96-001318 Rookery Bay Utilities, Inc. (Priscilla Spade) vs. Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 9, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant failed to provide Respondent with assurance regarding operation of domestic wastewater plant due to poor operating history.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) CASE NO. 96-1318





30Respondent. )



35Robert E. Meale, Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

45Administrative Hearings, conducted the final hearing in Naples,

53Florida, on March 5, 1997.


59For Petitioner: Sanford M. Martin

642500 Airport Road, Suite 315

69Naples, Florida 34112-4882

72For Respondent: Thomas I. Mayton, Jr.

78Assistant General Counsel

81Department of Environmental Protection

853900 Commonwealth Boulevard

88Tallahassee, Florida 323 99-3000


96The issue is whether Petitioner is entitled to an operating

106permit for an existing domestic wastewater treatment facility

114operating in Naples.


119By application dated December 29, 1995, Petitioner requested

127that Respondent issue a renewal operating permit for an existing

1370.3 million gallons per day wastewater treatment plant known as

147the Rookery Bay facility.

151At the hearing, Petitioner called four witnesses and offered

160into evidence 17 exhibits. Respondent called two witnesses and

169offered into evidence 20 exhibits. All exhibits were admitted.

178The court reporter filed the transcript on March 31, 1997.


1911. On May 10, 1991, Respondent issued Petitioner a five-

201year permit to operate a 0.3 million gallon per day (GPD)

212domestic wastewater treatment plant known as the Rookery Bay

221facility in Naples. This permit, which is number DO11-187204,

230allowed Petitioner to operate an extended aeration plant, using

239chlorine for basic disinfection and disposing of the reclaimed

248water in two percolation ponds.

2532. The 1991 permit required Petitioner to allow Respondent

262access to the facility for inspections at reasonable times,

271notify Respondent of any violations of any permit conditions,

280maintain total chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per

290liter (mg/L) of effluent sample after at least 15 minutes’

300contact time at maximum daily flow, maintain annual average

309effluent quality values for carbonaceous biochemical oxygen

316demand (CBOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) of not more than

32720 mg/L of effluent sample with maximum effluent quality

336concentrations of 60 mg/L in any single effluent sample, maintain

346a monthly average effluent quality value for fecal coliform of

356not more than 200 per 100 ml of effluent sample with a maximum

369effluent quality value of 800 per 100 ml in any single effluent

381sample, notify Respondent of any discharge from the percolation

390pond overflows, and monitor influent loading to the facility and

400apply for a permit modification if the monthly average influent

410flows approach or exceed the design capacity of 0.3 MGD or if the

423facility violates treatment standards.

4273. Respondent also issued Petitioner a five-year permit to

436operate a 0.15 GPD domestic wastewater treatment plant at the

446Rookery Bay facility. This permit, which is number DO11-167093,

455allowed Petitioner to operate a contact stabilization process


4644. On December 29, 1995, Petitioner submitted a renewal

473application for permit number DO11-167093. Although the permit

481number references the smaller tank, the renewal application

489requests a permitted capacity of 0.3 MGD.

4965. By Notice of Permit Denial dated February 9, 1996,

506Respondent denied the permit application on the ground that

515Petitioner could not provide reasonable assurance that it would

524operate the facility in compliance with state standards based on

534a “continued and long standing pattern of noncompliance and

543violation of . . . rules and standards.”

5516. Petitioner’s operation of the Rookery Bay treatment

559plant has been poor. Respondent has brought an enforcement

568action against Petitioner, which signed a consent final judgment

577in January 1994. The consent final judgment required Respondent

586to pay $4500 in civil penalties.

5927. As it applied to the Rookery Bay facility, the consent

603final order required Petitioner to evaluate the facility to

612discover the causes of past violations and modify the facility to

623eliminate these violations.

6268. But Petitioner has not complied with material provisions

635of the consent final judgment. Petitioner’s operator has been

644held in contempt of court several times for violations at Rookery

655Bay and a nearby smaller treatment facility known as Port au

666Prince. Petitioner has several times refused Respondent’s

673representatives reasonable access to the Rookery Bay facility.

6819. At least twice, Petitioner has failed to advise

690Respondent of equipment failures that resulted in violations of

699treatment standards.

70110. On January 11, 1995, Petitioner cut off the power for

712several hours to a lift station pump serving a nearby a

723condominium complex. Predictably, the sewage backed up and

731overflowed into the street. Petitioner failed to restore the

740power timely or remove the overflowed sewage.

