09-006876 Guarantee Insurance Company vs. Department Of Financial Services, Division Of Workers' Compensation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, June 17, 2010.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent and Intervenor established that the proper billing code was used, consistent with the agency's long-standing interpretation of its rule.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. )

18) Case No. 09-6876





34Respondent, )


37and )






55Intervenor. )



60A final hearing was conducted in this case on March 24

71and 25, 2010, in Tallahassee, Florida, before Barbara J. Staros,

81Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



91For Petitioner: Cindy R. Galen, Esquire

97Eraclides, Johns, Hall, Gelman

101Johannssen & Goodman, LLP

1052030 Bee Ridge Road

109Sarasota, Florida 34239

112For Respondent: Mari H. McCully, Esquire

118Cynthia Jakeman, Esquire

121Department of Financial Services

125Division of Workers’ Compensation

129200 East Gaines Street

133Tallahassee, Florida 32399

136For Intervenor: Richard M. Ellis, Esquire

142Rutledge, Ecenia & Purnell, P.A.

147119 South Monroe, Suite 202

152Post Office Box 551

156Tallahassee, Florida 32302


163The issue is what is the correct amount of workers’

173compensation reimbursement to Aventura Medical Center for

180emergency services rendered to patient J.R. for a work-related



192On November 18, 2009, the Department of Financial Services,

201Division of Workers’ Compensation (the Department) issued a

209Workers’ Compensation Medical Services Reimbursement Dispute

215Determination (the Determination) pursuant to Section 440.13(7),

222Florida Statutes, finding that Guarantee Insurance Company

229(Guarantee) must reimburse Aventura Hospital and Medical Center

237(Aventura) a total amount of $7,408.10 for services rendered to

248injured employee J.R.

251Petitioners Guarantee and Qmedtrix Systems, Inc. (Qmedtrix)

258timely filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing challenging

266the Determination.

268The Petition was transmitted to the Division of

276Administrative Hearings on or about December 18, 2009. Aventura

285filed a Petition to Intervene, which was granted. A telephonic

295motion hearing was held on March 5, 2010. Following the

305hearing, the undersigned entered an Order on Pending Motions

314which denied the Department’s Motion for Summary Recommended

322Order, granted Petitioners’ Motion to Redact Public Information

330from Exhibits, and granted Petitioner’s Motion to Amend. As a

340result, the style of the case was amended to reflect that

351Qmedtrix was no longer a party in this proceeding, and that

362Guarantee became the sole Petitioner. Aventura’s Unopposed

369Motion for taking Official Recognition was granted.

376The case proceeded to hearing as scheduled on March 24 and

38725, 2010. Case numbers 09-6875 and 09-6877 were heard

396simultaneously with this case, but the three cases were not

406consolidated. Separate Recommended Orders will be entered for

414those related cases.

417At hearing, Aventura presented the testimony of Allan W.

426March, M.D. Aventura offered Exhibits numbered 8 through 14,

43524, 25, 27, and 28, which were admitted into evidence. The

446Department adopted Aventura’s case-in-chief as its own.

453Petitioner presented the testimony of William von Sydow and

462David Perlman, M.D. Petitioner’s Exhibits numbered 1, 5, 10,

47115, 16, 19, 20, 21, and 28 were admitted into evidence. Rulings

483were reserved on Petitioner’s Exhibits 8, 9 and 18. Upon

493consideration, Petitioner’s Exhibits 8, 9 and 18 are rejected. 1/

503Petitioner's Exhibit 7 was proffered.

508A four-volume transcript was filed on April 12, 2010. The

518parties timely filed Proposed Recommended Orders which have been

527duly considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


5391. Petitioner, Guarantee, is a carrier within the meaning

548of Subsections 440.02(4) and (38), Florida Statutes, and Florida

557Administrative Code Rule 69L-7.602(1)(w).

5612. Respondent, the Department, is charged with the review

570and resolution of disputes regarding the payment of providers by

580carriers for medical services rendered to injured workers. The

589Department has exclusive jurisdiction to decide reimbursement

596disputes. § 440.13(7) and (11)(c), Fla. Stat.

6033. Intervenor, Aventura, is a health care provider within

612the meaning of Subsections 440.13(1)(h), Florida Statutes.

