17-002567EXE Deshonda Ross vs. Agency For Persons With Disabilities
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, July 11, 2017.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that she was rehabilitated from her former disqualifying offense.





11vs. Case No. 17 - 2567EXE






26A duly - noticed final hear ing was held in this case on

39June 19, 2017, via video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee

49and Jacksonville, Florida, before Suzanne Van Wyk, a designated

58Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative



68For Petitioner: Deshonda Ross, pro se

741519 Southeast Loquat Way

78Lake City, Florida 3 2 025

84For Respondent: Kurt E ric Ahrendt, Esquire

91Agency for Persons with Disabilities

964030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

101Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


111Whether the Agency for Persons with DisabilitiesÓ (Agency)

119intended decision to deny PetitionerÓs application for exemption

127from disqualification for employment is an abuse of the AgencyÓs



140By letter dated A pril 11, 2017, the Agency issued its notice

152of agency action by which it informed Petitioner that her request

163for exemption from disqualification was denied. As a result,

172Petitioner was deemed ineligible to Ðbe employed, contract with,

181be licensed, or oth erwise authorized toÑ serve Agency clients.

191In the letter, the Agency reported its determination that

200Petitioner had Ðnot submitted clear and convincing evidence of

209[her] rehabilitation.Ñ

211Petitioner filed her Request for Administrative Hearing with

219the A gency on April 20, 2017, which request was referred to the

232Division of Administrative Hearings on May 2, 2017. The final

242hearing was scheduled for June 19, 2017, and commenced as


253At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on her own behalf

263but offered no witnesses and introduced no exhibits in evidence.

273Respondent presented the testimony of Leslie Richards, the

281AgencyÓs Northeast Regional Operations Manager. RespondentÓs

287Exhibits 1 through 5 were admitted in evidence. The undersigned

297grante d the AgencyÓs request for o fficial recognition of

307chapter 435 and section 393.0655, Florida Statutes.

314The proceedings were recorded, but the parties did not order

324a transcript thereof. Both parties timely filed Proposed

332Recommended Orders, which have be en considered in preparing this

342Recommended Order.

344All references herein to the Florida Statutes are to the

3542016 version.


3601. Petitioner is a 33 - year - old female residing in Lake

373City, Florida. Petitioner has three children, ages 19, 16, and

383and 12, from her first marriage. Her first husband is deceased.

394Petitioner was remarried in April 2015. Petitioner and her

403husband live with, and care for, her three children, as well as

415two young grandchildren and her seven - year - old niece.

4262. Betw een November 2015 and September 2016, Petitioner was

436employed at CARC, a residential group home licensed by the

446Agency. 1/ Petitioner provided personal care to the residents, as

456well as transportation for the residents to doctorÓs

464appointments, shopping, a nd occasionally to cash their personal

473checks. In her capacity with the group home, Petitioner had

483access to and responsibility for the group home van, as well as

495the corporate credit card for purchasing gasoline.

5023. Since being disqualified from employm ent serving Agency

511clients, Petitioner has been employed at ÐStill Waters,Ñ a

521residential nursing home facility. She works 12 - hour shifts,

531four days on, three days off. Petitioner testified that the

541hours make it too difficult to care for her children,

551g randchildren, and niece. Petitioner wishes to return to her

561employment in the group home as a direct service provider to

572clients of the Agency.

5764. Respondent is the state agency responsible for licensing

585and regulating the employment of persons in positi ons of special

596trust. Specifically, the AgencyÓs mission includes serving and

604protecting vulnerable populations, including children and adults

611with developmental disabilities.

614Disqualifying Offense

6165. On May 23, 2005, Petitioner was arrested for forgery and

627grand theft, stemming from having cashed a forged check. The

637check was written for $391.83 , payable to a third party and

648cashed by Petitioner at her bank.

6546. Petitioner pled guilty t o both charges, which are third -

666degree felonies.

