14-000610 Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living, Llc, D/B/A Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, January 21, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: AHCA proved by clear and convincing evidence that ALF was not in compliance and should not have license renewed. Fines assessed for violations.






21vs. Case No . 14 - 0610








41vs. Case No. 14 - 1339








73On August 19 through 2 1 , 2014, a final administrative

83hearing was held in these cases in Orlando, Florida, before

93J. Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law Judge, Division of

101Administrative Hearings.


104For Petitioner Agency f or Health Care Administration:

112Thomas J. Walsh, II, Esquire

117Agency for Health Care Administration

122Sebring Building, Suite 330G

126525 Mirror Lake Drive, North

131St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

135Edwin David Selby, Esquire

139Agency for Health Care Administratio n

145Sebring Building, Third Floor, Room 330

151525 Mirror Lake Drive, North

156St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

160For Respondent Avalon ' s Assisted Living, LLC:

168John E. Terrel, Esquire

172John E. Terrel, P.A.

176Suite 11 - 116

1801700 North Monroe Street

184Tallahassee, Fl orida 32303


193The issues in these cases are whether the Agency for Health

204Care Administration (AHCA or Agency ) should renew the assisted

214living facility (ALF) and limited nursing services (LNS) licenses

223held by Avalon ' s Assisted Liv ing, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s Assisted

237Living (Avalon), and whether AHCA should fine Avalon for alleged

247statutory and rule violations.


253In February 2013, Avalon applied to AHCA to renew its

263biennial ALF and LNS licenses for 2013 and 2014. In December

2742013, AHCA gave Avalon notice that it intended to deny the

285application on several statutory grounds. Avalon requested a

293hearing, and the matter was referred to the Division of

303Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , where it was designated DOAH

311C ase 14 - 0610.

316AHCA also filed an Administrative Complaint against Avalon

324alleging several statutory and rule violations that made up some

334of the grounds for denying license renewal. Avalon requested a

344hearing, and the matter was referred to DOAH, designated DOAH

354C ase 14 - 1339, and consolidated with DOAH C ase 14 - 0610.

368AHCA ' s notice of intent to deny (NOID) was based on:

380deficiencies from 2010 that were cited in a biennial survey done

391in 2012 when Avalon applied to renew its biennial licenses for

4022010 through 2012; 1/ deficiencies from 2013 that were cited in the

414biennial survey done in July 2013 for the renewal application for

4252013 - 2014; deficiencies cited in a complaint investigation

434initiated in September 2013 as a result of an incident that

445occurred while t he deficiencies cited in the July 2013 survey

456were pending, not having been corrected and cleared; deficiencies

465cited in a complaint investigation initiated in October 2013,

474while the September 2013 complaint investigation was still

482pending; and the denial of an application for licensure filed by

493Avalon ' s Assisted Living III (Avalon III), which was controlled

504by individuals having a controlling interest in Avalon. Prior to

514the final hearing, Avalon moved in limine to preclude AHCA from

525relying on the 2010 deficiencies because they were corrected and

535Avalon ' s licenses were renewed for 2010 through 2012. In

546response to the Motion i n Limine , AHCA dropped the 2010

557deficiencies and any reliance on them from its grounds for

567denying renewal of Avalon ' s licenses i n this case.

578AHCA ' s Administrative Complaint (DOAH C ase 14 - 1339) is based

591on essentially the September and October 2013 complaint


600At the final hearing, AHCA presented the testimony of the

610following witnesses: Michael D . , son of D.D., t he alleged victim

622in the October 2013 complaint investigation; Mary Loftus, a

631Florida Hospital social worker who was involved in the discharge

641of R.M., the alleged victim in the September 2013 complaint

651investigation; Vilma Pellot, an AHCA surveyor who was involved in

661the 2013 biennial survey and the October 2013 complaint

670investigation; Myrtus Furbert, who worked on the staff of

679Avalon ' s Assisted Living II, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s Assisted Living

692(Avalon II), which was controlled by individuals having a

701contro lling interest in Avalon and Avalon III , and who testified

712regarding the September 2013 complaint investigation; Renee

719Fortinberry, an Orange County Sheriff ' s Office detective who

729testified regarding the September 2013 investigation; Kathleen

736Carroll, an A HCA surveyor and complaint investigator who

745testified regarding the 2013 biennial survey and September 2013

754complaint investigation; Colleen Monroe, R.N., an AHCA surveyor

762and complaint investigator who testified regarding the 2013

770biennial survey and Sept ember 2013 complaint investigation;

778Lorraine Henry, an AHCA supervisor over the Orland o field office ,

789responsible for the surveys and complaint investigations at issue

798in this case; and Catherine Avery, R.N., who works in AHCA ' s

811Tallahassee headquarters as an ALF manager, oversees the Orlando

820field office regarding its activities in regard to this case, and

831represented AHCA ' s position on the NOID and Administrative

841Complaint in this case. Agency Exhibits 1 through 21 were

851received in evidence. 2/

855Avalon ca lled Mr. Robert Walker, Jr., and Mrs. Chiqquittia

865Carter - Walker in its case - in - chief. Avalon also was allowed to

880cross - examine some of AHCA ' s witnesses beyond the scope of direct

894as part of Avalon ' s case - in - chief. Avalon Exhibits 1 through 4,

9107 through 1 1, 16, 19, and 20 were received in evidence. Avalon

923Exhibit 2 is the deposition of Mary Bowen, an AHCA health

934services and facilities consultant, which was received in lieu of

944in - person testimony. Avalon also was allowed to submit,

954post - hearing and in li eu of live testimony, the transcript of the

968pre - hearing deposition of Hazel Pinard - Davis, R.N., who worked at

981Avalon, subject to the ruling on AHCA ' s objections. AHCA moved

993to strike the deposition transcript when it was filed, and the

1004motion to strike wa s denied.

1010A Transcript of the final hearing was filed on October 16,

10212014, and unopposed motions to extend the time for filing

1031proposed recommended orders were granted. The parties ' proposed

1040recommended orders filed on December 18, 2014, have been

1049consi dered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


10621. Avalon ' s Assisted Living, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s Assisted

1074Living (Avalon) holds a biennial assisted living facility (ALF)

1083and limited nursing services (LNS) license issued by AHCA.

