89-002197 Canoe Creek Property Owners Association, Inc., Et Al vs. Westwood Country Estates And South Florida Water Management District
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 5, 1989.

View Dockets  
Summary: Modification to surface water management system shown to meet all pertinent permitting criteria.





15This proceeding began on October 14, 1988, when Westwood Country Estates,

26Inc. (Applicant), filed an application with South Florida Water Management

36District (SFWMD) for the modification of Permit No. 43-00155-S, a surface water

48management permit that had been issued by SFWMD in 1980.

58Applicant is the owner of Westwood Country Estates ( Westwood), a proposed

7082.1 acre residential development in northwest Martin County, Florida. Permit

80No. 43-00155-S is the existing surface water management permit for Westwood.

91Canoe Creek subdivision is an existing 85.6 acre residential subdivision

101located east to and adjacent to Westwood. Petitioners, who object to the

113modification to the Westwood permit, are the Canoe Creek Property Owners

124Association and individual property owners in the Canoe Creek subdivision.

134Permit No. 43-00135-S issued by SFWMD in 1979 and modified in 1981, is the

148existing surface water management permit for the Canoe Creek subdivision.

158In 1979, the developers of Canoe Creek subdivision granted a drainage

169easement to the owners of the Westwood property from the common boundary of the

183two properties, through a swale, and into the Canoe Creek subdivision drainage

195system. Since 1980, Permit No. 43-00155-S has authorized the discharge of

206Westwood's surface water drainage into Canoe Creek subdivision's surface water

216management system.

218Applicant seeks to modify Permit No. 43-00155-S by (1) increasing the off-

230site tributary area which drains on to Westwood from 4 acres to 56 acres, (2)

245raising the catch basin which receives the flow from the off-site area on to

259Westwood by six inches, and (3) lowering the structure which regulates flow from

272Westwood to the Canoe Creek surface water management system by three-tenths of

284one foot. The application was supported by an analysis which detailed several

296deficiencies in the surface water management system permitted for Canoe Creek by

308Permit 43-00135-S and which recommended certain improvements or repairs to the

319Canoe Creek subdivision surface water management system.

326On March 24, 1989, the SFWMD staff filed a report which recommended

338approval of the modification application subject to certain specified

347conditions. Included among the special requirements for approval of the

357modifications requested by Westwood was the condition that the improvements to

368the Canoe Creek surface water management system recommended by Applicant be

379implemented. These improvements, consisting of the regrading of existing swales

389and the repair or replacement of culverts and weirs, will require a separate

402modification to Permit 43-00135-S.

406After the favorable staff report was made, Petitioners objected to the

417granting of the modifications to Permit 43-00155-S and requested a formal

428administrative hearing. This proceeding followed.

433At the formal hearing, Petitioners were represented by their qualified

443representative, Don Mooers, an attorney who is not a member of the Florida Bar,

457and by David Chestnut, a member of the Florida Bar who had been retained to

472assist Mr. Mooers with procedural matters.

478At the formal hearing, Applicant presented the testimony of three

488witnesses, Howard Searcy, Richard Bouchard, and Ross McWilliams. Mr. Searcy, a

499professional engineer, prepared the application for modification and was

508accepted as an expert in civil engineering, hydrology, and water management

519permitting. Mr. Bouchard, the supervising engineer with SFWMD who processed the

530modification application, was accepted as an expert in surface water management

541regulation and soil and water engineering as it relates to drainage and site

554plan development. Mr. McWilliams was accepted as an expert in biology and water

567quality. Applicant introduced 11 documentary exhibits, all of which were

577accepted into evidence. SFWMD presented no witnesses and no documentary

587evidence. Petitioners presented the testimony of two witnesses, Francisco Perez

597and T. Robert Valliant. Mr. Perez is an environmental specialist with the

609Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and was accepted as an expert in

621compliance and enforcement of DER potable water rules and regulations. Mr.

632Valliant is a resident of Canoe Creek subdivision and an individual Petitioner

644to these proceedings. Petitioners offered 15 documentary exhibits into evidence

654at the hearing, all of which were accepted into evidence. A sixteenth exhibit,

667identified as Petitioners' Exhibit 2, was to be filed as a late-filed exhibit,

680but it was subsequently withdrawn by Petitioners. At the parties' request,

691official recognition was taken of the applicable statutes and regulations

701relating to surface water management permitting.

