13-004290 Manatee County School Board vs. Gregg Faller
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, August 29, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Evidence proved supervisor of parent liaisons took no action and made no reports when given credible reports of parent liason harassing female employee and improper conduct with female students. Facts supported termination for just cause.





13vs. Case No. 13 - 4290





25Administrative Law Judge John D. C. Ne wton, II, of the

36Division of Administrative Hearings (Division) conducted the

43formal hearing in this cause on June 3 and 4, 2014, in Bradenton,



58For Petitioner: Terry Joseph Harmon, Esquire

64Jeffrey Slanker, Esquire

67Sniffen and Spe llman, P.A.

72123 North Monroe Street

76Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1509

81For Respondent: E. Jon Weiffenbach, Esquire

87Weiffenbach and Kaklis

90538 12th Street West

94Bradenton, Florida 34205 - 7411


103Does Petitioner, Manatee County School Board (Board), have

111just cause to terminate the employment of Respondent, Greg g

121Faller, based upon the conduct involving Mr. Faller ' s alleged

132failure to respond appropriately to information he had about the

142conduct of his subordinate, Rod Frazier, toward females,

150including students, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint

158dated October 14, 201 3 ?


165On September 25, 2013, the s uperintendent of Manatee County

175School s , Rick Mills , gave Mr. Faller written notice of intent to

187recomm end termination of his employment to the Board. Th at same

199day , Mr. Mills issued an Administrative Complaint seeking

207Mr. Faller ' s termination. On October 14, 2013, the Board

218suspended Mr. Faller , without pay , pending the outcome of an

228administrative heari ng.

231Mr. Faller requested an administrative hearing on

238October 24, 2013. On November 6, 2013, the Board referred the

249matter to the Division to conduct the hearing. The undersigned

259set the matter for final hearing to be conducted on December 13,

2712013. Th e parties filed an agreed motion to continue. The

282undersigned granted the motion and rescheduled the hearing to

291April 1, 2014. The parties initiated discovery on January 15,

3012014. On March 5, 2014, Mr. Faller moved to continue the

312hearing. The motion w as granted, and the hearing was

322re - scheduled to June 3 and 4, 2014. On May 9, 2014, Mr. Faller

337moved to continue the final hearing. The motion was denied. The

348undersigned conducted the hearing as scheduled.

354The Board presented the testimony of Stephen G ulash,

363Debra Horne, Keltie O ' Dell, Detective Leonel Marines, Scott

373Martin, Jacqueline Peebles, Troy J. Pumphrey, Stephen Rinder,

381Don Sauer, Adinah Torre s , William Vogel, A.K., and D.K. 1/ Board

393Exhibits 1; 2; 5; 6 D ( 3, 5, 6, 14, and 15 ) ; 18; 39; 44; 45; an d

41354 were admitted into evidence.

418Mr. Faller testified and presented the testimony of Danny


428At the hearing ' s conclusion , the parties requested and were

439granted additional time for filing proposed recommended orders.

447The parties timely filed propo sed recommended orders which have

457been considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


470Stipulated Facts

4721. The Board is a duly - constituted s chool b oard charged

485with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public

496scho ols within the School District of Manatee County (District) .

507§ 1001.32, Fla. Stat (2013) .

5132. The District has employed Mr. Faller since December 8,


5243. Mr. Faller was an a dministrative p arent l iaison at

536Lakewood Ranch High School from December 2009 to May 2009. 2/

5474. He served as a ssistant p rincipal at Manatee High School

559from July 2010 through July 2013. Mr. Faller served temporarily

569as an a ssistant p rincipal at Palmetto High School from July 2013

582until he was placed on p aid a dministrative l eave o n August 1,


5985. At all times , Mr. Faller was required to abide by all

610Florida Statutes that pertain to teachers and educators, the Code

620of Ethics and the Principles of Conduct of the Education

630Profession in Florida (Code of Ethics) , and the Policies and

640Procedures Manual of the Manatee County School District .

6496. On August 15, 2013, Respondent was charged with :

659(1) Failure to Report Child Abuse (sections 39.201(1) and

66839.205(1) , Florida Statutes (2011)(misdemeanor) ) ; (2) Felony

675Failure to Report Child Abuse (section 39.201(1) and (2) and

68539.205(1) , Florida Statutes (2011)(third degree felony) ) ; and

693(3) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities (section

701837.05(1) , Florida Statutes (2011) (misdemeanor) ) . The prosecutor

710dismissed the charge of providi ng false information to a law

721enforcement officer.

7237. On September 25, 2013, the s uperintendent notified

732Mr. Faller in writing of the District ' s intent to recommend his

745termination from employment. The s uperintendent issued an

753Administrative Complaint ag ainst Mr. Faller that same day.

7628. On October 14, 2013, during a Board meeting , Mr. Faller

773was suspended , without pay , pending the outcome of an

782administrative hearing that he requested.