1092Ava lon ' s ALF is in a residence at 1250 Willow Branch Drive in

1107Orlando, Florida. It has a licensed capacity of six beds. There

1118are six bedrooms in the residence. Four are designated as

" 1128licensed " on the ALF ' s floor plan. Two bedrooms are designated

1140as " unl icensed. " In February 2013, Avalon applied to AHCA to

1151renew its license for the years 2013 through 2014. 3/

11612. In July 2013, AHCA conducted a biennial survey to

1171determine whether Avalon ' s license should be renewed. Several

1181deficiencies were noted, inc luding: Tag A0007, Class III,

1190admitting a resident who was ineligible due to inability to

1200transfer from bed to wheelchair with assistance; Tag A0008,

1209Class III, a missing AHCA F orm 1823 health assessment; Tag A0009,

1221Class IV, failure to have a resident si gn a contract for six

1234months after admission; Tag A0030, Class III, using bedrails

1243without a doctor ' s order to confine a resident in bed; Tag A0076,

1257Class III, not having a written policy requiring staff to

1267immediately contact hospice if a resident receivi ng hospice

1276services suffers cardiopulmonary arrest; Tag A0083, Class III,

1284not having documentation that staff on duty had current CPR and

1295first - aid training; and Tag A0162, Class III, not having

1306documentation of a resident ' s informed consent as to whether a

1318nurse would oversee Avalon ' s assistance with self - administration

1329of medication. Avalon did not take issue with the deficiencies

1339or classifications at the time and took prompt action to correct

1350them. 4/

13523. In September 2013, AHCA conducted a follow - up survey,

1363which disclosed that the deficiencies noted in July 2013 were

1373corrected or no longer existed. As a result, Avalon was not

1384fined for those deficiencies. However, during the follow - up

1394survey, it came to the attention of AHCA that an individual,

1405id entified by his initials, R.M., to preserve confidentiality,

1414went missing from an ALF operated nearby at 13230 Early Frost

1425Circle by Avalon ' s Assisted Living II, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s

1438Assisted Living II (Avalon II). Avalon and Avalon II had the

1449same adminis trator, Chiqquit t ia Carter - Walker, who had a

1461controlling interest in both facilities. R.M. could not be found

1471despite an all - out police search. As a result, AHCA initiated a

1484complaint investigation and declined to grant Avalon ' s renewal

1494application pendi ng completion of the investigation. 5/

15024. In October 2013, while the September 2013 incident was

1512being investigated, another apparent deficiency came to the

1520attention of AHCA ' s surveyors. They noticed that an 81 - year - old

1535resident of Avalon ' s ALF, who i s identified by her initials,

1548D.D., to preserve confidentiality, had metal surgical staples in

1557her scalp from her forehead to the crown of her head. There

1569appeared to be dried blood around the staples. At about this

1580time, Avalon ' s administrator, Mrs. Car ter - Walker, observed that

1592D.D. was unable to transfer from bed to wheelchair, which was not

1604normal for her, and appropriately decided to arrange for the

1614resident to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Further

1624investigation into the metal staples reveal ed to the surveyors

1634that they had been placed in the resident ' s scalp when she was

1648hospitalized in July 2013 for medical attention to a head wound

1659incurred when she fell while a resident of Avalon. AHCA

1669initiated a complaint investigation into the reason why the

1678staples remained in the resident ' s scalp for three months, which

1690became another reason for AHCA ' s denial of Avalon ' s renewal

1703application pending completion of the investigation.

1709September 2013 Complaint Investigation Re garding R.M.

17165. The R.M. i nvestigation resulted in six alleged

1725deficiencies: Tag A025 (Resident Care - Supervision), Class II,

1734inadequate resident care and supervision; Tag A0004 (Licensure -

1743Requirements), unclassified, placing R.M. in an unlicensed room

1751and/or exceeding licensed bed capacity at Avalon ' s ALF; Tag A077

1763( Staffing Standards - Administrators), Class III, inadequate

1771supervision of the ALF by the administrator; Tag A079 (Staffing

1781Standards - Levels), Class III, inadequate staffing for the

1790residents, including R.M.; Tag A160 (Records - Facility),

1798Class III, not listing R.M. as a resident on the

1808admission/discharge log; Tag A167 (Resident Contracts),

1814Class III, not having a resident contract for R.M.; Tag A190

1825(Administrative Enforcement), Class III, having staff not

1832coope rate with AHCA ' s investigation; and Tag AZ815 (Background

1843Screening; Prohibited Offenses), unclassified, letting Robert

1849Walker provide personal care or services directly to R.M. after

1859being arrested and awaiting disposition on several felony


18686. Essential to all of the charges arising out of the

1879September complaint investigation is R.M. ' s alleged status as a

1890resident. Avalon ' s position is that he was a non - resident renter

1904of one of the unlicensed beds, not a resident of its ALF.

19167. Avalon ' s f irst contact with R.M. was through the

1928discharge staff at Florida Hospital, where he had been admitted

1938after being involuntarily committed under the Baker Act. After

1947telephonic communication about whether Avalon could accept R.M.

1955as a resident in its ALF, Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband,

1968Robert Walker, went to the hospital on July 19, 2013, to meet

1980Mary Loftus, a social worker on the hospital ' s discharge team,

1992and R.M. At the time, Mr. Walker had pending felony charges that

2004disqualified him from workin g at the ALF or having direct contact

2016with residents. 6/ During the meeting , R.M. was cooperative,

2025pleasant, with euthymic (normal) mood and constricted affect, and

2034some confusion in thought process. R.M. ' s participation ended

2044when he agreed to go to Aval on ' s ALF and stated he would look

2060forward to seeing Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband on the

2072following Monday. The social worker then further discussed the

2081discharge plan with Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband and noted

2093R.M. ' s " exit - seeking behavior " up on admission at the hospital -

2107meaning, he would try to leave the hospital without being

2117discharged. They also discussed finances, including R.M. ' s

2126$1,400 a month Social Security benefit and possible eligibility

2136for Veteran Administration benefits, and R. M. ' s nearest

2146relatives, his foster " son " and his " daughter - in - law, " Jacqueline

2158Renea Fulcher, who lived in Polk County. The social worker then

2169telephoned to arrange for Mrs. Fulcher also to be at the hospital

2181for the planned discharge.

21858. When Mrs. Car ter - Walker and her husband arrived at the

2198hospital for the discharge on July 23, 2013, they were given an

2210AHCA F orm 1823, signed by R.M. ' s psychiatrist the day before.

2223The form stated R.M. ' s needs could be met in an ALF that is not a

2240medical, nursing, or psychiatric facility. The form stated that

2249R.M. was born in 1934, had dementia, was forgetful, required fall

2260precautions, required daily observation for his well - being and

2270whereabouts, and required daily reminders for important tasks.

2278The form also liste d R.M. ' s medications, including 81 mg aspirin,

229110 mg simvastatin, 25 mg sertraline, and 50 mg hydroxyzine

2301hydrochloride. The form stated that R.M. did not need help with

2312taking his medications and could use a pill box. The form stated

2324that R.M. could mak e phone calls independently and could prepare

2335meals, shop, and handle personal and financial affairs with


23459. From the discussions and F orm 1823, it was clear to the

2358Florida Hospital discharge team that R.M. was being discharged to

2368Avalon ' s ALF. 7/ This also was the clear understanding of

2380Mrs. Fulcher. She had asked for a letter signed by R.M. ' s

2393psychiatrist to use when they went to the bank to access R.M. ' s

2407funds to pay for the ALF. She thought she would need it to

2420explain to bank official s in the event R.M. acted out. She

2432understood that is what happened when staff of R.M. ' s previous

2444ALF, Sunrise, took him to the bank to access his funds, which

2456resulted in his involuntary commitment and admission to Florida

2465Hospital on July 3, 2013. The letter she received stated that

2476R.M. was diagnosed with dementia disorder with behavioral

2484disturbances and mood disorder and was unable to make decisions

2494for daily living.

