12-001254TTS St. Lucie County School Board vs. Lurana Hillard
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 18, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: School psychologist, whose DROP particpation had been extended for three additional school years, was not, by virtue of the approval of that extension, entitled to the renewal of her annual contract for the the last of these three additional school years.





15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1254




30Respondent. )



35The instant case is before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly -

46designated administrative law judge of the Division of

54Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , who, pursuant to the request of

63the parties, issues this Recommended Order based upon stipulated

72facts in lieu of conduct ing a n evidentia ry hearing.


84For Petitioner: Elizabeth Coke, Esquire

89Richeson and Coke, P.A.

93317 South 2nd Street

97Post Office Box 4048

101Fort Pierce, Florida 34950

105For Respondent: Mark F. Kel ly, Esquire

112Kelly and McKee, P.A.

1161718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301

122Post Office Box 75638

126Tampa, Florida 33675 - 0638


135Whether Petitioner had a contractual obligati o n, which it

145breached, to employ Respondent during the 2009 - 2010 school year,

156and, if so, what damages should be awarded.


166Lurana Hillard was formerly employed by the St. Lucie County

176School Board (School Board) as a Program Specialis t for School

187Psychology and School Psychologist s . Following the termination

196of her employment, she filed suit in St. Lucie County Circuit

207Court alleging that the School Board had breached its employment

217contract with her. The action was dismissed for fai lure to

228exhaust administrative remedies. Ms. Hillard appealed to the

236Fourth District Court of Appeal, which affirmed, issuing (on

245January 12, 2012), the following opinion:

251We affirm the circuit court's dismissal of

258this action for failure to exhaust

264adm inistrative remedie s, on the authority of

272Sch. Bd. of Flagler Cnty. v. Hauser , 293 So.

2812d 681 (Fla. 1974). Like the teacher in

289Hauser , appellant claimed that she had a

296continuing contract of employment in the

302school district, while the appellee school

308boa rd claimed that she was retained on an

317annual contract, to which she was not

324reappointed. Also similar to Hauser ,

329appellant sought declaratory relief in the

335circuit court on the basis of her claim to a

345continuing contract. In Hauser , our supreme

351court he ld that, under these circumstances,

358the teacher was required to exhaust

364administrative remedies by seeking a hearing

370under the Administrative Procedures Act. 293

376So. 2d at 683. We are bound by this

385precedent. However, as in Hauser , o ur

392affirmance is wit hout prejudice to appellant

399seeking the administrative hearing to which

405she was entitled.

408The appellate court's mandate issued on January 27, 2012.

417On or about February 7, 2012, Ms. Hillard filed with the

428School Board a Petition for Administrative Hearing (Petition),

436which read as follows:

440Petitioner, LURANA C. HILLARD, pursuant to

446§ 120.569, Fla. Stat., Rule 28 - 106.201, Fla.

455Admin. Code, and the attached Order of the

463District Court of Appeal, Fourth District,

469State of Florida, petitions the School Board

476of St. Lucie County, Florida (hereinafter

"482School Board"), for an administrative

488hearing. In support of this Petition, the

495School Board is shown.

4991. The Petition affects the School Board of

507St. Lucie County, Florida, whose address is

5144204 Okeechobee Roa d, Ft. Pierce, Florida.

5212. The Petitioner's address is . . .; and

530whose telephone number is . . . Contact

538information for the Petitioner's

542representative is shown in the signature

548block below. Petitioner's substantial

552interests are affected in that she believes

559that, by virtue of the facts alleged below,

567she was entitled to employment as a contract

575educator through the 2009 - 2010 school year,

583and that the determination by the School

590Board's administration that her employment

595should end at the conclusion of the 2008 - 2009

605school year is contrary to the applicable

612Florida statutes. Petitioner contends that

617she is entitled to the monetary value of the

626salary and benefits she would have earned

633during the 2009 - 2010 school year, along with

642retirement contributi ons and any other

648applicable benefits, less interim earnings.

6533. Petitioner's representative received a

658copy of the Order of the Court of Appeal [] on

669January 13, 2012, and received the Mandate on

677January 30, 2012.

6804. Petitioner was employ[ed] by the Sc hool

688Board as a Program Specialist for School

695Psychology and School Psychologist [s] . She

702was a participant in the Florida Retirement

709System (FRS) and its "Deferred Retirement

715Option Program" (hereinafter "DROP").

7205. Petitioner was given prior written

726co nfirmation of her employment with the

733School Board for the 2009 - 2010 school year in

743School Board document s dated January 12 and

751January 16, 2007, copies of which are

758attached as Exhibits A and B. Each document

766is signed by an agent of the School Board and

776was transmitted to FRS pursuant to

782§ 121.091(13), Fla. Stat. The FRS confirmed

789Petitioner's employment and DROP

793participation through the end of the 2009 -

8012010 school year in a document dated

808January 17, 2007, a true copy of which is

817attached as Exhibi t C. Petitioner executed a

825binding letter of resignation from the School

832Board effective June 30, 2010, pursuant to

839the statute.

8416. In March 2009, Petitioner was notified by

849the School District administrators that her

855employment with the School Board wo uld end at

864the conclusion [of] the 2008 - 2009 school

872year, despite the agreements and

877documentation described in paragraph 5,

882above. The Superintendent of Schools,

887Michael J. Lannon, asserted that he is

894authorized by § 121.091(13), Fla. Stat. to

901summarily terminate the employment of the

907Petitioner, notwithstanding the prior written

912confirmation of her continued employment for

918the 2009 - 2010 school year.

9247. The Petitioner believes that the

930documentation in paragraph 5, above, created

936an express or implied c ontract and a

944reasonable expectation of continued

948employment thro ugh the 2009 - 2010 school year,

957rights [that] are consistent with the

963provisions of § 121.091(13). Moreover, the

969provisions of § 121.091(13) relied on by the

977Superintendent do not supplant th e

983contractual protections enjoyed by the

988Petitioner under § 1012.33(8), which appears

994to make annual contracts for the term -

1002eligible teachers permissible but not


10088. The Petitioner has been damaged in the

1016form of lost salary and benefits for th e

10252009 - 2010 school year and reasonably relied

1033on the School Board's promise of continued

1040employment to her detriment.