74711. On several occasions, raw or inadequately treated

755sewage has leaked from the tanks at the Rookery Bay facility.

766Petitioner has failed to eliminate this problem over the course

776of its five-year operating permit.

78112. On numerous occasions, Respondent’s representatives

787have detected violations of effluent quality. These violations

795have arisen inadequate detention time in the chlorine contact

804chamber. Consequently, the TSS and CBOD levels have repeatedly

813exceeded permitted standards.

81613. The parties dispute the adequacy of the capacity of the

827Rookery Bay facility. There is considerable evidence, including

835one statement in the application, that suggests that the

844facility’s capacity is seriously inadequate.

84914. Either the capacity of the Rookery Bay is, and has

860been, inadequate--in which case at least some of the violations

870are attributable to overcapacity operation--or, if the facility

878has had adequate capacity, the operational competence of

886Petitioner is below the minimum level necessary to provide

895reasonable assurance of proper operations at this facility in the


90615. Most likely, the Rookery Bay facility lacks adequate

915capacity, at least part of the year, and Petitioner lacks the

926minimum requisite competence to operate the facility in a

935responsible manner.

93716. The strongest evidence in the record suggests that the

947Rookery Bay facility serves, during peak season, 1500 mobile home

957connections and 400 apartment connections. These connections

964generate about 377,500 GPD of raw sewage. A slightly lower value

976is probable after consideration of the likely presence of

985recreational vehicles among the mobile home count. But this

994reduction, even without adjustment for dry-season infiltration

1001and inflow, would not yield sufficient savings in raw sewage as

1012to provide reasonable assurance that the Rookery Bay facility has

1022adequate capacity to serve the present demand or adequate

1031capacity to serve the demand projected over the five-year term of

1042the permit that Petitioner seeks.

104717. Even if one were to credit Petitioner’s volume-to-

1056capacity calculations, the results fail to constitute reasonable

1064assurance of violation-free operation of the Rookery Bay

1072facility. Petitioner's calculations leave little if any margin

1080for error at present demand levels, and, given Petitioner’s

1089singularly poor operating history at this facility, these

1097calculations provide poor assurance of compliant operation of

1105this troubled facility.


111118. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1118jurisdiction over the subject matter. Section 120.57(1), Florida

1126Statutes. (All references to Sections are to Florida Statutes.)

113519. Sections 403.085 and 403.087 authorize Respondent to

1143issue permits for the operation of domestic wastewater


115220. Rule 62-620.320(1) recognizes that the burden of proof

1161is on Petitioner, as the applicant in this case. Section

1171403.087(6) acknowledges that a permit is not a “vested right” in

1182the permittee.

118421. Rule 62-620.320(1) requires that the applicant for a

1193permit must provide “reasonable assurance” that the operation of

1202the proposed facility will not violate applicable law.

121022. Rule 62-620.320(7) provides that, when determining

1217whether an applicant has provided reasonable assurance that

1225Respondent’s standards will be met, Respondent shall consider an

1234applicant’s violation of rules at any wastewater facility.

124223. Rule 62-620.320(4) requires Respondent to issue,

1249reissue, or renew a permit that is otherwise deniable if the

1260conditions of Section 403.088(2)(e) and (f) are met. Section

1269403.088(2)(e) permits, but does not require, Respondent to issue,

1278reissue, or renew a permit under any of several conditions, such

1289as the pending construction of pollution-abatement facilities,

1296the lack of a reasonable alternative to disposing of the waste

1307other than by discharge into waters of the state, the public

1318interest, or the absence of unreasonable destruction of the

1327quality of waters receiving the waste discharge. However,

1335Petitioner has not shown that any of these exceptions are

1345applicable in this case.

134924. The facts demonstrate repeated violations of law in

1358Petitioner’s operation of the Rookery Bay facility, repeated

1366failures by Petitioner to allow Respondent to perform its

1375regulatory and enforcement functions with respect to the Rookery

1384Bay facility, and no assurance that the renewal of the operating

1395permit would not result a five-year extension of these

1404substantial violations.


1407Based on the fo regoing, it is

1414RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection

1421enter a final order denying Petitioner’s renewal application for

1430a domestic wastewater treatment operating permit for the Rookery

1439Bay facility.

1441DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Florida, this 9th day of

1451May, 1997.



