88-002755 Florida Afl-Cio United Labor Agency, Inc. vs. Department Of Labor And Employment Security
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, January 20, 1989.

View Dockets  
Summary: Contractor with state agency is responsible for consequences of fraud by contractor's employees and must repay funds received through employee fraud






17Petitioner, )

19vs. ) CASE NO. 88-2755





37Respondent. )



42Pursuant to notice a formal hearing was conducted in this case on October

5519 and 20, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida, before Michael M. Parrish, a duly

68designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings. The

78parties were represented at the hearing as follows:

86For Petitioner: Sidney L. Matthew, Esquire

92Gorman & Matthew, P.A.

96Post Office Box 1754

100Tallahassee, Florida 32302

103For Respondent: David J. Busch, Esquire

109Department of Labor and

113Employment Security

115Suite 131, Montgomery Building

1192562 Executive Center Circle, East

124Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0657


130By amended petition for hearing, the Petitioner requested a hearing on the

142Department's determination that the Petitioner is obligated to refund to the

153Department the sum of $53,724.00, which the Department asserts is the amount by

167which the Petitioner was overpaid pursuant to Wagner-Peyser Contract No. SA016.

178For numerous reasons recited in its Petition and argued in its post-hearing

190brief, the Petitioner contends that it should not be required to refund the

203disputed sum.

205At the formal hearing, both parties presented the testimony of witnesses

216and both parties offered exhibits in support of their respective positions.

227Following the hearing, a transcript was prepared and the parties were allowed

239until November 19, 1988, within which to file their proposed recommended orders.

251Thereafter, upon joint motion of the parties, the period for filing post-hearing

263briefs and/or proposed recommended orders was extended until December 6, 1988.

274Both parties timely filed post-hearing briefs in a format more customary to

286appellate than to administrative hearing proceedings. The parties' briefs have

296been carefully considered during the formulation of this recommended order.

306Specific rulings on the factual assertions of the parties are contained in the

319appendix to this recommended order.


327Based on the stipulations and admissions of the parties, on the exhibits

339received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at hearing, I make

353the following findings of fact.

3581. In November of 1984 the Petitioner and the Respondent entered into a

371contract which has the following title:





3932. Paragraph 1.A. of the subject contract contains the following

403description of the project activities:

408The Florida AFL-CIO United Labor Agency will

415operate a statewide job placement program to

422meet the increased employment needs of

428migrants/farmworkers and related workers in-

433volved in the processing of agricultural pro-

440ducts. The Agency will coordinate and work

447with farmworker advocacy organizations in

452Apopka and Dade City, Florida, to recruit and

460identify participants. Unsubsidized employ-

464ment opportunities will be developed with

470unions, apprenticeship programs, and private

475sector employers. The employment resources

480of the Agency will be coordinated and inte-

488grated with those of the Job Service and

496local PICs.

4983. Paragraph 2.A. of the subject contract contains a "work activity plan"

510described as follows:

5131. To recruit and provide employability

519counseling to migrants/farmworkers;

5222. To place 230 migrants/farmworkers into

528unsubsidized, non-agricultural employment

531with a duration of 30 days or more;

5393. To integrate the employment resources of

546unions and the United Labor Agency with those

554of the Job Service.

5584. Prepare and submit a final narrative

565report to DLET documenting the success and

572failures of the project.

5764. Paragraph 2.B. of the subject contract contains the following

586description of the performance units applicable to the contract:

5951. The contractor will make up to 230 place-

604ments in unsubsidized employment over the

610course of the contract period at $726.00

617each, for a total amount not to exceed


6272. A placement will be defined as employment

635by a participant engaged in work for at least

64435 hours per week, in a job paying at least

654the minimum wage, for a period of at least 30

664calendar days.

6665. At Paragraph 2.D. of the subject contract, under the subcaption


686pertinent part:

6881. The contractor will be advanced


6962. The advance will be repaid monthly by

704deducting $6,177.00 per month from the amount

712of deliverables produced over a six month

719period, beginning with the November 1984

725invoice and being completed with the April

7321985 invoice.

7343. There will be one performance unit for

742this contract, and it will be for placement

750at the rate of $726.00 each.

7566. Paragraph 14.e. of the subject contract reads as follows:

766The Contractor is responsible for fulfilling

772all terms and conditions of this Contract.

