96-002171 Board Of Massage vs. Elvira Carmen Purmont And Le Clinique
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, May 21, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Sexual activity occurred at Respondent establishment with Respondent owner's knowledge and permission. Recommend revocation of both licenses.







21Petitioner, )


24vs. ) CASE NO. 96-2 171





40Respondents. )



45Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

56on January 9, 1997, at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, before Errol H.

67Powell, a duly designated Administrative Law Judge of the

76Division of Administrative Hearings.


81For Petitioner: Donnette Reid, Esquire 1

87Ruby Semour-Barr, Esquire

90Department of Business and

94Professional Regulation

961940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60

102Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

105For Respondent: Herbert M. Cohen, Esquire

111110 Southeast Sixth Street, Suite 1710

117Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301


125The issue for determination is whether Respondents committed

133the offenses set forth in the administrative complaint and, if

143so, what action should be taken.


151On February 19, 1996, the Department of Business and

160Professional Regulation, Board of Massage (Petitioner) filed a

168two-count administrative complaint against Elvira Carmen Purmont

175(Respondent) and Le Clinique (Respondent Establishment). In

182Count I, Petitioner charged Respondent with violating Subsection

190480.046(1)(k), Florida Statutes (1993), by permitting her

197employees to engage in sexual activity at Respondent

205Establishment in violation of Rules 61G11-26.010(2) and (4),

213Florida Administrative Code. In Count II, Petitioner charged

221Respondent Establishment with violating Subsection 480.046(1)(k),

227Florida Statutes (1993), by permitting sexual acts to occur on

237its premises in violation of Rules 61G11-26.010(1) and (4),

246Florida Administrative Code. By an Election of Rights dated

255April 30, 1996, on behalf of Respondent and Respondent

264Establishment, Respondent disputed the allegations of fact in the

273administrative complaint and requested a formal hearing. On May

2827, 1996, this matter was referred to the Division of

292Administrative Hearings.

294At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of six

302witnesses and entered five exhibits into evidence. Respondent

310testified in her own behalf and did not enter any exhibits into


323A transcript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of

334the parties, the time for filing post-hearing submissions was set

344for more than ten days following the filing of the transcript.

355The parties submitted proposed findings of fact which have been

365considered in this recommended order.


3731. At all times material hereto, Elvira Carmen Purmont

382(Respondent) was licensed in the State of Florida as a massage

393therapist, having been issued license number MA 0006604.

401Respondent was issued a license on January 9, 1986.

4102. At all times material hereto, Le Clinique (Respondent

419Establishment) was licensed in the State of Florida as a massage

430establishment, having been issued license number MM 0001395.

438Respondent Establishment was issued a license on February 5,


4483. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the owner

458and operator of Respondent Establishment.

4634. During the months of March and April 1995, Respondent

473practiced massage at Respondent Establishment.

4785. On or about February 22, 1995, a detective (Detective

488No. 1) with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, Organized

497Crime Division (Ft. Lauderdale P.D.) reviewed Respondent

504Establishment's advertisement in the local newspaper. The

511wording of the advertisement caused him to become suspicious that

521Respondent Establishment may be engaging in prostitution. As

529part of Detective No. 1's duties, when a massage establishment is

540suspected of prostitution, he performs an investigation.

547Detective No. 1 telephoned Respondent Establishment and arranged

555for a massage.

5586. At least three years prior to February 22, 1995,

568Detective No. 1 had visited Respondent Establishment several

576times. At no time, during those visits, did he encounter any

587wrongdoing at Respondent Establishment.

5917. At Respondent Establishment, Det ective No. 1 paid an

601employee, who identified herself as Claudia, for a massage which

611was referred to as a "session". Claudia performed the massage.

622During the session, Claudia offered to masturbate Detective

630No. 1. He declined and terminated the session.

6388. At no time on or about February 22, 1995, did Detective

650No. 1 make contact with or talk to Respondent. At no time was

663Respondent present in the room during the session.

6719. Required by the Ft. Lauderdale P.D. to make certain that

682the offer to masturbate was not an isolated incident 2 , Detective

693No. 1 telephoned Respondent Establishment and made another

701appointment for a session.