7879. On October 24, 2013, Respondent served a Request for

797Administrat ive Hearing and Respondent/Employee ' s Answer to

806Administrative Complaint.

808Additional Facts

81010. Florida law imposes a duty to report upon any person

821who has reasonable cause to suspect child abuse by a person

832responsible for a child ' s welfare. 3 /

84111. The Boa rd emphasized the importance of this obligation

851in Board Policy 5.2 of the Policies and Procedures Manual of the

863School District of Manatee County . That policy provides in part:

874All school employees have a serious

880affirmative duty to report suspected chil d

887abuse and neglect and shall do so pursuant to

896the guidelines developed .

900* * *

903(1) Mandatory Duty to Report Suspected Child


911All employees or agents of the district

918school board who have reasonable cause to

925suspect abuse have an affirmative duty to

932report it . . . .

938* * *

941( 3 ) Complaints of Child Abuse Reported to an


952An employee receiving a complaint or report

959of child abuse shall inquire of the reporting

967party as to the details of his/her concern

975but shall not investigate f urther. If the

983employee has reasonable cause to suspect that

990child abuse has occurred based upon the

997description by the reporting party, the

1003employee must report . . . [to the Florida

1012Child Abuse Registry] .

1016* * *

1019(4) Employee Responsible for Repor ting

1025It is the responsibility of the first

1032employee who has " reasonable cause " to

1038suspect abuse to report it to the hotline and

1047to do so immediately. It is unacceptable and

1055violation of the law to simply report

1062suspicions to any other individual (includ ing

1069law enforcement or your supervisor) and ask

1076or expect them to make the report to the

1085hotline. After making a report, the school

1092board employee must inform the principal,

1098supervisor, or other building administrator.

1103If the suspected abuser is a distric t

1111employee, the supervisor of the reporter will

1118notify his/her director who will notify the

1125Office of Professional Standards.

1129* * *

1132(6) Penalties for Failure to Report

1138Any employee who is required to report and

1146fails to do so may be found guilty o f a

1157misdemeanor . . . . Failure to report child

1166abuse as required will also subject the

1173employee to disciplinary action.

117712. Mr. Rod Frazier , a subordinate of Mr. Faller, was a

1188person responsible for the welfare of female student, D.K .

119813. Mr. Faller was trained in the duty to report child

1209abuse. He has been present with people who have called to report

1221child abuse. He understood that if he learned of something that

1232causes concern from another employee, he may be responsible for

1242reporting the concern to his p rincipal.

124914. At Manatee High School, Mr. Faller served as a ssistant

1260p rincipal. His duties included supervising four parent liaisons :

1270Mr. Gulash, Ms. Torres, Rod Frazier, and Randy Smith. Parent

1280liaisons handle everyday suspension s and the disc ipline of

1290students. They also handle communication between parents, staff,

1298and students and assist in the classroom. Parent liaisons also

1308mentor some students.

131115. Mr. Faller summarized the parent liaison duties as :

1321Their main job is to deal with refe rrals

1330written by staff members that had issues with

1338student behavior, deal with parents, phone

1344call parents and let them know what their

1352child was doing, basically be a mentor to

1360some of the students if they saw students

1368were struggling and had a relations hip with

1376them and could make an impact and try and

1385make them get back on the right track.

1393(Tr., pp. 319 - 320).

139816. The parent liaison job description identifies

1405responsibilities that include : handl ing routine discipline

1413referrals; refer ring serious offens es to the a ssistant p rincipal;

1425supervis ing students, including bus duty, parking lot, and school

1435events; meet ing and deal ing effectively with staff members,

1445students, and parents; and model ing and maintain ing high ethical


145717. During the 2011 - 20 12 school year, Mr. Faller received

1469several reports describing inappropriate conduct and improper

1476relations with female students by Mr. Frazier. He also received

1486a report of sexual harassment of a female parent liaison.

1496Harassment of Adinah Torres

150018. Adi nah Torres worked at Manatee High School as a parent

1512liaison from November 2010 to July 2012. Mr. Faller was

1522Ms. Torres ' sole supervisor during that period of time .

153319. During that period, Mr. Frazier trained Ms. Torres on

1543how to enter referrals into th e D istrict ' s data system.

155620. During one training session, she sat at his desk using

1567his computer . Mr. Frazier sat on the desk with his feet and

1580crotch toward Ms. Torres. Mr. Frazier rubbed his foot up the

1591side of Ms. Torres ' leg during the training ses sion.

160221. She pulled away and looked at him. Mr. Frazier smirked

1613at Ms. Torres. She left the room.

162022. Mr. Frazier ' s acts were inappropriate, unwelcome, and

1630unwarranted. They made Ms. Torres uncomfortable. The acts were

1639harassment of Ms. Torres.

