00-001193 Copo Paint And Body Shop, Inc. vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, June 4, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to demonstrate that Respondent abused its discretion in refusing to compromise the assessed tax, penalty, and interest. Sustain refusal to compromise the tax, penalty, or interest.





16Petitioner , )


19vs. ) Case No. 00-1193




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

46on February 9, 2001 , by video teleconference with connecting

55sites in West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before

64Errol H. Powell, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the

74Division of Administrative Hearings.


79For Petitioner : Joseph C. Moffa, Esquire

86Moffa & Moffa , P.A.

90One Financial Plaza, Suite 2202

95100 Southeast Third Avenue

99Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394

103For Respondent : Nicholas Bykowsky, Esquire

109Office of the Attorney General

114The Capitol, Tax Section

118Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050


125The issue for determination is whether Respondent abused

133its discretion in failing to settle or compromise the

142outstanding tax assessment against Petitioner, based on

149Petitioner's inability to pay, pursuant to Section 213.21,

157Florida Statutes.


161For the period August 1, 1992, through July 31, 1997, the

172Department of Revenue (Respondent), through a private accounting

180firm, pursuant to contract, conducted a sales and use tax audit

191of Copo Paint and Body Shop, Inc. (Petitioner). As a result of

203the audit, Respondent assessed sales and use tax, penalty, and

213interest against Petitioner in the amount of $325,218.68.

222Petitioner protested the assessment and by Notice of

230Decision dated September 17, 1999, Respondent notified

237Petitioner that the assessment would not be changed. Petitioner

246requested a reconsideration as to whether Respondent should

254compromise the tax, interest, and penalty, based on grounds of

264doubt of collectibility. By Notice of Reconsideration dated

272January 7, 2000, Respondent notified Petitioner that Petitioner

280failed to establish an inability to pay the assessment in full,

291and Petitioner timely challenged Respondent's determination. On

298March 20, 2000, this matter was referred to the Division of

309Administrative Hearings.

311The sole issue presented for hearing by the Petitioner is

321whether Petitioner has the ability to pay the assessed sales and

332use tax, penalty, and interest. At hearing, Petitioner

340presented the testimony of one of its owners, who is also

351Petitioner's president, and entered 17 exhibits (Petitioner’s

358Exhibits numbered 1-9 and 11-17) into evidence. Petitioner's

366Exhibit numbered 10 was withdrawn. Respondent presented the

374testimony of two witnesses and entered 32 exhibits (Respondent's

383Exhibits numbered 1-32) into evidence, with two of the exhibits

393being deposition testimony.

396A transcript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of

407the parties, the time for filing post-hearing submissions was

416set for more than ten days following the filing of the

427transcript. The Transcript, consisting of one volume, was filed

436on March 12, 2001. The parties timely filed their post-hearing

446submissions, which have been considered in the preparation of

455this Recommended Order.


4611. Petitioner is a Florida corporation, engaged in the

470business of painting and repairing damaged automobiles and other

479vehicles. Petitioner's principal place of business and home

487office is located at 100 Northwest 9th Terrace, Hallandale,


4972. Respondent is the agency charged with administering the

506tax laws of the State of Florida, pursuant to, among other

517provisions, Section 213.05, Florida Statutes.

5223. Respondent is authorized to conduct audits of

530taxpayers. It is further authorized to request information to

539ascertain the tax liability of taxpayers, if any, pursuant to

549Section 213.34, Florida Statutes.

5534. It is undisputed that Petitioner is a taxpayer.

5625. From September 2, 1997 through March 12, 1999,

571Respondent conducted an audit of Petitioner to determine whether

580Petitioner had been properly collecting and remitting sales and

589use tax and whether any additional sales and use tax amounts

600were due.

6026. On September 2, 1997, Respondent forwarded its form

611DR-840, Notice of Intent to Audit Books and Records, to

621Petitioner. The period of time being audited was from August 1,

6321992 through July 31, 1997.

6377. For part of the audit period, Petitioner's records were

647inadequate. Petitioner's record keeping was poor. For the

655remainder of the audit period, Petitioner's records were


6648. A higher amount of gross sales were reported on

674Petitioner's federal tax return than on Florida's tax return.