1457Administrative Law Judge

1460Division of Administrative Hearings

1464The DeSoto Building

14671230 Apalachee Parkway

1470Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

1473(904) 488 -9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

1478Fax Filing (904) 921-6847

1482Filed with the Clerk of the

1488Division of Administrative Hearings

1492this 9th day of May, 1997.


1500Sanford M. Martin

15032500 Airport Road, Suite 315

1508Naples, Florida 34112-4882

1511Thomas I. Mayton, Jr.

1515Assistant General Counsel

1518Department of Environmental Protection

15223900 Commonwealth Boulevard

1525Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

1528Perry Odom

1530General Counsel

1532Department of Environmental Protection

15363900 Commonwealth Boulevard

1539Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000


1548All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

1559days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

1570this recommended order must be filed with the agency that will

1581issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 06/20/1997
Proceedings: Final Order received.
Date: 06/18/1997
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/21/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Exceptions to Recommended Order received.
Date: 05/09/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/09/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 3/5/97.
Date: 04/10/1997
Proceedings: Department`s Proposed Recommended Order; FAC Chapters received.
Date: 04/10/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Proposed Recommended Order received.
Date: 03/31/1997
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings received.
Date: 03/05/1997
Proceedings: Hearing Held; applicable time frames have been entered into the CTS calendaring system.
Date: 03/04/1997
Proceedings: Department`s Response to Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement, Motion to Compel Agency Action, and Alternative Motion for Continuance received.
Date: 03/04/1997
Proceedings: Department`s Response to Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement, Motion to Compel Agency Action and Alternative Motion for Continuance received.
Date: 03/03/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Prehearing Statement Motion to Compel Agency Action, and Alternative Motion for Continuance received.
Date: 02/25/1997
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Compel and Motion to Deem Matters Admitted sent out.
Date: 02/24/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Objection to Deparment`s Motion to Compel Discovery and Alternative Motion In Limine and Motion to Dismiss received.
Date: 02/19/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum received.
Date: 02/18/1997
Proceedings: Plaintiff`s Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories (No enclosure) received.
Date: 02/18/1997
Proceedings: Plaintiff`s Response to Request for Admissions received.
Date: 02/17/1997
Proceedings: Department`s Motion to Compel Discovery and Alternative Motion in Limine and Alternative Motion in Limine and Motion to Dismiss and Supporting Memorandum received.
Date: 02/17/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing; Plaintiff`s Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories; Department of Environmental Protection`s First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner, Rookery Bay Utility Co.; Department of Environmental Protection`s Motion to Deem
Date: 12/17/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 3/5/97; 9:00am; Naples)
Date: 12/10/1996
Proceedings: Joint Status Report received.
Date: 11/21/1996
Proceedings: Joint Status Report (filed via facsimile) received.
Date: 11/12/1996
Proceedings: Order Reopening The File sent out.
Date: 10/07/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Agreed Motion to Continue Hearing, and Status Report received.
Date: 09/05/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion to Reopen Case and Continue Hearing received.
Date: 09/03/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Agreed Motion to Continue Hearing, and Status Report received.
Date: 08/29/1996
Proceedings: Order Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED, Failure to file status report.
Date: 06/21/1996
Proceedings: Order of Abatement sent out. (Parties to file status report by 8/15/96)
Date: 06/19/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Agreed Motion to Continue Hearing received.
Date: 06/04/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice and Certificate of Service of Interrogatories; Department of Environmental Protection's First Request for Admissions toPetitioner, Rookery Bay Utility Co.; Department of Environmental Protection's First Request for Production of Docum
Date: 04/24/1996
Proceedings: Order Granting sent out. (consented motion to extend discovery schedule & continue hearing is granted; hearing set for 7/19/96; 8:00am; Naples)
Date: 04/23/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Consented to Motion to Extend Discovery Schedule and Continue Hearing received.
Date: 04/03/1996
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (as to date only) sent out. (hearing set for 6/10/96; 10:00am; Naples)
Date: 03/29/1996
Proceedings: (DEP) Consented to Motion to Reschedule Hearing received.
Date: 03/26/1996
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (as to month only) sent out. (hearing set for 5/28/96; 10:00am; Naples)
Date: 03/25/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 4/28/96; 10:00am; Naples)
Date: 03/22/1996
Proceedings: Prehearing Order sent out.
Date: 03/21/1996
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Response to Initial Order received.
Date: 03/18/1996
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/08/1996
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Hearing Officer and Notice of Preservation of Record; Notice of Permit Denial; Petition for Administrative Hearing received.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida

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