1044The School Board referred the Petition to DOAH on April 11, 2012.

1056On May 22, 2012, the School Board filed a Motion for Summary

1068Recommend ation, arguing that the material facts in the instant

1078case "are undisputed and the application of the law to those

1089facts support a Su mmary Recommendation to the School Board that

1100Respondent was employed under an annual contract which expired,

1109and therefore , no damages are due. " Ms. Hillard timely filed a

1120Memorandum in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion for Summary

1128Recommendation. A hearing on the Motion for Summary

1136Recommen dation was held on May 31, 2012, during which the parties

1148jointly requested the unde rsigned to cancel the final hearing

1158scheduled in this case and issue a recommended order based on

1169stipulated facts and legal arguments presented by the parties .

1179By Order issued June 1, 2012, the undersigned granted the

1189request; cancelled the final hearing in this case scheduled for

1199June 8, 2012; ordered the parties to file their stipulation of

1210facts and proposed recommended orders no later than June 8, 2012,

1221and June 20, 2012, respectively; and advised the parties that

1231o ral argument on the legal issues pre sented in this case w ould be

1246held by telephone conference call on June 27, 2012, starting at

125710:30 a.m.

1259T he parties timely filed their Joint Stipulation of Facts on

1270June 8, 2012, and their Proposed Recommended Orders on June 20,

12812012. Oral argument was heard on June 27, 2012, as scheduled


12951. The following is a verbatim recital of the Joint

1305Stipulation of Facts filed by the parties on June 8, 2012:

13161. Lurana Hillard (Respondent ) was employed

1323by the St. Lucie County School District

1330(Peti tioner) as a Program Specialist for

1337School Psychology and School Psychologists

1342beginning in the 2005/2006 school year.

13482. Respondent was a participant in the

1355Florida Retirement System ("FRS") and its

1363Deferred Retirement O ption Program

1368(herein after "DROP" ).

13723. Respondent's initial 60 - month period of

1380DROP was from July 1, 2002 through June 30,


13904. In January 2007, Respondent signed a

1397document requesting to extend her

1402participation in DROP beyond the initial 60 -

1410month period. A true and correct copy of the

1419Form is attached as Exhibit B. [ 1 / ]

14295. Barbara Casteen is the Director of

1436Student Services and Respondent's supervisor.

14416. On January 12, 2007, Barbara Casteen sent

1449Steve Valencia, Director of FTE/Position

1454Control, an email with a copy to Respond ent

1463regarding DROP extension. A true and correct

1470copy of that email is attached as Exhibit

1478A. [ 2 / ]

14837. On January 16, 2007, DROP Extension forms

1491[sic] prescribed by the Florida Retirement

1497System were executed by Respondent and Steve

1504Valencia. A true and correct copy of the

1512Form is attached as Exhibit B.

15188. Mr. Valencia had the authority, as the

1526Superin ten dent's designee, to execute the

1533form advising that that the School Board

1540stipulates that the Respondent was eligible

1546to participate in DROP beyond the initial 60 -


15569. On January 23, 2007, at a regularly

1564scheduled School Board meeting , the Board

1570approved the Personnel Agenda which included

1576DROP extension for Respondent. [ 3 / ] Attached

1585is a true and correct copy of the Personnel

1594Agenda for the Janua ry 23, 2007 meeting and

1603minutes from the same. [ 4 / ] The Board has

1614taken no subsequent formal action regarding

1620Respondent's DROP status.

162310. On May 26, 2009, Barbara Casteen sent

1631Respondent a letter advising that she would

1638not recommend her for reappointm ent for the

16462009 - 2010 school year. A true and correct

1655copy of this letter is attached as Exhibit C.

166411. On June 30, 2009, Respondent signed a

1672Notification of Separation from Employment

1677Form. A true and correct copy of that Form

1686is attached as Exhibit D .

169212. On July 29, 2009, the School Board

1700approved Respondent's retirement. A true and

1706correct copy of a letter from Shelby Baker,

1714Personnel Records Specialist and Employer

1719Notification of Employment Termination are

1724attached as Exhibit E.

172813. Respondent initially submitted a letter

1734of resignation pursuant to the DROP statu t e

1743dated June 30, 2007.

174714. Based on request to extend DROP,

1754Respondent submitted another letter of

1759resignation dated June 30, 2010 pursuant to

1766the DROP statute.

176915. Respondent rece ived from FRS a Revised

1777Notification of DROP Extension Benefits which

1783is attached as Exhibit F.

178816. Attached is a true and correct copy of

1797the FRS DROP Termination Notification as

1803Exhibit G.

180517. Apart from the documents referred to

1812herein, Respondent w as issued no documents by

1820the St. Lucie County School Board reflecting

1827her employment status during the period of

1834her DROP extension.

18372. The body of the January 12, 2007, email from Ms. Casteen

1849to Mr. Valencia attached to the parties' Joint Stipulation o f

1860Facts as Exhibit A (1/12/07 Email) read as follows:

1869I am approving the DROP extension for Lurana

1877Hillard for 3 years from 7/1/07 to 6/30/10.

1885If you need any further information, please

1892feel free to contact me.

18973. The " Form " attached to the parties' Jo int Stipulation of

1908Facts as Exhibit B is a co mpleted Department of Management

1919Services, Division of Retirement (Division) form -- F orm DP - EXT

1931( 05/05 ) (DROP Extension Form) -- signed in January 2007, by

1943Ms. Hillard and by Mr. Valencia , as the Superintenden t's

"1953designee". 5 / On this completed and signed DROP Extension Form

1965(Executed Extension Form or Form) , Ms. Hillard indicated that her

"1975DROP begin date" was July 1, 2002; that her "DROP termination

1986and resi gnation date" was June 30, 2007 ; and that she was

" 1998requesting to extend [her] DROP participation through 6/30 / 10

2008with the approval of [her] employer." The "Employer

2016Certification" section of the Form contained the following

2024statement made to the Division by Mr. Valencia, a s the

2035Superintendent's designee :

2038This is to certify that the St. Lucie County

2047School Board (agency name) has rescinded the

2054resignation of the above named member whose

2061position meets the definition of an

2067instructional position. The agency has

2072approved a new termination date

2077of 6 / 30 / 10 . This agency stipulates that this

2089member is eligible to participate in the DROP

2097beyond 60 months and the member will continue

2105working in a regularly established position

2111as a School Psychologist . [ 6 / ]


21234. DOAH has jurisdiction over the su bject matter of this

2134proceeding and of the parties hereto pursuant to chapter 120,

2144Florida Statutes. 7 /

21485. Dist rict school boards (such as the School Board ) are

2160creatures, not of statute, but of the Florida C onstitution,

2170specifically article IX, s ection 4, thereof. See McCalister v.