707A transcript of the proceedings has been filed. At the request of the

720parties, the time for filing post-hearing submissions was set for more than ten

733days following the filing of the transcript. Consequently, the parties waived

744the requirement that a recommended order be rendered within thirty days after

756the transcript is filed. Rule 221-6.6031, Florida Administrative Code. Rulings

766on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Applicant and on behalf

780of SFWMD are found in the appendix to this Recommended Order. Petitioners did

793not file any proposed findings of fact within the deadline established for the

806filing of post-hearing submittals even though this deadline was extended on

817Petitioners' motion.


8221. All lands pertinent to this proceeding are located in northwestern

833Martin County, Florida, within the jurisdiction of the South Florida Water

844Management District (SFWMD).

8472. Respondent, Westwood Country Estates, Inc. (Applicant), is the owner of

85882.1 acres of land that it proposes to develop into a residential subdivision

871known as Westwood Country Estates (Westwood). Westwood is adjacent to and west

883of Canoe Creek subdivision, an existing residential single family subdivision

893consisting of 85.6 acres.

8973. The lands constituting Westwood and Canoe Creek subdivision

906historically drain in an easterly to southeasterly direction into Bessey Creek

917and from Bessey Creek into a major drainage canal maintained by SFWMD referred

930to as C-23. The primary drainage for Westwood has historically been across the

943lands constituting the Canoe Creek subdivision.

9494. Petitioners are the Canoe Creek Property Owners Association, Inc., and

960individual property owners in the Canoe Creek subdivision. The primary grounds

971for their objections to the modifications are their contentions that the

982Westwood modifications would overload the Canoe Creek surface water management

992system, thereby flooding streets and homes, damaging septic tanks, and polluting

1003the wells that serve Canoe Creek subdivision. Petitioners also object to the

1015repairs and improvements to the Canoe Creek surface water, management system

1026that are recommended by Applicant and are incorporated as special conditions to

1038the application.

10405. Permit No. 43-00135-S, issued by SFWMD in 1979, as modified by SFWMD in

10541981, is the surface water management permit for Canoe Creek subdivision. The

1066surface water management system for Canoe Creek subdivision consists of drainage

1077swales, a detention pond, culverts, and weirs. From the detention pond, surface

1089water drains via grassy swales easterly to a roadside ditch at Murphy Road, then

1103southerly parallel to Murphy Road into Bessey Creek, which drains into the C-23

1116canal. Outfall for the Canoe Creek system is authorized at the rate of 21 cubic

1131feet per second during the applicable 10-year, 3-day design storm.

11416. A perpetual easement for utility and drainage purposes was granted on

1153December 17, 1979, by the owner of the real property that was developed as the

1168Canoe Creek subdivision, for itself and for its successors and assigns, to the

1181then owners of the Westwood property, its successors and assigns. This

1192easement, which is 20 feet in width and 485 feet in length, authorizes the

1206drainage of water from Westwood into the Canoe Creek surface water management

1218system. On the common boundary between Canoe Creek subdivision and Westwood

1229there is a v-notch weir structure which is designed to regulate the outfall from

1243Westwood to the Canoe Creek system. From that weir structure, the drainage

1255easement runs easterly to what was in 1979 the Canoe Cheek subdivision area

1268perimeter ditch and to what is now the Canoe Creek subdivision retention lake.

1281This grant of easement was recorded in the public records of Martin County,

1294Florida, on December 17, 1979, in Official Records Book 485, pages 2163-2165.

13067. On February 14, 1980, Permit 43-00155-S, a construction and operation

1317surface water management permit was issued by SFWMD to the owners of Westwood.

1330The permitted surface water management system for Westwood consists of wetlands

1341areas, detention areas, drainage swales, culverts, and weirs. Outfall from the

1352Westwood system is authorized at the rate of 21 cubic feet per second during the

1367applicable 10-year, 3-day, design storm event. The outfall flows through the

1378weir structure on the boundary between Westwood and Canoe Creek subdivision,

1389through the drainage easement, into the Canoe Creek detention pond, and through

1401the Canoe Creek surface water management system. Ultimate outfall for both the

1413Westwood system and the Canoe Creek system is through Bessey Creek and the C-23

1427canal. Modifications to Permit 43-00155-S in 1982 and in 1983 did not alter

1440Westwood's basic surface water management system. Since 1980, the surface water

1451management system permitted for Westwood has contemplated that the surface water

1462outflow would be discharged through the Canoe Creek subdivision surface water

1473management system and that these surface water management systems be an

1484integrated system consisting of detention ponds, drainage swales, culverts, and

1494weirs, with outfall into Bessey Creek and then into the C-23 Canal.