779While the DLET shall monitor the Contrac-

786tor's performance under the Contract, the

792Contractor remains solely responsible for

797its performance. The DLET monitoring of the

804Contract shall not constitute a waiver or

811modification of any term or condition. Terms

818and conditions may only be modified by

825written contract amendment as specified


8317. One of the documents used in the administration of the subject contract

844was a Form BRI-100, which was designed so that three individuals had to sign the

859form to certify that a valid job placement had been accomplished. The required

872signatures were those of the employer, the farmworker/employee, and a

882representative of the Petitioner. Early in the administration of the contract

893the Petitioner began to have problems obtaining employer signatures on Form BRI-

905100, especially where employment was obtained through union hiring halls. At

916the behest of the Petitioner, the Respondent deleted the requirement that the

928employer sign the form and permitted the form to be signed by a representative

942of the union hiring hall.

9478. During the course of the Petitioner's performance of the subject

958contract, one of the Petitioner's employees submitted fraudulent documentation

967on numerous occasions. The fraudulent documentation purported to be evidence of

978successful job placements under the contract. The fraudulent documentation was

988submitted to the Respondent and the Respondent paid money to the Petitioner on

1001the basis of the fraudulent documentation. A post-performance audit revealed

1011that 74 of the job placements for which the Petitioner was paid were in fact

1026fictitious placements supported by fraudulent documentation. As a result of the

1037fraudulent documentation, the Petitioner was paid $726.00 for each of 74

1048fictitious job placements, a total of $53,724.00. The $53,724.00 which was paid

1062on the basis of fraudulent documentation was paid to the Petitioner solely

1074because at the time of making the payment the Respondent believed that the

1087Petitioner had made 74 placements which, in fact, were never made. The

1099Respondent's belief that the 74 placements had been made was based on the fact

1113that the Petitioner submitted fraudulent documentation claiming payment for 74

1123job placements that had not been made.

11309. In fairness to the Petitioner it should be noted that at the time the

1145fraudulent documentation was submitted the officers and managing agents of the

1156Petitioner did not know that one of their employees was preparing fraudulent

1168documentation. Further, as soon as the officers and managing agents of the

1180Petitioner discovered that one of their employees had been submitting fraudulent

1191documentation, they candidly reported the problem to the Respondent.

120010. The employee who prepared the fraudulent documentation described above

1210did not abscond with the proceeds derived from his fraudulent actions. The

1222$53,724.00 that was paid on the basis of the 74 fictitious job placements was

1237paid to and retained by the Petitioner.

124411. The Respondent did very little in the way of monitoring the subject

1257contract. More extensive monitoring might well have resulted in earlier

1267detection of the fraudulent documentation submitted by Petitioner's employee.


1279Based on the foregoing findings of fact and on the applicable statutes,

1291rules, and court decisions, I make the following conclusions of law.

130212. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

1312subject matter of and the parties to this proceeding. Sec. 120.57, Fla. Stat.

132513. It is well settled in this state that the language of written

1338contracts, like the language of statutes, must be given its plain and ordinary

1351meaning. It is also well established that contracts are to be applied and

1364enforced so as to give meaning to the intent of the parties as expressed in the

1380contract. It is clear from the title of the contract and from the language of

1395the contract that the sole basis for payment to the Petitioner under the

1408contract is the placement of eligible individuals into eligible jobs. For each

1420such job placement the Petitioner is entitled to payment in the amount of

1433$726.00. The Petitioner is not entitled to payment for performing any other

1445activity required under the contract. The Petitioner was paid for 74 fictitious

1457job placements based on the fraudulent activities of its own employee. There is

1470no basis under the contract for the Petitioner to retain the amount paid for

1484those 74 fictitious job placements.

148914. The Petitioner argues that the contract is ambiguous and that such

1501ambiguities should be resolved in the Petitioner's favor. There are provisions

1512in the contract which appear to be ambiguous, but none of those provisions bear

1526on the issues in this case. The portions of the contract relevant to this case,

1541principally the portions that set forth the basis for payment to the Petitioner,

1554are clear and unambiguous, and those provisions clearly limit the Petitioner's

1565entitlement to payment under the contract to one specific thing, successful job


157815. The Petitioner also argues that it should be excused from repayment of

1591the $53,724.00 in dispute because the fraudulent actions of its employee were

1604unforeseeable. The established law is otherwise. As noted at 2 Fla. Jur. 2d,

1617Agency and Employment, Sec. 90:

1622It is well settled that a principal is

1630liable for the deceit and false representa-

1637tions made by his agent in the scope and

1646course of his employment, and it makes no

1654difference whether the principal authorized

1659or was cognizant of the misrepresentations

1665and deceit of his agent or not... One who

1674puts an agent in a position that enables the

1683agent, while apparently acting within his

1689authority, to commit a fraud upon third

1696persons, is liable to such third persons for

1704the fraud and he is not relieved from liabi-

1713lity by the fact that the apparent agent

1721acts entirely for his own purposes, unless

1728such third persons have notice of such fact.