619Aventura is an acute care hospital located in Aventura, Miami-

629Dade County, Florida.

6324. On May 27, 2009, Aventura provided emergency services

641to the patient J.R., a 41-year-old male, who was injured at his

653place of work. J.R. was examined by Aventura’s emergency

662department physician. He received two Computed Tomography

669received a urinalysis, a complete blood count (CBC), and an

679X-ray of his left side and ribs. J.R. was discharged after

690these tests.

6925. Aventura’s total charges for J.R.’s outpatient

699emergency services were $9,877.47. Aventura submitted its claim

708for reimbursement using the standard “uniform billing” form,

716UB-04. The UB-04 sets out each service provided to J.R., the

727individual charge for each service, and the total charge. The

737individual services on the UB-04 submitted for patient J.R. are

747listed as follows: comprehensive metabolic; assay lipase;

754amylase syrum; automated hemocram; urinalysis; X-ray of the ribs

763and chest; X-ray of the abdomen; contrast CT scan of the pelvis;

775contrast CT scan of the abdomen; the emergency department visit

785itself, and low osmolar contrast media (LOCM).

7926. Aventura’s claim was received by MCMC, an organization

801described as a “third-party administrator,” and was referred in

811turn to Qmedtrix. Qmedtrix is a medical bill-review agent

820located in Portland, Oregon. Qmedtrix performs bill review by

829referral from carriers and third-party administrators, and

836performed a bill review for Guarantee of the bill submitted by

847Aventura. For its compensation, Qmedtrix is paid a percentage

856of the difference, if any, between the amount billed by the

867facility and the amount paid by the carrier.

8757. Following Qmedtrix’ review, Aventura received a check

883from Guarantee in the amount of $6,987.21, along with an

894“Explanation of Medical Benefits” review (EOBR), which is

902required to be sent along with the bill payment.

9118. The EOBR sets out the 11 individual components of

921Aventura’s claim, and indicates that the first nine were

930approved for reimbursement at 75 percent of the charge billed by

941Aventura. The tenth component is the charge for the emergency

951department visit itself. For that charge, Aventura billed

959$722.00, of which 75 per cent would be $541.50. The EOBR

970indicates the corresponding 25 percent discount from billed

978charges ($180.50) under a column entitled “MRA,” and indicates

988further that an additional reduction of $143.28 was applied,

997leaving an approved payment of $398.22 for the emergency room

1007component of the claim. The additional reduction of $143.28 is

1017under a column entitled “Ntwk Redc,” and the narrative

1027explanation under the total payment states, ”The network

1035discount shown above is based on your contract with the

1045network.” Guarantee conceded at hearing that there was no

1054contract applicable to the claim. The eleventh and last

1063component is the charge for the LOCM, which was completely

1073disallowed with the explanation, “Correction to a Prior Claim.”

1082The EOBR also has references to “convalescent care” and “PIP

1092days,” neither of which apply to Aventura’s claim.

11019. The EOBR indicates a “procedure code” of 99283. The

1111UB-04 submitted by Aventura also used the code 99283. This code

1122is among five codes that are used by hospitals to bill emergency

1134department visits based on “level” of intensity rendered. These

1143codes are taken from the American Medical Association’s Current

1152Procedural Terminology (or CPT), a coding system developed for

1161physician billing, not for hospitals. Over the years, these CPT

1171codes were adopted by hospitals for billing emergency department

1180visits. Emergency department services are billed with CPT codes

118999281 through 99285.

119210. After receiving the payment and EOBR, Aventura timely

1201filed a Petition for Resolution of Reimbursement Dispute, with

1210attachments, to the Department. Aventura alleged in its

1218Petition that the correct reimbursement amount owed was

1226$7,408.10, leaving an underpayment of $420.89.

123311. Qmedtrix, acting as Guarantee’s representative, then

1240filed Guarantee’s Response to Petition for Resolution of

1248Reimbursement Dispute and attachments with the Department.