249710. R.M. was discharged to Avalon ' s ALF on July 23, 2013.

2510Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband drove to Florida Hospital to

2522pick R.M. up and drive him to the ALF. R.M. got into the vehicle

2536with them, and Mr. Walker drove. 8/ Mrs. Fulcher followed in her

2548car. They made a stop at a Walmart to get clothing for R.M.

2561While Mrs. Fulcher was parking her car, the other vehicle parked,

2572and R.M. jumped out and walked quickly or ran into the store,

2584away from Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband. Mrs. Fulcher went

2596into the store after R.M., who seemed agitated and did not seem

2608to know or trust them . Mrs. Fulcher tried to calm him down and

2622explain the situation to him. It was decided that R.M. should

2633continue on in Mrs. Fulcher ' s car. They then stopped at a bank

2647to try to access R.M. 's funds to pay Avalon, but they were

2660unsuccessful in doing so be cause they did not have acceptable

2671identification for R.M. From there, they continued on to

2680Avalon, 9/ where Mrs. Fulcher was shown the room R.M. would be

2692staying in, and they discussed R.M. ' s medications, which

2702Mrs. Carter - Walker said she would obtain fro m the pharmacy, and

2715his identification, which Mr. Walker said he would retrieve from

2725Sunrise ALF.

272711. The next day, Mrs. Fulcher was supposed to return to

2738the bank with R.M. and his identification to obtain funds to pay

2750Avalon, but she had a family med ical emergency and had to fly to

2764Virginia, where she remained for two weeks. When she returned ,

2774she tried to contact Avalon by telephone and left messages but

2785did not get a call back from Avalon.

279312. On August 22, 2013, R.M. signed a document making

2803Mrs . Carter - Walker his Social Security benefit payee, and she

2815began receiving his Social Security benefits at Avalon. At some

2825point in time, she generated statements showing that Avalon was

2835charging R.M., as " tenant, " $774.10 as rent for July 2013 (at the

2847mo nthly rental rate of $2,000, prorated), and $2,400 for August

2860and September 2013 (at the monthly rental rate of $2,400).

287113. While AHCA surveyors were at Avalon on Willow Branch

2881Drive on September 11, 2013, conducting a follow - up survey on the

2894deficienc ies noted in July 2013, they learned that R.M. had

2905walked away from Avalon II ' s ALF on Early Frost Circle, refused

2918to come back when asked by the sole staff on duty at the time,

2932did not return, and could not be found despite an all - out police

2946search. Aval on ' s staff denied having any knowledge about R.M.

2958and deferred all questions to Mrs. Carter - Walker. Mrs. Carter -

2970Walker took the position that R.M. was not a resident of Avalon.

2982She testified that she conducted her own assessment of R.M. and,

2993without noti fying either Florida Hospital or Mrs. Fulcher,

3002determined that he did not require the services of an ALF but

3014could be an independent renter of one of Avalon ' s unlicensed

3026beds. She showed surveyors a pillbox she said R.M. used

3036independently for his medicat ions.

304114. The position taken by Avalon as to R.M. 's status is

3053inconsistent with clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.

3062Myrtus Furbert was the sole staff on duty at Avalon II on

3074September 10, 2013. She testified that R.M. spent the previous

3084nig ht there, having been brought there by Mrs. Carter - Walker with

3097a bag of clothing , but no medications. When Ms. Furbert asked

3108about his medications, Mrs. Carter - Walker told her he had no

3120medications because Avalon was not being reimbursed for them.

3129R.M. h ad no cell phone, wallet, or personal or ALF identification

3141because Mrs. Carter - Walker did not trust him not to lose them.

3154He also did not have a key to either Avalon on Willow Branch

3167Drive or Avalon II on Early Frost Circle. When R.M. absconded,

3178Ms. Fur bert notified Mrs. Carter - Walker, who notified the police,

3190essentially following Avalon ' s elopement policy for ALF


320015. Ms. Furbert also testified convincingly that she and

3209other staff were instructed by Mrs. Carter - Walker to be cautious

3221about discussing potential deficiencies with surveyors and to

3229defer those kinds of questions, and in particular questions

3238regarding R.M., to her. Consistent with that testimony, staff at

3248Avalon told AHCA ' s surveyors that they knew nothing about R.M.,

3260and Ms. F urbert was not forthright initially when questioned

3270about him. Mrs. Carter - Walker testified, and Avalon took the

3281position, that staff did not know anything about R.M. because he

3292was an independent boarder, not an ALF resident. Her testimony

3302and Avalon ' s position are rejected as implausible and contrary to

3314the clear and convincing evidence to the contrary.

332216. R.M. was a resident of Avalon ' s ALF, notwithstanding

3333Avalon ' s position to the contrary and its failure to give him the

3347services he should have h ad.

335317. The facts alleged in the deficiency tags arising out of

3364the September 2013 complaint investigation were proven by clear

3373and convincing evidence.

3376October 2013 Complaint Investigation Regarding D.D.

338218. Avalon gave excuses for not having the m etal staples

3393removed from D.D. ' s scalp for over three months. Mrs. Carter -

3406Walker testified that the doctor who came monthly to Avalon ' s ALF

3419stopped accepting D.D. ' s insurance and that she tried to

3430telephone D.D. ' s son to get the name of her doctor, got no answer

3445at first, and later talked to him and learned that D.D. had no

3458other doctor. She testified that she then asked the Florida

3468Hospital doctor who placed the staples to remove them, but that

3479doctor declined. She testified that she did not take D.D. t o a

3492walk - in clinic or emergency room to have the staples removed

3504because D.D. ' s son had a durable power of attorney, and he would

3518have to be present to authorize the removal of the staples.

352919. D.D. ' s son did not recall getting any telephone calls

3541from Mrs. Carter - Walker before October 10, 2013, and that he

3553first learned about the staples when he went to Florida Hospital

3564the next day. His testimony was clear and convincing and is

3575accepted. Her testimony was self - serving and is rejected , if it

3587was inte nded to mean that she took appropriate steps to notify

3599the son about the staples and ask him to give consent to have

3612them removed prior to October 10, 2013.

361920. The evidence was clear and convincing that it was

3629inappropriate medically for the staples to remain in D.D. ' s scalp

3641for three months. Although there was no clear and convincing

3651evidence that the staples caused an infection or that skin grew

3662over them so as to require additional surgery to remove them,

3673both were possible results from leaving the staples in too long.

368421. D.D . ' s son relied on Avalon to care for his mother.

3698Avalon should have taken appropriate steps to have the staples

3708removed before October 10, 2013.

3713Pattern of Deficient Performance

371722. The tags noted in the July 2013 re - li censure survey

3730reflect several relatively minor deficiencies, some little more

3738than paperwork deficiencies, which were corrected promptly. They

3746do not, in themselves, reflect a pattern of deficient


375623. The tags from the September 2013 comp laint

3765investigation involving R.M. arose from an isolated incident, in

3774that there was no evidence that any resident eloped before or

3785since. However, the tags include more than just an elopement.