15068. In August 1988, an unauthorized water discharge occurred from the

1517Westwood properties during a heavy storm before the completion of the Westwood

1529surface water management system. This unauthorized discharge of water occurred

1539through a breach in the partially completed dike located at the southern

1551perimeter of Westwood. The breach in the dike on the southern perimeter was

1564caused, in part, because Westwood was receiving an unauthorized discharge of

1575water from a 56 acre parcel which adjoins Westwood on its western boundary.

1588This unauthorized discharge onto Westwood was through a separate breach in the

1600western perimeter dike. The Notice of Violation, which was issued by SFWMD to

1613Applicant following this unauthorized discharge, precipitated the application

1621which is the subject of this proceeding. Since the unauthorized discharge, the

1633construction of Westwood's surface water management system has been completed.

1643The perimeter of Westwood has been bermed to prevent unauthorized discharges

1654from the off-site area.

16589. On October 14, 1988, Applicant, pursuant to Chapter 373, Part IV,

1670Florida Statutes, and the applicable rules found in Chapter 40E-4, Florida

1681Administrative Code, applied for the modification to Permit 43-00155-S that is

1692the subject of this proceeding. Howard Searcy, Westwood's consulting engineer,

1702determined that approximately 56 acres of off-site property to the west of

1714Westwood was draining onto Westwood and that provision should be made for this

1727off-site area in Westwood's surface water management system. The modification

1737process was necessary because the existing permit authorized drainage onto

1747Westwood from only four of the 56 acres. As permitted by the rules and practice

1762of SFWMD, the application for modification was submitted in the form of a


177610. The application requested the following modifications to Permit 43-


1787A. That the tributary off-site area be

1794increased from 4 acres to 56 acres;

1801B. That catch basin 23, which receives

1808the off-site flow from the adjoining

1814off-site 56 acres, be raised from

1820elevation 12.0 feet NGVD to elevation

182612.5 feet NGVD at the grate;

1832C. That the elevation of the crest of

1840the outfall structure between Westwood

1845and Canoe Creek subdivision be lowered

1851from 12.1 feet NGVD to elevation 11.8

1858feet NGVD and that the bleeder of the

1866structure be lowered from 11.5 feet NGVD

1873to 11.3 feet NGVD.

187711. The request to raise by six inches the catch basin which receives the

1891flow from the off-site property was made so that more water would be detained on

1906the off-site property during design storms. The request that the outfall

1917structure between Westwood and Canoe Creek be lowered was made to authorize an

1930increase in the peak discharge in a design storm event from the permitted 21

1944cubic feet per second to the proposed 21.3 cubic feet per second.

195612. The data submitted by Westwood in support of its application included

1968a backwater analysis prepared by Mr. Searcy and his staff. The backwater

1980analysis is a detailed computer analysis of the Westwood surface water

1991management system and the effects of the proposed modifications designed by Mr.

2003Searcy and his engineering staff. The data also contained an analysis of the

2016Canoe Creek subdivision surface water management system and the effects of the

2028modifications on that system.

203213. The backwater analysis determined that the Canoe Creek subdivision

2042surface water management system was not operating as designed and that the

2054system should be improved by regrading existing swales, adding additional

2064culverts, and modifying existing weirs. Mr. Searcy made the following specific

2075recommendations for improvements to the Canoe Creek subdivision surface water

2085management system.

20871. Station 0 (southern entrance

2092road): Replace the existing 24" CMP

2098culvert with 2 - 30" CMP culverts.

21052. Station 7 (main entrance road):

2111Replace the existing 24" 34" CMP Arch

2118culvert with 2 - 24" x 35" CMP Arch

2127culverts. Note: if existing 24" x 34"

2134CMP Arch culvert is in good condition,

2141just add 1 - 24" x 35" CMP Arch culvert

2151at this location.

