanding the duty of a

4202witness to tell the truth.

4207In a statement provided by A.H. on August 3, 2000, that was

4219video-taped and transcribed, A.H. did not provide a statement

4228that Respondent had spanked him on or about December 30, 1999.

4239The August 3, 2000 statement is not an exception to hearsay

4250envisioned by Section 90.803(23), Florida Statutes.

4256The video-taped statement given by B.H. on August 3, 2000,

4266did not constitute an out-of-hearing statement made by a child

4276victim in describing an act of child abuse. The August 3, 2000

4288statement by B.H. is not countenanced by Section 90.803(23),

4297Florida Statutes, as an exception to hearsay.


4306Lucy Goddard, Esquire

4309Department of Children

4312and Family Services

4315Post Office Box 390, Mail Sort 3

4322Gainesville, Florida 32602-0390

4325Merrill C. Tunsil, Esquire

4329Post Office Box 2113

4333Lake City, Florida 32056

4337Virginia A. Daire, Agency Clerk

4342Department of Children

4345and Family Services

4348Building 2, Room 204B

43521317 Winewood Boulevard

4355Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

4358Josie Tomayo, General Counsel

4362Department of Children

4365and Family Services

4368Building 2, Room 204

43721317 Winewood Boulevard

4375Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700


4384All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

439415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4405to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4416will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 12/21/2000
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/19/2000
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/09/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/09/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held August 23, 2000) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/24/2000
Proceedings: Ltr. to L. Goddard from R. Convery In re: transcript filed 09/07/00 (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/25/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed by via facsimile).
Date: 09/07/2000
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 08/23/2000
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 08/22/2000
Proceedings: Motion to Use Videotaped Deposition of Minor Child in Lieu of Live Testimony or Alternatively, for In-Camera or Separate Examination of Minor Child (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 08/03/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition-L. Stewart (filed via facsimile)
Date: 07/25/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Deposition-B. Hayes (filed via facsimile)
Date: 07/25/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Deposition-A. Hayes (filed via facsimile)
Date: 07/06/2000
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-Scheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing set for August 23, 2000; 10:15 a.m.; Live Oak, FL)
Date: 07/05/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile)
Date: 06/22/2000
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/22/2000
Proceedings: Petitoner`s Notice of Serving Answers to Respondent`s First Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/22/2000
Proceedings: Response to Respondent`s First Request to Produce (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/24/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for July 14, 2000; 10:14 a.m.; Live Oak, FL)
Date: 05/22/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 05/04/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Merrill C. Tunsil) filed.
Date: 05/03/2000
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Amended Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/24/2000
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/12/2000
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/05/2000
Proceedings: Agency Action Letter filed.
Date: 04/05/2000
Proceedings: Letter Form filed.
Date: 04/05/2000
Proceedings: Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 04/05/2000
Proceedings: Notice filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ocala, Florida

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