00-003907 Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association, Inc.; Victor Cordiano; Lynn Hill; A. A. Sulkes; Philip Bennett; Vera Harper; And Carlos Mcdonald vs. City Of Tallahassee; George K. Walker, Trustee; Genesis Group; And Ttk, L.L.C.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, February 8, 2001.

View Dockets  
Summary: Process used by city to vest property in 1991 was procedurally correct; challenge to 1991 vesting order not sustained; property exempt form comprehensive plan.









29Petitioners, )


32vs. ) Case No. 00-3907




48GROUP; and TTK, L.L.C., )


54Respondents. )



59Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this

69case on January 5, 2001, in Tallahassee, Florida, before

78Donald R. Alexander, the assigned Administrative Law Judge of

87the Division of Administrative Hearings.


93For Petitioners: Kenneth D. Goldberg, Esquire

991725 Mahan Drive, Suite 201

104Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5201

107For Respondent: Linda R. Hurst, Esquire

113(City) City Hall, Second Floor

118300 South Adams Street

122Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1731

125For Respondents: Jay Adams, Esquire

130(Walker and Broad and Cassel

135others) 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 400

142Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1804


149The issue is whether the site plan for the Evergreens

159project should be approved.


165This matter began on July 28, 2000, when the

174Developmental Review Committee of Respondent, City of

181Tallahassee, approved a site plan for a project which involved

191the construction of 416 apartment units on approximately 24.56

200acres of land located just south of East Mahan Drive,

210Tallahassee, Florida. In approving the application, the

217Committee determined that the project was exempt from

225consistency and concurrency requirements of the Comprehensive

232Plan by virtue of its vested status, as reflected in a

243Stipulation and Settlement Agreement entered in DOAH Case No.


253On August 28, 2000, Petitioners, Meadowbrook Neighborhood

260Association, Inc., Victor Cordiano, Lynn Hill, A. A. Sulkes,

269Philip Bennett, Vera Harper, and Carlos McDonald, who

277represent, or are, residents who live in the area, filed their

288Petition for Formal Proceedings with the Tallahassee-Leon

295County Planning Commission to contest that decision. Victor

303Cordiano was later withdrawn as a party. Pursuant to its By-

314Laws, the Commission then referred the matter to the Division

324of Administrative Hearings on September 20, 2000, with a

333request that an Administrative Law Judge be assigned to

342conduct a formal hearing.

346Respondents' Motion to Dismiss the petition for lack of

355jurisdiction was heard on October 18, 2000, and was denied by

366Order dated October 25, 2000. Thereafter, the matter was

375scheduled for a final hearing on November 29, 2000, in

385Tallahassee, Florida. At Petitioners' request, the matter was

393rescheduled to December 11, 2000, at the same location. By

403ore tenus motion made on December 8, 2000, the City of

414Tallahassee moved for another continuance on the ground that

423the hearing had not been advertised in a local newspaper, as

434required by its Code of Ordinances. Accordingly, the final

443hearing was rescheduled to January 5, 2001. Finally,

451Petitioners' Motion in Limine to exclude two issues raised by

461Respondents in the Joint Pretrial Statement was denied.

469At the final hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony

477of Sarah Cawthon, president of the Meadowbrook Neighborhood

485Association, Inc., and Dorothy Inman-Crews, a former City

493Commissioner. Also, they offered Petitioners' Exhibits 1-20,

500which were received in evidence. Respondent, City of

508Tallahassee, presented the testimony of Dwight R. Arnold, Jr.,

517Land Use and Environmental Services Administrator, and James

525R. English, City Attorney and accepted as an expert in

535municipal law. Also, it offered City Exhibits 2-16. All

544exhibits were received in evidence. Exhibits 4 and 11 are the

555depositions of John Davis and Tom Printy, respectively, both

564City employees. Respondents, George K. Walker, Genesis Group,

572and TTK, L.L.C., presented the testimony of George K. Walker.

582They also offered Respondents' Exhibits 1 and 2, which were

592received in evidence.

595The Transcript of the hearing (two volumes) was filed on

605January 23, 2001. Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions

614of Law were filed by the parties on January 22, 2001, and they

627have been considered by the undersigned in the preparation of

637this Recommended Order.


643Based upon all of the evidence, including the stipulation

652of counsel, the following findings of fact are determined:

661a. Background

6631. In this land use dispute, Petitioners, Meadowbrook

671Neighborhood Association, Inc.; Lynn Hill; A.A. Sulkes;

678Philip Bennett; Vera Harper; and Carlos McDonald

685(Petitioners), have contested a decision by the Developmental

693Review Committee (DRC) of Respondent, City of Tallahassee

701(City), to approve a Type B site review application for a

712project known as Evergreens at Mahan (Evergreens). In its

721decision, the DRC exempted the project from the consistency

730and concurrency requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan

738based upon a 1991 agreement by the City and the property owner

750which conferred vested rights on the property. Thus, the

759project was never reviewed for compliance with the concurrency

768and consistency requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan.

7762. If the application is approved, the applicant will be

786authorized to commence the process for constructing 416

794apartment units in ten three-story buildings on approximately

80224.56 acres of land located just south of the intersection at

813East Mahan Drive and Riggins Road in Tallahassee, Florida.

822The apartment complex will be one of the largest in the City.

834The application was filed by Respondent, Genesis Group

842(Genesis), acting as an agent for the owner of the property,

853Respondent, George K. Walker, Trustee (Walker). After the

861application is approved, Walker is contractually obligated to

869sell the property to Respondent, TTK, L.L.C. (TTK), a New

879Hampshire developer, who will actually construct the complex.