6839. Petitioner could not document 95 percent of its exempt

693sales reported to the State of Florida. Petitioner reported a

703ratio of 35 percent for exempt sales on its filed Florida sales

715and use tax returns.

71910. Because of the two factors of inadequate and

728voluminous records, sampling was required by Respondent. On

736January 12, 1998, Petitioner and Respondent entered into a

745written audit sampling agreement.

74911. On June 5, 1998, Respondent provided its Notice of

759Intent to Make Audit Changes to Petitioner.

76612. On July 21, 1998, Respondent issued its Notice of

776Intent to Make Audit Changes (revised), which was the first

786revision, to Petitioner.

78913. On January 12, 1999, Respondent issued its Notice of

799Intent to Make Audit Changes (revised), which was the second

809revision, to Petitioner.

81214. On March 12, 1999, Respondent issued its Notice of

822Proposed Assessment to Petitioner. This notice indicated that

830Petitioner owed additional sales and use tax in the amount of

841$166,306.93, penalty in the amount of $81,443.38, and interest

852through March 12, 1999, in the amount of $77,468.37.

862Consequently, the notice further indicated that the total amount

871of the assessment against Petitioner was $325,218.68.

87915. A compromise of the assessed tax, interest, or penalty

889can be performed at Respondent's field level after an audit is

900completed and the case is still in Respondent's field office.

910However, the field office's authority is limited in that

919affected taxpayer must agree to the amount of the tax assessed.

930In the present case, Petitioner did not agree to the amount of

942the tax assessed and, therefore, Respondent's field office could

951not compromise the assessed tax, interest, or penalty against


96116. On September 17, 1999, Respondent issued its Notice of

971Decision. Respondent notified Petitioner that the assessment

978would not be changed.

98217. Petitioner requested a reconsideration as to whether

990Respondent should compromise the tax, interest, and penalty,

998based on grounds of doubt of collectibility. By Notice of

1008Reconsideration issued January 7, 2000, Respondent notified

1015Petitioner of Petitioner's failure to establish an inability to

1024pay the assessment in full.

102918. Petitioner timely challenged Respondent's

1034determination of Petitioner's inability to pay the assessment

1042and requested a hearing.

104619. It is undisputed that Respondent has the discretion to

1056compromise an assessment. Respondent may compromise tax or

1064interest based on doubt of collectibility of the tax or

1074interest. The taxpayer bears the burden of providing

1082documentation to support the taxpayer's position that it cannot

1091pay the tax or interest.

109620. Respondent examines whether a compromise is in the

1105best interests of the State of Florida in determining whether to

1116compromise an assessment. Respondent considers a compromise to

1124be in the best interests of the State and may compromise the

1136assessment under the following circumstances: (1) on the basis

1145of the taxpayer providing documentation of the taxpayer's

1153inability to pay the assessment in full but having the cash flow

1165to make payments in installments; or (2) when a taxpayer's

1175business or the taxpayer-corporation is insolvent and the

1183taxpayer's or corporation's assets were used to satisfy

1191legitimate liabilities and not used to enrich any person closely

1201related to the taxpayer or corporation; or (3) when a taxpayer

1212is gravely ill and the cash flow of the taxpayer's business is

1224poor. When it considers compromising any tax, interest, or

1233penalty, Respondent reviews several factors, including the audit

1241file, financial information, and any other factors or

1249circumstances which may affect collectibility.

125421. The financial information considered includes positive

1261and negative sales trends, cost of goods sold, profitability,

1270and net worth. Additionally, any changes in assets, in

1279particular fixed assets, and liabilities are taken into account.

128822. Other factors or circumstances considered include the

1296fair market value of a taxpayer's assets, the future prospects

1306of a taxpayer's business, and the solvency or insolvency of a

1317taxpayer's business. Respondent does not consider the

1324liquidation value of a taxpayer's business.

133023. Petitioner was, and is, not familiar with the State of

1341Florida's sales and use tax law, as the law relates to

1352Petitioner's business.