2180Sch. Bd. of Bay Cnty. , 971 So. 2d 1020, 1023 (Fla. 1st DCA

21932008)("Article IX, section 4(b) of the constitution creates

2202[district] school boards . . . .'"); and Dunbar Electric Supply

2214v. Sch. Bd. of Dade Cnty. , 690 So. 2d 1339, 1340 (Fla. 3d DCA

22281997)("School boards are constitutional entities created by

2236Article IX, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution. School boards

2246do not fall within the executive branch of the state


22586. "In accordance wit h the provisions of s. 4(b) of [a] rt.

2271IX of the State Constitution, district school boards [have the

2281authority to] operate, control, and supervise all free public

2290schools in their respective districts and may exercise any power

2300except as expressly prohibited by the State Consti tution or

2310general law." § 1001.32(2). Such authority extends to personnel

2319matters and includes the power to hire, suspend, and dismiss

2329employees. § 1001.42 (5).

23337. " Any person employed as a [school psychologist or other]

2343member of the instructional staf f in any district school

2353system [ 8 / ] . . . [must] receive a written contract . "

2367§ 1012.33(1)(a). The employment contract must be provided by the

2377employing district school board itself . See McCalister , 971 So.

23872d at 1026 (citing with approval , Sch . B d . of Leon Cnty. v.

2402Goodson , 335 So. 2d 308, 310 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976))("'Under the

2414statutory scheme devised by the legislature, the exclusive

2422contracting agent for a District School System is the School

2432Board.' "); and § 1012.22(1)(d) ("The district school board shall

2443provide written contracts for all regular members of the

2452instructional staff."). "While the superintendent is endowed

2460with the authority to nominate an employee for a certain

2470position, . . . it is the [district] school board [alone] that

2482retains the contracting authority for the school districts. "

2490McCalister , 971 So. 2d at 1027; see also Witgenstein v. Sch. Bd.

2502of Leon Cnty ., 347 So. 2d 1069, 1073 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977)("[T]he

2516ultimate responsibility for the decision to employ or not to

2526employ a teache r rests with the District School Board, not with

2538the superintendent."); Hart v. Sch. Bd. of Wakulla Cnty. , 340 So.

25502d 121, 122 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976)("[A] teacher's contract is with

2562the School Board, not with the principal or superintendent.");

2572and § 1012.27( 1)(b) ("The district school superintendent . . .

2584shall perform the following: . . . nominate in writing persons

2595to fill such positions [needed to be filled] . "). A d istrict

2608school board can not be bound by an alleged employment contract it

2620has not expressl y approved. See Goodson , 335 So. 2d at 310 - 311

2634("Neither a superintendent nor a principal, acting individually

2643or collectively, may enter into a contractual agreement with a

2653teacher without the express approval of the School Board. . . .

2665In the absence o f a showing that the School Board approved the

2678agreement in question, there can be no finding that the agreement

2689had a binding effect upon the Board.").

26978. At all times material to the instant case, district

2707school boards were "statutorily authorized [by section 1012.33]

2715to utilize one of three types of written contracts to employ [an

2727instructional staff member][:] . . . a continuing contract, a

2737professional service contract, or an annual contract." Lee Cnty.

2746Sch. Bd. v. Silveus , Case No. 04 - 4096, 2005 F la. Div. Adm. Hear.

2761LEXIS 904 *17 (Fla. DOAH Mar. 16, 2005), adopted in pertinent

2772part , Case No. 05 - 0003 (Lee Cnty. Sch. Bd. June 14, 2005).

"2785Continuing and professional service contracts include the right

2793to continuing employment [from year to year] , but annual

2802contracts [which are subject to optional renewal each year] do

2812not." Id . at *18; see also Orange Cnty. Sch. Bd. v. Rachman , 87

2826So. 3d 48, 49 n.1 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012)("Whereas an annual contract

2839must be renewed every year, a professional service con tract is a

2851continuous contract which renews automatically, and can only be

2860terminated for just cause pursuant to section 1012.33, Florida

2869Statutes, or based upon uncorrected performance deficiencies

2876pursuant to section 1012.34, Florida Statutes."); Buckner v. Sch.

2886Bd. of Glades Cnty. , 718 So. 2d 862, 866 (Fla. 2d DCA

28981998)("[I]instructional staff employed under annual probationary

2905contracts have no right to future employment after their annual

2915contract expires."); Palm Beach Cnty. Sch. Bd. v. Stuglik , Case

2926No. 10 - 1526, 2010 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 69 *19 (Fla. DOAH

2940Aug. 2, 2010; Palm Bch Cnty. Sch. Bd. Oct. 19, 2010)("An annual

2953contract teacher employed by a district school board has no right

2964to continued employment beyond the term of the contract.");

2974Ach tchi v. Wakulla Cnty. Sch. Bd. , Case No. 88 - 2808, 1988 Fla.

2988Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 4536 *14 (Fla. DOAH Dec. 23, 1988; Wakulla

3000Cnty. Sch. Bd. Mar. 20, 1989)("[A] professional service contract

3010is equivalent to a continuing contract, insofar as conferring

3019tenu re, absent charges of unsatisfactory performance [or other

3028cause].") ; and Educ. Practices Comm'n v. Dixon , Case No. 82 - 408,

30411984 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 4641 *12 (Fla. DOAH June 20,

30531984)(Recommended Order)("Th[e] School Board has the clear option

3062of re newing or not renewing Respondent's annual contract as it

3073sees fit."). Continuing contract and professional services

3081contract employees recommended for dismissal or non - renewal at

3091the end of the school year are entitled to an administrative

3102hearing prior to the termination of their employment, whereas

3111annual contract employees not nominated for contract renewal have

3120no comparable administrative hearing right. See Williams v. B d .