8873. In response to the DRC's decision, on August 9, 2000,

898Petitioners filed a Notice of Intent to File Petition for

908Formal Proceedings. On August 28, 2000, Petitioners filed

916their Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings. As

923grounds for denying the application, Petitioners contended

930that a Stipulation and Final Settlement Agreement (Settlement

938Agreement) entered into by Walker and the City on August 6,

9491991, in DOAH Case No. 91-4109VR determining that the property

959was presumptively vested violated in a number of respects the

969City's Vested Rights Review Ordinance (Ordinance); that any

977vested rights acquired on the property have expired under

986Section 18-104(1)(c), Code of Ordinances; and the site plan is

996inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land

1004Development Code. As to the latter ground, the parties have

1014agreed that this issue need not be addressed now, but rather

1025it can be considered by the DRC in the event Petitioners

1036prevail on the merits of this action. Other than the vesting

1047status, no issues have been raised regarding the site plan


10584. On September 11, 2000, the Commission entered its

1067Determination of Standing. Pursuant to the Bylaws of the

1076Commission, the matter was forwarded to the Division of

1085Administrative Hearings (DOAH) on September 20, 2000, for an

1094evidentiary hearing.

1096b. The parties

10995. Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association, Inc.

1104(Association) is a not-for-profit corporation organized on

1111February 18, 2000, and existing under the laws of the State of

1123Florida. The Association represents approximately 200 of the

1131279 homeowners who reside in the Meadowbrook neighborhood.

1139The Meadowbrook neighborhood is zoned for Residential

1146Preservation-1 and has a residential density of less than

1155three units per acre. A portion of the Meadowbrook

1164neigborhood is adjacent to the proposed project.

11716. Lynn Hill, A.A. Sulkes, Philip Bennett, Vera Harper,

1180and Carlos McDonald reside and own property in the Meadowbrook

1190neighborhood. Their property either abuts, or is close to,

1199the location of the proposed Evergreens project. All are

1208members of the Association and bring this action in their

1218individual capacity and as a member of the Association.

12277. During the course of the hearing, Respondents

1235stipulated to the standing of all Petitioners.

12428. The City is a municipal corporation of the State of

1253Florida. It has authority to review proposed site plans for

1263real property located within the City's geographic boundaries.

12719. Genesis is a Tallahassee consulting firm which

1279prepared the application for Walker and acted as his agent in

1290seeking approval of the site plan for the Evergreens project.

130010. TTK, a New Hampshire limited liability corporation,

1308is a developer and builder of real property, and has a

1319contract to purchase the site of the Evergreens project

1328pending final approval of the site plan by the City.

133811. Walker is the owner of the approximately 30-acre

1347parcel (the subject property) which is at issue in this

1357proceeding, and is the applicant for the Evergreens site plan.

1367The Evergreens project will be located on 24.56 acres of this

137830-acre parcel.

1380c. The property and its history

138612. The subject property has been owned by the Walker

1396family, either as a part of a consortium of investors or in

1408trust, for more than 70 years. Since the mid-1960's, Walker

1418has controlled the property as trustee for himself and his

1428brother. The site of the apartment complex lies a few hundred

1439feet south of the intersection of East Mahan Drive (U.S. 90)

1450and Riggins Road. Approximately 11.738 acres of the land sit

1460on the eastern side of Riggins Road while the remaining 12.821

1471acres sit on the western side. The remainder of the property,

1482which consists of around 7 or 8 acres, is situated just north

1494of the apartment site, fronts on East Mahan Drive, and is

1505currently zoned commercial. The Meadowbrook neighborhood

1511begins approximately 1,250 feet or so south of Mahan Drive and

1523sits on around 100 acres. The boundaries of the neighborhood

1533abut the southern and southeastern ends of the project site.

154313. The relevant history of the property goes back to

1553January 9, 1926, when the original plat of Glenwood Estates

1563was recorded in Leon County (County). The property was

1572located in the County, but not within the City, and was owned

1584by a group that included Walker's father. The subject

1593property was identified in the plat as Blocks L and M. The

1605Glenwood Estates plat did not contain any statements

1613establishing use or density for the subject property.

162114. On April 7, 1943, Glenwood Estates was replatted for

1631taxation purposes. Walker's mother, a widow and the heir of

1641Walker's father, was among the owners of the property. The

16511943 replat reconfigured the subject property as a single,

1660large acre parcel. The replat does not contain any statements

1670establishing uses or densities for the platted parcels.

167815. Prior to 1967, Glenwood Estates became the sole

1687property of Walker's mother. Upon her death, the property was

1697placed in trust for the benefit of Walker and his brother.

1708George K. Walker is the named trustee of the property.

171816. On March 22, 1989, the remaining property owned by

1728Walker was subdivided into three parcels; two of the small

1738parcels on the southwestern corner of Riggins Road and Mahan

1748Drive were sold, thereby reducing the size of the subject

1758property by approximately 1.56 acres.