70510. On March 1, 1995, at Respondent Establishment an

714employee, who identified herself as Julie, performed the session.

723Claudia was not at Respondent Establishment at the time.

732Detective No. 1 paid Julie for the session. During the session,

743Julie began to masturbate him. Detective No. 1 stopped her and

754terminated the session.

75711. At no time on or about March 1, 1995, did Detective No.

7701 make contact with or talk to Respondent. At no time was

782Respondent present in the room during the session.

79012. On April 13, 1995, Detective No. 1 arranged for another

801session at Respondent Establishment. He paid an employee, who

810identified herself as Jessica, for the session. During the

819session, Jessica removed her blouse and bra and Detective No. 1

830inquired about removing the remainder of her clothing. Jessica

839indicated that, for an additional charge, she would remove the

849remainder of her clothing. Detective No. 1 paid the additional

859charge and Jessica removed the remainder of her clothing. While

869nude, she began to masturbate Detective No. 1. He stopped her.

88013. After stopping Jessica from masturbating him, Detective

888No. 1 made arrangements with Jessica for a fictitious out-of-town

898business associate of his to receive a session. Jessica agreed

908that she could perform a session with his business associate and

919indicated that Claudia would perform oral sex. Detective No. 1

929indicated that he, not his business associate, would pay for

939their services.

94114. At no time on or about April 13, 1995, did Detective

953No. 1 make contact with or talk to Respondent. At no time was

966Respondent present in the room during the session or when the

977arrangements for the business associate were made.

98415. On or about April 18, 1995, Detective No. 1 called

995Respondent Establishment to confirm the session for his out-of-

1004town business associate. He spoke briefly with an employee who

1014identified herself as Jennifer and who indicated that she would

1024let him speak with Respondent. The next person who spoke on the

1036telephone was Respondent. Detective No. 1 confirmed that he was

1046coming to Respondent Establishment that day to pay for a session

1057for a business associate.

106116. In the afternoon of April 18, 1995, Detective No. 1

1072telephoned Respondent Establishment again but this time he was

1081taping the telephone conversation. He again spoke with

1089Respondent. Detective No. 1 confirmed with Respondent that his

1098out-of-town business associate would receive a session with two

1107females and a "blow job"; Respondent acknowledged all of

1116this. 3 Further, Detective No. 1 arranged with Respondent that he

1127would come into Respondent Establishment approximately 30 minutes

1135prior to the arrival of his business associate and pay for his

1147business associate's session. Respondent agreed to the


115517. Subsequently, that same day, Detective No. 1 went to

1165Respondent Establishment and paid an employee, who identified

1173herself as Julie, $250 for his business associate to receive the

1184arranged session.

118618. Shortly thereafter, Detective No. 2, posing as

1194Detective No. 1's out-of-town business associate, entered

1201Respondent Establishment. Detective No. 2 was wearing a wireless

1210transmitter through which backup officers could listen. The

1218backup officers were positioned close to Respondent


122619. Detective No. 2 was shown to a room by Julie. She

1238requested him to disrobe and he complied. Jessica joined Julie

1248in the room and they disrobed with one completely nude and the

1260other only wearing panties. Both women began massaging Detective

1269No. 2 and brushing their bodies against his. One of the females

1281began to masturbate Detective No. 2 and he indicated that he was

1293to receive a "blow job". One of the females opened a condom and

1307Detective No. 2 understood this action to mean that he was going

1319to receive oral sex. At that time, he gave the arrest signal to

1332the back-up officers of the Fort Lauderdale P.D. via his wireless

1343transmitter. The ba ckup officers entered Respondent

1350Establishment and arrested Respondent and her employees,

1357including Julie and Jessica.

136120. Respondent was present at Respondent Establishment, but

1369not in the room, during Detective No. 2's session with Julie and


138221. At no time did Detective No. 2 make contact with or

1394talk to Respondent.

139722. The $250 paid by Detective No. 1 for Detective No. 2's

1409session was retrieved from a metal box at Respondent

1418Establishment. The money had been photocopied prior to it being

1428paid and the serial numbers on the retrieved money matched the

1439serial numbers on the photocopied money.