164323. The following day , Ms. Torres told Mr. Faller about the

1654incident. Mr. Faller agreed that the described conduct was

1663inappropriate. He told Ms. Torres that he could not have these

1674sorts of problems in the office because she might one day need

1686someone to he lp her with a student disciplinary issue. " You got

1698this? " he asked. Ms. Torres interpreted Mr. Faller ' s statements

1709to mean that she should deal with the problem. 4 /

172024. Mr. Faller ' s version of their conversation is that he

1732told Ms. Torres he would take ac tion if she wished to file a

1746written complaint. Nothing in the policies and procedures of the

1756Board requires an employee to make a written complaint of


176725. In fact, Board Policy 2.19 , which establishes

1775procedures for complaints about discrim ination and harassment ,

1783requires a diametrically opposite approach. Board Policy 2.19(4)

1791sets out an investigation, review, reporting, and appeal process

1800that begins with a written complaint.

180626. However, the policy begins with a clear statement that

1816im poses a specific duty upon an administrator, such as Mr. F aller ,

1829who learns of an alleged incident of discrimination or harassment.

1839The policy states:

1842The following complaint/grievance procedures

1846are established to receive complaints.

1851However, when any a dministrator learns of an

1859alleged incident of discrimination/harassment,

1863they are required to report complaints

1869immediately to the Equity Coordinator and will

1876not conduct an investigation.

188027. Nothing require d a written complaint like Mr. Faller

1890required of Ms. Torres. An immediate report by him is what was


190328. Ms. Torres spoke to Mr. Frazier and told him the

1914behavior was unacceptable. He denied that it occurred and

1923stormed away from her.

192729. Mr. Faller did not note the complaint in Mr. Frazier ' s

1940file. He did not speak to Mr. Frazier about it or take any

1953disciplinary action. Mr. Faller also did not report the incident

1963that Ms. Torres alleged to anyone , including the school ' s e quity

1976c oordinator.

1978Ms. Peebles ' R eports of Conduct of

1986Mr. Frazier W ith Female Students , A.P. and D.K.

199530. In the 2011 - 2012 school year, Manatee High School

2006teacher , Jacqueline Peebles , developed concerns about

2012Mr. Frazier ' s conduct with two female students. One was A.P. ,

2024who told Ms. Peebles about Mr. Frazier approachin g her at a tiki

2037bar one night and later texting her about the encounter. Another

2048was D.K. and Mr. Frazier ' s frequent calls to the classroom asking

2061Ms. Peebles to have D.K. report to his office. Ms. Peebles was

2073also concerned about a text message to D.K. that appeared to be

2085from Mr. Frazier telling D.K. to come to his office , that he had

2098heard she was wearing short - shorts.

210531. Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller about all these incidents

2115in one conversation after A.P. told her about the tiki bar

2126encounter. Ms. Pe ebles told Mr. Faller that she knew A.P. was a

2139troubled student with some discipline issues , b ut she felt A.P.

2150was being truthful.

215332. Ms. Peebles provided the following information to

2161Mr. Faller. She told him that A.P. had reported that Mr. Frazier

2173appro ached her at night at a tiki bar, where she was drinking

2186illegally. Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller that A.P. told her that a

2198man approached her from behind and rubbed his erection against

2208her buttocks. A.P. said she turned and saw that it was

2219Mr. Frazier. A.P. questioned him and told him he knew she was a

2232student. Mr. Frazier replied, according to A.P. , that she had a

" 2243nice ass " and was fair game because she was in the bar and must ,

2257therefore , be legal. The record establishes that A.P. was a

2267student. It does not, however, establish her age. No party has

2278asserted she was 18 or older. It is reasonable to infer from

2290A.P. ' s student status , the fact that she returned to school the

2303following year, and the absence of dispute that she was under 18.

231533. Ms. Pe ebles said that she told A.P. " that sounds odd. "

2327A.P. insisted it was true. Ms. Peebles also told Mr. Faller that

2339A.P. said that she was leaving regular school for an alternative

2350program because Mr. Frazier would not leave her alone. A.P. ' s

2362comments and her change of schools indicate that Mr. Frazier ' s

2374conduct was harmful to A.P. ' s mental and emotional health.

238534. Ms. Peebles went on to tell Mr. Faller that A.P. then

2397showed Ms. Peebles text messages on her telephone that were

2407marked as coming from Mr. F razier. The messages referred to the

2419bar encounter saying , "' Oh, you have a hot ass, I really wanted

2432you. '"

243435. After reporting the above information to Mr. Faller ,

2443Ms. Peebles told him that she believed A.P.

245136. In order to help Mr. Faller understand w hy she thought

2463A.P. ' s reports were credible and significant, Ms. Peebles then

2474told Mr. Faller about an incident with Mr. Frazier that occurred

2485before Mr. Faller assumed the position supervising Mr. Frazier.

249437. Ms. Peebles had walked into Mr. Frazier ' s office

2505looking for him. She found Mr. Frazier sitting at his desk with

2517a female student, D.K. , sitting in his lap feeding him cake. She

2529told Mr. Faller that she had reported the incident to the acting

2541principal, Mr. Kane, and thought it had been dealt w ith.