176317. By 1991, the 1943 replat of Glenwood Estates had

1773been resubdivided a minimum of seven times which changed the

1783replat substantially from its original configuration. Five of

1791the resubdivisions involved the Meadowbrook tract. Since

17981989, the subject property has been configured as a large

1808parcel of approximately 30 acres. Since 1991, the subject

1817property is the only property in the replat that Walker has


182918. In addition to his ownership of the subject

1838property, until 1971 Walker owned approximately 69 acres of

1847land that presently constitute a large part of the Meadowbrook

1857neighborhood. On October 6, 1971, Walker entered into a

1866contract for the sale of that land. Among the conditions of

1877the sale was a requirement that the property consisting of the

1888Meadowbrook neighborhood be rezoned R-3; that the property

1896that is the proposed apartment site be rezoned RM-2; and that

1907the property fronting Mahan Drive be rezoned C-1. Costs of

1917the rezoning were to be shared equally by the buyer and

1928seller. At the time of this sale, the subject property and

1939the Meadowbrook tract were undeveloped.

194419. In 1972, the County rezoned the property consisting

1953of the Meadowbrook neighborhood as R-2 for single-family

1961residential development; rezoned the approximately 25-acre

1967portion of the subject property north of the Meadowbrook tract

1977as RM-2, for multi-family residential development; and rezoned

1985the property fronting Mahan Drive as C-1 for commercial

1994development. The multi-family zoning on the property that is

2003the proposed location for the Evergreen project authorized a

2012range of dwelling units from single-family to two-family to

2021multi-family up to a maximum of 17.4 units per acre.

203120. One of the conditions of the 1971 sale was the

2042granting of an easement by Walker to the buyer (Collins

2052Brothers) to extend Riggins Road south from Mahan Drive to the

2063northern boundary of the Meadowbrook tract. At the time of

2073the sale, there was no direct access from the Meadowbrook

2083tract north to Mahan Drive.

208821. On an undisclosed date, Collins Brothers was forced

2097into receivership. Therefore, between 1971 and 1980, there

2105was no development on the Meadowbrook tract or the subject

2115property, other than the roughing-out of the location of what

2125was to become Riggins Road.

213022. In 1980, Guardian Mortgage Investors (Guardian) took

2138over the previous buyer's interest. At that time, Walker

2147entered into a road construction agreement with Guardian in

2156which he agreed to pay one-half of the road construction costs

2167to extend Riggins Road south from Mahan Drive to the

2177Meadowbrook subdivision. Guardian agreed to pay one-half of

2185the road construction costs as well as all of the cost for the

2198installation of the main water and sewer trunk lines, except

2208for laterals which were to be installed at Walker's expense.

221823. In 1981, the construction of Riggins Road and the

2228main water and sewer trunk lines were completed. The minimum

2238allowable width of Riggins Road from Mahan Drive to the

2248northern boundary of the Meadowbrook tract was 30 feet.

2257However, it was constructed 36 feet wide so that it could

2268serve not only the Meadowbrooks neighborhood, but also

2276Walker's future development. For the same reason, even though

2285the minimum right-of-way for this section of Riggins Road was

229560 feet, an extra 20 feet (or 80 feet in all) were dedicated

2308for the right-of-way. No development has occurred on the

2317subject property since this dedication.

232224. The sewer main serving the Meadowbrook neighborhood

2330is a gravity feed system flowing into a pump station within

2341the Meadowbrook neighborhood. From there, it is pumped into a

2351force main to a point under or adjacent to Riggins Road

2362approximately 50 feet into the property that is zoned RM-2.

2372From there, the system is again a gravity feed system flowing

2383north under Mahan Drive to another pump station. If the sewer

2394system had been installed to serve only the Meadowbrook

2403neighborhood, it could have consisted only of a forced main

2413system between the two pump stations. However, because

2421further development was anticipated, the developer installed a

2429gravity feed system that flowed through the RM-2 property,

2438through the C-1 property, and under Mahan Drive at

2447considerably more expense than a forced main system. Both the

2457water and sewer systems have the capacity to serve 670

2467domestic equivalent units in the RM-2 and C-1 portions of the

2478subject property. Following their completion, the water and

2486sewer facilities, and Riggins Road, were dedicated to the

2495City. Since 1983 or 1984, the City has owned, operated, and

2506maintained Riggins Road and the water and sewer lines from

2516Mahan to the Meadowbrook neighborhood.

252125. On April 14, 1983, Walker petitioned the City to

2531annex his property. By Ordinance No. 83-0-2185 adopted on

2540December 30, 1983, the Walker property, the Meadowbrook

2548neighborhood, and considerable other properties were annexed

2555into the City. Prior to annexation, Walker received assurance

2564from the City that the annexation would not affect his ability

2575to develop the RM-2 and C-1 portions of his property.

2585d. The City's vesting process

259026. On July 16, 1990, the City adopted its 2010

2600Comprehensive Plan. Concurrent with its adoption, the City

2608adopted a Vested Development Rights Review Ordinance

2615(Ordinance), which established "the sole administrative

2621procedures and standards by which a property owner" could

2630assert that he had acquired certain property rights and obtain

2640a vested rights determination from the City. The Ordinance is

2650codified as Article VII of Chapter 18 of the City's Code of


266327. The Ordinance established the administrative

2669procedures and standards for common law or statutory vesting.

2678A property that was determined to be vested under the

2688Ordinance was exempt from the application of the consistency

2697and concurrency requirements of the City's 2010 Comprehensive

2705Plan. Once a property is found to be exempt, or vested, it

2717retains that status in perpetuity.

272228. In order to claim vested development rights under

2731the Ordinance, a property owner was required to apply for a

2742vested rights determination with the City's Planning

2749Department within 120 days of July 16, 1990. A failure to

2760timely file an application constituted a waiver of any vested

2770rights claim.