3131of Pub. Instruction of Dade Cnty. , 311 So. 2d 812, 814 (Fla. 3d

3144DCA 1975)("A teacher under continuing contract is given the right

3155to notice and a hearing prior to dismissal; but where the School

3167Board determines not to renew the contract of a teacher on

3178probationary status (annual contract), the right to a hearing is

3188not granted, u nless the teacher is either dismissed during the

3199school year or suspended."). 9 /

32069. "A continuing contract applies only to instructional

3214staff [who] attain[ed] their contract status before July 1984."

3223Dietz v. Lee Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 647 So. 2d 217, 218 (Fl a. 2d DCA

32381994)( Blue, J., specially concurring). "[C]ontinuing contracts

3245were replaced by professional service contracts after July 1,

32541984." 10 / See D'Allessandro v. Dailey , Case No 96 - 0936, 1996 Fla.

3268Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 3256 *129 (Fla. DOAH June 28, 19 96; Lee

3281Cnty. Sch. Bd. Sept. 18, 1996) . Since September 9, 1984, Florida

3293Administrative Code Rule 6A - 1.064(1) has provided as follows with

3304respect to the "forms" to be used by district school boards when

3316issuing professional service contracts, as well as annual

3324contracts :

3326Forms of contract for annual contracts and

3333for professional service contracts entered

3338into by school boards and instructional and

3345professional administrative personnel as

3349provided by law shall be prescribed by the

3357State Board of Educati on. Contents of

3364contract forms shall comply with all

3370pertinent provisions of law and State Board

3377Rules. No contract form shall indicate, or

3384be altered to show, any uncertainty with

3391reference to the amount of salary for the

3399contract period of service, or the duration

3406of the period of service, except as the rank,

3415contract status, and qualifications of the

3421teacher may change, or pursuant to a duly

3429adopted collective bargaining agreement, or

3434where membership in a school or program is so

3443unstable that it might be necessary to

3450discontinue classes because of lack of

3456pupils, in which latter case the contract may

3464be stated to be effective at the option of

3473the board conditional on a minimum number of

3481pupils. Any clause inserted in a contract

3488form purporting to prov ide that the contract

3496salary will be paid only if funds are

3504available shall be null and void.

351010. Whether employed under a continuing contract, a

3518professional service contract, or an annual contract ,

3525instructional staff members in regularly established p ositions

3533are required to participate in the Florida Retirement System ( see

3544Fla. Admin. Code R. 60S - 1.004(1)(a)), a feature of which is the

3557Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) described in section

3565121.091 (13). At all times material to the instant cas e, section

3577121.09 1 ( 13) provided, in pertinent part, as follows:


3593general, and subject to the provisions of

3600this section, the Deferred Retirement Option

3606Program, hereinafter referred to as the DROP,

3613is a program under which an eligible member

3621of the Florida Retirement System may elect to

3629participate, deferring receipt of retirement

3634benefits while continuing employment with his

3640or her Florida Retirement System employer.

3646The deferred monthly benefits shall accrue in

3653the System Trust Fund on behalf of the

3661participant, plus interest compounded

3665monthly, for the specified period of the DROP

3673participation, as provided in paragraph (c).

3679Upon termination of employment, the

3684participant shall receive the total DROP

3690benefits and begin to receive the previously

3697determined normal retirement benefits.

3701Participation in the DROP does not guarantee

3708employment for the specified period of DROP.

3715Participation in the DROP by an eligible

3722member beyond the initial 60 - month period as

3731authori zed in this subsection shall be on an

3740annual contractual basis for all


3746* * *

3749(a) Eligibility of member to participate in

3756the DROP. -- All active Florida Retirement

3763System members in a regularly established

3769position, . . . are eligible to elect

3777participation in the DROP provided that:

3783* * *

37862. . . . . The member shall advise his or

3797her employer and the division in writing of

3805the date on which the DROP shall begin. . . .

38163. The employer of a member electing to

3824participate in the DROP . . . shall

3832acknowledge in writing to the division the

3839date the member's participation in the DROP

3846begins and the date the member's employment

3853and DROP participation will terminate.

3858(b) Participation in t he DROP.

38641. An eligible member may elect to

3871participate in the DROP for a period not to

3880exceed a maximum of 60 calendar months or,

3888with respect to members . . . who are

3897instructional personnel as defined in s.

39031012.01(2)(a) - (d) in grades K - 12 and who ha ve

3915received authorization by the district school

3921superintendent to participate in the DROP

3927beyond 60 calendar months, [ 11 / ] 96 calendar

3937months immediately following the date on

3943which the member first reaches his or her

3951normal retirement date or the date to w hich

3960he or she is eligible to defer his or her

3970election to participate as provided in

3976subparagraph (a)2. [ 12 / ] However, a member who

3986has reached normal retirement date prior to

3993the effective date of the DROP shall be

4001eligible to participate in the DROP for a

4009period of time not to exceed 60 calendar

4017months or, with respect to members . . . who

4027are instructional personnel as defined in s.

40341012.01(2)(a) - (d) in grades K - 12 and who have

4045received authorization by the district school

4051superintendent to participate i n the DROP

4058beyond 60 calendar months, 96 calendar months

4065immediately following the effective date of

4071the DROP, . . . .

40772. Upon deciding to participate in the DROP,

4085the member shall submit, on forms required by

4093the division:

4095* * *

4098b. Selection of the DROP participation and

4105termination dates, which satisfy the

4110limitations stated in paragraph (a) and

4116subparagraph 1. Such termination date shall

4122be in a binding letter of resignation with

4130the employer, establishing a deferred

4135termi nation date. The member may change the

4143termination date within the limitations of

4149subparagraph 1., but only with the written

4156a pproval of his or her employer;

4163* * *

41663. The DROP participant shall be a retiree

4174under the Florida Retirement System for all

4181purposes, except for paragraph (5)(f) and

4187subsection (9) and ss. 112.3173, 112.363,

4193121.053, and 121.122. However, participation

4198in the DROP does not alter the participant's

4206employment status and such employee shall not

4213be deemed retired from employment until his

4220or her deferred resignation is effective and

4227termination occurs as provided in s.