255238. Finally , Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller about her

2561experiences with Mr. Frazier frequently calling the same female

2570student, D.K. , from class. The frequency became so great that it

2581was disruptive to D.K. ' s education. Ms. Peebles began not

2592answering the tele phone or refusing to send D.K. to Mr. Frazier ' s

2606office. Later , Ms. Peebles saw D.K. texting and took D.K. ' s

2618telephone from her and placed it on her desk.

262739. D.K. ' s phone buzzed with an incoming text message.

2638Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller that t he message said something

" 2649along the lines of ' come up to my office. I hear you ' re wearing

2665short - shorts again. '" D.K. was wearing short - shorts.

2676Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller that the tele phone indicated that the

2688message was from Rod Frazier. This event p receded the

2698conversation with A.P. that Ms. Peebles reported to Mr. Faller.

270840. Ms. Peebles told Mr. Faller that Mr. Frazier ' s texting

2720students frequently was a problem. With D.K. , it was especially

2730troublesome because she was missing so much class time.

2739Mr. Faller acknowledges texting is not the proper way for the

2750parent liaisons to contact students during school hours.

275841. Mr. Faller said he would talk to Mr. Frazier about the

2770texting. Mr. Faller denies that Ms. Peebles told him about the

2781tiki bar inci dent. The undersigned finds the testimony of

2791Ms. Peebles credible and persuasive on this issue.

279942. A day , or a day and a half , later, Mr. Faller passed

2812Ms. Peebles in the hall. He said , " Hey, I took care of that. "

2825After that , Mr. Frazier was unfriendl y to Ms. Peebles and rarely

2837spoke to her or handled her referrals. But Mr. Frazier ' s

2849personnel records contain no indications that Mr. Faller spoke to

2859Mr. Frazier about these incidents or took any action.

286843. The credible persuasive evidence proves that M r. F aller

2879did not report these assertions to the child abuse registry to

2890the administrators or law enforcement , investigate them , or act

2899upon them .

2902Ms. O ' Dell ' s Reports of Mr. Frazier ' s

2914C onduct W ith Female Students , D.K. and D.W.

292344. Another teacher, K eltie O ' Dell, told Mr. Faller of

2935similar problems with Mr. Frazier texting two female students,

2944D.K. and D.W. , asking them to leave her classroom. When she

2955would n o t release them, he called to have the students sent to

2969his office. Ms. O ' Dell told Mr. Fal ler that D.K. and D.W.

2983confirmed to her that they had texted Mr. Frazier asking him to

2995get them out of class.

300045. Ms. O ' Dell told Mr. Faller of a time when Mr. Frazier

3014brought lunch to D.K. in her classroom so that Mr. Faller would

3026not see her out of com pliance with the dress code in the


304046. The conduct of Mr. Frazier that Ms. O ' Dell reported to

3053Mr. Faller was unprofessional, inappropriate, and improper.

3060Mr. Faller did not report these concerns to any other

3070administrators or to law enforceme nt authorities. He also did

3080not speak directly to Mr. Frazier about the issues.

308947. Mr. Faller only spoke to all of the parent liaisons as

3101a group , generally , about the inappropriateness of texting

3109students to come from class. The file contains no info rmation or

3121notes indicating that Mr. Faller spoke to Mr. Frazier about the

3132incidents , disciplined, or counseled Mr. Frazier.

3138Concerns Reported by Steve Gulash

314348. Steve Gulash, an a dministrative p arent l iaison in

3154Manatee High School ' s discipline office , br ought similar , but

3165much more general concerns about Mr. Frazier to Mr. Faller. He

3176once told Mr. Faller that he should take note of the fact that

3189Mr. Frazier only signed up as an a dministrator on d uty for female

3203games. He also told Mr. Faller that " this d amn guy ' s probably

3217done some stuff that could put him in jail. " Mr. Gulash did not

3230identify specific incidents. Mr. Faller did nothing to inquire

3239into Mr. Gulash ' s concerns.

3245Mr. Faller ' s Approach to the Multiple

3253Reports of Mr. Frazier ' s Improper Behav ior

326249. The following excerpt, with emphasis added, from the

3271transcript of Detective Marines ' interview of Mr. Faller ,

3280articulates Mr. Faller ' s view of responsibility and his method for

3292avoiding responsibility for the supervision of Mr. Frazier and

3301caring for the female students of Manatee High School .

3311Q: Okay. Now is it, is it, uh, you said

3321you were over discipline.

3325A: Uh hum.

3328Q: Is it common for the parent liaison ' s to

3339text students to get them out of class

3347when they have an issue, they, they

3354A: Is i t common?

3359Q: Yeah.

3361A: No.

3363Q: No?

3365A: No.

3367Q: Okay. So what, what is the common uh,

3376like if, if Mr. Frazier wants to see you

3385soon, and talk to him about a referral,

3393I ' m assuming that ' s what you guys do,


3405A: We call the classroom.