277229. However, a property owner whose property was located

2781within a recorded subdivision, or unrecorded subdivision which

2789the City determined had satisfied the City's infrastructure

2797requirements, did not have to submit an application for a

2807vested rights determination. In those cases, vested rights

2815were "presumed," based upon the infrastructure requirements

2822being satisfied, and the property was "presumptively" vested

2830from the concurrency and consistency requirements of the

2838City's Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section III.1.a. of the

2847Ordinance. The right of a property owner to assert that his

2858property is presumptively vested can be made at any time, even


287030. After reviewing its land development records, on

2878July 25, 1990, the City published in the Tallahassee Democrat

2888a lengthy list of recorded and unrecorded subdivisions it had

2898determined were presumptively vested from the concurrency and

2906consistency requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan.

2913The subject property, identified on the City's tax rolls by

2923Tax I.D. #11-28-20-071-000-0, was included within the City's

2931list of presumptively vested recorded subdivisions. The

2938notice stated that it was the City's intent to only exempt

2949subdivisions for which streets, stormwater management

2955facilities, utilities, and other infrastructure required for

2962development had been completed by July 16, 1990.

297031. Recorded subdivisions included on the list of exempt

2979subdivisions were presumed to have satisfied the

2986infrastructure requirements. The City did not inspect

2993recorded subdivisions to ensure compliance with the

3000infrastructure requirements, but presumed the existence of the

3008requisite infrastructure. Any recorded subdivision

3013subsequently determined not to be in compliance with the

3022infrastructure requirements could be removed from the exempt

3030list. Unrecorded subdivisions were not included on the exempt

3039list unless they had first been physically inspected to ensure

3049compliance with the infrastructure requirements.

3054e. Walker's application for vested rights

306032. On October 17, 1990, the City's Director of Growth

3070Management instructed that Walker's property be removed from

3078the list of exempt subdivisions due to the resubdivision of

3088the original plat and because all of the infrastructure was

3098not in place. At that time, however, there was no provision

3109in the Ordinance that made resubdivision a factor in the

3119determination of an exemption or vesting. On the other hand,

3129the issue of infrastructure was a valid consideration.

313733. On November 13, 1990, Walker timely submitted an

3146application for a vested rights determination on the basis

3155that his property was entitled to vesting under the common

3165law. The City assigned Number V.R.0195T to the application.

317434. On January 8, 1991, in accordance with Section

3183III.3.b. of the Ordinance, the City Planning Department

3191determined that the subject property was not vested and

3200notified Walker that Application Number V.R. 0195T was denied.

3209No reason was given. The letter of denial advised him of his

3221rights to contest the planning staff's denial of his vested


323235. On January 22, 1991, Walker notified the City of his

3243decision to challenge planning staff's denial of his vested

3252rights application. He elected to waive his right to a

3262hearing before the City Staff Committee, and he requested a

3272hearing before DOAH pursuant to Section III.3.c. of the


328236. On July 3, 1991, the City referred Walker's request

3292for an administrative hearing to DOAH on the planning staff's

3302denial of Application Number V.R.0195T. The request was

3310assigned DOAH Case Number 91-004109VR. On July 9, 1991, the

3320case was scheduled for a hearing on August 29, 1991.

333037. During the pendency of the DOAH case, and at the

3341request of the City, Walker and his counsel met with

3351representatives of the City, including a Planning Department

3359staffer and an assistant city attorney. Before the meeting,

3368Walker reconfirmed with City officials that his property had

3377been rezoned to C-1, RM-2, and R-2 in 1972, and that the

3389necessary water and sewer lines were in place to serve his

3400property. After learning at the meeting that infrastructure

3408for the property had already been built, the City agreed to

3419find Walker's property vested to the extent that the

3428infrastructure was in place. In other words, Walker would be

3438allowed to develop as many units as the existing

3447infrastructure would accommodate.

345038. After the meeting, Walker secured an affidavit from

3459Wayne Colony, the engineer who designed the water and sewer

3469system for the property and the southern extension of Riggins

3479Road. In his affidavit dated August 6, 1991, Coloney attested

3489that the sewer line between Mahan Drive and the Meadowbrook

3499neighborhood was designed to serve the single-family

3506residences, the RM-2 property and the C-1 property; that the

3516sewer line had the capacity to serve 670 residential

3525equivalent units in the RM-2 and C-1 portions of that

3535property; and that the sewer had sufficient capacity for the

3545maximum density of development on the RM-2 and C-1 portions of

3556the property. A letter from the City's Water and Sewer

3566Department dated August 1, 1991, also confirmed that the City

3576had "the necessary water and sewer lines to serve the

3586property." Finally, Riggins Road and the stormwater drain to

3595serve the property had been completed in the early 1980's.

3605With this information in hand, counsel for the City agreed

3615that the property was presumptively vested.

362139. On August 6, 1991, or just prior to the scheduled

3632administrative hearing, counsel for Walker and the City

3640executed the Settlement Agreement which declared the subject

3648property an exempt subdivision based upon Section III.1.a.1.

3656of the Ordinance, and presumptively vested the property from

3665the consistency and concurrency requirements of the City's

36732010 Comprehensive Plan. The Settlement Agreement authorized

3680the development of the subject property for up to 670

3690residential equivalent units. The Settlement Agreement also

3697stated that there was no time frame in which the Walker

3708property was required to commence or complete development, and

3717that the property was vested in perpetuity.

372440. On August 7, 1991, the Settlement Agreement was

3733filed with DOAH. On August 8, 1991, an Order Approving

3743Stipulation and Final Settlement Agreement was entered.

3750Therefore, an administrative hearing was never held on

3758Application V.R.0195T.