173616. The Petitioner next argues that it should be excused from repayment

1748because the Respondent facilitated the fraud committed by Petitioner's employee.

1758In this regard, Petitioner directs attention to the fact that during the

1770contract period the Respondent deleted a requirement that the employer sign Form

1782BRI-100 when a placement was made, and that this deletion facilitated the

1794implementation of the fraud. What this argument overlooks is that with or

1806without the requirement of the employer's signature on the Form BRI-100,

1817Petitioner's employee was required to forge the same number of signatures to

1829work his fraud. The argument also overlooks the fact that the deletion of the

1843requirement that the employer sign the Form BRI-100 was at the behest of the

1857Petitioner, because the Petitioner was having problems getting employers to sign

1868the forms. More fundamentally, the Petitioner must bear the responsibility for

1879the wrongdoing of its own employee, particularly where, as here, the Petitioner

1891has reaped the benefit of the wrongdoing.

189817. A further Petitioner argument is that it should be excused from the

1911repayment sought by the Respondent because the Respondent failed to properly

1922monitor the Petitioner's performance under the contract. In this regard it is

1934argued that better monitoring would likely have resulted in earlier detection of

1946the fraudulent activities of the Petitioner's employee. The argument misses the

1957point. The Petitioner is not being penalized because of the fraudulent

1968activities of its employee; it is being asked to return the fruits of that

1982fraudulent activity. The timing of the discovery of the fraud has no bearing on

1996the Petitioner's obligation to repay fraudulently obtained funds.

200418. The Petitioner next argues that it should be excused from repayment

2016because it has substantially performed the contract. The proof is otherwise.

2027With regard to the 74 fictitious placements which form the basis for the

2040Respondent's claim for repayment, the greater weight of the evidence is that

2052those 74 alleged placements were total frauds. This is not a case of doing the

2067substance of the job and then "fudging" a little bit on the paperwork; it is a

2083case of claiming $53,724.00 on the basis of total fiction.

209419. The Petitioner's final argument is another variation on the theme of

"2106unforeseeable intervening actions." There is neither a factual nor a legal

2117basis to support this argument. The only case cited in support of this argument

2131deals with tort law rather than contract law. Simply stated, the Petitioner is

2144not entitled under the subject contract to retain funds paid to it on the basis

2159of fraudulent documents provided by its own employee.


2168Based on all of the foregoing, I recommend the entry of a Final Order

2182finding that the Petitioner has received $53,724.00 to which it is not entitled

2196under the subject contract and ordering the Petitioner to repay that amount to

2209the Respondent.

2211DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of January, 1989, at Tallahassee, Florida.


2224MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer

2229Division of Administrative Hearings

2233The Oakland Building

22362900 Apalachee Parkway

2239Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

2242(904) 488-9675

2244Filed with the Clerk of the

2250Division of Administrative Hearings

2254this 20th day of January, 1989.


2264IN CASE NO. 88-2755

2268The following are my specific rulings on all proposed findings of fact

2280submitted by all of the parties.

2286Findings proposed by Petitioner:

2290The Brief of Petitioner does not contain any section specifically

2300identified as proposed findings of fact. It does contain a distinct section

2312captioned "STATEMENT OF THE FACTS," which I have treated as the Petitioner's

2324proposed findings. The page numbers below refer to pages of the Brief Of


2338Page 2: All but last four lines are rejected as subordinate and unnecessary

2351background details. The last four lines are accepted in substance.

2361Page 3: All but last five lines are accepted in substance. The last full

2375paragraph on the page is rejected as unnecessary commentary.

2384Page 4: First fourteen lines (plus last line on page 3) accepted in

2397substance, but with most details omitted as unnecessary. The remainder of page

24094 and the top four lines of page 5 are rejected as subordinate and unnecessary

2424details, as for the most part irrelevant, and as containing implications

2435contrary to the greater weight of the evidence.

2443Page 5: First full paragraph is rejected as constituting subordinate and

2454unnecessary details; I have found that little was done to monitor the contract

2467performance. The last four lines are rejected as argument or unnecessary

2478commentary rather than findings of fact.

