09-000153TTS Palm Beach County School Board vs. Karen Gadson
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, April 13, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner had "just cause" under the collective bargaining agreement to terminate Respondent for excessive absenteeism.





15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 09-0153




28Respondent. )



33Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted in this case

43pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, on February 27,

522009, by video teleconference at sites in West Palm Beach and

63Tallahassee, Florida, before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly-designated

71Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

79Hearings (DOAH).


82For Petitioner: Sonia E. Hill-Howard, Esquire

88Palm Beach County School Board

933318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302

99West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

104For Respondent: Karen Gadson

1081711 Wedgewood Plaza Drive

112Riviera Beach, Florida 33404


120Whether Respondent's employment should be terminated for

127the reasons set forth in the Petition.


136By letter dated November 21, 2008, the Palm Beach County

146Superintendent of Schools (Superintendent) notified Respondent

152that, at the December 3, 2008, meeting of the Palm Beach County

164School Board (School Board), he would be recommending to the

174School Board that it terminate Respondent's employment as a

183custodian. The letter further advised Respondent of her right

192to "request[] a hearing before the Division of Administrative

201Hearings (DOAH)." Respondent subsequently requested such a

208hearing. On January 12, 2009, the matter was referred to DOAH

219for the assignment of an administrative law judge to conduct the

230hearing Respondent had requested. Among the documents

237transmitted to DOAH by the School Board was a Petition prepared

248by the School Board's counsel of record and served on

258Respondent. The Petition alleged that Respondent's record of

266absenteeism warranted her termination

270As noted above, the final hearing in this case was held on

282February 27, 2009. Five witnesses testified at the hearing:

291Cheryl Lombard, Robert Pinkos, Claudia Robbins, Angelette Green,

299and Respondent. In addition to the testimony of these five

309witnesses, 30 exhibits (Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 3, 5

318through 13, and 17 through 34) were offered and received into


330After the close of the evidentiary portion of the hearing,

340the undersigned, on the record, established a deadline (15 days

350from the date of the filing of the hearing transcript with DOAH)

362for the filing of proposed recommended orders.

369The Transcript of the hearing (consisting of one volume)

378was filed with DOAH on March 20, 2009.

386On April 6, 2009, the School Board filed its Proposed

396Recommended Order. To date, Respondent has not filed any post-

406hearing submittal.


411Based on the evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the

422record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made:

4331. The School Board is responsible for the operation,

442control, and supervision of all public schools (grades K through

45212) in Palm Beach County, including Boca Raton Community High

462School (BRCHS).

4642. Respondent is employed by the School Board as a

474custodian, but is currently under suspension pending the outcome

483of these proceedings.

4863. As a custodian employed by the School Board, Respondent

496is a member of a collective bargaining unit represented by the

507SEIU/Florida Public Services Union (SEIU) and covered by a

516collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and

524SEIU (SEIU Contract).

5274. Article 7 of the SEIU Contract is entitled, "Employees

537Contractual Rights." Section 2 of this article provides as


5471. Upon successful completion of the

553probationary period by the employee, the

559employee status shall be continuous unless

565the Superintendent terminates the employee

570for reasons stated in Article 17 -

577Discipline of Employees (Progressive


5822. In the event the Superintendent seeks

589termination of a continuous employee, the

595School Board may suspend the employee with

602or without pay. The employee shall receive

609written notice and shall have the

615opportunity to formally appeal the

620termination. The appeals process shall be

626determined in accordance with Article 17 -

633Discipline of Employees (Progressive


6385. Article 8 of the SEIU Contract is entitled, "Management

648Rights," and it provides, in pertinent part, that the School

658Board has the right "to manage and direct its employees,

668establish reasonable rules and procedures, take disciplinary

675action for proper cause, and relieve its employees from duty

685because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons."

6956. Article 17 of the SEIU Contract provides as follows:

7051. Without the consent of the employee and

713the Union, disciplinary action may not be

720taken against an employee except for just

727cause, and this must be substantiated by

734clear and convincing evidence which supports

740the recommended disciplinary action.