376041. Walker's application was one of hundreds of vested

3769rights applications being processed by the City at that time.

3779Although many of the specific details underlying the City's

3788decision to approve the settlement are not known now because

3798of the passage of time, the subsequent loss by the City of

3810Walker's application file, and the sheer number of

3818applications then being processed, the City Attorney is

3826certain that he would have known about the petition and the

3837underlying facts before he authorized the Assistant City

3845Attorney to execute the agreement. Based on the information

3854then available, the City Attorney now says that Walker clearly

3864qualified for either common law or presumptive vesting.

387242. Petitioners contend that the Assistant City Attorney

3880(and/or City Attorney) lacked authority to settle the case

3889without obtaining specific prior authority from the City

3897Commission; however, the more credible and persuasive evidence

3905shows otherwise. This is true even though the Ordinance does

3915not specifically address the settlement of vested rights


392443. The City Attorney's policy is and has been to

3934involve the affected City staff in settlement negotiations

3942rather than negotiating without the consent of his client.

3951Moreover, the present City Attorney, and his two predecessors,

3960have always considered it a part of their inherent authority

3970to settle litigation on the City's behalf when it is in the

3982best interest of the City to do so. The only exception to

3994this inherent authority is when there is a budgetary impact;

4004in those cases, prior approval must be obtained before

4013committing the City to spending money. Here, however, there

4022was no fiscal impact resulting from the Walker settlement.

4031Further, at no time after the Settlement Agreement was signed

4041has the City Commission ever expressed its disagreement with

4050the City Attorney's interpretation of the Ordinance, taken

4058steps to curtail his inherent authority, or acted to vacate

4068the Settlement Agreement. Therefore, in the absence of any

4077credible evidence to the contrary, it is found that the

4087Assistant City Attorney, after consultation with the City

4095Attorney and appropriate City staff, had the authority to

4104execute the Settlement Agreement on behalf of the City without

4114prior City Commission approval.

411844. Petitioners also contend that based upon the

4126language in Section III.3.e.7. of the Ordinance, there was no

4136authority for the hearing officer to approve the Settlement

4145Agreement until a substantive review of the information which

4154formed the basis for the agreement had been made. The cited

4165provision sets forth the criteria upon which the decision of

4175the hearing officer in a vested rights case must be based.

4186They include an evidentiary presentation by the parties at a

4196formal hearing, adherence to certain land use guidelines and

4205relevant case law, and a recommended order at the conclusion

4215of the proceeding.

421845. The City points out, however, that under its

4227interpretation of the Ordinance, once the parties learned that

4236the property was exempt and the dispute had been settled, the

4247criteria in Section III.3.e.7. did not apply. In those

4256situations, no useful purpose would be served in requiring the

4266parties to go through the formality of a de novo hearing.

4277Otherwise, the parties (including the taxpayers) would be

4285required to expend time, resources, and energy to litigate a

4295matter in which no material facts were in issue. Accordingly,

4305the City's interpretation of the Ordinance is found to be the

4316most logical and reasonable, and it is found that the DOAH

4327hearing officer had the authority to accept the parties'

4336settlement without conducting a hearing.

434146. Petitioners next contend that when the Settlement

4349Agreement was executed, the City lacked sufficient evidence to

4358show that Walker had installed the infrastructure necessary

4366for presumptive vesting. More specifically, they assert that

4374except for Wayne Colony's affidavit, and the letter from the

4384City, there was no evidence to support that determination.

4393Petitioners go on to contend that not only must the primary

4404roadways and water and sewer lines be built before the vesting

4415cut-off date, but the "on-site" water and sewer lines,

4424stormwater facilities, and other facilities necessary to begin

4432vertical construction on each apartment building must also be

4441in place. This contention is based on Section III.1.a.1. of

4451the Ordinance which requires that in order for a subdivision

4461to attain exempt status, the "streets, stormwater management

4469facilities, utilities, and other infrastructure required for

4476the development must have been completed as of July 16, 1990."

448747. The City Attorney's testimony on this issue is found

4497to be the most persuasive. According to his interpretation of

4507the Ordinance, only that infrastructure necessary to serve the

4516subdivision must be completed in order to qualify for vesting.

4526Conversely, on-site or private infrastructure does not have to

4535be completed in order to satisfy the terms of the Ordinance.

4546Therefore, on-site infrastructure is not a factor in

4554determining whether a property qualifies for an exempt status.

4563Indeed, as the City Attorney points out, if Petitioners'

4572interpretation of the Ordinance were accepted, there would be

"4581no vested lots in the City" since infrastructure is never

4591extended from the public street to the lot prior to its


460348. Finally, Petitioners contend that the Settlement

4610Agreement is invalid because Walker's application in DOAH Case

4619No. 91-4109VR was for common law vesting while the Settlement

4629Agreement made a determination that the property was

4637presumptively vested.

463949. As a practical matter, there is no difference

4648between property being exempt or being vested. Under either

4657category, the property would not have to meet the requirements

4667of the Comprehensive Plan. Here, the evidence shows that

4676Walker's property qualified for both common law and

4684presumptive vesting. Since the two types of vesting have the

4694same practical effect, the validity of the Settlement

4702Agreement has not been impaired.

4707f. Expiration of vested rights

471250. Sections II.5.a., d., and i. of the Ordinance

4721provide, respectively, that for purposes of a vested rights

4730determination, an "[e] xempt subdivision," "[f] inal subdivision

4738plat approval," or "[a] ny other development order which

4747approved the development of land for a particular use or uses

4758at a specified intensity of use and which allowed development

4768activity on the land for which the development order was

4778issued" shall be deemed a final development order.