2484Page 6: First twenty lines rejected as irrelevant and as unnecessary

2495details. Paragraph beginning at sixth line from bottom is accepted in


2507Page 7: Top four lines (and last line of page 6) rejected as Irrelevant.

2521Lines five through twenty-two are for the most part rejected as irrelevant or as

2535not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence, with exception of

2545proposed finding that an employee committed fraud and that Petitioner promptly

2556reported the fraud when it was discovered. Last four lines rejected as


2569Page 8: First full paragraph is rejected as being for the most part

2582irrelevant and as in part contrary to the greater weight of the evidence.

2595Second full paragraph is rejected as argument or unnecessary commentary. Third

2606full paragraph is rejected as Irrelevant. Last four lines accepted in substance

2618with some unnecessary details omitted.

2623Page 9: Top two lines rejected; the greater weight of the evidence is that

2637all "disallowed costs" were caused by the fraud of one employee. First full

2650paragraph rejected as irrelevant. Second full paragraph is rejected as for the


266312 part irrelevant, although some details have been included. Last three

2674lines rejected as irrelevant.

2678Page 10: Rejected as irrelevant.

2683Findings proposed by Respondent:

2687The Brief Of Respondent does not contain any section specifically

2697identified as proposed findings of fact. It does contain a distinct section

2709captioned "STATEMENT OF THE CASE AND FACTS," which I have treated as the

2722Respondent's proposed findings of fact. The page numbers below refer to pages

2734of the Brief Of Respondent.

2739Page 2: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary background details.

2748Page 3: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary background details.

2757Page 4: First paragraph accepted in substance. The remainder of this page

2769is accepted in substance with some details and some argumentative passages


2781Page 5: Accepted as correct statement, but omitted as unnecessary details.

2792Page 6: First paragraph rejected as constituting subordinate and

2801unnecessary details. Second paragraph rejected as constituting subordinate and

2810unnecessary details. Third paragraph rejected as constituting subordinate and

2819unnecessary details. Last paragraph accepted in substance with unnecessary

2828details omitted.

2830Page 7: Rejected as subordinate and unnecessary details.


2840Sidney L. Matthew, Esquire

2844Gorman & Matthew, P.A.

2848Post Office Box 1754

2852Tallahassee, Florida 32302

2855David J. Busch, Esquire

2859Department of Labor and

2863Employment Security

2865Suite 131, Montgomery Building

28692562 Executive Center Circle, East

2874Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0657

2877Hugo Menendez, Secretary

2880Department of Labor and

2884Employment Security

2886206 Berkeley Building

28892590 Executive Center Circle, East

2894Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152

2897Stephen Barron, Esquire

2900General Counsel

2902Department of Labor and

2906Employment Security

2908Suite 131, Montgomery Building

29122562 Executive Center Circle, East

2917Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0657









2941vs. CASE NO. 88-2755






2958THIS MATTER came on for final agency action before Robert D. Johnston,

2970Director of the Division of Labor, Employment and Training, upon the Recommended

2982Order dated January 20, 1989, by Michael M. Parrish, an administrative hearing

2994officer with the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings, and upon

3006the Petitioner's exceptions to Recommended Order of Hearing Officer, dated

3016February 2, 1989, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit

3030respectively, and made a part hereof by reference.

3038Upon review of the Recommended Order, the argument of the parties, and

3050after a review of the complete record in this case, I hereby make the following

3065findings and conclusions.


30711. The conclusions of law set forth in the Recommended Order are approved

3084and adopted and incorporated herein.

30892. There is competent substantial evidence to support the conclusions of



3104Petitioner filed four exceptions to the Recommended Order, which shall be

3115addressed in sequence.

3118Exception No. 1. Petitioner first excepts all findings of fact proposed by

3130Petitioner which were rejected by the hearing officer. My review of the record

3143indicates that the hearing officer's findings are supported by competent

3153substantial evidence. That being the case, I am not at liberty to reject those

3167findings. Section 120.57(1)(b)10, Florida Statutes. This exception, therefore,

3175is rejected.

3177Exception No. 2. Petitioner objects to the conclusion that Petitioner

3187repay the sum of $53,724 on the grounds that Petitioner was not entitled to said

3203funds pursuant to the contract. Having determined that there was competent

3214substantial evidence to support the hearing officer's findings of fact and

3225conclusions of law, it follows that the recommendation that Petitioner repay the

3237amount so found to be due would also be supported thereby. This exception,

3250therefore is rejected.