135424. Petitioner's president has no prior experience in

1362maintaining the books and records of a company or in completing

1373financial statements of a company. Petitioner's president never

1381attended a seminar, presented or sponsored by Respondent, on

1390Florida's sales and use tax, or read any of Respondent's

1400pamphlets on sales and use tax.

140625. Petitioner has a New York accountant, who never

1415provided Petitioner's president or treasurer with any

1422instructions regarding Florida's sales and use tax.

142926. During the audit period, Petitioner never requested

1437written advice from Respondent regarding the application of

1445Florida's sales and use tax to its business.

145327. For the last three years, Petitioner's sales have been

1463a little less than $1,000,000.

147028. For the years 1996 and 1997, Petitioner's federal tax

1480returns showed cash balances at the beginning of each year even

1491though the cash balance for 1997, $51,431, was less than for

15031996, $93,497.

150629. Petitioner's federal tax returns for 1996 through 1998

1515indicate a loss for each year during that time period. However,

1526a comparison between Petitioner's sales income in its federal

1535tax returns and its state tax returns shows that Petitioner's

1545sales income was grossly underreported.

155030. Respondent's analysis worksheet, referred to as Doubt

1558as to Collectibility Analysis Worksheet, indicated a negative

1566dollar figure as to cash available by Petitioner to pay


157731. Inconsistencies existed between the information

1583reported in Petitioner's tax returns and information provided by

1592Petitioner during the protest period. Petitioner's sales figure

1600as of August 31, 1999, an eight-month sales period for 1999,

1611stated in its Petition for Reconsideration, dated October 6,

16201999, was substantially less than the sales figure reported on

1630Petitioner's sales and use tax returns filed during the same

1640time period. Additionally, Petitioner overstated the cost of

1648goods sold in one of its federal tax returns, which resulted in

1660an overstated net loss. The fair market value of Petitioner's

1670assets indicated in its Petition for Reconsideration, $30,000,

1679was more than 100 percent of the value reflected on Petitioner's

1690county tangible personal property return, $13,000.

169732. Also, further areas of inconsistencies existed between

1705the information provided by Petitioner and the information

1713reported on Petitioner's tax returns. Petitioner indicated that

1721its former treasurer received a deferred compensation payment of

1730$60,000, but neither Petitioner's tax returns nor financial

1739statements reflected a payment for the expense. Petitioner

1747showed a loss on its 1996 federal tax return, which, according

1758to Petitioner, was a result of moving expenses and expenses in

1769the construction business; however, no expense unique to moving

1778or the construction business was reflected on Petitioner's tax

1787return or financial statement.

179133. Petitioner's financial data, including federal tax

1798returns and state wage reports, showed trends and deficiencies.

1807A trend of an increase in gross sales for Petitioner was shown

1819for the years 1997 through 1999, in Petitioner's federal tax

1829returns for the same years and in Petitioner's Petition for

1839Reconsideration, regarding its gross sales as of August 31,

18481999. Additionally, the same federal tax returns showed a trend

1858of an increase in net income for the same years in that

1870deductions in relation to sales were less than the previous


188134. For the years 1994 through 1997, as reported on

1891Petitioner's federal tax returns, Petitioner's depreciable

1897assets increased each year.

190135. Respondent's analysis worksheet also showed a negative

1909dollar figure as to Petitioner's adjusted net worth.

191736. As of August 31, 1999, the first eight months of 1999,

1929Petitioner's total assets were $40,814 and its total loans,

1939payable to banks, were $90,000.

194537. Taking into consideration the totality of the

1953circumstances, Petitioner failed to provide Respondent with

1960adequate and complete documentation and information in order for

1969Respondent to make a determination of collectibility.


197938. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1986jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

1996parties thereto pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsection

2004120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

200739. Section 120.80, Florida Statutes (1999), provides in

2015pertinent part:


2022* * *

2025(b ) Taxpayer contest proceedings.–

20301. In any administrative proceeding brought

2036pursuant to this chapter as authorized by s.

204472.011(1), the taxpayer shall be designated

2050the "petitioner" and the Department of

2056Revenue shall be designated the

"2061respondent," . . . .