7442. All disciplinary action shall be

750governed by applicable statutes and

755provisions of the Agreement. Further, an

761employee shall be provided with a written

768charge of wrongdoing, setting forth the

774specific charges against that employee as

780soon as possible after the investigation has


7883. Any information which may be relied upon

796to take action against an employee will be

804shared promptly with said employee and

810his/her Union representative as soon as

816possible. Copies of any written

821information/correspondence that is related

825to the action of the employee or the

833investigating administrator(s) will be

837provided promptly to the employee and

843his/her Union representative.

8464. An employee against whom action is to be

855taken under this Article and his/her Union

862representative shall have the right to

868review and refute any and all of the

876information relied upon to support any

882proposed disciplinary action prior to taking

888such action. To this end, the employee and

896the Union representative shall be afforded a

903reasonable amount of time to prepare and

910present responses/refutations concerning the

914pending disciplinary action and concerning

919the appropriateness of the proposed

924disciplinary action. This amount of time is

931to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

9395. Only previous disciplinary actions which

945are a part of the employee's personnel file

953or which are a matter of record as provided

962in paragraph # 7 below may be cited if these

972previous actions are reasonably related to

978the existing charge.

9816. Where just cause warrants such

987disciplinary action(s) and in keeping with

993provisions of this Article, an employee may

1000be reprimanded verbally, reprimanded in

1005writing, suspended without pay, or dismissed

1011upon the recommendation of the immediate

1017supervisor to the Superintendent and final

1023action taken by the District. Other

1029disciplinary action(s) may be taken with the

1036mutual agreement of the parties.

10417. Except in cases which clearly constitute

1048a real and immediate danger to the District

1056or the actions/inactions of the employee

1062constitute such clearly flagrant and

1067purposeful violations of reasonable School

1072Board rules and regulations, progressive

1077discipline shall be administered as follows:

1083(A) Verbal Reprimand With A Written

1089Notation. Such written notation shall be

1095placed in the employee's personnel file and

1102shall not be used to the further detriment

1110of the employee, unless, there is another

1117reasonably related act by the same employee

1124within a twenty four (24) month period.

1131(B) Written Reprimand. A written reprimand

1137may be issued to an employee when

1144appropriate in keeping with provisions of

1150this Article. Such written reprimand shall

1156be dated and signed by the giver of the

1165reprimand and shall be filed in the affected

1173employee's personnel file upon a receipt of

1180a copy to the employee by certified mail.

1188(C) Suspension Without Pay. A suspension

1194without pay by the School Board may be

1202issued to an employee, when appropriate, in

1209keeping with provisions of this Article,

1215including just cause and applicable laws.

1221The length of the suspension also shall be

1229determined by just cause as set forth in

1237this Article. The notice and specifics of

1244the suspension shall be placed in writing,

1251dated, and signed by the giver of the

1259suspension and a copy provided to the

1266employee by certified mail. The specific

1272days of suspension will be clearly set forth

1280in the written suspension notice which shall

1287be filed in the affected employee's

1293personnel file in keeping with provisions of

1300Chapter 119 and 231.291 of the Florida


1308(D) An employee may be dismissed when

1315appropriate in keeping with provisions of

1321this Article, including just cause and

1327applicable law.

13298. An employee against whom disciplinary

1335action(s) has/have been taken may appeal

1341through the grievance procedure. However,

1346if the disciplinary action(s) is/are to be

1353taken by the District, then the employee

1360shall have a choice of appeal between either

1368the Department [sic] of Administrative

1373Hearings in accordance with Florida Statutes

1379or the grievance procedure outlined in the

1386collective bargaining agreement. Such

1390choice must be exercised within fifteen (15)

1397days of receipt of written notification of

1404disciplinary action being taken, and the

1410District notified accordingly. If the

1415grievance procedure is selected, the

1420grievance shall be initiated at Step Three.

14277. Prior to her suspension pursuant to Article 7, Section

14372, of the SEIU Contract in December 2008, Respondent was

1447assigned to BRCHS.

14508. Respondent started working as a custodian at BRCHS in

1460or around 2006. At the time, she was a full-time employee, with

1472hours from 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

14799. Respondent had poor attendance as a full-time employee.

148810. In or around December 2007, at Respondent's request,

1497the School Board changed her status to a permanent part-time

1507employee, with a four-hour, instead of an eight-hour, work day,

1517five days a week. She continued to work an evening shift. It

1529was hoped that the change to part-time status would result in

1540improvement in Respondent's attendance.