3410Q: Call the clas sroom?

3415A: Yeah.

3417Q: Talk to the teacher?

3422A: That would be the norm. Um,

3429Q: How long would he have been?

3436A: You know?

3439Q: How long had he been doing that for?

3448Like texting students out of class?

3454A: I don ' t know.

3460Q: You don ' t know? Okay. Uh, did you ever

3471talk to him about it?

3476A: Didn ' t know about it, except for through

3486a teacher.

3488Q: Through Ms. O ' Dell?

3494A: Never witnessed it myself, never had a

3502kid come to me. Yeah, other than that

3510one incident, um, that supposedly took

3516place in her class , you know , she saw

3524the kid using the phone, and then all of

3533the sudden, you get up and say I have to

3543go to Frazier. So she ' s putting two and

3553two together, so I can ' t, I mean I can ' t

3566say, you know, that it definitely

3572happened .

3574Q: Uh hum.

3577A: Um, that ' s a, that ' s a teacher, um,

3589believing that it may have occurred.

3595Um, and I ' m not in the business of, of,

3606figuring those things out. You know?

3612Q: No, I

3615A: I mean the bottom line is

3622Q: know. I completely. [sic]

3627A: Um,

3629Q: Did you ever talk to him about it or no?

3640H e just didn ' t bother.

3647A: There ' s nothing to address. If I don ' t

3659know for sure that he ' s doing it, then

3669I ' m not gonna address it. I mean, uh,

3679Q: Okay.

3681A: You know? But, I mean if it was

3690happening, um, I had no direct

3696knowledge. Nobody ' s ever told me

3703directly that they know for a fact that

3711this is going on. . . . (emphasis


3720(P. Ex. 18, 2/11/13, pp. 7 & 8) . Mr. Faller chose to ignore the


373650. Eventually , through the efforts of people other than

3745Mr. Faller, the reports of Mr. Frazie r ' s activities with female

3758students reached responsible authorities triggering an

3764administrative and criminal investigation of Mr. Frazier. Those

3772investigations subsequently expanded to examine the actions and

3780inactions of Mr. Faller, Principal Gagnon, fo rmer Assistant

3789Principal Matt Kane, and a ssistant s uperintendent for District

3799Support , Scott Martin , when they received complaints about

3807Mr. Frazier.

380951. Ultimately , Mr. Frazier resigned from Manatee High

3817School .


3822Jurisdiction, Burden, and Standard of Proof

382852. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3835jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

3845the parties pursuant to sections 1012.33, 120.569 and 120.57(1),

3854Florida Statutes (2013). As permitted by section 120.65, the

3863Board has contracted with the Division to conduct these hearings.

387353. The parties agree that the Board bears the burden of

3884proving the allegations against Mr. Faller by a preponderance of

3894the evidence. See McNeill v. Pinellas Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 678 So. 2d

3906476 (Fla. 2d DCA 1979); Sublett v. Sumter Cnty . Sch. Bd. , 664

3919So. 2d 1178 (Fla. 5th DCA 1995).

392654. " Preponderance of evidence is defined as evidence

3934' which as a whole shows that the fact sought to be proved is more

3949probable than not. ' State v. Edwards , 536 So. 2d 288, 292 n.3

3962(Fla. 1st DCA 1988). " Dufour v. State , 69 So. 3d 235, 252 (Fla.

39752011); see also Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276, 280 (Fla. 200 ? );

3989Escambia Cnty. Elec. Light & Power Co. v. Sutherland , 61 Fla.

4000167, 193; 55 So. 83, 92 (1911).

400755. The result in this matter does not turn on whether the

4019Board proved that Mr. Frazier did or did not commit the acts

4031reported. The critical facts are what information Mr. Faller was

4041provided and his actions or inactions in reaction to receiving

4051that informati on.

4054Overview of Charges

405756. Board Policy 6.11 provides:

4062Any employee of the School Board may be

4070temporarily suspended, with or without pay,

4076or permanently terminated from employment for

4082just cause including, but not limited to

4089immorality, misconduct in of fice,

4094incompetence, gross insubordination, willful

4098neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction

4104of any crime involving moral turpitude,

4110violation of the Policies and Procedures

4116Manual of the School District of Manatee

4123County, violation of any applicable Flo rida

4130statute, violation of the Code of Ethics and

4138the Principles of Professional Conduct of the

4145Education Profession in Florida.

414957. Exercising that authority , the Board charged Mr. Faller

4158with violation of the following Florida S tatutes, Department of

4168Ed ucation rules, and Board policies: S ection 1012.795(1)(b) 5 / ;

4179Florida Administrative Code R ule s 6A - 10. 0 80(2), 6 A - 10.080(3),

41946A - 1 0 .081(3)(a), 6A - 1 0 .081(5)(a) and 6A - 10.081(5)(n) ; and Board

4210Policy 6.9.