125512. Attached to the Response was a letter from Mr. von

1266Sydow dated November 9, 2009. The letter asserted that the

1276correct payment to the hospital (Aventura) should be determined

1285on an average of usual and customary charges for all providers

1296in a given geographic area, rather than the hospital’s usual and

1307customary charges. As authority, Mr. von Sydow cites the case

1317of One Beacon Insurance v. Agency for Health Care

1326Administration , 958 So. 2d 1127 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007). The letter

1337also requested that the Department “scrutinize the bill in

1346question in order to determine, first, whether the hospital in

1356fact charged its usual charge for the services provided and,

1366second, whether the billed charges are in line with the

1376customary charges of other facilities in the community.”

138413. The letter further alleges that the hospital “upcoded”

1393the emergency room visit, billing using CPT code 99283,

1402asserting that the proper billing code should have been 99282.

1412The letter concludes that the amount paid, $398.22, for the

1422emergency department visit is closer to the “usual and

1431customary” charges that Qmedtrix asserts, on behalf of

1439Guarantee, is applicable to the claim.

144514. On November 18, 2009, the Department issued its

1454Determination. The Determination states in pertinent part:

1461The 2006 HRM , Section 12.,A., vests specific

1469authority in the carrier to review the

1476hospital’s Charge Master to verify charges

1482on the itemized statement and to disallow

1489reimbursement for specifically itemized

1493services that do not appear to be medically

1501necessary. No documentation submitted

1505indicates the carrier elected to exercise

1511this option. Moreover, the carrier did not

1518allege that any service was deemed not

1525“medically necessary” or that the charges

1531present on the DWC-90 failed to match the

1539charges on the provider’s Charge Master.

1545Therefore, the OMS finds the charges billed

1552by the hospital are the hospital’s usual and

1560customary charges.

1562The 2006 HRM provides for reimbursement of

1569emergency room services at seventy-five

1574percent (75%) of the hospital’s usual and

1581customary charges. Whereas, the carrier

1586failed to substantiate is [sic] adjustments

1592and disallowances of reimbursement on the

1598EOBR and the hospital’s billed charges are

1605accepted as the hospital’s billed charges

1611are accepted as the hospital’s usual and

1618customary charges, the OMS determines

1623correct total reimbursement equals $7,408.10

1629($9,877.47 x 0.75).

163315. The determination letter also informed Guarantee of

1641its right to an administrative hearing. Guarantee timely filed

1650a Request for Administrative Hearing, which gave rise to this



166616. As mentioned above, Aventura reported the emergency

1674department visit using CPT Code 99283. No one from the hospital

1685testified but Aventura’s expert, Allan W. March, M.D., reviewed

1694Aventura’s hospital record for J.R.

169917. Dr. March is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Johns

1710Hopkins University Medical School. He has extensive experience

1718in, among other things, hospital physician practice and

1726utilization review. Dr. March describes utilization as the

1734oversight of medical care to affirm that it is appropriate,

1744cost-effective, and medically necessary. Dr. March has worked

1752as an emergency department physician and has personally treated

1761upwards of 5,000 workers’ compensation patients. Dr. March

1770testified on behalf of Intervenor and Respondent.

177718. Dr. March described J.R. from the hospital record as


1788This is a 41-year-old male who was kicked in

1797the flank one week prior to his presentation

1805to the emergency department, while engaged

1811in a fight, and was seen immediately prior

1819to his appearance in the emergency

1825department by a workers’ compensation

1830physician, who referred the patient to the

1837emergency department noting a stat referral,

1843meaning that he wanted that patient

1849evaluated within the hour.

1853Dr. March reviewed Aventura’s hospital record for J.R. to

1862analyze whether Aventura appropriately used CPT code 99283.

187019. Dr. March explained that Aventura’s selection of CPT

1879code 99283 for the UB-04 was, in all likelihood, due to a

1891particular reference in J.R.’s patient record. Specifically, in

1899that section of the record indicating “Permanent Medical Record

1908Copy” at the bottom of each page, page 6 reflects an entry made

1921on May 29, 2009, which was two days after the services were

1933rendered. The May 29, 2009, entry was made by the emergency

1944physician to assign a level for emergency physician services,

1953for physician services and not for facility services, it would

1963have been used by Aventura’s hospital coder in the absence of an

1975emergency department charge sheet adopting the widely used

1983guidelines from the American College of Emergency Physicians

1991(ACEP Guidelines).” Aventura used an alternate methodology of

1999determining the severity level of the patient, in which the

2009coder would have used the complexity of the medical evaluation

2019by the physician.

