95-001784 R. C. Lindsey vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, January 30, 1996.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner without standing to challenge proposed closure of median opening on state road where he did not own property abutting state road.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 95-1784




27Respondent. )



32Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this case on

44September 28, 1995, in Stuart, Florida, before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly

56designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


66For Petitioner: R. C. Lindsey, pro se

736368 Southeast Held Court

77Stuart, Florida 34997

80For Respondent: Francine M. Ffolkes, Esquire

86Department of Transportation

89Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

95605 Suwannee Street

98Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458


1051. Whether Petitioner's request for an administrative hearing on the

115Department of Transportations's planned closure of the median opening on State

126Road 5 (hereinafter referred to as "U.S. 1") at Held Court in Stuart, Florida,

141should be dismissed on the ground that Petitioner lacks standing to challenge

153such planned action?

1562. If not, whether Petitioner's challenge should be sustained?


167In a letter dated February 28, 1994, the Department of Transportation

178(hereinafter referred to as the "Department") advised Petitioner that, based on

"190comments [Petitioner had] made at [a] Public Hearing held on December 8, 1993,"

203it had "reevaluated the proposed median modifications" which were a part of

215State Project No. 89010-1500/1501 and that, after such a reevaluation, had

226determined to keep "the closing of the break [on U.S. 1] at Held Court" in its

"242plan." In response to the Department's letter, Petitioner sent the Department

253a letter, dated March 26, 1994, which read as follows:

263This will acknowledge receipt of your letter

270dated February 28, 1994 and post-marked March

27721, 1994 pertaining to the above project [State

285Project No. 89010-1500/1501].

288I am very much opposed to your intended plans

297of closing off the intersection of Held Court

305and U.S. [Number]1.

308Please accept this as my request for an

316administrative hearing to air my objections.

322I use this intersection too much as part of

331my daily life to permit its closing. My

339ordinary commerce and very life itself will

346be jeopardized with the closing of the inter-

354section of U.S. [Number]1 and Held Court.

361On September 19, 1994, the Department issued an order directing Petitioner

372to show cause in writing within 14 days why his request for an administrative

386hearing should not be dismissed on the ground that he had "failed to allege

400facts in his request for hearing to demonstrate standing to challenge the

412Department's construction plans." On October 3, 1994, Petitioner filed an

422Answer to Show Cause Order and Amended Petition (hereinafter referred to as

434Petitioner's "Amended Petition"). Appended to the Amended Petition were the

445affidavits of six of Petitioner's neighbors who, according to their affidavits,

456also "opposed [for economic and safety reasons] the Department of

466Transportation['s] plan to close the media[n] opening at Held Court and U.S.

478[Number]1. 1/

480On April 11, 1995, the Department referred the matter to the Division of

493Administrative Hearings (hereinafter referred to as the "Division"). The

503Department's referral letter to the Division read as follows:

512Please arrange for an administrative hearing

518pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes,

524in accordance with the enclosed petition and

531associated documents.


534Whether Petitioner has standing to request a

541hearing on the Department's plans to close a

549median opening at the intersection of State

556Road 5 and Held Court in Stuart.

563Whether the Department's action would deprive

569Petitioner of the right of reasonable access

576to State Road 5.

580Whether the Department's proposed action of

586closing the median opening in State Road 5 is

595without authority and an abuse of discretion.

602The administrative hearing that the Department asked the Division to

612conduct was originally scheduled for August 17, 1995. At the Department's

623request, the hearing was rescheduled for September 28, 1995.

632On September 21, 1995, seven days before the administrative hearing was

643scheduled to commence, the Department filed a Motion for Recommended Order of

655Dismissal in which it argued that a "recommended order of dismissal should be

668issued in this case because Petitioner, R.C. Lindsey, lacks standing to request

680a hearing under section 120.57, Florida Statutes, in that Petitioner's property

691does not abut the State Highway System." On the following day, September 22,

7041995, the Hearing Officer issued an order notifying the parties that he would

"717defer ruling on the Motion until after the conclusion of the final hearing in

731the instant case," that the parties would have the opportunity at hearing to

744present evidence and argument on the issues raised in the Motion and that they

758would have an additional chance to present argument on these issues in their

771post-hearing submittals.