6687. In August 200 5, the court withheld adjudication, ordered

678Petitioner to complete two yearsÓ probation, and entered a final

688judgment for fines and costs in the amount of $373.

6988. PetitionerÓs fines and costs were later converted to

707community service hours, which she com pleted. Petitioner was

716also required to pay restitution to the bank, which she

726satisfied. Petitioner completed probation timely on August 22,


7359. Petitioner was 21 years old at the time of the

746disqualifying offense. The details are sketchy. Neith er

754PetitionerÓs testimony nor her exemption questionnaire provide

761much of an explanation.

76510. The explanation in PetitionerÓs exemption questionnaire

772indicates that a friend gave her a check from the friendÓs

783employer, and Petitioner cashed it at Petition erÓs bank and kept

794the cash. She explained that she was young and dumb and did not

807know better.

80911. PetitionerÓs testimony was brief, stating that she had

818been hanging around with the wrong crowd, and that a friend got a

831check from McDonaldÓs which Petit ioner deposited in her own


84212. In the questionnaire, Petitioner indicated no one else

851was involved in the crime because ÐI did not tell on my friend.Ñ

864She answered Ðn/aÑ to questions regarding the degree of harm to

875the victim or property (perman ent or temporary), as well as

886whether there were any stressors in her life at the time of the

899disqualifying offense.

90113. When prompted in the questionnaire to provide any

910additional comments, Petitioner explained that she knew what she

919did was wrong ; that she does n o t get in trouble any more; that

934she has three kids, and only has time to go to work, church, and

948home ; and that she wants to take care of Ðmy people,Ñ which she


963Subsequent Non - Disqualifying Offenses

96814. The AgencyÓs Exemption Review S ummary lists two 2/ non -

980disqualifying offenses subsequent to PetitionerÓs disqualifying

986offense. 3/

98815. In March 2006, Petitioner was arrested for, and

997adjudicated guilty of, passing a worthless check to Publix in the

1008amount of $76. On June 8, 2006, Petit ioner was ordered to

1020complete 12 monthsÓ probation and pay restitution, court fines,

1029and fees in the amount of $329.

103616. PetitionerÓs probation was terminated on June 4, 2007,

1045having satisfied all terms thereof.

105017. Petitioner wrote the check to Publix on October 3,

10602005. Petitioner wa s 21 years old, caring for her seven - year -

1074old, four - year - old, and infant children, and her husband was


108818. Petitioner testified, both in her questionnaire and at

1097final hearing, that she wrote the check kno wing she did not have

1110the money to cover it because she needed food for her children

1122and diapers for the baby.

112719. On February 20, 2012, Petitioner was charged with

1136leaving the scene of a traffic accident. On March 15, 2012,

1147Petitioner was adjudicated g uilty and placed on six monthsÓ

1157pro bation, ordered to complete an eight - hour driver improvement

1168course, and pay court costs and fines in the amount of $416.

118020. Petitioner was released from probation on August 14,

11892012, having satisfied all probation con ditions.

119621. Petitioner was 28 years old at the time of the

1207incident. Petitioner was driving with a friend as a passenger,

1217when she crashed her car in a ditch. Petitioner left her car in

1230the ditch and contacted another friend to gi ve them a ride home.

124322. The following day, the police came to her home and

1254charged her with leaving the scene of an accident.

126323. Petitioner testified that she left the scene because

1272she had no insurance, and that it was late and dark. No evidence

1285was introduced to suppo rt a finding that any other vehicle was

1297involved in the accident, or that the accident resulted in any

1308property damage or injury.

1312Educational and Employment History

131624. Petitioner graduated from high school in 2002.

132425. Petitioner completed the educatio nal requirements to

1332become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at Lake City Community

1342College in 2004. However, Petitioner has not passed the written

1352state board exam to become certified.