478651. Section IV.1.c. of the Ordinance provides that

"4794[a] ll final development orders shall expire in one year or

4805such shorter time as may be adopted unless it is determined

4816that substantial development has occurred and is continuing in

4825good faith."

482752. Petitioners argue that the Settlement Agreement

4834constitutes a "development order" within the meaning of the

4843foregoing provisions of the Ordinance, and because no activity

4852has occurred on the land since the Settlement Agreement was

4862approved in 1991, the development order has expired by

4871operation of the law. For the following reasons, this

4880contention has been rejected.

488453. The Settlement Agreement did not approve "the

4892development of land for a particular use or uses at a

4903specified intensity of use" and did not allow "development

4912activity on the land." Further, it did not allow the owner to

4924pull building permits and commence development on his land.

4933Rather, it simply determined which set of rules and

4942regulations (pre-1990 or post-1990) Walker had to comply with

4951in order to develop his property. Therefore, it cannot be

"4961[a] ny other development order which approved the development

4970of land for a particular use or uses at a specified intensity

4982of use and which allowed development activity on the land for

4993which the development order was issued."

499954. At the same time, a recorded subdivision such as

5009Glenwood Estates is "complete" since all necessary

5016infrastructure is in place. It has no expiration date, and no

5027further development remains to be done to show "continuing

5036good faith," as that term is used in the Ordinance.

5046Therefore, even if the Walker property technically meets the

5055definitions of an "exempt subdivision" or a "final subdivision

5064plat approval," the expiration provisions of the Ordinance

5072still do not apply.

507655. Finally, the City has never applied the expiration

5085provisions of the cited provision to terminate the exempt

5094status of a recorded subdivision, nor has it construed a

5104vested rights determination as being a "final development

5112order" within the meaning of the Ordinance. This

5120interpretation of the Ordinance is found to be reasonable, and

5130it is hereby accepted.

5134g. Equitable estoppel

513756. As noted earlier, when Walker sold the Meadowbrook

5146tract (69 acres) to Collins Brothers in 1972, he made the sale

5158contingent on his obtaining not only residential zoning for

5167the Meadowbrook tract, but also upon obtaining commercial and

5176multi-family zoning on the remainder of the tract. Thus, he

5186sold the site in reliance on his ability to develop the

5197remainder of the tract in conformance with his master plan.

520757. As a part of that sale, Walker gave the purchasers

5218credit towards the purchase price to defray one-half of the

5228cost of installing the infrastructure for the entire 100-acre

5237parcel, again in reliance on his ability to develop the

5247property. When Collins Brothers defaulted, he paid the

5255successor developer (Guardian) the money necessary to defray

5263one-half of the cost of the communal infrastructure, and he

5273paid additional funds for water and sewer taps and a storm

5284drain, again in reliance on his ability to develop the


529558. Walker also petitioned the City to annex his

5304property in the early 1980's based on a representation by the

5315City that the annexation would not affect his ability to

5325develop his property. After the annexation, Walker has

5333continued to pay property taxes to the City based upon the

5344value of the property to be developed under the property's C-1

5355and RM-2 zoning.

535859. In addition, Walker encumbered his property to

5366secure loans in reliance on his ability to develop it in

5377accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement.

538560. After the Settlement Agreement was approved, the

5393City adopted a site-specific zoning plan which impacted

5401Walker's property. Walker agreed to reduce the maximum

5409density he might otherwise have obtained through litigation in

5418reliance upon the City's representation that the Settlement

5426Agreement remained in effect and that his rights under that

5436Agreement would survive in perpetuity.

544161. Finally, Walker has entered into an option contract

5450for the sale of his property to TTK based upon the validity of

5463the Settlement Agreement. He has also expended substantial

5471monies to further that sale and to develop his site plan.

5482h. Other contentions

548562. Petitioners have also contended in their Proposed

5493Recommended Order that "[t]he creation of new lots through the

5503re-subdivision of the parent parcel [in 1989] subjects the

5512property under review to the consistency and concurrency

5520provisions in the City's 2010 Comprehensive Plan." Because

5528this contention was not raised in the initial pleading or in

5539the parties' Joint Pretrial Statement, it has been


554863. Finally, the Association points out that multiple

5556three-story apartment buildings will be constructed

5562immediately adjacent to single-family homes in the Association

5570with only an 8-foot fence and a 30-foot setback dividing the

5581two areas. In addition, its members logically fear that the

5591project will generate additional traffic, crime, and pollution

5599and result in the lowering of property values in the

5609neighborhood. It also asserts that the developer has never

5618been willing to sit down with neighborhood members and attempt

5628to compromise on any design aspect of the apartment complex.

5638While these concerns are obviously legitimate and well-

5646intended, they are not relevant to the narrow issues raised in

5657this appeal.


566264. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

5669jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties hereto

5678pursuant to Article XXIV, Sections 24.1 et. seq. , Tallahassee

5687Code of Ordinances.

569065. Section 24.3.C. provides in part that a decision of

5700the DRC

5702become[s] final fifteen (15) calendar days

5708after [it is] rendered unless a party files

5716a notice of intent to file a petition for

5725formal proceedings in accordance with the

5731bylaws and completes the application by

5737filing a petition for formal proceedings

5743within thirty (30) calendar days after the

5750decision is rendered.