773The final hearing in this case was held on September 28, 1995, as

786scheduled. At hearing, a total of four witnesses testified: Norman Bryant, the

798Florida regional manager of the engineering firm retained by the Department to

810design the road project at issue in the instant case; 2/ Jonathan Overton, the

824Department's District 4 Access Management Engineer; 3/ Milton Quall, a

834resident of Held Court; and Petitioner. In addition to the testimony of these

847four witnesses, a total of 15 exhibits (Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 13 and

860Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2) were offered and received into evidence.

871At the conclusion of the evidentiary portion of the hearing on September

88328, 1995, the Hearing Officer, on the record, advised the parties of their right

897to file proposed recommended orders and established a deadline (30 days from the

910date of the Hearing Officer's receipt of the transcript of the hearing) for the

924filing of proposed recommended orders. The deadline was subsequently extended,

934at the Department's request (and without objection by Petitioner), to January

94519, 1996. 4/

948On November 20, 1995, Petitioner filed with the Hearing Officer what he

960represented to be the results of a survey he had conducted on October 12, 1995,

"975of the roads and drives that intersect with the U.S. [Number]1 from Cove Road

989South to Morningside Drive." Accompanying the survey was a pleading in which

1001Petitioner stated the following:

1005The attached survey affidavit is presented

1011to the Hearing Officer as additional documents

1018in this case.

1021This shows that the approximately 1.2 mile

1028section of U.S. [Number]1, (SR [Number]5)

1034from Cove Road south to Morningside Drive is

1042intersected 26 times and that 103 stores or

1050commercial establishments are [a]ffected by

1055these intersections together with about 2000

1061residential units.

1063The Department of Transportation has design-

1069ated the improvements to this section of U.S.

1077[Number]1, (SR [Number]5) as "High Speed Rural


1085The Hearing Officer will treat this pleading (which the Department has

1096moved to strike) as a motion requesting that the evidentiary record in this case

1110be reopened for the purpose of allowing Petitioner the opportunity to offer the

1123survey into evidence. Inasmuch as the information contained in the survey, even

1135if deemed to be true and accurate and taken into consideration by the Hearing

1149Officer, would not alter the outcome of the instant case, the motion is hereby

1163DENIED. 5/

1165Petitioner and the Department filed proposed recommended orders on November

117530, 1995, and January 16, 1996, respectively. These proposed recommended orders

1186have been carefully considered by the Hearing Officer. The "findings of fact"

1198set forth in these proposed recommended orders are specifically addressed in the

1210Appendix to this Recommended Order.


1218Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the

1232following Findings of Fact are made:

12381. For approximately the past 35 years, Petitioner has owned property on

1250Held Court 6/ in the Vista Salerno subdivision in unincorporated Martin

1261County, Florida. On the west, the property extends to Dixie Ross Road, an

1274unpaved, private street in the Vista Salerno subdivision. Dixie Ross Road runs

1286parallel to U.S. 1, a north-south roadway that is part of the State Highway

1300System. On the east, the property approaches, but does not directly abut, U.S.


13142. Petitioner's residence is located on the property.

13223. Petitioner also operates his commercial plumbing business, R.C. Lindsey

1332Plumbing, Inc., from a structure (approximately 200 feet from his residence)

1343located on the property.

13474. Large trucks make daily deliveries to Petitioner's business.

13565. There are no other commercial establishments located on Held Court or

1368elsewhere in the Vista Salerno subdivision.

13746. Petitioner owns other lots in the Vista Salerno subdivision. None of

1386these other lots directly abuts U.S. 1.

13937. The Vista Salerno subdivision lies west of U.S. 1. It was created in

14071954. There are approximately 100 homes in the subdivision.

14168. The subdivision has three paved roads: Held Court; Parkwood Drive;

1427and Lillian Court. Each runs east-west and connects with U.S. 1. Parkwood

1439Drive is 898 feet south of Held Court. Lillian Court is 993 feet north of Held


14569. Held Court is a Martin County-maintained roadway. Unlike U.S. 1, Held

1468Court is not part of the State Highway System. Approximately 600 feet west of

1482U.S. 1, Held Court turns into Robert Loop Road, an unpaved, private roadway.

149510. Since approximately 1970, there has been a full median opening (with a

1508left hand storage lane) on U.S. 1 at Held Court. As a result, northbound, as

1523well as southbound, motorists on U.S. 1 are able to turn directly from U.S. 1

1538onto Held Court. Likewise, motorists exiting the Vista Salerno subdivision via

1549Held Court are able to turn right and head south on U.S. 1 or turn left and go

1567north on U.S. 1.