135826. Petitioner lists no employment history prior to 2011,

1367although there is some evidence that she worked as a caregiver at

1379a Ðcluster homeÑ in Lake City in 2005.

138727. Petitioner worked as a caregiver in a group home known

1398as ÐOpen HeartÑ from January 2011 to October 2014. Petitioner

1408was subsequently employed as a hous ekeeper with Holiday Inn in

1419Lake City from February to November 2015. Petitioner left

1428Holiday Inn to become a caregiver at CARC in November 2015.

143928. As noted previously, subsequent to PetitionerÓs

1446disqualification, she has been employed at a nursing ho me


1457Subsequent Personal History

146029. Petitioner divorced her first husband in 2014 and he is

1471now deceased. Petitioner has full custody of all three of her

1482children and has taken on the responsibility of her 19 - year - old

1496daughterÓs two children, a s well as her seven - year - old niece.

151030. In April 2015, Petitioner married her current husband

1519Octa vius, who is a 13 - year employee of Red Lobster.

153131. Petitioner is active in her church where she sings in

1542the choir, attends Tuesday night bible study and Wednesday night

1552worship, and has her niece involved in a praise dance for

1563children program on Saturdays.

156732. One of PetitionerÓs sons is disabled. Petitioner

1575reports that both sons play football and that she is, or has

1587been, a team mom for the football team.

1595PetitionerÓs Exemption Request

159833. PetitionerÓs exemption questionnaire is bereft of

1605details. Most questions are answered in just a few words or are

1617answered as Ðnot applicable.Ñ 4/

162234. Petitioner expresses remorse for her disqualifying and

1630non - d isqualifying offenses. However, it is not entirely clear

1641that Petitioner understands the ramifications of her forgery

1649offense, since she indicated there was no harm done by her

1660passing of a forged check.

166535. Petitioner submitted five personal letters of reference

1673with her exemption application. One is from one of her sons,

1684another from a friend at church, and the remaining letters are

1695from former co - workers at care - giving agencies. Each attests to

1708her compassion for disabled persons and her sincerity i n the care

1720of those persons.

172336. Petitioner did not submit any letter of reference from

1733a current or former employer or another individual in a position

1744of authority. Petitioner did not offer any witness testimony or

1754additional letters of reference at t he final hearing.

1763Ultimate Facts

176537. PetitionerÓs recent employment history evidences her

1772work ethic and emphasizes a passion for serving persons with

1782disabilities. PetitionerÓs personal references support a finding

1789that she is committed to family and community, and has a heart

1801for service.

180338. However, PetitionerÓs disqualifying offense, and at

1810least one of the subsequent non - disqualifying offenses, involves

1820attempts to attain money to care for her family when times were

1832tough. PetitionerÓs failure to describe any stressors in her

1841life at the time, and to clearly distinguish her circumstances at

1852present, substantiates the AgencyÓs reticence to allow Petitioner

1860to work with the most vulnerable clients. Petitioner has more

1870dependents at present than s he did when the disqualifying

1880offenses occurred. The record contains few details of how her

1890situation differs today from the past.


189939. The Division has jurisdiction over the subject matter

1908of, and the parties to, this proceeding pursua nt to sections

1919120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

192440. Section 435.04, Florida Statutes, provides, in

1931pertinent part, that:

1934(1)(a) All employees required by law to be

1942screened pursuant to this section must

1948undergo security background investigations as

1953a condition of employment and continued

1959employment which includes, but need not be

1966limited to, fingerprinting for statewide

1971criminal history records checks through the

1977Department of Law Enforcement, and national

1983criminal history records checks through t he

1990Federal Bureau of Investigation, and may

1996include local criminal records checks through

2002local law enforcement agencies.