21543. Station 13 ( outfall structure):

2160Verify that the existing structure was

2166built as designed and then increase the

2173weir length to 6.1' at crest elevation

218010.25'. The top of this weir structure

2187should also be increased to elevation

219320.0'. [The recommendation that the top

2199of the weir structure be increased to

2206elevation 20' was a typographical error.

2212The correct elevation should be 12'.]

22184. Station 13 to 14 (east-west

2224swale): Regrade the swale bottom to

2230remove all high point greater than

2236elevation 8.25'.

22385. Station 14 (internal road)

2243Replace existing 24" x 34" CMP Arch

2250culvert with 2 - 24" 35" CMP Arch

2258culverts and lower the invert elevation

2264to 8.25'. Note: If the existing 24" x

227234" CAP Arch culvert is in good

2279condition, then just add 1 - 24" x 35"

2288CMP Arch culvert at this location.

22946. Station 13 to 19 ( east-west

2301swale) : Regrade swale bottom starting

2307at elevation 8.25' at station 15 and

2314ending with elevation 8.5' at station


23217. Station 19 (weir structure):

2326Increase weir length to the permitted

2332weir length of 5.0' at the existing weir

2340crest elevation 10.14'.

234314. Without the improvements to the Canoe Creek system recommended by Mr.

2355Searcy, the Canoe Creek subdivision system will not function as designed and as


236915. After the initial review of the application the SFWMD requested that

2381Applicant submit additional information and that it clarify certain items. The

2392Applicant provided all data and clarifications requested by the SFWMD. The

2403SFWMD staff thereafter deemed the application complete. The Staff Report

2413prepared by the SFWMD review team on March 24, 1989, recommended that the

2426modification to the permit be granted with certain conditions. The conditions

2437were of two types, limiting conditions, which are standard conditions attached

2448to most permits, and special conditions, which are conditions unique to this

2460permit. The special conditions, pertinent to this proceeding, are as follows:

247111. Prior to the commencement of

2477construction of the proposed surface

2482water management system improvements

2486within Canoe Creek (Permit No. 43-00135-

2492S), a permit modification to permit No.

249943-00135-S shall be required.

250312. This modification is conditioned on

2509the downstream improvements to the Canoe

2515Creek outfall system (Table I) being

2521completed. If the Canoe Creek system is

2528not improved, Westwood Country Estates,

2533Inc. shall be required to submit revised

2540plans and calculations demonstrating an

2545alternate outfall route.

2548* * *

255116. Any development of the 56-acre off-

2558site area will require compliance with

2564an allowable discharge not exceeding 3.4

2570CFS during the 10-year 3-day design


257716. The improvements to the Canoe Creek system required by condition 12

2589are those conditions recommended by Mr. Searcy and set forth in paragraph 13 of

2603this Recommended Order. Applicant has accepted the conditions that were

2613attached by SFWMD to the granting of the proposed modification. As presented at

2626the formal hearing, the application for modification incorporates the conditions

2636imposed by SFWMD. The backwater analysis that was prepared by Mr. Searcy

2648assumed that the improvements he recommended to the Canoe Creek surface water

2660management system would be made.

266517. Westwood has complied, in all material respects, with the SFWMD

2676permitting rules and regulations and has supplied all information requested of

2687it by SFWMD. The appropriate employees of SFWMD processed the modification

2698application in accordance with SFWMD rules. All information deemed pertinent to

2709the application was assembled, the data was reviewed, and the applicable

2720permitting files were researched.

272418. Applicant has provided reasonable assurances that all permitting

2733criteria adopted by SFWMD will be met if the conditions attached to the

2746application are implemented. SFWMD's flooding protection and drainage criteria,

2755which was of particular concern at the hearing, will be met. There should be no

2770impact on the level, flow, or quality of groundwater. Water quality standards

2782adopted by the State of Florida as set out in Chapter 17-3, Florida

2795Administrative Code, will have been met or exceeded, and there should be no

2808adverse environmental impacts. The wetlands on the 56 acres of off-site area

2820will benefit by the additional retention caused by the raising of the level of

2834Catch Basin #23.