202220. Under the ACEP guidelines, the CPT code level assigned

2032is always the highest level at which a minimum of one “possible

2044intervention” is found. In this case, Dr. March determined that

2054two CT scans were ordered by the physician and performed by the

2066hospital, which substantiates the use of a 99284 code under the

2077ACEP Guidelines. Thus, Dr. March determined that Aventura could

2086have justified the use of CPT code 99284, which is higher than

2098the 99283 CPT code assigned by Aventura, had the ACEP guidelines

2109been used.

211121. Dr. March further explained that the separate charge

2120for the emergency visit is intended to compensate the hospital

2130for “evaluation and Management” costs not captured in other line

2140items. According to Mr. March, the separate charge does not

2150duplicate charges for specific procedures rendered, such as a CT


216122. The claim submitted by Aventura was sent to Qmedtrix

2171for a bill review. Its data elements were first entered into

2182The software placed Aventura’s claim on hold for manual review.

2192The claim was then manually reviewed by Mr. von Sydow, Director

2203of National Dispute Resolution for Qmedtrix.

220923. Although his educational background is in law,

2217Mr. von Sydow is a certified coder certified by the American

2228Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Mr. von

2235Sydow determined in his bill review that Aventura should have

2245used code 99282 instead of 99283.

225124. Mr. von Sydow supported his conclusion that CPT code

226199282 is the appropriate code for the emergency department visit

2271by comparing the procedure codes and diagnosis codes reported by

2281the hospital with examples of appropriate billing for emergency

2290department services in the CPT code handbook. Mr. von Sydow

2300concluded that the hospital’s billing with CPT code 99283 was

2310not appropriate and that the hospital should have billed with

2320CPT code 99282. Mr. von Sydow also calculated that while the

2331hospital billed $722 with CPT code 99283, its usual and

2341customary charge for a visit billed with 99282 is $600.

235125. Moreover, Mr. von Sydow referenced a study by American

2361Hospital Association (AHA) and AHIMA, which suggests that

2369hospitals should count the number and kind of interventions to

2379approximate the CPT factors, but that a hospital should not

2389include in this count interventions or procedures, such as CTs

2399or X-rays, which the hospital bills separately. He further

2408acknowledged that the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

2417Services (CMS) allow hospitals to use their own methodology in

2427applying the CPT codes.

243126. David Perlman, M.D., received his undergraduate degree

2439from Brown University and his medical degree from the University

2449of Oregon. He has considerable experience as an emergency room

2459physician. For the past six years, he has worked for Qmedtrix

2470initially doing utilization review and as its medical director

2479since 2005. Dr. Perlman testified on behalf of Guarantee.

248827. Dr. Perlman is also familiar with the ACEP guidelines

2498referenced by Dr. March and the AHA/AHIMA study relied upon by

2509Mr. von Sydow. He is also familiar with the CPT code handbook.

2521Dr. Perlman suggested that the use of the ACEP guidelines could

2532result in reimbursement essentially already provided in a

2540separate line-item. He agrees with the methodology recommended

2548by the AMA/AHIMA study. That is, counting the number and kind

2559of interventions or procedures to approximate the CPT book’s

2568factors to consider in selecting the code billed for emergency

2578department services, but not including in this count

2586interventions or procedures, such as CTs or X-rays, which the

2596hospital bills separately.

259928. In Dr. Perlman’s opinion, J.R.’s injuries supported

2607the assignment of CPT code 99283 as designated by Aventura.

2617Dr. Perlman agreed with Dr. March’s opinion that Aventura could

2627have billed at a higher level (99284), but not based on the

2639number and kind of interventions or procedures. Dr. Perlman

2648instead referenced examples in the ACEP guidelines.

265529. Dr. Perlman acknowledged that hospitals are free to

2664use the ACEP guidelines and that many hospitals do so.

267430. Both Drs. March and Perlman are of the opinion that

2685Aventura’s use of CPT code 99283 was appropriate, and further

2695agreed that Aventura could have assigned the higher code of

270599284. Therefore, coding J.R.’s emergency department visit as

271399283 by Aventura was appropriate.