157111. The Department proposes to close the median opening that now exists on

1584U.S. 1 at Held Court as part of a proposed road improvement/widening project

1597(State Project No. 89010-1500/1501, hereinafter referred to as the "proposed

1607project.") The proposed project involves the widening of U.S. 1 (from an

1620existing four-lane divided roadway to a six-lane divided roadway) in

1630unincorporated Martin County (south of the City of Stuart city limits) from

1642south of County Road 708 to north of Salerno Road. (Held Court is between

1656County Road 708 and Salerno Road).

166212. This segment of U.S. 1 has been classified as a Class 3 roadway under

1677the Department's access management classification system. It has an existing

1687traffic volume of 27,000 vehicles a day. In 20 years it is projected to have a

1704traffic volume of 45,000 vehicles a day. The proposed project will enable this

1718roadway segment to handle the projected increase in traffic volume at a design

1731speed of 55 miles an hour.

173713. The plans for the proposed project are in the preliminary design phase

1750and are approximately 30 percent completeaffic studies (of U.S. 1 and the

1762major intersecting roadways feeding traffic onto U.S. 1 in the area of the

1775proposed project) have been done. Held Court is not one of these major

1788intersecting roadways and therefore has not been the subject of any traffic

1800study done in conjunction with the proposed project.

180814. The Department's District 4 Access Management Engineer has made

1818recommendations regarding the location of median openings which have been

1828incorporated in the plans that have been developed for the proposed project.

184015. Martin County (which has jurisdiction over side streets that intersect

1851with U.S. 1 in the area of the proposed project) was asked to provide its input

1867regarding the location of median openings. All but one of its recommendations

1879(that relating to Parkwood Drive) have been adopted in the plans for the

1892proposed project.

189416. These plans, which were formulated in accordance with generally

1904accepted principles of traffic engineering and safety design, provide for the

1915following median openings on U.S. 1 in the vicinity of Held Court: a full

1929median opening (with a left turn storage lane) at Lillian Court, 993 feet north

1943of Held Court; a full median opening (with a left turn storage lane) at

1957Morningside Drive, south of Held Court; a directional median opening (with a

1969left turn storage lane for southbound traffic) at Village Road,7 between

1981Morningside Drive and Held Court, approximately 350 to 400 feet south of the

1994latter; and a directional median opening (with a left turn storage lane for

2007northbound traffic) at Parkwood Drive, between Village Road and Morningside

2017Drive, 898 feet south of Held Court. 8/

202517. The Department does not propose to entirely eliminate direct access

2036between U.S. 1 and Held Court. Motorists will still have direct access to the

2050southbound lanes of U.S. 1 from Held Court. Likewise, southbound motorists on

2062U.S. 1 will still be able to turn directly onto Held Court.

207418. Access between U.S. 1 and Held Court, however, will be more limited

2087than it is presently. Northbound motorists on U.S. 1 will no longer be able to

2102turn left and directly access Held Court from U.S. 1, nor will motorists on Held

2117Court any longer be able to turn left onto U.S. 1 and head north.

213119. Reasonable and safe, although somewhat more inconvenient, alternatives

2140will remain for these motorists, however.

214620. Northbound motorists on U.S. 1 will be able to access Held Court by

2160making a U-turn 993 feet north of Held Court at the full median opening at

2175Lillian Court 9/ and then going south on U.S. 1 and turning right onto Held

2190Court. Alternatively, they will be able to turn left at either the directional

2203median opening at Parkwood Drive (before Held Court) or at the full median

2216opening at Lillian Court (after Held Court), travel west one block, turn onto

2229Dixie Ross Road and then take Dixie Ross Road (north if coming from Parkwood

2243Drive or south if coming from Lillian Court) to Held Court.

225421. Motorists on Held Court desiring to travel north on U.S. 1 will be

2268able to turn right on U.S. 1 and travel south until the directional median

2282opening at Village Road, where they will be able make a U-turn onto the

2296northbound lanes of U.S. 1. 10/ Another option they will have will be to take

2311Dixie Ross Road to Lillian Court, travel east one block, and then turn left

2325(north) onto U.S. 1.

232922. Although some of the travelling public (including Petitioner, his

2339neighbors, his employees and those making deliveries to his business) may be

2351slightly inconvenienced as a result of the closure of the median opening on U.S.