20662. In any such administrative proceeding,

2072the applicable department's burden of proof,

2078except as otherwise specifically provided by

2084general law, shall be limited to a showing

2092that an assessment has been made against the

2100taxpayer and the factual and legal grounds

2107upon which the applicable department made

2113the assessment.

211540. Petitioner was required to keep suitable books and

2124records and to maintain such books and records during the audit

2135period. Section 213.35, Florida Statutes. Petitioner failed to

2143keep and maintain adequate records and Petitioner's records were

2152voluminous. Respondent was justified in using a sampling of

2161Petitioner's records and using the best information available.

2169Subsections 212.12(5)(b) and (6)(b) and (c), Florida Statutes


217841. In the instant case, Petitioner does not challenge the

2188assessment, but challenges Respondent's failure to compromise

2195the assessment, including interest and penalty. As a result,

2204Respondent's assessment is considered valid. Even if Petitioner

2212had challenged the assessment, Respondent demonstrated that the

2220assessment was valid.

222342. Respondent is required to impose a penalty when a

2233taxpayer fails to pay sales or use tax when due. Subsection

2244212.12(2)(a), Florida Statutes (1999).

224843. Section 213.21, Florida Statutes (1999), provides in

2256pertinent part:

2258(3)(a ) A taxpayer's liability for any tax

2266or interest specified in s. 72.011(1) may be

2274compromised by the department upon the

2280grounds of doubt as to liability for or

2288collectibility of such tax or interest. A

2295taxpayer's liability for penalties under any

2301of the chapters specified in s. 72.011(1)

2308may be settled or compromised if it is

2316determined by the department that the

2322noncompliance is due to reasonable cause and

2329not to willful negligence, willful neglect,

2335or fraud. In addition, a taxpayer's

2341liability for penalties under any of the

2348chapters specified in s. 72.011(1) in excess

2355of 25 percent of the tax shall be settled or

2365compromised if the department determines

2370that the noncompliance is due to reasonable

2377cause and not to willful negligence, willful

2384neglect, or fraud. The department shall

2390maintain records of all compromises, and the

2397records shall state the basis for the

2404compromise. The records of compromise under

2410this paragraph shall not be subject to

2417disclosure pursuant to s. 119.07(1) and

2423shall be considered confidential information

2428governed by the provisions of s. 213.053.

2435* * *

2438(4 ) The department is authorized to enter

2446into agreements for scheduling payments of

2452taxes, interest, and penalties.

2456(5 ) The department shall establish by

2463rule guidelines and procedures for

2468implementation of this section.

247244. Rule 12-13.002, Florida Administrative Code, provides

2479in pertinent part:

2482The meanings ascribed to the words and terms

2490listed below shall be applicable, unless a

2497different meaning is clearly indicated by

2503the context in which the word or term is


2513(1) "Compromise" means a reduction of the

2520amount of tax, interest, or penalty imposed

2527to an amount less than the amount of tax,

2536interest, or penalty imposed under a revenue

2543law of this state. "Compromise" does not

2550include correction of an error through

2556cancellation of an erroneous billing,

2561revision or withdrawal of an erroneous

2567proposed assessment, or billing, or other

2573corrective actions taken by the Department.

2579(2) "Department" means the Florida

2584Department of Revenue.

2587(3) "Reasonable cause" means a basis for

2594compromise of penalty which has been shown

2601by the taxpayer to exist based upon the

2609facts and circumstances of the specific case

2616and which reflects that the taxpayer

2622exercised ordinary care and prudence in

2628complying with a revenue law of this state.

2636(4) "Revenue law of this state" means a

2644statute imposing a tax, penalty or interest,

2651license, or fee collected by the Department.

2658(5) "Settle " means the resolution of a

2665particular taxpayer's liability for tax,

2670interest, or penalty by the Department under

2677the provisions of this rule.

2682(6) "Taxpayer" means a person subject to

2689a revenue law of this state.

2695(7 ) In relation to an act or omission

2704which constitutes a violation of the revenue

2711laws of this state, "willful" means with

2718actual knowledge or belief that such act or

2726omission constitutes such violation and with

2732intent nevertheless to commit or cause such

2739act or omission.