2006* * *

2009(2) The security background investigations

2014under this section must ensure that no

2021persons subject to the provisions of this

2028section have been arrested for and are

2035awaiting final disposition of, have been

2041found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,

2047or entered a plea of nolo contendere or

2055guilty to, or have been adjudicated

2061delinquent and the record has not been sealed

2069or expung ed for, any offense prohibited under

2077any of the following provisions of state law

2085or similar law of another jurisdiction:

2091* * *

2094(cc) Chapter 812, relating to theft,

2100robbery, and related crimes, if the offense

2107is a felony.

211041. Section 393.0655(5), Flo rida Statutes, provides that

2118the background screening conducted under this section (for direct

2127service p roviders), must ensure that

2133in addition to the disqualifying offenses

2139listed in s. 435.04, no person subject to the

2148[screening] . . . has been found gui lty of,

2158regardless of adjudication, . . . any offense

2166prohibited under any of the following

2172provisions of state law of similar law of

2180another jurisdiction:

2182* * *

2185(l) Section 831.02, relating to uttering

2191forged instruments.

219342. The Agency based its dis qualification of Petitioner on

2203her 2005 convictions for grand theft and uttering a forgery.

221343. Section 435.07 establishes a process by which persons

2222with criminal offenses in their backgrounds, that would

2230disqualify them from acting in a position of spe cial trust

2241working with children or vulnerable adults, may seek an exemption

2251from disqualification. That section provides:

2256435.07 Exemptions from disqualification . --

2262Unless otherwise provided by law, the

2268provisions of this section shall apply to

2275exemption s from disqualification for

2280disqualifying offenses revealed pursuant to

2285background screenings required under this

2290chapter, regardless of whether those

2295disqualifying offenses are listed in this

2301chapter or other laws.

2305(1)(a) The head of the appropriate age ncy

2313may grant to any employee otherwise

2319disqualified from employment an exemption

2324from disqualification for:

23271. Felonies for which at least 3 years have

2336elapsed since the applicant for the exemption

2343has completed or been lawfully released from

2350confinemen t, supervision, or sanction for the

2357disqualifying felony;

2359* * *

2362(3)(a) In order for the head of an agency to

2372grant an exemption to any employee, the

2379employee must demonstrate by clear and

2385convincing evidence that the employee should

2391not be disqualified from employment.

2396Employees seeking an exemption have the

2402burden of setting forth clear and convincing

2409evidence of rehabilitation, including, but

2414not limited to, the circumstances surrounding

2420the criminal incident for which an exemption

2427is sought, the time period that has elapsed

2435since the incident, the nature of the harm

2443caused to the victim, and the history of the

2452employee since the incident, or any other

2459evidence or circumstances indicating that the

2465employee will not present a danger if

2472employment or con tinued employment is


2479* * *

2482(c) The decision of the head of an agency

2491regarding an exemption may be contested

2497through the hearing procedures set forth in

2504chapter 120. The standard of review by the

2512administrative law judge is whether the

2518agencyÓ s intended decision is an abuse of


252744. An exemption from a statute enacted to protect the

2537public welfare is strictly construed against the person claiming

2546the exemption. Heburn v. Dep't of Child. & Fams. , 772 So. 2d 561

2559(Fla. 1st DCA 2000) .

256445. The abuse of discretion standard of review set forth in

2575section 435.07(3)(c) has been described as follows:

2582If reasonable men could differ as to the

2590propriety of the action taken by the trial

2598court, then the action is not unreasonable

2605and there ca n be no finding of an abuse of

2616discretion. The discretionary ruling of the

2622trial judge should be disturbed only when his

2630decision fails to satisfy this test of


2638* * *

2641The discretionary power that is exercised by

2648a trial judge is not, how ever, without

2656limitation . . . . [T]he trial courts'

2664discretionary power was never intended to be

2671exercised in accordance with whim or caprice

2678of the judge nor in an inconsistent manner.

