88-004429 Department Of Community Affairs vs. Billy Marlar, D/B/A Rainbow Motel
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, August 18, 1989.

View Dockets  
Summary: Building permit for parking lot denied because const was completed before the time expires to protest and the lot covered more than 50% of the non-tidal acreage.







22Petitioners, )


25vs. ) CASE NO. 88-4429




37Respondent. )




46Petitioner, )


49vs. ) CASE NO. 88-4790






69Respondents. )



74Pursuant to notice, these cases were heard in a consolidated hearing on

86June 19, 1989 in Apalachicola, Florida, by Stephen F. Dean, assigned Hearing

98Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings. This hearing involves

108approval of a building permit issued by the City of Apalachicola affecting land

121in the Apalachicola Bay Area of State Concern. Said permit requires approval by

134the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (FLWAC). In addition, the

145Department of Community Affairs (DCA) filed a Notice of Violation against the

157development activity which was the subject of the building permit. The notice

169of violation asserts that development commenced prior to the expiration of the

18145 day period within which the issuance of the permit by the city could have

196been challenged and that development was not in compliance with local codes and



211For Department of Community Affairs:

216L. Kathryn Funchess, Esquire

2202740 Centerview Drive

223Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

226For Apalachicola Planning and Zoning Commission:

232J. Patrick Floyd, Esquire

236408 Long Avenue

239Post Office Drawer 950

243Port St. Joe, Florida 32456

248For Billy Marlar, d/b/a Rainbow Hotel:

254J. Ben Watkins, Esquire

25841 Commerce Street

261Apalachicola, Florida 32320


268Whether the construction activity was begun within the 45 day period within

280which the issuance of the permit by the city could have been challenged and was

295not in compliance with local codes and ordinances.


305These petitions were forwarded by the indicated agencies to the Division of

317Administrative Hearings to conduct a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57,

328Florida Statutes. The two cases were consolidated for hearing and a Motion to

341Dismiss the consolidated cases was denied. After hearing, the parties filed

352proposed findings which were read, considered, and adopted or rejected as

363indicated in Annex A. Only one recommended order will be entered in this



3801. The Department of Community Affairs is the state land planning agency

392empowered to enforce the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the

404rules promulgated thereunder. (Section 380.031-.032, F.S.).

4102. Billy Marlar owns and operates the Rainbow Motel, located at 123 Water

423Street, Apalachicola, Florida. (R. 9) Petitioner Marlar is the record title

434holder of wharf lots 13 and 14 in the City of Apalachicola according to the map

450or plat commonly used. Lots 13 and 14 are held in the name of Rainbow Motel and


4683. Lots 13 and 14 are located within the Riverfront District, as

480identified in the Land Development Code of the City of Apalachicola. (R. 57)

493Old plats reflect that the dimensions of wharf lots 13 and 14 are 206.54 feet

508wide and approximately 70 feet deep, or 14,250.75 square feet. Over the years,

522sand has accreted to the eastern boundary of these wharf lots and for the past

53735 years there have been improved structures on the eastern boundary of the


5514. Although the Franklin County tax rolls reflect wharf lots 13 and 14 as

565being approximately 200 feet wide by 180 feet deep, the Rainbow Hotel is built

579on pilings over water or land which is tidal. Inspection of the property

592reveals that the water line of the Apalachicola Bay lies approximately at the

605western edge of the main portion of the hotel.

6145. On May 13, 1988, Billy Marlar applied for a permit to construct a

628concrete parking lot on wharf lots 13 and 14 in the City of Apalachicola.

642(Rainbow Exhibit 2)

6456. On May 16, 1988, the Apalachicola Planning and Zoning Commission

656considered Mr. Marlar's application at a special meeting, and granted the permit

668application. (Rainbow Exhibit 9).

6727. On May 25, 1988, Permit No. 1172 was forwarded to the Department of

686Community Affairs for consideration as a development order. (Rainbow Exhibit 2).

6978. Prior to the permit being forwarded to DCA, construction of the parking

710lot commenced. A portion of the parking lot was poured on May 23, 1988, and the

726remainder of the parking lot was completed within 2 - 3 weeks of that date. (R.

74250-51, 53).

7449. The Land Development Code provides that lot coverage within the

755Riverfront District shall contain a minimum of 50 percent pervious surface.