274245. Rule 12-13.003, Florida Administrative Code, provides

2749in pertinent part:

2752(2 ) No tax, interest, penalty, or service

2760fee shall be compromised or settled unless

2767the taxpayer first submits a written request

2774to compromise or settle tax, interest,

2780penalty, or service fees and establishes as


2788(a ) In regard to tax or interest, doubt

2797as to the taxpayer's liability for tax or

2805interest, or actual lack of collectibility

2811of the tax or interest as demonstrated to

2819the satisfaction of the Department by

2825audited financial statements or other

2830suitable evidence acceptable to the

2835Department. Grounds for finding doubt as to

2842liability and doubt as to collectibility,

2848respectively, are set forth in further

2854detail in Rules 12-13.005 and 12-13.006,


2861(b ) In regard to penalty, that the

2869noncompliance was due to reasonable cause

2875and not to willful negligence, willful

2881neglect, or fraud. The taxpayer shall be

2888required to set forth in a written statement

2896the facts and circumstances which support

2902the taxpayer's basis for compromise and

2908which demonstrate the existence of

2913reasonable cause for compromise of the

2919penalty or service fee and such other

2926information as may be required by the


2934* * *

2937(d ) Grounds for finding reasonable cause

2944are set forth in further detail in Rule 12-

295313.007, F.A.C.

295546. Rule 12-13.006, Florida Administrative Code, entitled

"2962Grounds for Finding Doubt as to Collectibility", provides in

2971pertinent part:

2973Tax or interest may be compromised or

2980settled on the grounds of "doubt as to

2988collectibility" when it is determined that

2994the financial status of the taxpayer is such

3002that it is in the best interests of the

3011State to settle or compromise the matter

3018because full payment of the tax obligation

3025is highly doubtful and there appears to be

3033an advantage in having the case permanently

3040and conclusively closed. The discretion to

3046make this determination is delegated to

3052those persons enumerated in Rule 12-13.004,


305947. Rule 12-13.007, Florida Administrative Code, provides

3066in pertinent part:

3069(4 ) Reliance upon the erroneous advice of

3077an advisor is a basis for reasonable cause

3085when the taxpayer relied in good faith upon

3093written advice of an advisor who was

3100competent in Florida tax matters and the

3107advisor acted with full knowledge of all of

3115the essential facts. Informal advice,

3120advice based upon insufficient facts, advice

3126received in cases where facts were

3132deliberately concealed, or obviously

3136erroneous advice are not grounds for

3142reasonable cause. To establish reasonable

3147cause based upon reliance on the advice of a

3156competent advisor, the taxpayers shall


3162(a ) That the taxpayer sought timely

3169advice of a person who was competent in

3177Florida tax matters;

3180(b ) That the taxpayer provided the

3187advisor with all of the necessary

3193information and withheld nothing; and

3198(c ) That the taxpayer acted in good faith

3207upon written advice actually received from

3213the advisor.

3215(5 ) Reliance upon the express terms of

3223written advice given by the Department is a

3231basis for reasonable cause when the taxpayer

3238shows that the advice was timely sought from

3246a departmental employee and that all

3252material facts were disclosed, and that the

3259express terms of the advice were actually


326748. Section 212.12, Florida Statutes, provides in

3274pertinent part:

3276(2)(a ) When any person, firm, or

3283corporation required hereunder to make any

3289return or to pay any tax or fee imposed by

3299this chapter fails to timely file such

3306return or fails to pay the tax or fee due

3316within the time required hereunder, in

3322addition to all other penalties provided

3328herein and by the laws of this state in

3337respect to such taxes or fees, a specific

3345penalty shall be added to the tax or fee in

3355the amount of 10 percent of any unpaid tax

3364or fee if the failure is for not more than

337430 days, with an additional 10 percent of

3382any unpaid tax or fee for each additional 30

3391days, or fraction thereof, during the time

3398which the failure continues, not to exceed a

3406total penalty of 50 percent, in the

3413aggregate, of any unpaid tax or fee. In no

3422event may the penalty be less than $10 for

3431failure to timely file a tax return required

3439by s. 212.11(1)(b) or $5 for failure to

3447timely file a tax return authorized by s.