4233121.021(39). [ 13 / ]

4238* * *

4241(c) Benefits payable under the DROP. --

4248* * *

42513. The effec tive date of DROP participation

4259and the effective date of retirement of a

4267DROP participant shall be the first day of

4275the month selected by the member to begin

4283participation in the DROP, provided such date

4290is properly established, with the written

4296confirmat ion of the employer, and the

4303approval of the division, on forms required

4310by the division.

43134. Normal retirement benefits and interest

4319thereon shall continue to accrue in the DROP

4327until the established termination date of the

4334DROP, or until the participant terminates

4340employment or dies prior to such

4346date. . . . [ 14 / ]

43545. At the conclusion of the participant's

4361DROP, the division shall distribute the

4367participant's total accumulated DROP

4371benefits, subje ct to the following


4378a. The division shall r eceive verification

4385by the participant's employer or employers

4391that such participant has terminated

4396employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(b).

440211. The Division has been delegated the authority "to adopt

4412rules as are necessary for the effective and effi cient

4422administration of [the Florida Retirement ] [S]ystem. " § 121.031.

4431Among the rules the D ivision has adopted pursuant to this

4442authority are Florida Administrative Code Rule s 60S - 11.001

4452(provid i ng "definitions"), 60S - 11.004 (dealing with "[b]enefits"}

4464and 60S - 9.001 ( prescribing "[a]pporoved forms"). At all times

4476material to the instant case, these rules pro vided , in pertinent

4487part, as follows:

449060S - 11.001 Definitions

4494* * *

4497(8) DROP END DATE Î means the date DROP

4506participati on ceases and shall be the date

4514termination of all employment occurs as

4520defined in subsection 60S - 6.001(63),

4526F.A.C. . . . The DROP end date shall be

4536effective as of the date of the participant' s

4545designated deferred resignation, as stated on

4551Form DP - ELE, or earlier if the participant

4560terminates prior to the designated

4565resignation date. The participant may cease

4571participation in DROP prior to the designated

4578resignation date only by satisfying the

4584definition of termination as provided in

4590subsection 60S - 6.00 1(63), F.A.C.

4596* * *

4599(63) TERMINATION Î Termination occurs when a

4606member of the Florida Retirement System . . .

4615ceases all employment relationships with all

4621covered employers, provided that the member

4627shall not be reemployed by any such employer

4635within the next calendar month. . . .

464360S - 11.004 Benefits

4647* * *

4650(5) Employment During DROP Participation.

4655(a) A DROP participant is considered a

4662retiree as defined in subsection 60S -

46696.001(53), F.A.C. Howe ver, participation in

4675DROP does not alter the participant's

4681employment status. Terms and conditions of

4687employment, including, but not limited to,

4693salary, insurance coverage, leave accrual,

4698and seniority status, do not change as a

4706result of DROP participat ion. However,

4712employment is not guaranteed during the DROP

4719participation period.

4721(b) Employment continues during

4725participation in DROP through the date the

4732member preselected to stop participation in

4738DROP . . . .

474360S - 9.001 Approved Forms

4748The followin g is a list of the forms utilized

4758by the Division of Retirement in its dealings

4766with the public, which are hereby

4772incorporated by reference into these

4777rules. . . .

4781* * *

4784(3) Bureau of Benefit Payments.

4789* * *

4792(rr) DP - EXT (5/05) Deferred Retirement

4799Option Program (DROP) for Specified K - 12

4807Instructional Personnel Î a one - page form.

481512. Form DP - EXT ( 0 5/05) , which was incorporated by

4827reference in rule 60S - 9.001 , read as follows :

4837Florida Retirement Sys tem Pension Plan

4843Extension of Deferred Retirement Option

4848Program (DROP)

4850For Specified K - 12 Instructional Personnel

4857P O Box 9000

4861Tallahassee FL 32315 - 9000

4866850 488 - 6491 Toll Free 888 738 - 2252

4876Member Name _____ Member SSN ________

4882Posi tion Title _____ Birthdate ________

4888Home Phone _____ Work Phone ________

4894Home Mailing Address Present FRS Employer(s)

4900____________________ ____________________

4902Section 121.091(13), F.S., allows individuals

4907who are employed in a K - 12 instructional

4916position as de fined in s. 1012(2)(a) - (d),

4925F.S., with a district school board, Florida

4932School for the Deaf and Blind or a

4940developmental research school to participate

4945in DROP beyond 60 months (up to a total of 96

4956months). Any participant who is eligible to

4963participate f or more than 60 months must

4971receive authorization from the employer and

4977be e mployed on an annual contractual basis

4985for each year of participation, after the

4992initial 60 - month period . The individual must

5001be employed in an eligible position at the

5009end of his /her initial DROP period in order

5018to be considered eligible for DROP extension

5025and must remain in an eligible position

5032during the period of extension.

5037The dates of my DROP participation for my

5045initial 60 - month participation period are:

5052DROP begin da te: _______ DROP termination

5059and resignation date: _______

5063I am requesting to extend my DROP

5070participation through ______ with the

5075approval of my employer.

5079Member Signature: (sign in the presence of a

5087Notary) ________________

5089Notary : State of Florid a, County of

5097_________ The above named person has sworn

5104to and subscribed before me this __ day of

5113______ 20__ and is personally known __ or

5121produced _______ as identification.

5125___________________ _________________________

5127Signature of Notary Public - Stat e of Florida

5136___________________ ______________________

5138Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of

5145Notary Public

5147Employer Certification:

5149This is to certify that the _________ (agency

5157name) has rescinded the resignation of the

5164above named member whose pos ition meets the

5172definition of an instructional position. The

5178agency has approved a new termination date

5185of __/___/__ . This agency stipulates that

5192this member is eligible to participate in the

5200DROP beyond 60 months and the member will

5208continue working in a regularly established

5214position as a _________________.

5218Superintendent or Designee

5221Signature __________ Agency Number ________

5226Agency Phone _______ SUNCOM______ Date _____

5232As noted above, the Executed Extension Form was a completed Form

5243DP - EXT ( 0 5/05) signed by Ms. Hillard and Mr. Valencia .