3253Exception No. 3. This exception actually objects to seven conclusions of

3264law, each of which shall be addressed.

32711. Petitioner excepts conclusion of law contained in Paragraph 3 as being

3283contrary to the evidence. Based upon my review of the record, the hearing

3296officer's conclusion that the portions of the contract that set forth the basis

3309of payment to the Petitioner are clear and unambiguous is supported by competent

3322substantial evidence. The exception, therefore, is rejected.

33292. a. Petitioner first objects to the conclusion of law contained in

3341Paragraph 4 of the Recommended Order concerning excuse from repayment on the

3353grounds that the actions of Petitioner's employee were unforeseeable. The

3363hearing officer has accurately described the law of agency as it applies to the

3377facts of this case. The exception, therefore, is rejected.

3386b. Petitioner excepts conclusion of law contained in Paragraph 5 of the

3398Recommended Order relating to excuse from repayment on the grounds that

3409Respondent facilitated the fraud committed by Petitioner's employee. There is

3419no competent evidence in the records to support Petitioner's contention on this

3431point. This exception, therefore, is rejected.

3437c. Petitioner excepts the conclusion of law contained in Paragraph 6 of

3449the Recommended Order, asserting excuse from repayment on the grounds that

3460Respondent failed to properly monitor performance under the contract. Paragraph

347014.e. of the subject contract provides, in pertinent part:

3479The Contractor [Petitioners is

3483responsible for fulfilling all

3487terms and conditions of this

3492Contract. While the DLET

3496shall monitor the Contractor's

3500performance under the Contract,

3504the Contractor remains solely

3508responsible for its performance

3512The LET monitoring of the

3517Contract shall not constitute a

3522waiver or modification of any

3527term or condition. (Emphasis


3532d. Petitioner excepts the conclusion of law contained in Paragraph 7 of

3544the Recommended Order on the grounds that Petitioner should be excused from

3556repayment because it has substantially performed the contract. Based upon my

3567review of the record, the hearing officer properly found that the 74 alleged

3580placements were total frauds. This exception, therefore, is rejected.

3589Exception No. 4. Petitioner objects to the conclusion of law contained in

3601Paragraph 8 as being contrary to Barrett, Daffin & Figg v. McCormick, 362 So.2d

3615966 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978). It is apparent that the cited case is inapplicable to

3630the instant case since the employer had no contract with the injured party

3643(McCormick) and did not directly benefit from its employee's fraud, as the

3655Petitioner has in this action. The hearing officer has, again, correctly

3666concluded that the cited case is distinguishable from the case at bar. The

3679exception, therefore, is rejected.

3683Exception No. 5. Petitioner also takes exception to the conclusion of law

3695contained in Paragraph 4 of the Recommended Order as being in direct

3707contradiction to Martin v. United Security Services, Inc., 373 So.2d 720 (Fla.

37191st DCA 1979). Although not previously cited by the Petitioner, Davis is

3731clearly distinguishable on the grounds that since the Petitioner received the

3742funds associated with its employee's fraudulent activity, it is reasonable to

3753conclude that the motive for the employee's actions was the furtherance of

3765Petitioner's interests, not the employee's. Since the employer has directly

3775benefited from its employee's actions, it is liable for those actions. This

3787exception, therefore, is likewise rejected.


38011. That Petitioner, FLORIDA AFL-CIO UNITED LABOR AGENCY, INC., has

3811received the sum of $53,724.00 to which it was not entitled under its contract


38372. That Respondent recover from Petitioner the sum of $53,724.00 as

3849repayment therefore.

3851DONE and ORDERED this 17th day of March, 1989, at Tallahassee, Leon County,



3866ROBERT D. JOHNSTON, Director

3870Division of Labor, Employment

3874and Training

3876Florida Department of Labor

3880and Employment Security

3883Suite 300, Atkins Building

38871320 Executive Center Drive

3891Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0667


3896Sidney L. Matthew, Esquire

3900Gorman & Matthew, P.A.

3904Post Office Box 1754

3908Tallahassee, Florida 32302

3911Hugo Menendez, Secretary

3914Florida Department of Labor and

3919Employment Security

3921Suite 206, Berkeley Building

39252590 Executive Center Circle, East

3930Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152

3933Stephen D. Barron, Esquire

3937Florida Department of Labor and

3942Employment Security

3944Suite 131, Montgomery Building,

39482562 Executive Center Circle, East

3953Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0657

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Date: 03/17/1989
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/20/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/20/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (1):