575366. Here, a Notice of Intent to File a Petition for

5764Formal Proceedings and a Petition for Formal Proceedings were

5773timely filed by Petitioners. Once a standing determination is

5782made, as it was here, Section 24.3.C. provides that the

5792Commission shall "conduct [ de novo ] quasi-judicial proceedings

5801in accordance with section 24.6 below." Among other things,

5810Section 24.6.B. authorizes the Commission to "contract with

5818the Division of Administrative Hearings for [administrative

5825law judges] to conduct hearings on petitions for formal

5834proceedings filed pursuant to subsection 24.3.C. above."

584167. While Section 24.6. fails to address the burden of

5851proof in a Commission land use proceeding, the party seeking

5861approval of a Type B site plan application should logically

5871bear the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence

5882that it is entitled to approval of the application. See ,

5892e.g. , Durward Neighborhood Assoc., Inc. et al. v. City of

5902Tallahassee et al. , DOAH Case No. 98-4234 (City of Tall.-Leon

5912Cty Plan. Comm., October 5, 1999). Thus, Respondents are

5921required to present a prima facie case of entitlement, taking

5931into account the objections raised by Petitioners.

593868. In their complaint, Petitioners allege that various

5946procedural requirements in the Ordinance were not met when the

5956Settlement Agreement was executed, and therefore the

5963Settlement Agreement is not valid. More specifically, they

5971contend that the City Attorney had no authority to settle

5981pending litigation in DOAH Case No. 91-4109VR without prior

5990City approval; that the DOAH hearing officer was required to

6000conduct a de novo hearing before the vested rights

6009determination could be made; that Walker applied for common

6018law vesting in DOAH Case No. 91-4109VR, but the Settlement

6028Agreement determined that his property was presumptively

6035vested, a type of vesting different from that applied for; and

6046that the City had insufficient evidence before it to make a

6057determination that the necessary infrastructure for the

6064subdivision was in place. They also contend that the

6073Settlement Agreement is a final development order as defined

6082by the Ordinance, and because Walker failed to commence and

6092continue substantial development within one year following its

6100issuance, the development order has expired. Finally, the

6108undersigned has rejected as being untimely a contention that

6117the 1989 resubdivision of the property subjects the property

6126under review to the consistency and concurrency provisions in

6135the City's Comprehensive Plan.

613969. Initially, it is noted that virtually all of

6148Petitioners' contentions turn on a proper interpretation of

6156relevant sections of the Ordinance. As the local government

6165charged with the responsibility of interpreting and enforcing

6173the Ordinance, the City should be accorded deference in how it

6184interprets the Ordinance, unless its interpretation is shown

6192to be plainly erroneous. Compare , e.g. , Little Munyon Island

6201v. Dep't of Envir. Reg. , 492 So. 2d 735, 737 (Fla. 1st DCA

62141986) (state agency determination with regard to a statute's

6223interpretation and applicability will receive great deference

6230in the absence of clear error or conflict with legislative

6240intent). Here, the undersigned has accepted the City

6248Attorney's expert testimony as being the most persuasive on

6257this issue.

625970. Petitioners first contend that the City Attorney

6267lacked authority to settle a vested rights case without prior

6277City Commission approval. While it is true that the Ordinance

6287does not contain a specific grant of authority to the City

6298Attorney, or his designee, to settle vested rights cases, the

6308more persuasive testimony supports a conclusion that he

6316possesses such inherent authority. Indeed, the accepted

6323evidence shows that for more than 25 years, the City Attorney

6334has had the inherent authority to settle those matters having

6344no fiscal impact without prior City Commission approval.

6352There was no credible evidence to contradict this finding.

636171. Petitioners also contend that because Walker applied

6369for common law vesting, the Settlement Agreement is invalid

6378because it found the property to be presumptively vested.

6387Again, however, the more persuasive evidence shows that there

6396is no practical distinction between exempt or vested property.

6405In either case, any development on the property would be

6415reviewed as vested. Therefore, the fact that the relief

6424granted in the Settlement Agreement varied in that respect

6433from the relief sought in the application does not affect its


644572. Petitioners further contend that the Settlement

6452Agreement is invalid since the Ordinance contemplates that a

6461formal hearing on the facts underlying the approval of vested

6471rights must be held, and that a settlement by the parties does

6483not obviate the need for a hearing. As noted in the Findings

6495of Fact, however, once the parties settle a matter, there

6505would be no purpose in them going through the hearing process

6516except to announce to the tribunal that the matter had

6526settled. Were this not so, the parties would be required to

6537expend time, money, and resources when no disputed issue of

6547fact existed. Such a construction of the Ordinance is

6556illogical and unreasonable and would produce an absurd result.

6565Finally, the undersigned notes that Leon County, which has an

6575identical vesting ordinance and shares the Planning Department

6583with the City, has construed its ordinance in the same manner

6594and settled at least two vesting cases without a formal

6604hearing. See DOAH Case Nos. 91-0355VR and 91-4106VR.

661273. Petitioners next contend that because the on-site

6620infrastructure for the individual apartment buildings was not

6628complete as of July 16, 1990, the property cannot qualify for

6639vesting. Again, the more persuasive evidence shows that in

6648order to satisfy the Ordinance, only the infrastructure

6656necessary to serve the subdivision is required. Here, the

6665record clearly demonstrates that the stormwater drain, water

6673and sewer utilities, and Riggins Road were complete well

6682before the cut-off date for vesting.