272131. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2728jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

2738case pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

2746Statutes (2009).

274832. This proceeding, like all other proceedings conducted

2756under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, is de novo in nature.

2766See § 120.57(1)(k), Fla. Stat.

277133. Generally, unless there is a statute which provides

2780otherwise, the party asserting the affirmative of an issue has

2790the burden of proof. See Department of Transportation v. J.W.C.

2800Co. , Inc., 396 So. 2d at 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Balino v.

2813Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d 349

2823(Fla. 1st DCA 1977). It was Aventura which petitioned the

2833Department for affirmative relief and agency action, i.e. , a

2842determination that the Petitioner improperly disallowed payment.

2849See § 440.13(7)(a). Accordingly, Aventura, as the health care

2858provider which is asserting entitlement to reimbursement for

2866medical services provided to J.R., has the burden of proving

2876that the charges for the services provided do not constitute


288734. The standard of proof is a preponderance of the

2897evidence. See § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

290335. This case involves a reimbursement dispute under

2911Section 440.13(7), Florida Statutes (2009). Section 440.13,

2918Florida Statutes, reads in pertinent part:

2924(6) UTILIZATION REVIEW--Carriers shall

2928review all bills, invoices, and other claims

2935for payment submitted by health care

2941providers in order to identify

2946overutilization and billing errors,

2950including compliance with practice

2954parameters and protocols of treatment . . .

2962If a carrier finds that overutilization of

2969medical services or a billing error has

2976occurred, or there is a violation of the

2984practice parameters and protocols of

2989treatment established in accordance with

2994this chapter, it must disallow or adjust

3001payment for such services or error without

3008order of a judge of compensation claims or

3016the department, if the carrier, in making

3023its determination, has complied with this

3029section and rules adopted by the agency.


3041(a) Any health care provider . . . who

3050elects to contest the disallowance or

3056adjustment of payment by a carrier under

3063subsection (6) must, within 30 days after

3070receipt of notice of disallowance or

3076adjustment of payment, petition the agency

3082to resolve the dispute. The petitioner must

3089serve a copy of the petition on the carrier

3098and on all affected parties by certified

3105mail. The petition must be accompanied by

3112all documents and records that support the

3119allegations contained in the petition.

3124Failure of a petitioner to submit such

3131documentation to the agency results in

3137dismissal of the petition.

3141(b) The carrier must submit to the

3148department within 10 days after receipt of

3155the petition all documentation

3159substantiating the carrier's disallowance or

3164adjustment. Failure of the carrier to

3170timely submit the requested documentation to

3176the agency within 10 days constitutes a

3183waiver of all objections to the petition.

3190(c) Within 60 days after receipt of all

3198documentation, the department must provide

3203to the petitioner, the carrier, and the

3210affected parties a written determination of

3216whether the carrier properly adjusted or

3222disallowed payment. The department must be

3228guided by standards and policies set forth

3235in this chapter, including all applicable

3241reimbursement schedules, practice

3244parameters, and protocols of treatment, in

3250rendering its determination.

3253(d) If the department finds an improper

3260disallowance or improper adjustment of

3265payment by an insurer, the insurer shall

3272reimburse the health care provider,

3277facility, insurer, or employer within 30

3283days, subject to the penalties provided in

3290this subsection.

3292(e) The department shall adopt rules to

3299carry out this subsection. . . .

3306* * *

3309(11) AUDITS.--

3311(c) The department has exclusive

3316jurisdiction to decide any matters

3321concerning reimbursement, to resolve any

3326overutilization dispute under subsection

3330(7). . . .

3334* * *



3347(a) A three member panel is created. . .

3356[which] shall determine statewide schedules

3361of maximum reimbursement allowances for

3366medically necessary treatment, care, and

3371attendance by physicians, hospitals,. . .

3378All compensable charges for hospital

3383outpatient care shall be at 75 percent of

3391usual and customary charges , except as

3397otherwise provided by this subsection.. . .

3404(emphasis supplied)

340636. Thus, subsection (6) requires carriers to review all

3415bills for payment submitted by health care providers for errors.

3425Subsection (7) sets forth the procedure for resolving disputes

3434concerning payments for services rendered to injured workers.