154411. Respondent's attendance, however, did not improve.

155112. Consequently, on December 3, 2007, Cheryl Lombard, an

1560assistant principal at BRCHS, sent Respondent the following

1568memorandum concerning "[e]mployment [e]xpectations":

1573In order to improve your job performance the

1581following directives must be adhered to in

1588order for the school operations to run


1596- You are directed to report to duty at

1605your assigned time 4:00 p.m. Monday through

1612Friday, April 10, 2009.

1616- You are directed to work your complete

1624four-hour shift from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Monday

1630through Friday.

1632- You are directed to bring a doctor's note

1641for every absence stating the dates you were

1649under the doctor's care and that you have

1657been released to perform all job

1663responsibilities without restrictions.

1666- You are directed to notify the lead

1674custodian/night administrator anytime you

1678must leave campus during duty hours.

1684- You are directed to complete a TDE for

1693all absences, late arrivals, and early

1699dismissals from work.

1702- You are directed to follow your duty


1711- You are directed to clean all assigned

1719areas in accordance with the procedures

1725outlined by the District.

1729- You are directed to complete all

1736assignments given in accordance with

1741directions given.

1743- You are directed to refrain from using

1751your cell phone except during your fifteen-

1758minute break. In case of emergency, please

1765contact Dr. Lombard.

1768- You are to report to the head

1776custodian/designee upon your arrival on


1782- You are directed to sign out with the

1791lead custodian every night.

1795- You are directed to speak to all staff

1804members and others in a professional manner

1811while on District property or on duty.

1818- You are directed to refrain from

1825threatening fellow custodians.

1828Failure to follow any of the above mentioned

1836directives will be considered

1840insubordination and may result in

1845disciplinary action up to and including


185213. In December 2007, Respondent was absent without leave

1861and/or pay a total of 9.75 hours. She was also out on

1873medical/sick leave a total of 9.5 hours.

188014. On January 25, 2008, Ms. Lombard issued Respondent a

1890verbal reprimand (which was followed-up by a "written

1898notation"). The written notation read as follows:

1906This correspondence is being given to you as

1914a Written Notation of a Verbal Reprimand for

1922Violation of School Board Policy 1.013 as it

1930pertains to insubordination for failure to

1936follow Directives Re: Attendance.

1940Specifically, you have had excessive tardies

1946and absences. Furthermore, you have failed

1952to produce a doctor's note stating that you

1960were under his/her care, as was required per

1968the memo you received on December 3, 2007.

1976You are directed to cease such conduct

1983immediately. Further, you are to desist

1989from engaging in the same or similar conduct

1997in the future. Failure to do so will result

2006in further disciplinary action up to and

2013including a recommendation for termination.

201815. In January 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2027and/or pay a total of 22 hours.

203416. On February 6, 2008, Ms. Lombard issued Respondent a

2044written reprimand, which read as follows:

2050This correspondence is being given to you as

2058a Written Reprimand for insubordination Re:

2064Attendance after our January 25, 2008


2071Specifically, on January 28 and February 4

2078you were absent and on January 30 you were

208730 minutes late for your four (4) hour


2096Your conduct violated School Board Policy

21021.013. Regardless of the circumstances that

2108may have brought them about, such

2114inappropriate actions and/or inactions on

2119your part do not reflect positively on your


2128You are directed to cease such conduct

2135immediately. Furthermore, you are to desist

2141from engaging in the same or similar action

2149in the future. Failure to do so will result

2158in further disciplinary action up to and

2165including termination.

216717. Respondent was out on medical/sick leave for a total

2177of approximately six weeks in February and March 2008.

218618. On April 17, 2008, Ms. Lombard issued Respondent

2195another written reprimand. This written reprimand read as


2204This correspondence is being given to you as

2212a Written Reprimand for insubordination

2217regarding attendance after our April 15,

22232008, meeting.