3795The deficiencies actually arose from a decision by Mrs. Car ter -

3807Walker, whether before or after the elopement, not to treat R.M.

3818appropriately as an ALF resident or provide the ALF services he

3829should have been given, while she and Avalon collected R.M. ' s

3841Social Security benefits intended to pay for those services.

3850Avalon ' s decision was not disclosed to Florida Hospital, to

3861Mrs. Fulcher, or to AHCA. This decision contributed to R.M. ' s

3873ultimate elopement. When Avalon ' s actions were disclosed through

3883R.M. ' s elopement, Mrs. Carter - Walker attempted to manage the

3895conse quences through her instructions to her ALF staff not to

3906provide certain information to AHCA ' s surveyors , except through


391724. The tags from the October 2013 complaint investigation

3926involving D.D. arose from an isolated incident, in that there was

3937n o evidence that any resident was medically neglected before or

3948since. However, these deficiencies also arose from a decision by

3958Mrs. Carter - Walker not to provide the ALF services D.D. should

3970have been given. D.D. ' s son, who was her health care surrogate,

3983was not kept apprised of D.D. ' s medical condition or asked to

3996cooperate in having the metal staples removed from his mother ' s

4008scalp. Avalon also did not disclose metal staples to AHCA

4018directly or by making reference to them in D.D. ' s ALF records.

4031AHCA h appened to become aware of them when its surveyors happened

4043to notice the staples while they and Mrs. Carter - Walker were

4055attending to D.D. for an apparent change in her medical condition

4066that occurred while a survey was being conducted. When the

4076staples w ere noticed and investigated, Mrs. Carter - Walker and

4087Avalon attempted to avoid responsibility by blaming D.D. ' s son

4098and her Florida Hospital doctor.

410325. The tags arising out of the R.M. and D.D.

4113investigations, while relatively small in number, reflect a

4121troubling pattern of deficient performance involving inadequate

4128supervision and lack of appropriate attention to the needs of ALF

4139residents, together with attempts to hide the deficient

4147performance from family members and AHCA, and the development of

4157an unhealthy relationship with the AHCA surveyors and regulators

4166that has resulted in a mutual lack of trust.

4175Avalon III Amended Final Order

418026. Mrs. Carter - Walker had a controlling interest in Avalon

4191and in Avalon III, which applied for a license to ope rate an ALF

4205at a third location in Orlando. AHCA gave notice of intent to

4217deny the application for licensure on several grounds, including:

4226unlicensed operation of an ALF at 1812 Crown Hill Boulevard in

4237Orlando in July and August 2009; expiration of the applicant ' s

4249lease on the facility to be licensed; and the disqualification of

4260Mr. Walker, who was a controlling interest, administrator , and

4269financial officer on the application.

427427. Avalon III requested a hearing, and a Recommended Order

4284of Dismissal was entered on the ground that Mrs. Carter - Walker

4296and Mr. Walker took the Fifth and declined to answer discovery

4307questions relevant to the grounds for denial of Avalon III ' s

4319application. As a result, Avalon III essentially chose not to

4329meet its burden to prove entitlement to licensure. The

4338Recommended Order of Dismissal was adopted in an Agency Amended

4348Final Order. Avalon III appealed, and the First District Court

4358of Appeal issued a per curiam affirmance on December 17, 2014.

4369Avalon, etc. v. AHCA , Case 1D13 - 5972, per curiam aff ' d (Fla. 1st

4384DCA Dec. 17, 2014). There was no request for rehearing, and the

4396M andate issued on January 5, 2015. Id.


440728. This case combines the denial of an application to

4417renew an ALF and LNS license on variou s grounds ( DOAH Case

443014 - 0610) and an Administrative Complaint to assess fines on some

4442of the same grounds ( DOAH Case 14 - 1339). A threshold legal issue

4456to be determined is the burden of proof to apply.

4466Burden of Proof

446929. AHCA takes the position that bec ause section 429.01(3),

4479Florida Statutes (2013) , 10/ makes an ALF license " a public trust

4490and a privilege and . . . not an entitlement " and states that

4503this principle should guide the trier of fact, the burden of

4514proof is on Avalon to prove compliance with all applicable

4524statutes and rules and to prove entitlement to renewal of its

4535license in DOAH Case 14 - 0610. Avalon takes the position that the

4548burden is on AHCA to prove alleged violations by clear and

4559convincing evidence.

456130. Davis Family Daycare Home v. Department of Children and

4571Family Services , 117 So. 3d 464, 467 - 69 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013), was a

4586case in which the Department of Children and Family Services

4596(DCF) denied an application to " step up " from a family daycare to

4608a large daycare license and took the position that its only

4619burden in the disputed - fact hearing was to present competent,

4630substantial evidence of alleged violations. The court rejected

4638DCF ' s position and held that DCF had the burden to prove alleged

4652violations by clear and convincing ev idence. The court saw a

4663direct conflict with Haines v. Department of Children and

4672Families , 983 So. 2d 602, 607 (Fla. 5th DCA 2008), which held

4684that the preponderance of the evidence standard applied in a

4694license revocation proceeding, and certified the q uestion to the

4704Florida Supreme Court, which has accepted jurisdiction. Dep ' t of

4715Child . & Fam . Servs. v. Davis Fam . Daycare Home , 130 So. 3d 691

4731(Fla. 2013).

473331. If the Supreme Court rules on the certified direct

4743conflict between the second and fifth di strict courts, it is

4754unclear whether it will address the interplay between that

4763conflict (i.e., as to the standard of proof on the governmental

4774agency to prove alleged violations) and the concept of the

" 4784ultimate burden of persuasion, " which the Supreme Co urt has held

4795remains on a license applicant. Dep ' t of Banking & Fin. v.

4808Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996). In N.W. v.

4822Department of Children and Family Services , 981 So. 2d 599 (Fla.

48333d DCA 2008), it was held that the ultimate burden o f persuasion

4846remains on the applicant for a renewal license. In Coke v.

4857Department of Children and Family Services , 704 So. 2d 726 (Fla.

48685th DCA 1998), it was held that the burden of proof is on the

4882agency denying an application for a renewal license to p rove the

4894violations that were the grounds for denial. On this point, the

4905court in Davis Family Daycare Home noted the similarity between a

4916license renewal application and an application to step up to a

4927higher level of a license -- namely, in both cases, the agency

4939previously found the applicant worthy of licensure. It also

4948noted that the Davis Family Daycare Home proceeding w as initiated

4959by the filing of a " self - proclaimed administrative complaint " and

4970w as determined by the agency to be disciplinary in natu re, which

4983made section 120.57(1) (j) , Florida Statutes, applicable:

" 4990Findings of fact shall be based upon a preponderance of the

5001evidence, except in penal or licensure disciplinary proceedings .

5010. . . " Based on those factors, which are similar , if not

5022ide ntical , to the facts of this case, the Davis Family Daycare

5034Home court placed the burden of proof on DCF.