344237. Pursuant to Subsection 440.13(7)(e), Florida Statutes,

3449the Department has adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 69L-

34587.501 which incorporates by reference the Reimbursement Manual

3466for Hospitals, 2006 Edition (the manual), which provides in

3475pertinent part:

3477Section X: Outpatient Reimbursement

3481A. Reimbursement Amount.

3484Except as otherwise provided in this

3490Section, hospital charges for services and

3496supplies provided on an outpatient basis

3502shall be reimbursed at seventy-five percent

3508(75%) of usual and customary charges for

3515medically necessary services and supplies,

3520and shall be subject to verification and

3527adjustment in accordance with Sections XI

3533and XII of this Manual. [2/]

353938. At issue in this proceeding is whether reimbursement

3548to Aventura should be based upon the individual’s hospital’s

3557usual charge or should instead be based upon the usual and

3568customary charge of all hospitals within the same geographic

3577area. Relying primarily on One Beacon Insurance v. Agency for

3587Health Care Administration , supra , Petitioner argues that

3594reimbursement should be based upon the usual and customary

3603charge in the community. In its Petition for Administrative

3612Hearing, Guarantee contends that the Department “misinterpreted

3619and misapplied Rule 69L-7.501, F.A.C. . . . [Hospital Manual]

3629contrary to the provisions of Section 440.13(12), Fla. Stat.


363939. The Department has consistently applied the 2006

3647Manual to refer to the individual hospital’s “usual and

3656customary charges.” ( See cases officially recognized referenced

3664in and attached to Aventura’s Unopposed Motion for taking

3673Official Recognition.)

367540. Until determined otherwise in a Section 120.56,

3683Florida Statutes, rule challenge proceeding, Florida

3689Administrative Code Rule 69L-7.501 is presumptively valid. Any

3697determination that a duly promulgated rule is contrary to a

3707statute is beyond the authority of the undersigned and is within

3718the purview of an appellate court. See Clemons v. State Risk

3729Management Trust Fund , 870 So. 2d 881, 884 (Fla. 1st DCA 2004)

3741(Benton, J., concurring). Accord , Amerisure Mutual Insurance

3748Company v. Agency for Health Care Administration , DOAH Case

3757No. 07-1755 (Order relinquishing Jurisdiction and Closing File,

3765January 23, 2008) (Quattlebaum, A.L.J.); FFVA Mutual v. Agency

3774for Health Care Administration , DOAH Case. No. 07-5414 (Order,

3783March 26, 2008) (Wetherell, A.L.J.).


3789Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3799Law, it is


3803That the Department of Financial Services, Division of

3811Workers' Compensation, enter a Final Order requiring Petitioner

3819to remit payment to Aventura consistent with the Determination

3828Letter dated November 18, 2009, and Section 440.13(7)(c),

3836Florida Statutes.

3838DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of June, 2010, in

3848Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3856Administrative Law Judge

3859Division of Administrative Hearings

3863The DeSoto Building

38661230 Apalachee Parkway

3869Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3872(850) 488-9675

3874Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3879Filed with the Clerk of the

3885Division of Administrative Hearings

3889this 17th day of June, 2010.


38961/ As to Exhibits 8 and 9, Respondent/Intervenors’ relevancy

3905objections are sustained. The witness testified that he did not

3915rely on these documents to form his opinion. Regarding Exhibit

392518, Respondent/Intervenor argue that Section 90.956 was not

3933complied with in that Petitioner did not comply with the

3943requirement of Section 90.956, Florida Statutes, in that the

3952originals or duplicates of the data from which the summary is

3963compiled was not made available; and that it is impractical and

3974may be impossible to make available the thousands of individual

3984hospital claims that underlie the summaries sought to be

3993admitted. Petitioner argues that it offered to make available

4002the “underlying data” in so far as the data is part of several

4015sources of data for which the amount paid is based. However,

4026what Guarantee cannot do is make available the actual data used

4037by AHD in its summaries. Allowing access to Qmedtrix’ data and

4048providing links to other data sources does not equate to

4058providing access to the underlying data used by AHD in compiling

4069the summaries sought to be introduced by Guarantee. No one from

4080AHD, the entity which compiled the data submitted by various

4090hospitals to the federal government, testified. No one from the

4100reporting hospitals testified. Mr. von Sydow’s testimony cannot

4108be used as a conduit for impermissible hearsay statements to be

4119admitted as evidence. Gerber v. Iyengar , 725 So. 2d 1181 (Fla.