421258. The Findings of Fact establish the proven facts that

4222may be relied upon to determine if the Board proved the

4233violations charged by a preponderance of the evidence.

4241Section 1012.795 -- Failure to Report

4247Actual or Suspected Child Abuse

425259. The Board maintains that Mr. Faller violated s ection

42621012.795(1)(b) b y failing to report actual or suspected child

4272abuse and for failing to report misconduct. That section allows

4282the Education Practices Commission to act against the educator

4291certificate of an assistant principal for knowingly failing " to

4300report actual or s uspected child abuse as required in s. 1006.061

4312or report alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school

4321administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a

4331student as required in s. 1012.796. "

433760. Section 1006.061 imposes upon distri ct school boards an

4347obligation to post notices of the affirmative duty to report

4357actual or suspected cases of child abuse and the policies and

4368procedures for reporting misconduct. It does not impose any

4377duties upon individual employees.

438161. Section 1012 .796 creates a procedure for investigation

4390by the Department of Education of complaints against teachers and

4400administrators and establishes penalties. The Board argues that

4408it requires Mr. Faller to report " misconduct. " I t does not.

441962. However, sectio n 39.201(1) requires any person who

4428knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is abused

4440by a person responsible for the child ' s welfare to report the

4453knowledge or suspicion to the Department of Children and

4462Families. 6 / Section 39.01(12) define s child as an unmarried

4473person under the age of 18 years. Section 39.01(2) defines

4483abuse, among other things, as " any willful act or threatened act

4494that results in . . . sexual abuse, injury, or harm, that causes

4507or is likely to cause the child ' s physical , mental, or emotional

4520health to be significantly impaired. " Mr. Frazier rubbing his

4529erection against a female student amounts to " abuse " that

4538Mr. Faller was bound to report and did not .

4548Rule 6A - 10.080(2) -- Lack of Concern for

4557Students and Professional Ju dgment and Integrity

456463. Florida ' s Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional

4575Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, r ule

45846A - 1 0 .080(2), provides:

4590The educator ' s primary professional concern

4597will always be for the student and for the

4606developme nt of the student ' s potential. The

4615educator will therefore strive for

4620professional growth and will seek to exercise

4627the best professional judgment and integrity.

463364. Mr. Faller ' s inaction after receiving the reports from

4644Ms s . Peebles and O ' Dell demonstra te a failure of professional

4658judgment and lack of professional concern for the female students

4668who had contact with Mr. Frazier. Mr. Faller ' s avowed approach

4680of ignoring , instead of investigating , reporting, or acting upon

4689reports of Mr. Frazier ' s miscond uct with female students , is not

4702accepted as an excuse for fulfilling employment or legal

4711responsibilities. See Smith v. Dixie Packers , 384 So. 2d 709

4721(Fla. 1 st DCA 1980), rev. den. , Dixie Packers, Inc. v. Smith ,

4733392 So. 2d 1373 (Fla. 1980) ( e mployer cann ot ignore employee ' s

4748complaints of a worsening condition and then claim it did not know

4760the employee needed additional medical attention) .

476765. The First District Court of Appeal concluded that the

4777employer in Smith had erected a " wall of willful ignorance " for

4788months. This was because the employer had ignored the claimant ' s

4800request for increased benefits for months before accepting the

4809claimed, ignored complaints of a worsening condition, failed to

4818provide medical attention and would never have had the cla imant

4829re - examined, or increased the disability rating without the

4839assistance of the claimant ' s counsel. The court ' s opinion did not

4853allow the employer to escape liability for attorney ' s fees after

4865ignoring and refusing to investigate or address the inform ation

4875that would have informed it about the claimant ' s disability.

488666. The analysis applies here. Mr. Faller chose to ignore

4896information about Mr. Frazier ' s misconduct . The reports of

4907Ms s . Torres, O ' Dell, and Peebles provided more than enough

4920informati on for a reasonable supervisor or educational employee

4929to investigate or report Mr. Frazier ' s activities with female

4940students to management or law enforcement authorities . See also

4950James W. Windham Builders, Inc. v. Van Overloop , 951 So. 2d 40,

496243 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2007) (carrier could not avoid responsibility to

4974pay for attendant care because of " willful ignorance " due to its

4985failure to investigate the claimant ' s needs after severe ankle

4996injury); Gonzalez v. Sec ' y of Dep ' t of Homeland Sec. , 678 F.3d

5011254, 264 (3 rd Cir. 2012) ( u pholding summary judgment finding that

5024Gonzalez gave false testimony relying upon a theory of " willful

5034ignorance. " Evidence of relationship with child ' s mother and

5044child " indicates that if Gonzalez was ignorant of his paternal

5054relationsh ip it was a willful ignorance. " ) .