525713. In the instant case, through her Petition, Ms. Hillard

5267is claiming that "she was entitled to employment as a contract

5278educator through the 2009 - 2010 school year, and that the

5289determination by the School Board' s administration that her

5298employment should end at the conclusion of the 2008 - 2009 school

5310year [was] contrary to the applicable Florida statutes." The

5319underlying premise of this claim is that she had a contract of a

5332continuing nature until June 30, 2010, her extended DROP

5341termination date , not an expired annual contract, at the time her

5352employment was terminated . According to Ms . Hillard, the 1/12/07

5363Email and the Executed Extension Form created such a contract and

5374thus obligat ed the School Board to conti nue to employ her until

5387the last day of the 2009 - 2010 school year , June 30, 2010 .

540114. Ms. Hillard bears the burden of es tablishing th at she

5413had such a contract with the School Board and is thus entitle d to

5427the relief she is seeking herein -- "the monetary value of the

5439salary and benefits she would have earned during the 2009 - 2010

5451school year, along with retirement contributions and any other

5460applicable benefits, less interim earnings." See Graham v.

5468Estuary Props., Inc. , 399 So. 2d 1374, 1379 (Fla. 1981)( "[ It is]

5481the established rule of administrative law that one seeking

5490relief carries the burden of proof."); Knowles v. C. I. T. Corp. ,

5503346 So. 2d 1042, 1043 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977)(" It is elementary that

5516in order to recover on a claim for breach of contract th e burden

5530is upon the claimant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence

5542the existence of a contract, a breach thereof and damages flowing

5553from the breach. "); and Deen v. Sch. Bd. of Hernando Cnty. , Case

5566No. 85 - 1342, 1985 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 4927 * 11 (Fla. DOAH

5581Nov. 5, 1985; Hernando Cnty. Sch. Bd. Dec. 17, 1985) ("The burden

5594is on the Petitioner, to establish by a preponderance of

5604evidence, the existence of a continuing contract as principal

5613between him and the Respondent, School Board of Hernando

5622C ount y ." ).

562715. "[T] o have a contract, there must be reciprocal assent

5638to certain and definite propositions. " Truly Nolen, Inc. v.

5647Atlas Moving & Storage Warehouses, Inc. , 125 So. 2d 903, 905

5658(Fla. 3d DCA 1961) ; see also State v. Family Bank of Hallandal e ,

5671623 So. 2d 474, 479 - 480 (Fla. 1993)("In order to form a binding

5686contract there must be a common or mutual intention of the

5697parties. Mutual assent is an absolute condition precedent to the

5707formation of a contract. Absent mutual assent, neither the

5716cont ract nor any of its provisions come into existence. . . .

5729Without a meeting of the minds on . . . an essential element

5742there can be no enforceable contract.") ; and Suggs v. Defranco's,

5753Inc. , 626 So. 2d 1100, 1100 - 1101 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993)("To be

5767enforceabl e, an agreement must be sufficiently specific, and

5776reflect assent by the parties to all essential terms. Where

5786essential terms of an agreement remain open, subject to future

5796negotiation, there can be no enforceable contract.")(citation

5804omitted). M ore tha n a unilateral statement made by one of the

5817alleged contracting parties , unsupported by mutually - agreed on

5826consideration, is required. See Quaker Oats Co. v. Jewell , 818

5836So. 2d 574, 578 (Fla. 5th DCA 2002)("[P]olicy statements

5846contained in employment manu als do not give rise to enforceable

5857contract rights in Florida."); Linafelt v. Bev, Inc. , 662 So. 2d

5869986, 989 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995)("Although Linafelt maintains Beverly

5879Enterprises' policies and procedures amounted to an employment

5887contract with him, unilate ral policy statements cannot, without

5896more, give rise to an enforceable contract."); and McConnell v.

5907Eastern Air Lines, Inc. , 499 So. 2d 68, 69 (Fla. 3d DCA

59191986)("[U]nilateral policy statements cannot, without more, give

5927rise to enforceable contract righ ts.") ; see also Chase Fed. Sav.

5939& Loan Ass'n v. Schreiber , 479 So. 2d 90, 101 (Fla.

59501985)("[C]onsideration is required to support contractual

5957undertakings of any kind whether characterized as contracts,

5965covenants, promises, agreements, or the like."). Mor eover, i t is

5977not enough that the party asserting the existence of a contract

5988subjectively believes that the alleged deal was struck . An

5998objective manifestation of the purported agreement is required .

6007See Gendzier v. Bielecki , 97 So. 2d 604, 608 (Fla. 195 7) ("The

6021rule is probably best expressed by the late Justice Holmes in

6032'The Path of the Law,' 10 Harvard Law Review 457, where it was

6046stated in part that , 'The making of a contract depends not on the

6059agreement of two minds in one intention, but on the agree ment of

6072two sets of external signs - not on the parties having meant the

6085same thing but on their having said the same thing.'");

6096Clearwater v. Bekker , 526 So. 2d 96 1, 964 - 965 (Fla. 2d DCA

61101988)(" Mere expectations by the appellees [based on a memorandum

6120iss ued by the city manager unilaterally extending to them sick

6131leave conversion benefits] are insufficient to create a binding

6140contract requiring the city to provide this sick leave

6149[conversion] benefit to the appellees on a continuing basis for

6159any definite period of time."); Bryant v. Shands Teaching Hosp . &

6172Clinics, Inc ., 479 So. 2d 165, 168 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985)("[T]he

6185circuit court was entitled to find, as it implicitly did, that

6196appellants' assertions that the alleged personnel policies were

6204part of their contract of employment with the new Shands were

6215mere unilateral expectations, rather than the explicit mutual

6223promises necessary to create a binding contractual term. ") ; and

6233Berrian v. Nat'l R.R. Passenger Corp. , 429 So. 2d 1381, 1383

6244(Fla. 2d DCA 1983)("O nly if there were a contract for a

6257particular term would Berrian's employment not be terminable at

6266will. He has not alleged that the parties had a mutual

6277understanding, whether written or oral, formal or informal, that

6286his employment would be continued fo r any particular term. In

6297the final analysis, the complaint alleges, at best, a unilateral

6307expectation on the part of Berrian which is insufficient to

6317create a property right .").

632316. An examination of the two documents upon which

6332Ms. Hillard relies in support of her claim that she had an

6344employment contract with the School Board that expired June 30,

63542010 -- the 1/12/07 Email and the Executed Extension Form -- reveals

6366that neither document constitutes an objective manifestation of

6374mutual assent on the p art of Ms. Hillard and the School Board to

6388Ms. Hillard's continuing employment with the School Board through

6397the 2009 - 2010 school year.