2225Specifically, on April 16, you were absent

2232for two and one half hours of your four hour


2243Your conduct violated School Board Policy

22491.013. Regardless of the circumstances that

2255may have brought them about, such

2261inappropriate actions and/or inactions on

2266your part do not reflect positively on your


2275You are directed to cease such conduct

2282immediately. Furthermore, you are to desist

2288from engaging in the same or similar action

2296in the future. Failure to do so will result

2305in further disciplinary action up to and

2312including termination.

231419. In April 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2323and/or pay a total of 21 hours.

233020. In May 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2339and/or pay a total of 36 hours.

234621. Respondent's brother and father passed away in April

2355and May 2008, respectively.

235922. In June 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2368and/or pay a total of 51.5 hours.

237523. In July 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2384and/or pay a total of 21 hours. She was also out on

2396medical/sick leave a total of 15 hours.

240324, Up to and including August 6, 2008, Respondent was

2413absent without leave and/or pay a total of 7.5 hours that month.

242525. On August 6, 2008, the principal of BRCHS issued

2435Respondent a written directive, which read as follows:

2443On August 6, 2008, you met with Ms. Lombard,

2452Assistant Principal, and HR Manager Bob

2458Pinkos to discuss the seriousness of your

2465chronic absenteeism and tardiness. During

2470that meeting the Written Directive provided

2476you on December 3, 2007 addressing

2482attendance at work and compliance [with] the

2489duty schedule was discussed. Furthermore,

2494the following disciplinary actions have been

2500issued related to insubordination for

2505failure to adhere to the December 3, 2007


2514- January 28, 2007 [sic] Verbal Reprimand

2521with Written Notation issued for failure to

2528follow the December 3, 2007 directive.

2534- February 6, 2008, Written Reprimand

2540issued for insubordination for failure to

2546follow the December 3, 2007 directive.

2552- April 17, 2008, a second Written

2559Reprimand issued for insubordination for

2564failure to follow the December 3, 2007


2572A copy of the December 3, 2007 directive is

2581enclosed for your review. Although you have

2588received several disciplinary actions

2592advising you to comply with the December 3,

26002007 [directive] your behavior with respect

2606to attendance at work and compliance [with]

2613your duty schedule continues to fail to meet

2621expectations. Future similar incidents, to

2626include those that may occur beyond the date

2634of this directive and related to failing to

2642follow the December 3, 2007 directive, will

2649be considered insubordination and subject to

2655disciplinary action up to and including

2661termination of employment.

2664Your immediate attention to this matter will

2671be appreciated as it would positively impact

2678the operation at Boca Raton Community High


268626. The remainder of the month of August 2008, Respondent

2696was absent without leave and/or pay a total of 22.25 hours and

2708out on medical/sick leave a total of 3.5 hours.

271727. In September 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2726and/or pay a total of 33.25 hours. She was also out on

2738medical/sick leave a total of 4 hours.

274528. In October 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2754and/or pay a total of 23.25 hours. She was also out on

2766medical/sick leave a total of 5 hours.

277329. At the end of October 2008, following the completion

2783of an "administrative personnel investigation of Respondent's

"2790behavior with respect to attendance at work and compliance

2799[with her] duty schedule," a "pre-disciplinary meeting" was held

2808at which Respondent was given the opportunity to "explain or

2818rebut the outcome of the investigation." At the meeting,

2827Respondent acknowledged that she had "missed lots of time from

2837work," but she claimed that she had "been trying to improve her


285030. In November 2008, Respondent was absent without leave

2859and/or pay a total of 24.25 hours.

286631. Respondent was out on medical/sick leave for her

2875entire four hour shift on December 1, 2008. On December 2,

28862008, she was absent without leave and/or pay .25 hours. The

2897following day, she was suspended.

290232. Respondent's poor attendance has adversely affected

2909others at BRCHS. Sometimes, the work Respondent was responsible

2918for was done, in her absence, by the other custodians at the

2930school, which "created a bit of unrest" because these custodians

2940also had their own work to do. On other occasions, when

2951Respondent was absent, the work she was assigned went undone,

2961which created a "problem for teachers [and their students] when

2971they c[a]me in the next morning" and had to deal with classrooms

2983that were not cleaned.


299033. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this

3000proceeding and of the parties hereto.

300634. "In accordance with the provisions of s. 4(b) of Art.