506367. Mr. Faller chose to turn a blind eye to reports of

5075Mr. Frazier ' s misconduct by taking the positions that they had

5087not been irrefutably proven, that he had not personally witnessed

5097the incidents, or, most oddly, tha t they were only reports from

5109teachers. This was a lack of integrity and unacceptable

5118professional judgment. Mr. Faller also repeatedly demonstrated a

5126lack of concern for the well - being of Manatee High School ' s

5140female students. The Board proved a violatio n of r ule 6A -

515310.080(2 ) by the preponderance of the evidence.

5161Rule 6A - 10 .0 80(3) -- Failure to Make

5171Reasonable Efforts to Protect Students

517668. Rule 6A - 10.080(3) states:

5182Aware of the importance of maintaining the

5189respect and confidence of one ' s colleagues,

5197of students, of parents, and of other members

5205of the community, the educator strives to

5212achieve and sustain the highest degree of

5219ethical conduct.

522169. Mr. Faller ' s deliberate disregard for the reports of

5232Ms s . Torres, Peebles, and O ' Dell , who relied upon him in his

5247position of authority to protect female students from Mr. Frazier ,

5257was a failure of ethics that undermined the respect and confidence

5268of his colleagues. The Board proved a violation of r ule

52796A - 10. 0 80 (3) by the preponderance of the credible evid ence.

5293Rule 6A - 10.081(3)(a) -- Protect Students

5300From Harmful Conditions

530370. Rule 6 A - 10.081(3)(a) states that an educator ' s

5315obligations to students require that the educator " [s]hall make

5324reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful

5333to learning and/or to the student ' s mental and/or physical health

5345and/or safety. " Despite the consistent and corroborating

5352information provided to Mr. Faller about Mr. Frazier ' s conduct

5363toward female staff and student s at Manatee High School ,

5373Mr. Faller made no effort to protect the students from conditions

5384which were plainly harmful to the student 's mental health, to

5395learning, and to safety. He , instead , chose to turn a blind eye

5407to Mr. Frazier ' s conduct. Cf. Lawson v. State , 941 So. 2d 485,

5421490 (Fla. 5 th DCA 2006), aff ' d , Lawson v. State , 969 So. 2d 222

5437(Fla. 2007) ( p robationer cannot turn a " blind eye " to condition of

5450his probation requiring a drug treatment plan and then escape

5460responsibility by claiming the requirements were not specific

5468enough because they did not say when and where he was to begin the

5482program) .

5484Rule 6A - 10.081(5)(a) -- Honesty in

5491A ll Professional Dealings

549571. Rule 6A - 10.081(5)(a) requires that an educator " [s]hall

5505maintain honesty in all professional dealings. " The Board did not

5515prove violation of this requirement by a preponderance of the


5526Rule 6A - 10.081(5)(n) -- Report Known

5533Allegations of Violations

553672. Rule 6A - 10.081(5)(n) states that an educator " [s] hall

5547report to appropriate authorities any known allegation of a

5556violation of the Florida School Code or State Board of Education

5567Rules as defined in Section 1012.795(1), F.S. " The Board proved

5577violation of this rule by a preponderance of the persuasive,

5587credible evidence. This is a clear example of " willful ignorance "

5597at work . The rule requires reporting " any known allegation. "

5607Mr. Faller chose to take the approach that he had a responsibility

5619only if he had conclusive proof of a violation. This approach

5630deprived female students, and for that matter Mr. Frazier, of the

5641bene fit of a timely examination of the allegations to establish if

5653they were true or not.

5658Board Policy 6.9 -- Ethics

566373. Board Policy 6.9, the Code of Ethics policy , holds all

5674employees " to a high moral and ethical standard of conduct, both

5685in their everyday emp loyment and in their roles within the

5696community. " It binds all employees to comply with the Code of

5707Ethics, rule 6A - 10.080. The policy emphasizes the importance of

5718reporting obligations to maintain ing ethical standards. It


5727The School Board of Ma natee County s upports

5736strong internal control in its procedures and

5743practices. All incidents of suspected

5748improprieties should be reported to the

5754Superintendent or filed with the designated

5760official using the Board adopted employee

5766grievance procedures.

576874. The violation of this requirement is the essence of the

5779charges against Mr. Faller. There is no evidence that he had

5790direct knowledge of inappropriate or unlawful activity by

5798Mr. Frazier. But the reports of Ms s . Peebles, Torres, and O ' Dell,

5813along wit h Mr. Gulash ' s admittedly vague expressions of concerns,

5825undeniably gave Mr. Faller knowledge of suspected improprieties

5833that he should have reported. Instead , he chose to remain

5843willfully ignorant. His inactions violated Board Policy 6.9.


585275. Board Policy 6.11 allows the termination of any employee

5862for " just cause including, but not limited to . . . , misconduct

5874in office . . . , willful neglect of duty . . . , violation of the

5889Policies and Procedures Manual of the School District of Manatee

5899C ounty, violation of any applicable Florida statute, violation of

5909the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of

5920the Education Profession in Florida. " The violations of statute s ,

5930rule s , and District polic ies, described above , provide " jus t

5941cause " to terminate Mr. Faller.