668874. Petitioners' final contention is that the Settlement

6696Agreement constitutes a final development order within the

6704meaning of the Ordinance, and that it expired one year after

6715issuance because there was no continuous construction on the

6724site. Although the Ordinance is not a model of clarity in

6735this respect, for the reasons set forth in Findings of Fact

674650-55, this argument must also fail.

675275. In light of the above conclusions, it is unnecessary

6762to reach the issues of whether the City is equitably estopped

6773to deny the validity of the Settlement Agreement or, assuming

6783that the Settlement Agreement is invalid, Walker would now

6792qualify for vesting.

679576. Finally, Petitioners should not be faulted for

6803bringing this action. Their concerns were genuine and well-

6812founded, for few, if any, homeowners relish the thought of

6822having a 416-unit apartment complex in their back yard. Under

6832the circumstances presented here, however, no relief is



6842Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

6851of Law, it is

6855RECOMMENDED that the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning

6861Commission enter a final order granting the Type B site plan

6872review application filed by George K. Walker which determined

6881that his property is presumptively vested.

6887DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of February, 2001, in

6897Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6905Administrative Law Judge

6908Division of Administrative Hearings

6912The DeSoto Building

69151230 Apalachee Parkway

6918Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

6921(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

6925Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


6930Filed with the Clerk of the

6936Division of Administrative Hearings

6940this 8th day of February, 2001.


6948Kenneth D. Goldberg, Esquire

69521725 Mahan Drive, Suite 201

6957Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5201

6960Linda R. Hurst, Esquire

6964City Hall, Second Floor

6968300 South Adams Street

6972Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1731

6975Jay Adams, Esquire

6978Broad and Cassel

6981215 South Monroe Street, Suite 400

6987Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1804

6990Jean Gregory, Clerk

6993Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission

6997City Hall

6999300 South Adams Street

7003Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1731


7012All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

702215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

7032exceptions to this Recommended Order should be filed with the

7042agency that will issue the final order in this matter.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/27/2002
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/20/2001
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/08/2001
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held January 5, 2001) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Transcript (Volumes 1 and 2) filed.
Date: 01/23/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript filed.
Date: 01/22/2001
Proceedings: City of Tallahassee`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed by via facsimile).
Date: 01/22/2001
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order of Respondents George K. Walker, Trustee, Genesis Group, and TTK, L.L.C. with diskette filed.
Date: 01/22/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order with diskette filed.
Date: 01/22/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/18/2001
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript filed.
Date: 01/16/2001
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 01/05/2001
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 01/02/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Second Amended Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/02/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Amended Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/11/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for January 5, 2001, 9:00 a.m. at the previously designated location; Motion in Limine denied).
Date: 12/08/2000
Proceedings: Respondent, City of Tallahassee`s Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 12/07/2000
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibit List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Motion in Limine filed by Petitioners.
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Deposition (of Glenn Berman) filed.
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition of Glenn Berman filed.
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (on Petitioner`s Motion in Limine, Friday, December 8, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.) filed.
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Joint Pretrial Statement filed.
Date: 12/05/2000
Proceedings: Deposition (of Dwight R. Arnold, Jr.) filed.
Date: 12/05/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition of Dwight R. Arnold, Jr. filed.
Date: 12/05/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition of James R. English and Wade Pitt filed.
Date: 11/29/2000
Proceedings: Deposition (of Wade Pitt) filed.
Date: 11/29/2000
Proceedings: Deposition (of James R. English) filed.
Date: 11/21/2000
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing issued (hearing set for December 11, 2000, 9:00 a.m., Tallahassee, Fl.).
Date: 11/20/2000
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Petitioners via facsimile).
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: City of Tallahassee`s Notice of Serving Answers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: City of Tallahassee`s Response to Request for Admissions (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/02/2000
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions issued.
Date: 11/02/2000
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Hearing issued. (hearing set for November 29, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL, amended as to Date).
Date: 11/01/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 10/30/2000
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance (filed by Petitioners via facsimile).
Date: 10/27/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing issued (hearing set for November 21, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/27/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition and Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association, Inc., V. Cordiano, L. Hill, A. Sulkes, P. Bennett, V. Harper, C. McDonald (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/27/2000
Proceedings: Response to First Request for Admissions (filed by Respondents via facsimile).
Date: 10/27/2000
Proceedings: Response to First Set of Interrogatories (filed by Respondents via facsimile).
Date: 10/25/2000
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion issued.
Date: 10/19/2000
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from K. Golberg In re: enclosing a memo from L. Hurst regarding the right to affected persons to seek planning commission review of a vested rights determination during site plan review filed.
Date: 10/19/2000
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from S. Upchurch In re: enclosing documents pertaining to certain vested rights issues filed.
Date: 10/13/2000
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Dismiss (filed by Petitioners via facsimile).
Date: 10/13/2000
Proceedings: Request for Official Recognition filed by Respondents.
Date: 10/09/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner`s First Set of Admissions to Respondent City of Tallahassee and to Respondents George Walker, Trustee, Genesis Group and TTK, L.L.C. filed.
Date: 10/04/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioners` First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent City of Tallahassee and Respondents George Walker, Trustee, Genesis Group, and TTK, L.L.C. filed.
Date: 10/03/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (filed by J. Adams via facsimile).
Date: 10/03/2000
Proceedings: Joint Response to Revised Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/25/2000
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/20/2000
Proceedings: Evergreen at Mahan Initial Record filed.
Date: 09/20/2000
Proceedings: City of Tallahassee Land Use Compliance Certificate filed.
Date: 09/20/2000
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings filed.
Date: 09/20/2000
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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