2686Canakaris v. Canakaris , 382 So. 2d 1197, 1203 (Fla. 1980); Kareff

2697v . Kareff , 943 So. 2d 890, 893 (Fla. 4th DCA 2006)(holding that,

2710pursuant to the abuse of discretion standard, the test is

2720Ðwhether any reasonable personÑ could take the position under


273046. The Agency has a heightened interest in ensuring that

2740the vulnerable population being protected by chapter 393, i.e.,

2749developmentally disabled children and adults, is not abused,

2757neglected, or exploited. In light of that mission, the

2766Legislature has imposed a heavy burden on those seeking approval

2776to serve this vulnerable population when they have disqualifying

2785offenses in their past.

278947. The statutorily enumerated factors to be considered by

2798the Agency in evaluating an exemption application are the details

2808surrounding the disqualifying offense, the nature of t he harm

2818caused, the history of the employee since the incident, and the

2829time period that has elapsed since the incident. § 435.07(3)(a),

2839Fla. Stat.

284148. Twelve years have passed since PetitionerÓs

2848disqualifying offense and much has changed in her life, in cluding

2859her marital status and her responsibilities with regard to her

2869extended family.

287149. The type of harm caused by her disqualifying offense

2881was economic, rather than physical or emotional in nature, and

2891was not a violent crime. The subsequent non - disqualifying

2901offense of passing a worthless check was likewise economic in

2911nature, and the victim was a corporation and the amount of damage

2923was less than $100. There is no evidence of any harm arising

2935from PetitionerÓs subsequent non - disqualifying offen se of leaving

2945the scene of a single - car accident.

295350. PetitionerÓs subsequent personal history demonstrates

2959an ongoing commitment to family and a caring spirit for disabled

2970persons. However, the evidence does not truly distinguish

2978PetitionerÓs current situation from her former situation with

2986respect to stressors. The record does not demonstrate what

2995responsibilities PetitionerÓs husband and her 19 - year - old

3005daughter have with respect to the other children, grandchildren,

3014and her niece. It is not clear whether PetitionerÓs church and

3025community involvement is a departure from the influences in her

3035life in 2005 and 2006. Petitioner provided so little information

3045that the record is neither clear nor convincing.

305351. PetitionerÓs case would be significantly strengthened

3060by evidence from the former employers regarding her work with

3070disabled clients at the group homes. While PetitionerÓs

3078testimony that she dealt responsibly with client funds and the

3088AgencyÓs credit card is helpful, testimony from her superior s

3098regarding the extent of her responsibility and her performance on

3108the job would be more persuasive.

311452. Given the dearth of evidence, the undersigned concludes

3123that the AgencyÓs intended denial of PetitionerÓs requested

3131exemption does not constitute an abuse of discretion.


3140Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3150Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying

3161PetitionerÓs request for an exemption from disqualification.

3168DONE AND ENTERED this 1 1 th day of Ju ly , 2017 , in

3181Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3189Administrative Law Judge

3192Division of Administrative Hearings

3196The DeSoto Building

31991230 Apalachee Parkway

3202Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3207(850) 488 - 9675

3211Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3218Filed with the Clerk of the

3224Division of Administrative Hearings

3228this 1 1 th day of July , 2017 .


32391/ The evidence is unclear how Petitioner gained employment with

3249an entity regulated by the Agency with a disqualifying offense in

3260her criminal record. The evidence shows that Petitioner was

3269screened for APD employment in 2005, 2009, 2010, and 2015, prior

3280to the 2016 screening giving rise to the case at hand.

3291Petitioner received an exemption from disqualif ication in

3299August 2012 from the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)

3309to work as a provider, or an employee of a provider, in the

3322Florida Medicaid Program.