41303rd DCA 1998). Further, this data is uncorroborated and,

4139therefore, is not sufficient in itself to support a finding of

4150fact as contemplated by Section 120.57(1)(c), Florida Statutes.

4158Whether Mr. von Sydow can rely on these facts in forming

4169his opinion is another matter. Petitioner argues that even if

4179the data is inadmissible, Mr. von Sydow may rely on this data to

4192form his opinion, citing Section 90.704, Florida Statutes. Upon

4201review of the record, the undersigned finds that the data are of

4213a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the subject in

4224forming their opinions. Accordingly, Respondent/Intervenor’s

4229motion to strike Mr. Von Sydow’s testimony in this regard is


42412/ The “verification and adjustment in accordance with Sections

4250XI and XII” of the Manual is not applicable in this case.


4265Cindy R. Galen, Esquire

4269Eraclides, Johns, Hall, Gelman

4273Johannssen & Goodman, LLP

42772030 Bee Ridge Road

4281Sarasota, Florida 34239

4284Mari H. McCully, Esquire

4288Cynthia Jakeman, Esquire

4291Department of Financial Services

4295Division of Workers’ Compensation

4299200 East Gaines Street

4303Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4306Richard M. Ellis, Esquire

4310Rutledge, Ecenia & Purnell, P.A.

4315119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202

4321Post Office Box 551

4325Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4328Julie Jones, CP, FRP, Agency Clerk

4334Department of Financial Services

4338Division of Legal Services

4342200 East Gaines Street

4346Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4349Benjamin Diamond, General Counsel

4353Department of Financial Services

4357The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

4362Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4365Honorable Alex Sink

4368Chief Financial Officer

4371Department of Financial Services

4375The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

4380Tallahassee, Florida 32399


4389All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

439915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4410to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4421will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 09/29/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/29/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/29/2010
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Exceptions to DOAH Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/17/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/17/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 24-25, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/17/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/01/2010
Proceedings: Written Report and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/01/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (of Non-final Written Report and Recommended Order) filed.
Date: 04/22/2010
Proceedings: Proposed Order Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/22/2010
Proceedings: Joint Proposed Recommended Order of Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation and Miami Beach Healthcare Group, LTD., d/b/a Aventura Hospital and Medical Center filed.
Date: 03/24/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Department and Aventura's Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unilateral Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/19/2010
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Taking Official Recognition filed.
Date: 03/16/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/16/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Aventura's Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Aventura's Witness List filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 03/05/2010
Proceedings: Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 02/26/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for March 5, 2010; 10:00 a.m.).
Date: 02/18/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Department's Amended Memorandum in Support and Motion for Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal filed.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Aventura's First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Aventura's First set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Aventura's First set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion to Redact Public Information from Exhibits to Petitioners Response to Order, Response to Intervenor's Request to Dismiss and Motion to Amend filed.
Date: 02/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Answers to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Respondent's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 02/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/15/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service filed.
Date: 02/15/2010
Proceedings: Department's Amended Notice of Filing Discovery Responses filed.
Date: 02/12/2010
Proceedings: Department's Memornadum in Support and Motion for Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal filed.
Date: 02/12/2010
Proceedings: Department's Notice of Filing Discovery Responses.
Date: 02/12/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners Response to Order, Response to Intervenor's Request to Dismiss and Motion to Amend (attachments not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/04/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service filed.
Date: 02/02/2010
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 01/29/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene.
Date: 01/27/2010
Proceedings: Reply to Petitioners Response to Aventra Hospital and Medical Center's Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/27/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners Response to Aventura and Medical Center's Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/12/2010
Proceedings: Aventura Hospital and Medical Center's Notice of Consent to Venue filed.
Date: 01/11/2010
Proceedings: Aventura Hospital and Medical Center's Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/08/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/08/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 24 and 25, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/06/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Propounding Discovery Upon Petitioners filed.
Date: 01/05/2010
Proceedings: Department's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/29/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/21/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/21/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Litigation filed.
Date: 12/18/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 12/18/2009
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 12/18/2009
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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