3017IX of the State Constitution, district school boards [have the

3027authority to] operate, control, and supervise all free public

3036schools in their respective districts and may exercise any power

3046except as expressly prohibited by the State Constitution or

3055general law." § 1001.32(2), Fla. Stat.

306135. Such authority extends to personnel matters and

3069includes the power to suspend and dismiss employees. See §

30791001.42(5), Fla. Stat. ("The district school board, acting as a

3090board, shall exercise all powers and perform all duties listed

3100below: PERSONNEL.--. . . provide for the . . . suspension, and

3112dismissal of employees subject to the requirements of chapter

3121shall suspend, dismiss, or return to annual contract members of

3131the instructional staff and other school employees."); and §

31411012.23(1), Fla. Stat. ("Except as otherwise provided by law or

3152the State Constitution, district school boards may adopt rules

3161governing personnel matters, including the assignment of duties

3169and responsibilities for all district employees.").

317636. A district school board is deemed to be the "public

3187employer," as that term is used in Chapter 447, Part II, Florida

3199Statutes, "with respect to all employees of the school

3208district." § 447.203(2), Fla. Stat.

321337. As such, it has the right "to direct its employees,

3224take disciplinary action for proper cause, and relieve its

3233employees from duty because of lack of work or for other

3244legitimate reasons." § 447.209, Fla. Stat.

325038. Where the employee is an "educational support

3258employee" who has successfully completed his or her probationary

3267period and the adverse action sought to be taken against the

3278employee is termination, the district school board must act in

3288accordance with the provisions of Section 1012.40, Florida

3296Statutes, which provides as follows:

3301(1) As used in this section:

3307(a) "Educational support employee" means

3312any person employed by a district school

3319system who is employed as a teacher

3326assistant, an education paraprofessional, a

3331member of the transportation department, a

3337member of the operations department, a

3343member of the maintenance department, a

3349member of food service, a secretary, or a

3357clerical employee, or any other person who

3364by virtue of his or her position of

3372employment is not required to be certified

3379by the Department of Education or district

3386school board pursuant to s. 1012.39. This

3393section does not apply to persons employed

3400in confidential or management positions.

3405This section applies to all employees who

3412are not temporary or casual and whose duties

3420require 20 or more hours in each normal

3428working week.

3430(b) "Employee" means any person employed as

3437an educational support employee.

3441(2)(a) Each educational support employee

3446shall be employed on probationary status for

3453a period to be determined through the

3460appropriate collective bargaining agreement

3464or by district school board rule in cases

3472where a collective bargaining agreement does

3478not exist.

3480(b) Upon successful completion of the

3486probationary period by the employee, the

3492employee's status shall continue from year

3498to year unless the district school

3504superintendent terminates the employee for

3509reasons stated in the collective bargaining

3515agreement, or in district school board rule

3522in cases where a collective bargaining

3528agreement does not exist, or reduces the

3535number of employees on a districtwide basis

3542for financial reasons.

3545(c) In the event a district school

3552superintendent seeks termination of an

3557employee, the district school board may

3563suspend the employee with or without pay.

3570The employee shall receive written notice

3576and shall have the opportunity to formally

3583appeal the termination. The appeals process

3589shall be determined by the appropriate

3595collective bargaining process or by district

3601school board rule in the event there is no

3610collective bargaining agreement.

361339. Respondent is an "educational support employee,"

3620within the meaning of Section 1012.40, Florida Statutes, who is

3630covered by a collective bargaining agreement (the SEIU


363940. Pursuant to Section 1012.40, Florida Statutes,

3646Respondent's employment may be terminated only "for reasons

3654stated in th[is] collective bargaining agreement."

366041. Under the SEIU Contract, "disciplinary action may not

3669be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this

3680must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence."

3688Moreover, absent compelling circumstances, the action taken must

3696be consistent with "progressive discipline."

370142. At the final hearing in the instant case, the School

3712Board clearly and convincingly established that, over a 12-month

3721period, Respondent was excessively absent without authorization,

3728to the detriment of BRCHS staff and students, and that her

3739excessive absenteeism persisted despite reprimands and warnings

3746from her supervisors.