504332. The best way to reconcile and harmonize the conflicting

5053decisions on the burden and standard of proof is to place the

5065burden on AHCA to prove alleged violations by clear and

5075convincing evidence and, if it does, allow Avalon to prove by a

5087preponderance of the evidence that its license should be renewed,

5097notwithstanding any violations that are proven.

510333. It is clear that the burden in DOAH Ca se 14 - 1339 is on

5119AHCA to prove the allegations in its Administrative Complaint by

5129clear and convincing evidence. Dep ' t of Banking & Fin. v.

5141Osborne Stern & Co. , supra ; Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

5153(Fla. 1987).

515534. The Supreme Court has stated:

5161Clear and convincing evidence requires that

5167the evidence must be found to be credible;

5175the facts to which the witnesses testify must

5183be distinctly remembered; the testimony must

5189be precise and lacking in confusion as to the

5198facts in issue. The evidence mu st be of such

5208a weight that it produces in the mind of the

5218trier of fact a firm belief or conviction,

5226without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

5234allegations sought to be established.

5239In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005)(quoting Slomowitz

5250v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

5261License Renewal Requirements

526435. An applicant for renewal of an ALF license must

5274demonstrate compliance with " this part [II of chapter 408,

5283Florida Statutes, the licensing statute], authorizing statutes,

5290and applicable rules during an inspection pursuant to section

5299408.811, as required by authorizing statutes . " § 408.806(7)(a),

5308Fla. Stat. Section 408.811(1)(b) provides for re - licensure

5317inspections " biennially unless otherwise specified by authorizing

5324statute s or applicable rules. " The July 2013 survey was the

5335biennial inspection for Avalon ' s renewal application that is the

5346subject of DOAH C ase 14 - 0610. Although the deficiencies noted in

5359the July 2013 survey were corrected and cleared by the end of

5371September 2013, it was not possible for AHCA to conclude that

5382Avalon was in compliance with part II, authorizing statutes, and

5392applicable rules because the September 2013 complaint

5399investigation regarding R.M. had been opened and was pending.

5408Before that investiga tion was concluded, another complaint

5416investigation was opened regarding D.D. It could not be

5425concluded that Avalon was in compliance with part II, authorizing

5435statutes, and applicable rules until both those investigation s

5444were completed.

5446September 2013 Complaint Investigation Regarding R.M.

545236. Avalon is an ALF. § 429.02(5), Fla. Stat. R.M. was a

5464resident. § 429.02(19) , Fla. Stat . He was discharged from

5474Florida Hospital to Avalon. Avalon accepted him as a resident.

5484Avalon did not notify Florida Hospital, AHCA, or R.M. ' s nearest

5496relative that it was not accepting R.M. as a resident.

550637. Avalon was required to provide R.M. with care and

5516services appropriate to his needs. Fla. Admin. Code

5524R. 58A - 5.0182. 11/ This included personal supervision. I d.

5535a t ( 1 ) . Personal supervision includes: daily observation by

5547designated staff and awareness of the general health, safety, and

5557physical and emotional well - being of the resident; general

5567awareness of the resident ' s whereabouts; contacting the

5576resident ' s health care provider and other appropriate parties,

5586such as the resident ' s family, guardian, health care surrogate,

5597or case manager if the resident exhibits a significant change, is

5608discharged, or moves out; maintaining a written record, updated

5617as needed , of any significant changes, any illnesses that

5626resulted in medical attention, changes in the method of

5635medication administration, or other changes that resulted in the

5644provision of additional services. Id. at (b) - (e). An ALF is

5656required to offer superv ision of or assistance with activities

5666of daily living (ADLs) as needed by the resident. Fla. Admin.

5677Code R. 58A - 5.0182(4). Supervision means reminding residents to

5687engage in ADLs and the self - administration of medication and,

5698when necessary, observing o r providing verbal cuing.

5706§ 429.02(23) , Fla. Stat . All residents assessed at risk for

5717elopement or with any history of elopement must be identified so

5728staff can be alerted to their needs for support and supervision.

5739Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A - 5.0182(8)(a). An ALF must make, at a

5752minimum, a daily effort to determine that at - risk residents have

5764identification on their persons that includes their name and

5773the facility ' s name, address, and telephone number; staff

5783attention must be directed towards residents as sessed at high

5793risk for elopement. Id. at 1.

579938. The evidence was clear and convincing that Avalon was

5809not in compliance with these requirements, which resulted in Tag

5819A025 (Resident Care - Supervision). This was a Class II

5829violation because it direc tly threatened R.M. ' s physical or

5840emotional health, safety, or security (but was not a Class I

5851violation because it did not present an imminent danger to R.M.

5862or a substantial probability that death or serious physical or

5872emotional harm would result) . § 4 08.813(2)(a) - (b) , Fla. Stat .

588539. Rule 58A - 5.016(3) prohibits a change in the use of

5897space that increases or decreases a facility ' s capacity, without

5908prior approval from AHCA ' s Central Office . Rule 58A - 5.016(4)

5921prohibits converting an area to resident u se not previously

5931inspected for such use, without prior approval from AHCA ' s Field

5943Office . The evidence was clear and convincing that Avalon

5953violated these rules by placing R.M. in an unlicensed bedroom,

5963which resulted in Tag A077 (Staffing Standards - Ad ministrators).

5973This was an unclassified violation under section 408.813(2).

598140. Rule 58A - 5.019(4) sets out staffing standards that

5991required 212 staff hours for the seven Avalon residents

6000(including R.M.) in September 2013 and also required a written

6010wo rk schedule reflecting Avalon ' s 24 - hour staffing pattern. The

6023evidence was clear and convincing that Avalon was not in

6033compliance with this rule, resulting in Tag A079 (Staffing

6042Standards - Levels), a Class III violation under section


605241. Rule 58A - 5.024 requires that an ALF maintain and make

6064available for inspection certain resident records, including an

6072up - to - date admission and discharge log. The evidence was clear

6085and convincing that Avalon was not in compliance with this rule

6096because th e log did not reflect R.M. having been admitted, which

6108resulted in Tag A0160 (Records - Facility), a Class III violation

6119under section 408.813(2).

612242. Section 429.24 and rule 58A - 5.025 require that ALFs

6133enter into resident contracts. The evidence was c lear and

6143convincing that Avalon was not in compliance with this statute

6153and rule because it had no resident contract with R.M., which

6164resulted in Tag A0167 (Resident Contracts), a Class III violation

6174under section 408.813(2).

617743. Rule 58A - 5.033 require s that ALF staff cooperate with

6189AHCA personnel during surveys, complaint investigations,

6195monitoring visits, implementation of correction plans, license

6202application and renewal procedures , and other activities

6209necessary to ensure compliance. AHCA personnel are required to

6218interview staff privately to determine compliance with resident

6226care standards. Id. at (1). The evidence was clear and

6236convincing that Avalon was not in compliance with this rule

6246because Mrs. Carter - Walker instructed staff not to answer

6256surveyor questions that might lead to findings of deficiencies ,

6265except through her, and staff followed those instructions by not

6275cooperating with AHCA personnel during the R.M. complaint

6283investigation, which resulted in Tag A0190 (Administrative

6290Enforcemen t), a Class III violation under section 408.813(2).