283719. The surface water management system, with the modifications proposed

2847by Applicant, can be effectively operated and maintained. A condition of the

2859permit is that Applicant form a homeowner's association to take over the

2871operation and maintenance of the system after development is completed.

288120. The approval and implementation of the proposed modifications and

2891conditions thereto will not adversely affect the public health and safety,

2902adversely affect the legal rights of others, be harmful to the water resources

2915of the State, or be contrary to public policy.

292421. Petitioners have failed to factually refute Applicant's showing that

2934it has provided reasonable assurances that all pertinent permitting criteria

2944adopted by SFWMD will be met if the permit modification, as conditioned, is

2957approved and implemented.


296322. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2973subject matter of and the parties to this proceeding. Section 120.57(1),

2984Florida Statutes.

298623. The scope of this proceeding is limited to the issue of whether the

3000application for modification of the Westwood surface water management system

3010complies with the pertinent permitting criteria adopted by South Florida Water

3021Management District set forth in Rule 40E-4.301, Florida Administrative Code.

3031Council of Lower Keys v. Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc., 429 So.2d 67, (Fla. 3rd

3046DCA 1983). All evidence and testimony not related to that criteria is properly

3059excluded as being irrelevant. Johns-Manville Sales, Corp. v. Janssens, 463

3069So.2d 242 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984), rev. den. 467 So.2d 999 (1985). See also,

3083Section 120.58(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

308724. Rule 49E-4.301, Florida Administrative Code, provides, in pertinent

3096part, as follows:

3099(1) In order to obtain a permit under

3107this chapter, an applicant must give

3113reasonable assurances that the surface

3118water management system:

3121(a) provides adequate flood

3125protection and drainage,

3128(b ) will not cause adverse water

3135quality and quantity impacts on

3140receiving waters and adjacent lands

3145regulated pursuant to Chapter 373,

3150Florida Statutes,

3152(c ) will not cause discharges which

3159result in any violation, in surface

3165waters of the state, of the standards

3172and criteria of Chapter 17-3,

3177(d) will not cause adverse impacts on

3184surface and groundwater levels and


3190(e) will not cause adverse

3195environmental impacts,

3197(f) can be effectively operated and


3204(g) will not adversely affect public

3210health and safety,

3213(h) is consistent with the State

3219Water Policy, Chapter 17-40, each

3224(i) for a DRI with a signed

3231Preliminary Development Agreement with

3235the Florida Department of Community

3240Affairs, pursuant to Section 380.06(8),

3245Florida Statutes, provides a surface

3250water management system for that portion

3256of the site approved for development

3262which is able to operate separately from

3269the surface water management system for

3275the balance of the project site and

3282still meet applicable District criteria,

3287(j) meets any applicable basin

3292criteria in Chapter 40E-41,

3296(k) will not otherwise be harmful to

3303the water resources of the District, and

3310will not interfere with the legal rights

3317of others, as defined in Rule 17-40.070,

3324(l) is not against public policy,

3330(m) will meet the general and

3336specific criteria in the document

3341described in rule 40R-4.091(1)(a)7

3345(n ) will meet the criteria for

3352isolated wetlands, which are found in

3358Appendix 7 of the document described in

3365rule 40E-4.091(1)(a) and,

3368(o) will meet the criteria for above

3375ground impoundments, which are found in

3381Appendix 6 of the document described in

3388rule 40E-4.091(1)(a).

339025. Rule 40E-4.381, Florida Administrative Code, authorizes SFWMD to place

3400both special and standard limiting conditions on a permit, an authority none of

3413the parties challenge. If the conditions to the application cannot be

3424implemented, including the recommended modifications to the Canoe Creek surface

3434water management system, the modifications to the Westwood system cannot be made

3446without Applicant being required to give additional reasonable assurances that

3456all permitting criteria will, nevertheless, be met.

346326. At the formal hearing, Applicant gave reasonable assurances that all

3474permitting criteria would be met if the modifications and conditions thereto are

3486approved and implemented. These reasonable assurances were established by the

3496engineering designs supported by computer analysis and by the expert testimony

3507in the areas of civil engineering, hydrology, surface water management

3517permitting, biology and water quality. This conclusion that all reasonable

3527assurances had been given was also reached by the staff of SFWMD. SFWMD staff

3541reviewed the supporting information supplied by Applicant and the information

3551available to it from its records and determined that reasonable assurances had

3563been given that, if the conditions imposed on the application are implemented,

3575all permitting criteria will have been met.