144523. Julie was identified as Martha Galvis.

145224. Jessica was identified as Martha Livingway.

145925. At all times material hereto, neither Martha Galvis nor

1469Martha Livingway was licensed by Petitioner as a massage


147926. Respondent admits that she permitted Martha Galvis to

1488perform massages because Ms. Galvis was attending massage school.

149727. Respondent Establishment was not approved by Petitioner

1505to be a training agency.

151028. Respondent was not approved by Petitioner to be a

1520massage sponsor.

152229. For one and one-half (1 1/2) years subsequent to the

1533arrests, the Fort Lauderdale P.D. made further undercover visits

1542to Respondent Establishment without incident.

154730. Neither Respondent nor Respondent Establishment has had

1555disciplinary action taken against them by Petitioner.


156531. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1572jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

1582parties thereto pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida


159032. License revocation proceedings are penal in nature.

1598The burden of proof is on Petitioner to establish the

1608truthfulness of the allegations in the administrative complaint

1616by clear and convincing evidence. Ferris v. Turlington , 510

1625So.2d 292 (Fla. 1987); Balino v. Department of Health and

1635Rehabilitative Services , 348 So.2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

164433. Rule 61G11-26.010, Florida Administrative Code,

1650prohibits sexual activity in massage establishments and provides

1658in pertinent part:

1661(1) Sexual activity by any person or persons

1669in any massage establishment is absolutely


1676(2) No massage establishment owner shall

1682engage in or permit any person or persons to

1691engage in sexual activity in such owner's

1698massage establishment or use such

1703establishment to make arrangements to engage

1709in sexual activity in any other place.

1716* * *

1719(4) As used in this rule, "sexual activity"

1727means any direct or indirect physical contact

1734by any person or between persons which is

1742intended to erotically stimulate either

1747person or both or which is likely to cause

1756such stimulation and includes sexual

1761intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus,

1764masturbation, or anal intercourse. For

1769purposes of this subsection, masturbation

1774means the manipulation of any body tissue

1781with the intent to cause sexual arousal. As

1789used herein, sexual activity can involve the

1796use of any devise or object and is not depen-

1806dent on whether penetration, orgasm, or

1812ejaculation has occurred. . . .

181834. Section 480.046, Florida Statutes (1993), provides in

1826pertinent part:

1828(1) The following acts shall constitute

1834grounds for which disciplinary actions

1839specified in subsection (2) may be taken

1846against a massage therapist or massage

1852establishment licensed under this act:

1857* * *

1860(k) Violating any provision of this chapter,

1867a rule of the board or department, or a

1876lawful order of the board or department

1883previously entered in a disciplinary hearing,

1889or failing to comply with a lawfully issued

1897subpoena of the department.

190135. Petitioner contends that Respondent permitted her

1908employees, Martha Galvis and Martha Livingway, to engage in

1917sexual activity on or about April 18, 1995, at Respondent

1927Establishment which she owned, thereby violating Rules 61G11-

193526.010(2) and (4), and Subsection 480.046(1)(k). The evidence

1943shows that Respondent had knowledge of the sexual activity

1952occurring on or about April 18, 1995, by her employees and

1963permitted it to occur. Consequently, Petitioner has demonstrated

1971that Respondent violated Rules 61G11-26.010(2) and (4), and

1979Subsection 480.046(1)(k).

198136. Petitioner contends further that, because the sexual

1989activity occurred at Respondent Establishment on or about April

199818, 1995, Respondent Establishment violated Rules 61G11-26.010(1)

2005and (4), and Section 480.046(1)(k). The evidence shows that

2014sexual activity occurred at Respondent Establishment on or about

2023April 18, 1995. Consequently, Petitioner has demonstrated that

2031Respondent Establishment violated Rules 61G11-26.010(1) and (4),

2038and Subsection 480.046(1)(k).

204137. As to penalty, Section 480.046, Florida Statutes

2049(1993), provides in pertinent part:

2054(2) When the board finds any person guilty

2062of any of the grounds set forth in subsection

2071(1), it may enter an order imposing one or

2080more of the following penalties:

2085* * *

2088(b) Revocation or suspension of a license.