629944. Section 408.809(1)(e) requires Level 2 background

6306screening for any person seeking employment with a licensee who

6316is expected to, or whose responsibilities may require him or her

6327to, provide person al care or services directly to clients.

6337Persons required to undergo background screening must not have an

6347arrest awaiting final disposition on a disqualifying felony

6355charge. Id. at (4)(a). See also § 435.06(1) - (2) , Fla. Stat .

6368The evidence was clear a nd convincing that Mr. Walker met with

6380R.M. at Florida Hospital, drove him part way to Avalon ' s ALF, and

6394participated in showing R.M. and Mrs. Fulcher where R.M. would be

6405staying at the ALF. Since he was awaiting the disposition of

6416disqualifying felony ch arges, this was a violation of the

6426screening requirements, which resulted in Tag AZ815 (Background

6434Screening - Prohibited Offenses), an unclassified violation under

6442section 408.813(2).

644445. Avalon contends that Mr. Walker ' s contact with R.M. was

6456not a vio lation because, at the time, rule 59A - 35.090(4)(d)

6468stated: " An alleged offense is not disqualifying until such time

6478as there has been a disposition. " That rule language, which was

6489removed by amendment in December 2013, must be harmonized with

6499the statute s , if possible. That can be done by interpreting the

6511rule language to mean that the statutory prohibition is lifted

6521when charges are dismissed.

6525October 2013 Complaint Investigation Regarding D.D.

653146. Avalon was required to provide D.D. with care and

6541se rvices appropriate to her needs. Fla. Admin. Code

6550R. 58A - 5.0182. This included personal supervision. Id. at (1).

6561Personal supervision includes: daily observation by designated

6568staff and awareness of the general health, safety, and physical

6578and emotion al well - being of the resident; contacting the

6589resident ' s health care provider and other appropriate party such

6600as the resident ' s family, guardian, health care surrogate, or

6611case manager if the resident exhibits a significant change, is

6621discharged or moves out; maintaining a written record, updated as

6631needed, of any significant changes, any illnesses that result in

6641medical attention, changes in the method of medication

6649administration, or other changes that result in the provision of

6659additional services. Id. at (b), (d), and (e). In order to

6670facilitate resident access to needed health care, an ALF must

6680assist residents in making appointments for medical services,

6688provide or arrange transportation to needed medical services.

6696Id. at (3)(a) - (b). Rule 58A - 5.02 5(1)(j) requires that resident

6709contracts have a provision that upon a determination by the ALF

6720administrator that a resident needs services beyond those the

6729facility is licensed to provide, the resident or the resident ' s

6741representative, or agency acting on the resident ' s behalf, must

6752be notified in writing that the resident must make arrangements

6762for transfer to a care setting that is able to provide services

6774needed by the resident. The evidence was clear and convincing

6784that Avalon violated the statute and rule by not taking

6794appropriate steps to have the metal staples removed from D.D. ' s

6806scalp for three months, which resulted in Tag A025 (Resident

6816Care - Supervision), a Class II violation under section

6825408.815(2)(a) - (b).

682847. Avalon argues that the evide nce regarding D.D. does not

6839support a violation of rule 58A - 5.0182(1)(d) - (e) because the

6851failure to take steps to remove the metal staples in D.D. ' s scalp

6865did not amount to a " significant change " under the definition in

6876rule 58A - 5.0131(32): " a sudden or m ajor shift in behavior or

6889mood inconsistent with the resident ' s diagnosis, or a

6899deterioration in health status such as unplanned weight change,

6908stroke, heart condition, enrollment in hospice, or stage 2, 3, or

69194 pressure sore. " On this point, Avalon ' s arg ument has merit.

6932Violations of rule 58A - 5.0182(1)(d) - (e) were not proven.

6943July 2013 Re - Licensure Survey

694948. The deficiencies tagged as a result of the July 2013

6960re - licensure survey were proven by clear and convincing evidence.

6971All those deficiencies were either Class III or Class IV

6981deficiencies that were promptly corrected and were cleared by

6990AHCA, and Avalon cannot be fined or disciplined for them. They

7001can be considered in determining whether AHCA proved a pattern of

7012deficient performance that wou ld warrant license discipline under

7021section 408.815(1)(d), Florida Statutes. But see Conclusion of

7029Law 52, infra .

7033Amended Final Order Denying Avalon III Application

704049. Under section 429.14(3), AHCA " may deny a license to

7050any applicant or controlling interest as defined in part II of

7061chapter 408 which has or had a 25 - percent or greater financial or

7075ownership interest in any other facility licensed under this

7084part, or in any entity licensed by this state or another state to

7097provide health or residential care, which facility or entity

7106during the 5 years prior to the application for a license closed

7118due to financial inability to operate; had a receiver appointed

7128or a license denied, suspended, or revoked; was subject to a

7139moratorium; or had an injunctive p roceeding initiated against

7148it. " The evidence was clear and convincing that this ground for

7159denial of Avalon ' s re - licensure exists by virtue of the Amended

7173Final Order entered in DOAH Case 09 - 6342, which was affirmed on


718750. Avalon argues that s ection 429.14(3) does not apply

7197because Avalon III did not have a license. That strained

7207interpretation of the statute is rejected. As used in the

7217statute, denial of a license means denial of an application for a

7229license, as well as denial of an applicat ion for renewal of a

7242license. Contrary to Avalon ' s argument, the wording of section

7253408.815 supports this conclusion.

7257Pattern of Deficient Performance

726151. Under section 408.815(1)(d), AHCA may deny a license

7270for a " demonstrated pattern of deficient pe rformance. " There is

7280no case law construing this phrase. An accepted definition of

7290the word " pattern " is: " the regular or repeated way in which

7301something happens or is done. " Merriam - Webster Online Dictionary


731252. Avalon argues that there was no clear and convincing

7322evidence of a pattern of deficient performance because R.M. ' s

7333elopement and D.D. ' s scalp staples were isolated incidents, and

7344the deficiencies from the July 2013 re - licensure survey were

7355minor and cleared. The minor, cleared defic iencies noted in the

7366July 2013 survey do not contribute to the relevant pattern of

7377deficient performance. The deficiencies arising out of the R.M.

7386and D.D. complaint investigations reflect a troubling pattern.

7394See Finding of Fact 23 - 25, supra . It is not necessary for AHCA

7409to allow such a pattern to continue for a longer period of time

7422before taking action under section 408.815(1)(d).

7428Other Grounds for Denial of Application for Renewal

743653. Section 429.14(1) authorizes denial or revocation of a

7445license for: an intentional or negligent act seriously affecting

7454the health or safety of a resident of a facility; failure to

7466comply with the background screening standards of part II of

7476chapter 408 or a violation of part II of chapter 429, section

7488408.809(1), o r chapter 435; failure of a licensee during

7498re - licensure to meet the minimum license requirements of part II

7510of chapter 429, or related rules, at the time of license

7521application or renewal; or any act constituting a ground to deny

7532an application for a lice nse. Id. at (a), (f), (h), and (k).