640317. The 1/12/07 Email is merely informational

6410correspondence from one School Board employee (Ms. Casteen, the

6419School Board's Director of Student Services and Respondent's

6427supervisor) to another School Board employee (Mr. Valencia, the

6436School Board's Director of FTE/Position Control) concerning the

6444former's "approving the DROP extension for [Ms.] Hillard for 3

6454years from 7/01/07 to 6/30/10." See Wood v. Pasco Cnty. , Case

6465No. 8:09 - cv - 6 - T - 30MAP, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 62050 *7 (M.D. Fla.

6483July 8, 2009)("'Plaintiffs seem to rely on an 'Interoffice

6493Memorandum,' attached as Exhibit A to the complaint to assert

6504that it is a contr act and/or license from Defendant to

6515Plaintiffs. The Interoffice Memorandum is clearly not a contract

6524between the parties, but rather an administrative document that

6533formally communicates whether Defendant should approve

6539Plaintiffs' variance request and p reliminary site plan for the

6549motorcycle track. ").

655218. The Executed Extension Form is a completed DROP

6561Extension Form through which Ms. Hillard "request[ed] to extend

6570[her] DROP participation through 6/30/10 with the approval of her

6580employer." It includes an "Employer Certification" section

6587completed by Mr. Valencia as the Superintendent's designee,

6595wherein he unilaterally certified to the Division that the

"6604agency" had approved an extension of Ms. Hillard's "DROP

6613participation through 6/30/10" and that th e "agency stipulate[d]

6622that [Ms. Hillard was] eligible to participate in the DROP beyond

663360 months and she [would] continue working [for an unspecified

6643period of time] in a regularly established position as a School

6654Psychologist . " Like the 1/12/07 Email, the Executed Extension

6663Form is devoid of any expression of mutual agreement between

6673Ms. Hillard and the School Board (the entity possessing the

6683exclusive "contracting authority for the school district") t hat

6693Ms. Hillard would be entitled to continuing e mployment with the

6704School Board until June 30, 2010, her newly approv ed " DROP

6715termination and resignation date." See Guerrero v. Brickman

6723Grp., LLC , Case No. 05 - CV - 00357, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 60605 ** 8 -

67409 (W.D. Mich. Aug. 17, 2007)("Plaintiffs contend tha t their

6751breach of contract claim is predicated upon terms in the federal

6762application for alien certification, known as ETA for m 750 ('ETA -

6774750' ) . . . .

6780ETA - 750 . . . is a form submitted by employers to the federal

6795government, and not a contract in the tr aditional sense between

6806and employer and employee. ").

681119. In any event, a ny such mutual ag reement , had it

6823existed, would have been invalid and unenforceable as contrary to

6833section 121.091(13), which (as noted above) provided , in

6841pertinent part, that:

6844Par ticipation in the DROP does not guarantee

6852employment for the specified period of DROP.

6859Participation in the DROP by an eligible

6866member beyond the initial 60 - month period as

6875authorized in this subsection shall be on an

6883annual contractual basis for all

6888part icipants.

6890See Wechsler v. Novak , 26 So. 2d 884, 887 (Fla. 1946)("The

6902general right to contract is subject to the limitation that the

6913agreement must not violate . . . state statutes . . . . "); and

6928Bond v. Koscot Interplanetary, Inc. , 246 So. 2d 631, 634 (F la.

69404th DCA 1971)("[A]n agreement which violates a statute . . . is

6953illegal, void and unenforceable as between the parties.").

6962Beyond her "initial 60 - month [DROP] participation period,"

6971Ms. Hillard could have lawfully been employed, pursuant to

6980sectio n 121.091(13), only "on an annual contractual basis" (as

6990the Executed Extension Form itself clearly indicated).

699720. The approval of Ms. Hillard's request "to extend [her]

7007DROP participation through 6/30/10" allowed , but did not

7015obligate, the School Boar d to employ Ms. Hillard an additional 36

7027months (or three school years) , from July 1, 2007, until June 30,

70392010 (a period consisting of the 2007 - 2008, 2008 - 2009, and 2009 -

70542010 school years) . A ny such employment was statutorily required

7065to be "on an annual contractual basis" for each of the three

7077additional school year s of employment , with no guarantee that

7087Ms. Hillard's annual contract would be renewed from one year to

7098the next , renewal being the prerogative of school district

7107officials . See Buckner , 718 So. 2d at 866; and Davis v. Sch. Bd.

7121of Gadsen Cnty. , 646 So. 2d 766, 768 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994)("School

7134boards and school superintendents have well - recognized

7142prerogatives in hiring and firing school personnel who are on

7152annual contracts, and in declining t o renew such contracts.").

7163Ms. Hillard's substantial interests therefore were not affected

7171by her non - reappointment for the 2009 - 2010 school year , and she

7185thus suffered no administratively compensable damages as a result

7194of such non - reappointment . See To th v. S. Fla. Water Mgmt.

7208Dist. , 895 So. 2d 482, 483 (Fla. 4th DCA 2005)( citing with

7220approval , Fertally v. Miami - Dade C mty . Coll. , 651 So. 2d 1283

7234(Fla. 3d DCA 1995))("[In Fertally] it was held that the

7245petitioner, whose annual contract had not been renewe d, could be

7256dismissed without cause and was therefore without a substantial

7265interest. "); and Bernard v. Paul , Case No. 03 - 3167, 2004 Fla.

7278Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 1677 *13 ( Fla. DOAH June 9, 2004; Sch. Bd.

7292of Escambia Cnty. July 7, 2004)("[T]he contract perio d ended

7303under the contract's terms. Thus, Mr. Bernard could not really

7313show that he had a substantial interest in his employment as the

7325district's risk manager that was adversely affected by the non -

7336renewal of his contract because his substantial interest in that

7346employment ended when the contract ended, under the above -

7356referenced facts and legal authority.").

736221. In view of the foregoing, the School Board should

7372reject Ms. Hillard's contention that " she was entitled to

7381employment as a contract educator through the 2009 - 2010 school

7392year, and that the determination by the School Board's

7401administration that her employment should end at the conclusion

7410of the 2008 - 2009 school year [was] contrary to the applicable

7422Florida statutes, " and it should, accordingly , decline to award

7431her the relief she is seeking.