23651 at Held Court, it is prudent, from a traffic engineering and safety

2378perspective, to close this median opening as part of the proposed project.

239023. In order to meet generally accepted roadway and traffic design

2401standards, the storage lane for southbound traffic on U.S. 1 turning left onto

2414Village Road will need to extend north beyond Held Court. Motorists using a

2427median opening at Held Court would have to cut across this storage lane.

2440Traffic safety therefore would be seriously compromised if, in addition to a

2452directional median opening at Village Road (with a left turn storage lane that

2465extended past Held Court), there was also a median opening at Held Court (only

2479350 to 400 feet to the north of Village Road).

248924. The elimination of the median opening at Held Court is, on balance, a

2503feature of the proposed project that will promote, rather than, as Petitioner

2515argues, jeopardize, the safety of motorists. 11/

252225. Several years ago, (it is unclear precisely how many), the Department

2534completed another road improvement/widening project on U.S. 1. This previous

2544project involved a roadway segment between Stuart and Port St. Lucie (north of

2557the roadway segment which is the subject of the proposed project in the instant

2571case). No median openings were closed as a part of this previous project and a

2586full median opening was provided for a Florida Power and Light transformer



260226. Sections 335.18 through 335.188, Florida Statutes, constitute the

"2611State Highway System Access Management Act" (hereinafter referred to as the


262427. The Act defines the scope of the Department's authority to regulate

2636access to the State Highway System and prescribes the manner in which that

2649authority must be exercised.

265328. Section 335.181(2), Florida Statutes, addresses the extent to which

2663the Department may exercise its regulatory authority where there is an abutting

2675property owner. It provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

2684It is the policy of the Legislature that:

2692(a) Every owner of property which abuts a

2700road on the State Highway System has a right

2709to reasonable access to the abutting state

2716highway but does not have the right of

2724unregulated access to such highway. The

2730operational capabilities of an access connec-

2736tion 12/ may be restricted by the department.

2744However, a means of reasonable access to an

2752abutting state highway may not be denied by the

2761department, except on the basis of safety or

2769operational concerns as provided in s. 335.184.

2776(b) The access rights of an owner of property

2785abutting the State Highway System are subject to

2793reasonable regulation to ensure the public's

2799right and interest in a safe and efficient

2807highway system. This paragraph does not auth-

2814orize the department to deny a means of reason-

2823able access to an abutting state highway,

2830except on the basis of safety or operational

2838concerns as provided in s. 335.184.

284429. Section 335.184, Florida Statutes, provides, in pertinent part, as


2855(3) A property owner shall be granted a

2863permit for an access connection to the

2870abutting state highway, unless the permitting

2876of such access would jeopardize the safety of

2884the public or have a negative impact on the

2893operational characteristics of the highway.

2898Such access connection and permitted turning

2904movements shall be based upon standards and

2911criteria adopted, by rule, by the department.

291830. These "standards and criteria adopted, by rule, by the department" are

2930found in Chapter 14-97, Florida Administrative Code.

293731. They provide, in pertinent part, that on a Class 3 roadway, like the

2951segment of U.S. 1 at issue in the instant case, the "minimum median opening

2965spacing" is 0.5 miles for a "full median opening" and 1320 feet for a

"2979directional median opening." Rule 14-97.003, Fla. Admin. Code. 13/

298832. "Minimum median opening spacing," as that term is used in Chapter 14-

300197, Florida Administrative Code, is defined in Rule 14-97.002(20), Florida

3011Administrative Code, as follows:

3015[T]he minimum allowable distance between open-

3021ings in a restrictive median 14/ to allow for

3030crossing the opposing traffic lanes to access

3037property or for crossing the median to travel

3045in the opposite direction (U-turn). The mini-

3052mum spacing or distance is measured from center-

3060line to centerline of the openings along the

3068traveled way.

307033. A "full median opening," as that term is used in Chapter 14-97,

3083Florida Administrative Code, is defined in Rule 14-97.002(15), Florida

3092Administrative Code, as follows:

3096[A]n opening in a restrictive median designed

3103to allow all turning movements to take place

3111from both the state highway and the adjacent


312034. A "directional median opening," as that term is used in Chapter 14-97,

3133Florida Administrative Code, is defined in Rule 14-97.002(11), Florida

3142Administrative Code, as follows:

3146[A]n opening in a restrictive median which

3153provides for U-turn only, and/or left-turn in

3160movements. Directional median openings for

3165two opposing left or "U-turn" movements along

3172one segment of road are considered one

3179directional median opening. 15/

318335. The Department, in the instant case, has proposed a change in the

3196design of a segment of U.S. 1 in unincorporated Martin County, which includes

3209the closure of the full median opening that now exists at Held Court.