374942. Having made such a showing, the School Board has met

3760its burden of proving that there are grounds to terminate

3770Respondent's employment under the SEIU Contract. Cf. Wright v.

3779Department of Children and Families , 712 So. 2d 830, 831 (Fla.

37903d DCA 1998)("'[A]n essential element of employment is to be on

3802the job when one is expected to be there.'"); Commercial Carrier

3814Corp. v. LaPointe , 723 So. 2d 912, 918 (Fla. 1st DCA

38251999)("Except in the unusual case where an employee can

3835effectively perform all work-related duties at home, an employee

3844'who does not come to work cannot perform any of his job

3856functions, essential or otherwise.' Therefore, a regular and

3864reliable level of attendance is a necessary element of most

3874jobs.")(citation omitted); Darby v. Bratch , 287 F.3d 673, 682

3884(8th Cir. 2002)("Presence at the job is no doubt essential,

3895except in cases where the job could be done from home, which is

3908not claimed here."); Nowak v. St. Rita High School , 142 F.3d

3920999, 1003 (7th Cir. 1998)("Obviously, an employee who does not

3931come to work cannot perform the essential functions of his

3941job. . . . The undisputed facts show that Nowak was unable to

3954perform an essential function--regular attendance--required of a

3961teacher at St. Rita."); Tyndall v. National Education Centers,

3971Inc., of California , 31 F.3d 209, 213 (4th Cir. 1994)("In

3982addition to possessing the skills necessary to perform the job

3992in question, an employee must be willing and able to demonstrate

4003these skills by coming to work on a regular basis. Except in

4015the unusual case where an employee can effectively perform all

4025work-related duties at home, an employee 'who does not come to

4036work cannot perform any of his job functions, essential or

4046otherwise.'"); Owens v. Unemployment Compensation Board of

4054Review , 748 A.2d 794, 798 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2000)("In this case,

4066it is clear that Employer established and Claimant did not

4076contradict that she was excessively absent and had received many

4086warnings regarding her absenteeism according to Employer's

4093policy. Therefore, Employer has established a prima facie case

4102of willful misconduct."); and Falczynski v. Amoco Oil Co ., 533

4114N.W.2d 226, 232 (Iowa 1995)("As her work had to be completed by

4127other employees, Falczynski's chronic absenteeism plainly

4133prevented her from performing the essential functions of her

4142job. Indeed, she could not perform the quintessential function

4151of regularly attending work.").

415643. Accordingly, Respondent's appeal of her proposed

4163termination must be rejected.


4168Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

4177of Law, it is hereby

4182RECOMMENDED that the School Board issue a final order

4191sustaining Respondent's suspension and terminating her

4197employment with the School Board.

4202DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of April, 2009, in

4212Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




4221Administrative Law Judge

4224Division of Administrative Hearings

4228The DeSoto Building

42311230 Apalachee Parkway

4234Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

4237(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

4241Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


4246Filed with the Clerk of the

4252Division of Administrative Hearings

4256this 13th day of April, 2009.


4264Sonia E. Hill-Howard, Esquire

4268Palm Beach County School Board

42733318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302

4279West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

4284Karen Gadson

42861711 Wedgewood Plaza Drive

4290Riviera Beach, Florida 33404

4294Dr. Arthur C. Johnson


4299Palm Beach County School Board

43043340 Forest Hill Boulevard, C316

4309West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869

4314Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel

4319Department of Education

4322Turlington Building, Suite 1244

4326325 West Gaines Street

4330Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

4333Dr. Eric J. Smith

4337Commissioner of Education

4340Department of Education

4343Turlington Building, Suite 1514

4347325 West Gaines Street

4351Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400


4360All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

437015 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

4381to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

4392will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 04/29/2009
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 04/13/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/13/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/13/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 27, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/06/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 03/05/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Lerner from S. Howard enclosing copy of calendars which C. Lombard testified filed.
Date: 02/27/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/25/2009
Proceedings: Exhibits (exhibits not availabe for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/17/2009
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Unilateral Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/20/2009
Proceedings: Order Concerning Hearing Exhibits, Witnesses, and Dispute Resolution.
Date: 01/20/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 27, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/16/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/12/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/12/2009
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/12/2009
Proceedings: Petition filed.
Date: 01/12/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida
County School Boards


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