7438Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7448Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of St. Lucie County

7460issue a Final Order declining to award Ms. Hillard the relief

7471requ ested in her Petition.

7476DONE AND ENTER ED thi s 18th day of July , 2012 , in

7488Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7496Administrative Law Judge

7499Division of Administrative Hearings

7503The DeSoto Building

75061230 Apalach ee Parkway

7510Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7515(850) 488 - 9675

7519Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7526Filed with the Clerk of the

7532Division of Administrative Hearings

7536this 18th day of July , 2012 .


75451 / A copy of this document was also attached to the Petitio n as

7560Exhibit B.

75622 / A copy of this document was also attached to the Petition as

7576Exhibit A.

75783 / The School Board's approval of "DROP extension for [Ms.

7589Hillard]" was a legally meaningless act since, as will be

7599explained later, the Superintendent, not th e School Board, was

7609vested with the statutory authority to grant such an extension.

76194 / The parties inadvertently failed to append this "Personnel

7629Agenda" to their Joint Stipulation of Facts ; however, they

7638subsequently, on June 28, 2012, provided the doc ument to the


76505 / Ms Hillard signed one section of the Form (on January 8,

76632007), and Mr. Valencia later (on January 16, 2007) signed

7673another section of the Form (the "Employer Certification"


76826 / The underlined language represents what Mr. Valencia wrote on

7693the blank spaces of the "Employer Certification" section to add

7703to what was already printed on the form.

77117 / Unless otherwise noted, all references in this Recommended

7721Order to Florida Statutes are to that version of Florida St atutes

7733in effect at the time of the occurrence of the particular event

7745or action being discussed.

77498 / School psychologists are "instructional personnel," as that

7758term is used in chapter 1012. See § 1012.01(2)(b).

77679 / An annual contract employee may be d ismissed during the school

7780year in which the contract is in effect only for "just cause."

7792§ 1012.33(1)(a) and 6(a).

779610 / Pursuant to chapter 2011 - 1, Laws of Florida, "as of July 1,

78112011, a district school board can no longer issue professional

7821service co ntracts. " Rachman , 87 So. 3d at 49 n.1.

783111 / While it was the district school superintendent who, under

7842section 121.091(13)(b)1., had to authorize "participat[ion] in

7849the DROP beyond 60 calendar months," the district school board

7859possessed the exclusive " contracting aut hority for the school

7868district[]." McCalister , 971 So. 2d at 1027 . That "contracting

7878authority," it is significant to note, was limited (by the

7888introductory paragraph of section 121.091(13)) to providing

7895instructional personnel, following " the initial 60 - month [DROP]

7904period ," with no more than an annual contract (which, upon its

7915expiration, the district school board was under no obligation to


792612 / This 96 - month period was referred to elsewhere in the stat ut e

7942as the "96 - month maxim um participation period."

7951§ 121.091(13)(a)2. and 6.

795513 / See also § 121.091(9)(b), which provided, in pertinent part,

7966that " a DROP participant shall continue employment and receive a

7976salary during the period of participation in the Deferred

7985Retirement Op tion Program, as provided in subsection (13). " By

7995operation of section 121.091(9)(b) and (13)(b)3., Ms. Hillard

8003remained employed and was not "deemed retired from employment"

8012during the period of her DROP participation. Section 1012.33(8),

8021upon which she relied in her Petition, therefore, had no

8031application to her situation, since it dealt only with "retired"

8041FRS members "interrupt[ing] retirement" to "be reemployed."

804814 / The statute thus clearly contemplated that a DROP

8058participant's employment could be terminated prior to the

"8066termination date of the DROP" established in the participant's

"8075binding letter of resignation" (which simply fixed the date

8084b eyond which the participant's employment and participation in

8093DROP could not continue).


8099Elizabeth Coke, Esquire

8102R icheson and Coke, P.A.

8107317 South 2nd Street

8111Post Office Box 4048

8115Fort Pierce, Florida 34950

8119Mark F. Kelly, Esquire

8123Kelly and McKee, P.A.

81271718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301

8133Post Office Box 75638

8137Tampa, Florida 33675 - 0638

8142Michael Lannon

8144St. Lucie County Pub lic Schools

8150Superintendent of School s

81544204 Okeechobee Road

8157Fort Pierce, Florida 34947

8161Charles M. Deal, General Counsel

8166Department of Education

8169Turlington Building, Suite 1244

8173325 West Gaines Street

8177Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

8182Gerard Robinson, Commi ssioner

8186Department of Education

8189Turlington Building, Suite 1514

8193325 West Gaines Street

8197Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


8208All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

821815 days from the date of this Rec ommended Order. Any exceptions

8230to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8241will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/04/2013
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 11/01/2013
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 10/15/2013
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 10/10/2013
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 04/24/2013
Proceedings: Request for Oral Argument (filed with the 4th DCA) filed.
Date: 01/28/2013
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: appellant's motion for extension of time is granted.
Date: 11/15/2012
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Ordered Appellant shal file within five (5) days of the date of this order, a notice containing the physical address of every pary in the certificate of service filed.
Date: 11/15/2012
Proceedings: Acknowledgment of New Case, Fourth DCA Case No. 4D12-3971 filed.
Date: 10/10/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/09/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/18/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/18/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 27, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/18/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/28/2012
Proceedings: Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/27/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/20/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/20/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2012
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation of Facts filed.
Date: 06/01/2012
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing and Establishing Schedule for the Filing of Proposed Recommended Orders and for Oral Argument (parties to advise status by June 8, 2012).
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/30/2012
Proceedings: Memorandum in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion for Summary Recommendation filed.
Date: 05/29/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (response to Motion for Summary Recommendation shall be filed no later than May 30, 2012).
Date: 05/25/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Unopposed Motion for One Day Extension of Time to Respond to Motion for Summary Recommendation filed.
Date: 05/22/2012
Proceedings: Motion and Incorporated Memorandum for Summary Recommendation filed.
Date: 04/19/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 8, 2012; 8:30 a.m.; Port St. Lucie and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/19/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/18/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Port St. Lucie, Florida


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