3222Petitioner has requested a Section 120.57 formal hearing on the proposed closure

3234of this median opening. The Department has referred the matter to the Division,

3247with the request that the Division hearing officer assigned to hear the case

3260initially address the issue of Petitioner's standing to challenge (through the

3271provisions of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes) the Department's proposed action.

328136. "To establish entitlement to a [S]ection 120.57 formal hearing, one

3292must show that its 'substantial interests will be affected by proposed agency

3304action.' This, in turn, requires a showing that (1) the proposed action will

3317result in injury-in-fact which is of sufficient immediacy to justify a hearing;

3329and (2) the injury is of the type that the statute pursuant to which the agency

3345has acted is designed to protect." Fairbanks, Inc., v. Department of

3356Transportation, 635 So.2d 58, 59 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994); Friends of the

3368Everglades, Inc., v. Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund,

3380595 So.2d 186, 188 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992). No such showing has been made by

3395Petitioner in the instant case.

340037. Petitioner is not an "owner of property which abuts a road on the

3414State Highway System" entitled to "reasonable access" under the Act. Rather, he

3426owns property abutting a Martin County roadway (Held Court) that connects with

3438(and thereby provides Petitioner access to) a road on the State Highway System

3451(U.S. 1). Moreover, even assuming arguendo that the Act granted Petitioner a

3463right of "reasonable access" from Held Court to U.S. 1, Petitioner would not be

3477deprived of such "reasonable access" if the Department closed the median opening

3489on U.S. 1 at Held Court and otherwise carried out its present plans for the

3504proposed project inasmuch as the connection between Held Court and the

3515southbound lanes of U.S. 1 would remain open under such circumstances. See

3527Division of Administration, State Department of Transportation v. Capital Plaza,

3537Inc., 397 So.2d 682, 683 (Fla. 1981)(construction of "a raised four-foot-wide

3548median" on roadway preventing northbound drivers from "turn[ing] across traffic

3558directly into Capital's service station" did not constitute a "deprivation of

3569access" inasmuch as there was "still free, unimpeded access to Capital's service

3581station albeit only by southbound traffic"); Division of Administration, State

3592Department of Transportation v. Palm Beach West, Inc., 409 So.2d 1130, 1131

3604(Fla. 4th DCA 1982)(construction of a "median strip" did not amount to denial of

3618access). Although Petitioner (and those who have occasion to travel to and from

3631his home or business) may suffer some slight inconvenience as a result of the

3645closure of the median opening on U.S. 1 at Held Court, such inconvenience is

3659insufficient to give Petitioner standing to challenge the Department's proposed

3669action to close this median opening. 16/

367638. In any event, Petitioner's challenge to such proposed action is

3687without merit. Determining to close the median opening as part of the proposed

3700project has not been shown to be anything other than the sound exercise of the

3715Department's discretion to plan and design state roadways. See Department of

3726Transportation v. Lopez-Torres, 526 So.2d 674, 676 (Fla. 1988)(Department has

"3736plenary power to plan and construct state roads and bridges;" the Department's

3748power, however, "is not absolute and is limited to the lawful exercise of its

3762discretion"). The greater weight of the record evidence establishes that, on

3774balance, the closure of the median opening will promote and protect, rather than

3787endanger, the public health, safety and welfare and that it is therefore

3799desirable, from an operational and safety perspective, to close the median

3810opening as part of the proposed project. Furthermore, to include a median

3822opening at Held Court as part of the proposed project would violate the spacing

3836requirements of Chapter 14-97, Florida Administrative Code. 17/ See Section

3846335.184(3), Fla. Stat.("Such access connection and permitted turning movements

3856shall be based upon standards and criteria adopted, by rule, by the

3868Department"); Gadsen State Bank v. Lewis, 348 So.2d 343, 345 n.2 (Fla. 1st DCA

38831977)("[A]gencies must honor their own substantive rules until . . . they are

3897amended or abrogated").