3455212.11(1)(c) or (d).

345849. It is clear that Respondent has the discretion to

3468compromise an assessment of tax, penalty, or interest.

3476Petitioner bears the burden to demonstrate that Respondent

3484abused its discretion in refusing to compromise the assessed

3493tax, penalty, or interest.

349750. Petitioner failed to demonstrate that Respondent

3504abused its discretion in refusing to compromise the assessed

3513tax, penalty, and interest. Petitioner failed to demonstrate

3521doubt as to collectibility of the assessed tax and interest. As

3532to penalty, Petitioner failed to demonstrate that its

3540noncompliance was due to reasonable cause. The underreporting,

3548inconsistencies, and discrepancies place considerable doubt on

3555Petitioner's assertion that it is unable to pay the assessment.

3565Furthermore, Petitioner failed to demonstrate that it relied

3573upon the advice of a competent advisor or upon written advice

3584from Respondent.


3587Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3597Law, it is

3600RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final

3609order sustaining the assessment of tax, penalty, and interest

3618against Copo Paint and Body Shop, Inc., and sustaining the

3628refusal to compromise the tax, penalty, or interest.

3636DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of June, 2001, in

3646Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3654Administrative Law Judge

3657Division of Administrative Hearings

3661The DeSoto Building

36641230 Apalachee Parkway

3667Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3670(850) 488- 9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3675Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3680Filed with the Clerk of the

3686Division of Administrative Hearings

3690this 4th day of June, 2001.


3698Joseph C. Moffa, Esquire

3702Moffa & Moffa , P.A.

3706One Financial Plaza, Suite 2202

3711100 Southeast Third Avenue

3715Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394

3719Nicholas Bykowsky, Esquire

3722Office of the Attorney General

3727The Capitol, Tax Section

3731Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

3734Linda Lettera, General Counsel

3738Department of Revenue

3741204 Carlton Building

3744Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

3747James Zingale, Executive Director

3751Department of Revenue

3754104 Carlton Building

3757Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100


3766All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

377615 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

3787to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

3798will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/22/2001
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/21/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held February 9, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/04/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 04/11/2001
Proceedings: Respondent`s Department of Revenue`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/11/2001
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order (filed Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 03/12/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 02/09/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 02/09/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner`s Trial Exhibits; Exhibits filed.
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Caroline M. Raker, CPA; Deposition of Caroline M. Raker, CPA filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Affidavit of Carol M. Raker filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibit 28; Exhibit 28 filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Deposition (of Oronzo Nacherlilia) filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript of Oronzo Nacherlilia filed.
Date: 02/06/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent Department of Revenue`s Trial Exhibits; Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Video Teleconference issued. (hearing scheduled for February 9, 2001; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to Time and location).
Date: 01/31/2001
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Revenue`s Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 01/30/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 01/29/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Corporate Deposition with Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Introduce into Evidence Records Containing Data Summaries (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 01/25/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Trial Deposition filed.
Date: 12/29/2000
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Revenue`s First Set of Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/29/2000
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Revenue`s First Set of Production of Documents and things to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/28/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent Department of Revenue`s First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff filed.
Date: 10/18/2000
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 10/18/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for February 9, 2001; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Date: 10/02/2000
Proceedings: Parties Joint Status Report filed.
Date: 06/28/2000
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance sent out. (parties to advise status by October 2, 2000.)
Date: 06/26/2000
Proceedings: Parties` Joint Status Report filed.
Date: 04/04/2000
Proceedings: Order Placing Case in Abeyance sent out. (Parties to advise status by June 26, 2000)
Date: 03/29/2000
Proceedings: Parties` Joint Response to Initial Order and Motion to Abate Hearing Scheduling (But Not Discovery) filed.
Date: 03/27/2000
Proceedings: Department of Revenue`s Response to Petition filed.
Date: 03/23/2000
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Letter to R. Butterworth from L. Lettera re: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Agency Action Letter filed.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Petition for a Chapter 120 Hearing filed.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Agency Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (12):

Related Florida Rule(s) (6):