754554. Section 408.815(1)(b) - (c) authorizes denial or

7553revocation of a license for: an intentional or negligent act

7563materially affecting the health or safety of a client of a

7574provider (i.e., in this context, a resident of an ALF); or a

7586violation of part II of chapter 408, authorizing statutes, or

7596applicable rules.

759855. The clear and convincing evidence also proved these

7607charges and grounds (although they add nothing to the other

7617proven charges and grounds) .

7622Fines As sessed in DOAH Case 14 - 1339

763156. Under section 429.19(2)(b), AHCA shall impose an

7639administrative fine for Class II violations in an amount not less

7650than $1,000 or more than $5,000 per violation. AHCA seeks a fine

7664of $2,500 for the Class II violation regar ding R.M. and $2,000

7678for the Class II violation regarding D.D. These fines are

7688reasonable under section 429.19(3).

769257. Under section 408.813(3), AHCA may impose an

7700administrative fine of not more than $500 per unclassified

7709violation (unless otherwise s pecified by law) . AHCA seeks $500

7720fines for each of the two unclassified violations arising out the

7731complaint investigations, which is appropriate.


7737Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7747Law, it is

7750RECOMMENDED that A HCA enter a final order denying Avalon ' s

7762license renewal application and fining Avalon $5,500.

7770DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of January , 2015 , in

7780Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7788Administrative Law Judge

7791Division of Administrative Hearings

7795The DeSoto Building

77981230 Apalachee Parkway

7801Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7806(850) 488 - 9675

7810Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7817Filed with the Clerk of the

7823Division of Administrative Hearings

7827this 21 st day of January , 2015 .


78371/ Avalon ' s application and AHCA ' s survey for the 2010 - 2012

7852biennial license renewal were delayed because AHCA ' s revocation

7862of Avalon ' s license (AHCA C ases 2009009965, 2009009966,

78722009011074, 20100002136, and 201000021 38; DOAH C ases 10 - 0528,

788310 - 1672, and 10 - 1673) was on appeal to the First District Court

7898of Appeal ( C ase 1D11 - 1411). The revocation was reversed by the

7912court in December 2011, and Avalon applied for renewal for the

7923years 2010 through 2012, which was grante d in February 2013.

79342 / Agency Exhibits 6 and 16 were received in evidence, but no

7947findings of fact are based solely on these documents or hearsay

7958contained in them , unless the hearsay would have been admissible

7968over objection in civil actions. § 120.5 7(1)(c), Fla. Stat.

7978(2014). See Harris v. Game and Fresh Water Fish Comm 'n , 495

7990So. 2d 806 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986) ; Scott v. Dep ' t of Prof. Reg. ,

8005603 So. 2d 519 (Fla 1st DCA 1992); Juste v. Dep ' t of HRS ,

8020520 So. 2d 69 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988).

8028Agency Exhibit 8, the transcript of the deposition of

8037Jacqueline Renea Fulcher, the " foster daughter - in - law " of R.M.,

8049the alleged victim in the September 2013 complaint investigation,

8058was received. Avalon objected on the ground that the witness was

8069available to testify at the hearing, but the exhibit supports its

8080use in lieu of live testimony.

8086Agency Exhibits 20 and 21, the transcripts of depositions of

8096Chiqquittia Carter - Walker, who owns Avalon and is its

8106administrator, were received for rebuttal and impeachment

8113purpos es, and to support AHCA ' s renewed motion for sanctions on

8126the ground that Mrs. Carter - Walker frequently took the Fifth and

8138refused to answer questions during the deposition (AHCA ' s

8148pre - hearing motion for sanctions having been denied at the

8159outset of the fi nal hearing) . The renewed motion for sanctions

8171is denied.

8173AHCA was allowed to late - file Agency Exhibit 22, AHCA ' s

8186discovery requests and Avalon ' s responses regarding video

8195surveillance that were supposed to rebut and impeach the

8204testimony of Mrs. Carte r - Walker and the position of Avalon that

8217AHCA could have placed the video surveillance in evidence

8226(something Avalon also did not do) to resolve some critical

8236factual disputes between the parties. However, AHCA did not

8245file Agency Exhibit 22, which is dee med withdrawn.

82543/ See Endnote 1, supra .

82604/ Avalon took the position that some of the deficiencies were

8271corrected so quickly that they should not be considered

8280deficiencies at all. This argument is rejected. They can be

8290considered in deciding whethe r there was a pattern of deficient

8301performance. See Conclusion of Law 48. Avalon also argued that

8311all the Class III tags actually were Class IV. That distinction

8322need not be determined because all were promptly corrected and

8332cleared, so it did not matte r if they were Class III or Class IV.

83475/ Avalon seemed to be taking the position that, once the

8358deficiencies noted in the July 2013 survey were cleared, AHCA was

8369obligated to renew Avalon ' s license, regardless of the new

8380complaint investigation. This argument, which was not maintained

8388in Avalon ' s proposed recommended order, is rejected.

83976/ By the time of the final hearing, the charges were dropped.

8409Avalon takes the position that Mr. Walker was not disqualified,

8419but that position is rejected. See Conclusion of Law 45, infra .

8431The subsequent nolle prosequi of the charges does not alter

8441Mr. Walker ' s status in July 2013.

84497/ The F orm 1823 stated that the discharge was to Avalon II on

8463Early Frost Circle, and there was other evidence that R.M. spent

8474time and even possibly at least one overnight at Avalon II ' s ALF,

8488but Avalon maintained that R.M. never spent a night at Avalon II,

8500and AHCA now accepts that R.M. was not a resident at Avalon II.

85138/ Mrs. Carter - Walker and her husband denied that he dro ve.

8526Although who drove probably is not a critical distinction, the

8536testimony of Mrs. Fulcher is accepted on this point, and it is

8548found by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Walker was


85599/ Mrs. Fulcher thought the ALF was on Early Frost Ci rcle, which

8572would have been Avalon II. If it was, it is not clear from the

8586evidence if R.M. actually stayed there or how long he stayed

8597there. See E ndnote 7, supra .

860410/ Unless otherwise stated, all statutory references are to the

86142013 codification of the Florida Statutes, which reflects the

8623statutes in effect at the time of the alleged violations.

863311/ Unless otherwise stated, all rule references are to the

8643Florida Administrative Code rules in effect at the time of the

8654alleged violations.


8658John E. Terrel, Esquire

8662John E. Terrel, P.A.