2095(c) Issuance of a reprimand or censure.

2102(d) Imposition of an administrative fine not

2109to exceed $1,000 for each count or separate


211938. Petitioner acknowledges that, under its disciplinary

2126guidelines, Respondent and Respondent Establishment, each, would

2133be subject to an administrative fine of one thousand dollars

2143($1,000) and a suspension. However, Petitioner argues that the

2153penalty should be increased to revocation due to Respondent

2162committing a violation, to which she freely admitted, which was

2172not charged in the administrative complaint. Contrary to

2180Petitioner's argument, a violation not charged cannot form the

2189basis for license revocation. MacMillian v. Nassau County

2197School Board , 629 So.2d 226 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993); Kinney v.

2208Department of State , 501 So.2d 129 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987); Hunter

2219v. Department of Professional Regulation , 458 So.2d 842 (Fla. 2d

2229DCA 1984). Therefore, the violation not charged cannot be


223939. But, as aggravating factors, consideration should be

2247given to Respondent's knowledge that sexual activity would be

2256occurring at Respondent Establishment and to Respondent

2263permitting the sexual activity to occur at Respondent



2273Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2283Law, it is

2286RECOMMENDED that the Board of Massage enter a final order

2296revoking the license of Elvira Carmen Purmont and of Le Clinique.

2307DONE AND ENTERED this 21 st day of May, 1997, in Tallahassee,




2324Administrative Law Judge

2327Division of Administrative Hearings

2331The DeSoto Building

23341230 Apalachee Parkway

2337Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2340(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2344Fax Filing (904) 921-6847

2348Filed with the Clerk of the

2354Division of Administrative Hearings st

2359this 21 day of May, 1997.


23661/ Semour-Barr, Esquire was substituted as counsel of Ruby

2375record for the Department of Business and Professional

2383Regulation, Board of Massage (Petitioner) subsequent to the

2391hearing and prior to the filing of Petitioner's proposed

2400recommended order. Attorney Semour-Barr filed Petitioner's

2406proposed recommended order.

24092/ is the usual process and procedure of the Fort This

2420Lauderdale P.D.

24223/ Administrative Law Judge does not find Respondent's This

2431testimony credible that she did not understand what Detective

2440No. 1 was saying during the telephone conversation.


2450Ruby Semour-Barr, Esquire

2453Department of Business and

2457Professional Regulation

24591940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60

2465Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

2468Herbert M. Cohen, Esquire

2472110 Southeast Sixth Street, Suite 1710

2478Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

2482Joe Baker, Executive Director

2486DBPR - Board of Massage

24911940 North Monroe Street

2495Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

2498Lynda L. Goodgame, General Counsel

2503Department of Business and

2507Professional Regulation

25091940 North Monroe Street

2513Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792


2522All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2533days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

2544this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

2555issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 08/19/1997
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/31/1997
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/31/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/21/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 1/9/97.
Date: 04/24/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Exhibit (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/12/1997
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/28/1997
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time sent out. (Respondent`s to file PRO by 3/14/97)
Date: 02/26/1997
Proceedings: (Defendant) Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/21/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Substitute Counsel filed.
Date: 02/21/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/28/1997
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 01/09/1997
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/23/1996
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing reset for 1/9/97; 9:30am; Ft. Lauderdale)
Date: 09/27/1996
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Requiring Response filed.
Date: 09/18/1996
Proceedings: Order Requiring Response sent out. (available hearing dates due in 10 days)
Date: 09/17/1996
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/16/1996
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Motion to Continue is Granted; Hearing Cancelled; Parties to File Available Hearing Dates in 10 Days)
Date: 09/12/1996
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Continue (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/14/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s Request for Admissions, Interrogatories, and Notice to Produce filed.
Date: 07/12/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 9/17/96; 10:00am; Ft. Laud)
Date: 07/12/1996
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 05/21/1996
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/13/1996
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 05/07/1996
Proceedings: Answer to Administrative Complaint; Agency referral letter; Administrative Complaint; Election of Rights filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (2):