76610. The term "pervious surface" means that water will percolate through

777that surface that covers the earth. (R. 59).

78511. The concrete parking lot constructed by Billy Marlar on wharf lots 13

798and 14 is not a pervious surface. (R. 70).

80712. The dimensions of the portion of the parking lot on lots 13 and 14 are

82378 feet along the northern boundary, 205 feet along the eastern boundary, 78

836feet along the southern boundary and 205 along western boundary. There is a

849planter in the southwestern corner which has approximately 704 square feet. The

861proposed finding submitted by the Department states that the parking lot

872contains 12,589.87 square feet, which will be the area used. (DCA Exhibit 1 and

887R. 71).

88913. The dimensions of the pervious surface of the property are based upon

902the area of the non-tidal portion of the two lots. The dimensions of the non-

917tidal area of the two lots are determined from resolution of the conflicts in

931the testimony and evidence presented and an examination of the property. The

943western boundary is 215 feet; northern boundary is 112 feet; eastern boundary is

956215 feet; and southern boundary is 122.5 feet. The total non-tidal area of the

970two lots based upon these dimensions is 25,208 square feet. (Rainbow Exhibit 3).

98414. Although the records of the Franklin County Property Appraiser's

994Officer indicated the dimensions of wharf lots 13 and 14 were 200 feet wide by

1009180 feet deep, a substantial portion of the eastern boundary of that area is

1023submerged. (Rainbow Exhibit 3 and 5, R. 32). Conflicting evidence was presented

1035as to the dimensions of the non-tidal property from the street frontage to the

1049mean high water line. The drawings show a meander line along the mean high

1063water line; however, observation revealed water under the majority of the hotel,

1075particularly on the northeast corner. Based upon those observations, the

1085eastern boundary on non-tidal land is computed as a straight line parallel to

1098the western edge of the longest portion of the hotel and five (5) feet to the

1114east of longest portion of the hotel running from southern boundary to the

1127northern boundary. See pencil additions to Rainbow Exhibit 3 made by fact

1139finder after observation of the property pursuant to motion.

114815. A portion of the Rainbow Motel and the Pot Restaurant extend over the

1162water. (R. 32 and Rainbow Exhibit 3). A portion of the hotel approximately 21.9

1176feet by 17.3 feet and 5 feet by 136.32 feet is located on the pervious surface

1192of lots 13 and 14. Approximately 33% of the restaurant, the dimensions of which

1206are 47 by 46 feet, is located on the pervious surface of lot 13. The buildings

1222cover a total of 1,781 square feet. The total impervious surface on lots 14 and

123813 is 14,371 square feet. The total non-tidal area of the two lots is 25,209

1255square feet. The impervious surface must be reduced by 1767 square feet. (R.



127216. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

1282parties hereto and the subject matter herein, pursuant to Section 120.57(1),

1293Florida Statutes.

129517. The Department of Community Affairs (Department) is the state land

1306planning agency and is authorized by Section 380.07, Florida Statutes, (1987),

1317to appeal any development order issued by a local government in any Area of

1331Critical State Concern (ACSC) to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

1342Commission (FLWAC).

134418. Most of Franklin County, Florida, including the subject property, but

1355less all federally-owned lands, is designated as the Apalachicola Bay Area of

1367Critical State Concern, pursuant to Section 380.0555, Florida Statutes, (1987),

1377and is subject to the requirements of Section 380.0555(8), Florida Statutes


138919. At all times material to this cause of action, Ordinances Nos. 87-1

1402and 87-2 of the City of Apalachicola, Florida (Code), were the land development

1415regulations in effect having been adopted with modifications by the

1425Administration Commission of the State of Florida in Rule 28-22.201, Florida

1436Administrative Code, (F.A.C.). The ordinances are required to be administered

1446by the City pursuant to Section 380.0555(9)(a), Florida Statutes (1987).

145620. Building a parking lot in the Riverfront District of Apalachicola,

1467Florida constitutes "development" as defined in Section 380.04, Florida Statutes


147821. Section 380.05(16), Florida Statutes (1987), provides: No person shall

1488undertake development within any area of critical state concern except in

1499accordance with this Chapter.