5947Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5957Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Manatee County School

5966Board , e nter a f inal o rder terminating the employment of

5978Respondent, Gregg Faller.

5981DON E AND ENTERED this 29th day of August , 2014 , in

5992Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6002Administrative Law Judge

6005Division of Administrative Hearings

6009The DeSoto Building

60121230 Apalachee Parkway

6015Tallahasse e, Florida 32399 - 3060

6021(850) 488 - 9675

6025Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6032Filed with the Clerk of the

6038Division of Administrative Hearings

6042this 29th day of August , 2014 .


60511/ Many of the witnesses were listed as witnesses for both

6062par ties. Demonstrating the professionalism urged by the Florida

6071Supreme Court , counsel cooperated to conduct direct and

6079cross - examination of each witness in one appearance , thus ,

6089minimizing the disruption of testifying for the witnesses and

6098expediting conduc t of the hearing. See In re Code for Resolving

6110Professionalism Complaints , 116 So. 3d 280 (Fla. 2013).

61182/ This time period is reflected as stipulated.

61263 / § 39.201, Fla. Stat.

61324 / T he F indings of F act about the Torres incident and most others

6148in this R ecommended O rder required determinations of credibility

6158when Mr. Faller ' s version of events differed materially from

6169those of o ther witnesses. In those cases, after consideration of

6180corroborating hearsay, consistency with documents, fundamental

6186consisten cy of the witnesses ' testimony , prior interviews,

6195demeanor, and the absence of any evidence indicating any motive

6205for the witnesses to be dishonest , t he undersigned found those

6216witnesses more credible and persuasive than Mr. Faller.

62245 / All references t o the Florida Statutes are to the 2012

6237compilation , unless otherwise noted.

62416 / Although the Board did not cite all of the applicable

6253statutes, it has been clear throughout this proceeding that

6262Mr . Faller is charged with failing to report actual or suspec ted

6275child abuse. This is the specific charge in Administrative

6284Complaint , paragraph 20(a). And Petitioner ' s Statement of

6293Position in the Pre - Hearing Stipulation repeats the charge.


6305E. Jon Weiffenbach, Esquire

6309Weiffenbach and Kaklis

6312538 12th Street West

6316Bradenton, Florida 34205 - 7411


6322Terry Joseph Harmon, Esquire

6326Jeffrey Slanker, Esquire

6329Sniffen and Spellman, P.A.

6333123 North Monroe Street

6337Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1509


6343Pam Stewart

6345Commissioner of Education

6348Dep artment of Education

6352Turlington Building, Suite 1514

6356325 West Gaines Street

6360Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


6366Lois S. Tepper, Interim General Counsel

6372Department of Education

6375Turlington Building, Suite 1244

6379325 West Gaines Street

6383Tallahassee, Flori da 32399 - 0400


6390Rick W. Mills, Superintendent

6394Manatee County School Board

6398215 Manatee Avenue West

6402Bradenton, Florida 34205 - 9069


6413All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

642315 days from t he date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6435to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6446will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/03/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/03/2015
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 09/02/2014
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 3-4, and 7-13, along with an additional Transcript to the Petitioner.
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 3 and 4, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/14/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/09/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/24/2014
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes (2 Volumes) (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/04/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/28/2014
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/27/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/15/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Continue.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 03/19/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Amended Notice of Taking Evidentiary Deposition of D.K. (Former Student) filed.
Date: 03/19/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Notice of Taking Evidentiary Deposition of D.K. (Former Student) filed.
Date: 03/14/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Evidentiary Deposition of D.K. (Former Student) filed.
Date: 03/12/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition of Respondent (Gregg Faller) filed.
Date: 03/10/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for May 15, 2014; 9:00 a.m.).
Date: 03/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 3 and 4, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Date: 03/07/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing Availability filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Preliminary Witness List filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Preliminary Witness List filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Preliminary Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Preliminary Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for March 6, 2014; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 03/05/2014
Proceedings: Request for Telephonic Conference filed.
Date: 03/05/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 03/03/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Preliminary Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/03/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Service of Preliminary Witness List filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving its First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 01/06/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for March 10, 2014; 10:00 a.m.).
Date: 12/23/2013
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 1, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Date: 12/10/2013
Proceedings: Joint Notice of Hearing Availability filed.
Date: 12/03/2013
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing (parties to advise status by December 10, 2013).
Date: 11/26/2013
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 11/26/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Petitioner Manatee County School Board (Terry Harmon) filed.
Date: 11/26/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Terry Harmon) filed.
Date: 11/19/2013
Proceedings: Case Management Order.
Date: 11/19/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 13, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Date: 11/07/2013
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Recommendation for Termination filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Respondent/Employee's Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by E. Weiffenbach, Jr.).
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Order on Suspension without Pay filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Hearing filed.
Date: 11/06/2013
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bradenton, Florida


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