390139. In view of the foregoing, the Department should reject Petitioner's

3912challenge to the proposed closure of the median opening on U.S. 1 at Held Court.


3928Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

3941RECOMMENDED that the Department of Transportation enter a final order

3951rejecting Respondent's challenge to the Department's proposed closure of the

3961median opening on U.S. 1 at Held Court.

3969DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 30th day of

3981January, 1996.


3984STUART M. LERNER, Hearing Officer

3989Division of Administrative Hearings

3993The DeSoto Building

39961230 Apalachee Parkway

3999Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

4002(904) 488-9675

4004Filed with the Clerk of the

4010Division of Administrative Hearings

4014this 30th day of January, 1996.


40211/ The affidavits of three additional opponents of the planned median closing

4033were offered and received into evidence at hearing (as Petitioner's Exhibit 3).

40452/ Bryant testified, without objection, as an expert in the field of

4057transportation engineering.

40593/ Overton testified, without objection, as an expert in the fields of traffic

4072engineering and access management.

40764/ The Hearing Officer received the hearing transcript on November 13, 1995.

4088Accordingly, the original deadline for the filing of proposed recommended orders

4099was December 13, 1995.

41035/ This case does not involve a request made in accordance with Rule 14-97.005,

4117Florida Administrative Code, to review the access classification of the segment

4128of U.S. 1 that is the subject of the survey.

41386/ The property directly abuts Held Court.

41457/ Village Road serves a large residential area to the east of U.S. 1. It

4160serves many more homes, and consequently carries substantially more traffic,

4170than does Held Court.

41748/ The proposed directional median openings at Village Road and Parkwood Drive

4186will form, what is referred to as, a "U-turn pair." At present, there are full

4201median openings (with left turn storage lanes) at both Village Road and Parkwood

4214Drive. Martin County recommended that a full median opening remain at Parkwood


42279/ Studies conducted by the Department have shown that, on a six-lane divided

4240roadway, a U-turn (unaided by a traffic signal or sign) is a safer maneuver than

4255a left-hand turn onto the divided roadway (unaided by a traffic signal or sign).

426910/ The trucks that make deliveries to Petitioner's plumbing business and the

4281other vehicles that now use the median opening at Held Court will be able to

4296make this U-turn, as well as the previously discussed U-turn at the directional

4309median opening at Village Road, safely.

431511/ In making this finding, the Hearing Officer has relied upon the expert

4328testimony presented by the Department. (Petitioner did not present any expert

4339testimony in support of his position.)

434512/ A "connection," as that term is used in the Act, "means driveways, streets,

4359turnouts, or other means of providing for the right of reasonable access to or

4373from the State Highway System."

437813/ Rule 14-97.003(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, which became effective

4387on February 13, 1991, provides that "existing median openings . . are not

4400required to meet . . . the standards of the assigned classification" of the

4414roadway, but they "shall be brought into reasonable conformance with the

4425standards of the assigned classification . . . where new connection permits are

4438granted for significant changes in property use or as changes to the roadway

4451design allow."

445314/ A "restrictive median," as that term is used in Rule 14-97.002(20), Florida

4466Administrative Code, is "the portion of a divided highway or divided driveway

4478physically separating vehicular traffic traveling in opposite directions." The

4487term includes "physical barriers that prohibit movement of traffic across the

4498median such as a concrete barrier, a raised concrete curb and/or island, and a

4512grassed or swaled median." Rule 14-97.002(26), Fla. Admin. Code. A "non-

4523restrictive median," on the other hand, is "a median or painted centerline which

4536does not provide a physical barrier between center traffic turning lanes or

4548traffic lanes traveling in opposite directions." Rule 14-97.002(23), Fla.

4557Admin. Code.

455915/ It is apparent from a reading of the language of Rule 14-97.002(11),

4572Florida Administrative Code, that an opening need not allow for opposing left

4584turn movements in order to be a "directional median opening" subject to the

4597spacing requirements of Chapter 14-97, Florida Administrative Code.

460516/ Contrary to the assertion made by Petitioner, he will not be substantially

4618affected in any adverse way "safety wise economically, and socially by this

4630proposed closure of the median opening."