8666Suite 11 - 116

86701700 North Monroe Street

8674Tallahassee, Florida 32303


8678Thomas J. Walsh, II, Esquire

8683Agency for Health Care Administration

8688Sebring Building, Suite 330G

8692525 Mirror Lake Drive, Nor th

8698St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


8703Edwin David Selby, Esquire

8707Agency for Health Care Administration

8712Sebring Building, Third Floor, Room 330

8718525 Mirror Lake Drive, North

8723St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


8728Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

8733Age ncy for Health Care Administration

87392727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

8745Tallahassee, Florida 32308


8749Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

8752Agency for Health Care Administration

87572727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

8763Tallahassee, Florida 32308


8767Stuart Williams, G eneral Counsel

8772Agency for Health Care Administration

87772727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

8783Tallahassee, Florida 32308



8793All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

880315 days from the date of this Re commended Order. Any exceptions

8815to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8826will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Avalon's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Agency's Exceptions to Recommended Order for DOAH Case No. 14-0610 filed.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/03/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/21/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/21/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 19 through 21, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/21/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/05/2015
Proceedings: Agencys Notice of Filing of Mandate for 1DCA Opinion 1D13-5972 filed.
Date: 12/18/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/18/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/17/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Filing of 1DCA Opinion 1D13-5972 filed.
Date: 11/25/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/21/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 11/06/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/05/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Unopposed Motion for Extension to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/16/2014
Proceedings: Transcripts Volumes I-VI (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/25/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Strike David Deposition.
Date: 09/22/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Response to Agency's Motion to Strike Deposition of Hazel David, R.N. filed.
Date: 09/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Strike the Deposition Testimony of Hazel David, R.N filed.
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition of Hazel David, R.N filed.
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: Deposition of Hazel Veronica Pinard-David filed.
Date: 08/19/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Notice of appearance as co-counsel (Thomas J. Walsh, II) filed.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Notice of appearance of co-counsel (Thomas J. Walsh, II; filed in Case No. 14-001339).
Date: 08/15/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 08/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Request For Official Recognition filed.
Date: 08/14/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Response to AHCA's Motion to Dismiss Case #14-0610 and for Expedited Response and Decision filed.
Date: 08/14/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Response to AHCA's Motion for Protective Order for Jackie Henry and Motion for Post-Hearing Deposition filed.
Date: 08/14/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motion For Protective Order Re Avalon's Notice For 8/15 Deposition for Jackie Henry filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Exhibits for Mary Bowen Deposition filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Deposition of Mary Bowen filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition of Mary Bowen and Exhibits filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/13/2014
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony (Jackie Henry) filed.
Date: 08/12/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion in Limine or for Preclusion of Issues at Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/12/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 08/12/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motion for Use of Deposition of Unavailable Witness at Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/12/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's (Proposed) Exhibit List filed.
Date: 08/08/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Response to AHCA's Motion for Expedited Pre-trial Conference filed.
Date: 08/08/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motion for Expedited Pre-trial Conference to Determine Burdens of Proof & Order of the Proceedings filed.
Date: 08/07/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony (of Jackie Henry) filed.
Date: 08/07/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion to Dismiss Case #14-0610 & Motions for Expedited Response & Decision filed.
Date: 07/30/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Mary Bowen) filed.
Date: 07/30/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Objection to Avalon's Notice of Taking Depositions (filed in Case No.: 14-1339) filed.
Date: 07/30/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Objection to Avalon's Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 07/29/2014
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Depositions (of Lorraine Henry and Kathleen Carroll) filed.
Date: 07/29/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Service of Responses to Avalon's 3rd Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/29/2014
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 19 through 22, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL; amended as to location of hearing).
Date: 07/25/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of Lorraine Henry, Vanessia Bulger, Kathleen Carroll, and Vilma Pellot) filed.
Date: 07/23/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Avalon Corporate Representative, Chiqquittia Carter Walker, Robert Walker, Hazel David, Corazon Mendoza, and Renea Fulcher) filed.
Date: 07/22/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Notice of Disclosure of Witnesses to AHCA on July 15, 2014 filed.
Date: 07/21/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Expedite Discovery Responses.
Date: 07/21/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Response to Avalon's Motion to Expedite Responses to Third Set of Interrogatories to AHCA filed.
Date: 07/18/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Service of Responses to Avalon's 2nd Set of 1) Interrogatories & 2) Request to Produce filed.
Date: 07/17/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Extend Witness Disclosure or, in the Alternative, Expedite Discovery Responses.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion to Expedite Responses to Third Set of Interrogatories to AHCA filed.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Third Set of Interrogatories to the Agency for Health Care Administration filed.
Date: 07/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Response to Avalon's Motion to Exend Witness Disclosure Date and/or Expedite Discovery Responses from AHCA filed.
Date: 07/11/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Witness List filed.
Date: 07/11/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Supplement to Motion to Extend Witness Disclosure Date and/or Expedite Discovery Responses from AHCA (filed in Case No. 14-001339).
Date: 07/10/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion to Extend Witness Disclosure Date and/or Expedite Discovery Responses from AHCA (filed in Case No. 14-001339).
Date: 06/24/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Sever and Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 06/18/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Avalon's Second Set of Interrogatories and Request to Produce to AHCA filed.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Avalon I's Response to AHCA's Motion to Sever Cases and to Relinquish Jurisdiction of Case #14-0610 filed.
Date: 06/06/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Supplemental Responses Per Order on Motions to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 06/06/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Notice of Compliance with Order on Motions to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 06/04/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Sever Cases & Relinquish Jurisdiction of #14-0610 filed.
Date: 06/03/2014
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Final Hearing and Amended Pre-hearing Instructions (hearing set for August 19 through 22, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 05/30/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Response to Avalon's Response to AHCA's Motion to Order Discovery Schedule and Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance filed.
Date: 05/27/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Response to AHCA's Motion to Order Discovery Schedule and Motion to Hold Case in Abeyance filed.
Date: 05/22/2014
Proceedings: Order on Motions to Compel Discovery.
Date: 05/22/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 27, 2014).
Date: 05/21/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 05/19/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Motions to Continue Final Hearing & For Discovery Schedule Order filed.
Date: 05/15/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for May 21, 2014; 2:30 p.m.).
Date: 05/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery from AHCA or, Alternatively, Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery from AHCA, or Alternatively, Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Disqualify Administrative Law Judge.
Date: 05/08/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Response to Respondent's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 05/08/2014
Proceedings: Agency Response to the Motion to Disqualify Judge filed.
Date: 05/08/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Anticipated Joint Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 05/07/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Motion to Disqualify Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 05/02/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Supplemental 1) Responses to Petitioner's First Interrogatories and First Request for Production of Documents and 2) Confidential List of Residents and Confidential Informants - Case No. 14-0610 filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Respondents Motion to Compel Discovery - Case No. 14-0610 filed.
Date: 04/10/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of 1) Responses to Petitioner's First Interrogatories, First Request for Production of Documents & First Request for Admissions, 2) Confidential List of Residents & 3) Privilege Log filed.
Date: 04/07/2014
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 14-0610 and 14-1339).
Date: 04/07/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 2 through 6, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 04/04/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Continue Final Hearing and Consolidate Cases filed.
Date: 04/02/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Responses to AHCA's First Set of Interrogatories and Request to Produce filed.
Date: 04/02/2014
Proceedings: Avalon's Responses to AHCA's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 03/14/2014
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 28 through May 1, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL; amended as to location of hearing).
Date: 03/07/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request to Produce to AHCA filed.
Date: 03/05/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of First Set of Interogatories, Request for Production of Documents and Request for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/20/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/20/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 28 through May 1, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 02/19/2014
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny Renewal Application filed.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


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