33252/ Although not listed on the AgencyÓs Exemption Review Summary,

3335Leslie Richards, the Agenc yÓs Regional Operations Manager,

3343testified that she also considered, in formulating her decision

3352to recommend denial of the exemption, a third subsequent non -

3363disqualifying offense of allowing an unlicensed minor to operate

3372a vehicle. Inasmuch as the charg e was not listed by the Agency

3385as a basis for denying PetitionerÓs application for exemption,

3394the undersigned is not assured that Petitioner was on notice that

3405the Agency relied upon this subsequent offense a s a basis for

3417denial. Without appropriate notic e, Petitioner would have been

3426unable to meet the charge with evidence at the final hearing,

3437thus denied basic due process of law. As such, the undersigned

3448does not rely upon the testimony and other evidence of the 2013

3460charge of allowing an unlicensed min or to operate a vehicle in

3472reaching the recommendation in this matter.

34783/ In reaching its intended decision to deny PetitionerÓs

3487exemption request, the Agency also considered a charge of petit

3497theft against Petitioner which predates her disqualifying

3504off ense. The operative statute does not authorize the agency to

3515consider offenses which occurred prior to the disqualifying

3523offense, and to do so was error. Medaries v. Ag. for Pers. with

3536Disab. , Case No. 16 - 6425 n.1 (Fla. DOAH Jan. 25, 2017; Fla. APD

3550Mar. 8, 2017); Dawson v. Ag. for Pers. with Disab. , Case No. 16 -

35640661 n.2 (Fla. DOAH Apr. 28, 2016; Fla. APD May 23, 2016)

3576(criminal arrests and convictions predating the disqualifying

3583offense should not have been considered by the Agency); Rivera

3593v. Ag. for Per s. with Disab. , Case No. 15 - 5039 (Fla. DOAH

3607Nov. 10, 2015; Fla. APD Dec. 8, 2015)(ÐConsidering evidence of

3617non - disqualifying crimes committed prior to the disqualifying

3626offenses exceeded the powers and duties granted by the

3635Legislature.Ñ); Edwards v. Ag. for Pers. with Disab. , Case

3644No. 14 - 4987 n.4 (Fla. DOAH Mar. 17, 2015)(RespondentÓs

3654consideration of PetitionerÓs criminal offenses that occurred

3661prior to the disqualifying offense violated the principle of

3670statutory construction which requires statutes to be interpreted

3678in a manner that gives meaning and effect to all of their


36914/ The brevity of PetitionerÓs answers may be due to the fact

3703that she previously applied to the Agency for an exemption in

37142009, and that she was granted an exemption from AHCA in 2012

3726(presumably based upon completion of an exemption

3733questionnaire). Petitioner should be made aware that the

3741undersigned is confined to the record of the current exemption

3751request in making a determination in the case at hand.


3764Kurt Eric Ahrendt, Esquire

3768Agency for Persons with Disabilities

3773Suite 380

37754030 Esplanade Way

3778Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


3784Deshonda Ross

37861519 Southeast Loquat Way

3790Lake City, Florida 320 2 5

3796Jada Williams, Agency Clerk

3800Agency for Pe rsons with Disabilities

38064030 Esplanade Way, Suite 335E

3811Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


3817Barbara Palmer, Director

3820Agency for Persons with Disabilities

38254030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

3830Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


3836Richard Ditschler , General Counsel

3840Agency for Persons with Disabilities

38454030 Esplanade Way, Suite 3 80

3851Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950



3863All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

387315 days from the date o f this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3885to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3896will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/02/2018
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the one-volume Transcript to the agency.
Date: 02/02/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/20/2017
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 09/26/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/26/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 07/11/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/11/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 19, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/11/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/26/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/20/2017
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Van Wyk from Deshonda Ross With Letter of Recommendation Attached filed.
Date: 06/19/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/09/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 06/09/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Witness List and Proposed Exhibit List filed.
Date: 06/09/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Confidential and/or Sensitive Information within Court Filing filed.
Date: 06/09/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Method of Recordation for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 05/10/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/10/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 19, 2017; 1:00 p.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/08/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/02/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/02/2017
Proceedings: Denial of Exemption from Disqualification filed.
Date: 05/02/2017
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/02/2017
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (6):