463617/ Although Petitioner has suggested that the Department would be engaging in

4648unfavorable, disparate treatment toward him and the other property owners on

4659Held Court were it to close the median opening on U.S. 1 at Held Court, the

4675record evidence is insufficient to establish that, during the time the spacing

4687requirements of Chapter 14-97, Florida Administrative Code, have been in effect,

4698the Department, as part of a change in the design of a state roadway, has failed

4714to close any median opening that did not meet these spacing requirements and

4727that was otherwise comparable in all material respects to the median opening at

4740Held Court.


4750The following are the Hearing Officer's specific rulings on the "findings

4761of fact" set forth in the parties' proposed recommended orders:

4771Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact

47761-3. Accepted and incorporated in substance, although not necessarily

4785repeated verbatim, in this Recommended Order.

47914. Rejected because, even if it had sufficient evidentiary/record support

4801and was accepted as true, it would not alter the outcome of the instant case.

48165. Rejected because it is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence.

48296. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

48357. Rejected because it is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence.

48488-11. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

4854The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact

48601-6. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

48667. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

4875sentence: Not incorporated in this Recommended Order because it would add only

4887unnecessary detail to the factual findings made by the Hearing Officer.

48988. Not incorporated in this Recommended Order because it would add only

4910unnecessary detail to the factual findings made by the Hearing Officer.

49219. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second and

4931third sentences: Rejected as findings of fact because they are more in the

4944nature of conclusions/statements of law.

494910. To the extent that this proposed finding states that the proposed

4961location, design and spacing of the median openings on the segment of U.S. 1 at

4976issue in the instant case meet the requirements set forth in the Department's

4989rules, it has been rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the

5005nature of a conclusion of law. Otherwise, it has been accepted and incorporated

5018in substance.

502011-15. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

502616-18. To the extent that these proposed findings make reference to the

5038requirements set forth in the Department's rules, they have been rejected as

5050findings of fact because they are more in the nature of conclusions/statements

5062of law. Otherwise, they have been accepted and incorporated in substance.

507319. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

507920. First sentence: Not incorporated in this Recommended Order because it

5090would add only unnecessary detail to the factual findings made by the Hearing

5103Officer; Second sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance.

511121. Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of a

5127statement of law.

513022. Accepted and incorporated in substance.


5138R. C. Lindsey

51416369 Southeast Held Court

5145Stuart, Florida 34997

5148Francine M. Ffolkes, Esquire

5152Department of Transportation

5155Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

5161605 Suwannee Street

5164Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458

5167Ben G. Watts, Secretary

5171Department of Transportation

5174ATTN: Diedre Grubbs

5177Haydon Burns Building, Mail Station 58

5183605 Suwannee Street

5186Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458

5189Thornton J. Williams, General Counsel

5194Department of Transportation

5197562 Haydon Burns Building

5201605 Suwannee Street

5204Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0458


5213All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this recommended

5225order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

5239written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period of time within which to

5252submit written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the

5264final order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing

5277exceptions to this recommended order. Any exceptions to this recommended order

5288should be filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 04/03/1996
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/02/1996
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/02/1996
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/05/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 02/12/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/30/1996
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 09/28/95.
Date: 01/16/1996
Proceedings: Letter to hearing officer from Francine M. Ffolkes Re: Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/16/1996
Proceedings: Department of Transportation`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/04/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion granted)
Date: 11/30/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed.
Date: 11/30/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/21/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Submittal of Additional Document After Hearing filed.
Date: 11/20/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Submittal of Additional Document After Hearing filed.
Date: 11/13/1995
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing set for 9/28/95; 9:30am; Stuart; ruling on motion to be given after hearing)
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Recommended Order of Dismissal filed.
Date: 08/10/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 9/28/95; 9:30am; Stuart)
Date: 08/09/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Continuance to Date Certain filed.
Date: 05/08/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 8/17/95; 9:00am; Stuart)
Date: 05/01/1995
Proceedings: FDOT`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/28/1995
Proceedings: Petitioner`s response to initial order filed.
Date: 04/21/1995
Proceedings: Letter to S. Smith from R. C. Lindsey Re: Petitioner`s response to Initial Order; Letter to S. Smith from Paul Sexton Re: Request for an administrative hearing filed.
Date: 04/18/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Co-Counsel for Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 04/18/1995
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/11/1995
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Request For Administrative Hearing, Letter Form; Agency Action Letter; Order To Show Cause; Answer To Order To Show Cause and Amended Petition; Affidavit (6); Supportive Documents filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Stuart, Florida

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