150322. Marlar and Rainbow commenced this project prior to the expiration of

1515the 45 days within which to file an appeal of the notice of intent to issue.

1531Therefore, this is a permit application case and the burden of proof rests upon

1545Marlar and the Rainbow Motel.

155023. Section 28-22.201(8)(d), Florida Administrative Code, identifies the

1558building restrictions within the Riverfront District and provides that lot

1568coverage shall contain a minimum of 50 percent pervious surface.

157824. Although the testimony showed that the motel and restaurant were

1589located on unplatted property adjacent to wharf lots 13 and 14, the permit

1602issued clearly applied to wharf lots 13 and 14, as identified on the official

1616map of the City of Apalachicola, (DCA Exhibit 4) and as shown in the plat,

1631Rainbow Exhibit 3. Based upon the testimony and evidence presented and a view

1644of the property, the dimensions of the non-tidal portions of lots 13 and 14 were

1659determined to be 25,209 square feet. The area of impervious man-made structures

1672on the two lots was determined to be 14,371 square feet.

168425. The concrete parking lot permitted by Permit No. 1172 does not meet

1697the minimum 50 percent pervious surface requirement of the Apalachicola Land

1708Development Code, pursuant to Section 28-22.2018(d), F.A.C., and is not in

1719compliance with the terms and conditions established for its construction.

172926. The development of the concrete parking lot is contrary to the

1741provisions of the Section 28-22.201(8)(d), F.A.C., and the provisions of Section

1752380.0555, Florida Statutes.


1756Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is


1770That a Final Order be entered requiring Billy Marlar and Rainbow Hotel to

1783bring the project into compliance within 30 days by removal of 1767 square feet

1797of impervious surface from the non-tidal portions of lots 13 and 14.

1809DONE and ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 18th day of

1821August, 1989.



1827Hearing Officer

1829Division of Administrative Hearings

1833The DeSoto Building

18361230 Apalachee Parkway

1839Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

1842(904) 488-9675

1844Filed with the Clerk of the

1850Division of Administrative Hearings

1854this 18th day of August, 1989.


1862Consideration of Proposed Findings of Fact

1868The proposed findings of the Department of Community Affairs were read and

1880considered as follows:

1883Paragraphs 1-10 Adopted.

1886Paragraph 11 The proposed dimensions are rejected as being contrary to the

1898best evidence of the dimensions of the non-tidal area of the two lots.

1911Paragraphs 12 & 13 Adopted.

1916The proposed findings of Marlar and Rainbow Hotel were read and considered as


1930Paragraphs 1 & 2 Adopted.

1935Paragraph 3 The existence of non-tidal land to a depth of 180 feet is

1949rejected as contrary to the best evidence.

1956Paragraph 4 & 5 Substantially adopted.

1962Paragraphs 6 & 7 Rejected as a finding, although included as portions of

1975the conclusions of law or statement of case.

1983Paragraph 8 Some land has accreted; however, that the accretion is all

1995pervious surface is rejected as contrary to best evidence.

2004Paragraph 9 The stormwater management plan is irrelevant to how much of the

2017pervious area of the two lots is covered with impervious structures.

2028Paragraph 10 The city map is rejected as the best evidence of the area of

2043the non-tidal area of the two lots.


2052L. Kathryn Funchess, Esquire

2056David L. Jordan, Esquire

2060C. Laurence Keesey, Esquire

2064Department of Community Affairs

20682740 Centerview Drive

2071Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

2074Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary

2078Department of Community Affairs

20822740 Centerview Drive

2085Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

2088Deborah Hardin-Wagner, Esquire

2091Governor's Legal Office

2094The Capitol, Room 209

2098Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

2101J. Ben Watkins, Esquire

210541 Commerce Street

2108Apalachicola, Florida 32 320

2112J. Patrick Floyd, Esquire

2116408 Long Avenue

2119Post Office Drawer 950

2123Port St. Joe, Florida 32456

2128Honorable Jimmy Nichols

2131Mayor, City of Apalachicola

2135Post Office Box 10

2139Apalachicola, Florida 32320

2142Apalachicola Planning and Zoning


2147Post Office Box 10

2151Apalachicola, Florida 32320

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Date: 11/13/1989
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/13/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/18/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Apalachicola, Florida

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Related Florida Statute(s) (5):

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