358227. Once Applicant presented a prima facie case that reasonable assurances

3593of all pertinent permitting criteria had been given, the burden of going forward

3606with the evidence shifted to Petitioners. This prima facie showing was not

3618negated or otherwise refuted by Petitioners. Florida Department of

3627Transportation v. J.W.C. Co., Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981)


3640Based on the foregoing findings of facts and conclusions of law, it is

3653RECOMMENDED that South Florida Water Management enter a final order which

3664approves application for the modification of Permit No. 43-00155-S filed by

3675Westwood Country Estates, Inc., subject to the terms and conditions recommended

3686by the South Florida Water Management District staff report.

3695DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of December, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon

3707County, Florida.



3713Hearing Officer

3715The DeSoto Building

37181230 Apalachee Parkway

3721Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550


3725Filed with the Clerk of the

3731Division of Administrative Hearings

3735this 5th day of December, 1989.


3745ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-2197

3750The following rulings are made on the findings of fact submitted on behalf

3763of Westwood Country Estates, Inc.

37681. The proposed findings of fact in Section I are adopted in material part

3782by paragraphs 4, 5, 7-11 and 15 of the Recommended Order.

37932. The proposed findings of fact in Section 11 are adopted in material

3806part by paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order.

38143. The proposed findings of fact in Section III are adopted in material

3827part by paragraph 7 of the Recommended Order.

38354. The proposed findings of fact in Section IV are adopted in material

3848part by paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Recommended Order.

38585. The proposed findings of fact in Section V are adopted in material part

3872by paragraph 6 of the Recommended Order.

38796. The proposed findings of fact in Section VI are adopted in material

3892part by paragraph 7 of the Recommended Order.

39007. The proposed findings of fact in Section VII are adopted in material

3913part by paragraph 8 of the Recommended Order.

39218. The proposed findings of fact in Section VIII are adopted in material

3934part by paragraphs 12-20 of the Recommended Order.

39429. The proposed findings of fact in Section IX are rejected as being

3955unsubstantiated by the record and as being a

3963conclusion of law.

3966The following rulings are made on the findings of fact submitted on behalf

3979of South Florida Water Management District.

39851. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 1 are adopted in material

3998part by paragraph 2 of the Recommended Order.

40062. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 2 are adopted in material

4019part by paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Recommended Order.

40293. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 3 are adopted in material

4042part by paragraph 9 of the Recommended Order.

40504. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 4 are adopted in material

4063part by paragraphs 9-11 of the Recommended Order.

40715. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 5 are adopted in material

4084part by paragraphs 5 and 7 of the Recommended Order.

40946. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are adopted in material

4107part by paragraphs 15 and 18 of the Recommended Order.

41177. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 are rejected as being

4130subordinate to the findings made in paragraph 3 of the Recommended Order.

41428. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are adopted in material

4155part by paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Recommended Order.

41659. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 9 are adopted in material

4178part by paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Recommended Order and are rejected to the

4193extent that they are subordinate to the findings of paragraph 7 of the

4206Recommended Order.

420810. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 10 are rejected as being

4221subordinate to the findings made in paragraphs 3 and 7 of the Recommended Order.

423511. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 11 are rejected as being

4248subordinate to the findings made in paragraph 18 of the Recommended Order.

426012. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 12 are adopted in material

4273part by paragraph 18 of the Recommended Order.

428113. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 12 are adopted in material

4294part by paragraph 18 of the Recommended Order.


4304Don Mooers, Esquire

4307Qualified Representative

4309Post Office Box 1147

4313Palm City, Florida 34990

4317David J. Chestnut, Esquire

4321215 South Federal Highway

4325Stuart, Florida 34994

4328Terry E. Lewis, Esquire

4332Steve Lewis, Esquire

4335Messer, Vickers, Caparello,

4338French & Madsden, P.A.

43422000 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

4347Suite 301

4349West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

4354John J. Fumero, Esquire

4358South Florida Water

4361Management District

4363Post Office Box 24680

4367West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/12/1990
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/12/1990
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/05/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Stuart, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (2):

Related Florida Rule(s) (3):