99-002797N Mauricio Gugelmin And Stella Gugelmin, On Behalf Of And As Parents And Natural Guardians Of Giuliano Gugelmin, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, August 30, 2005.

View Dockets  
Summary: Physician failed to give patient notice of his participation in the Plan. Therefore, while claim was compensable, patient had option to accept Plan benefits or reject Plan benefits and pursue her civil remedies.




14as parents and natural guardians of )



27Petitioners, )


30vs. ) Case No. 99-2797N





45Respondent, )


48and )





62Intervenor. )



67Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings,

75by Administrative Law Judge, William J. Kendrick, held a formal

85hearing in the above-styled case on June 12, 2000, by video

96teleconference, with sites in Tallahassee and Fort Lauderdale,



106For Petitioner: Ben J. Weaver, Esquire

112Krupnick, Campbell, Malone, Roselli,

116Buser, Slama & Hancock, P.A.

121Courthouse Law Plaza, Suite 100

126700 Southeast Third Avenue

130Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

134For Respondent: David W. Black, Esquire

140Frank, Weinberg & Black, P.L.

1457805 Southwest Sixth Court

149Plantation, Florida 33324

152For Intervenor: D. David Keller, Esquire

158Bunnell, Woulfe, Kirschbaum, Keller,

162Cohen & McIntyre, P.A.

166888 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 400

173Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301


1811. At issue in this proceeding is whether Giuliano

190Gugelmin, a minor, qualifies for coverage under the Florida

199Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (the Plan).

2062. If so, whether the notice requirements of the Plan were



220On June 23, 1999, Mauricio Gugelmin and Stella Gugelmin, as

230parents and natural guardians of Giuliano Gugelmin, a minor,

239filed a petition (claim) with the Division of Administrative

248Hearings (hereinafter referred to as "DOAH") for compensation

257under the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

264Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). Pertinent to this

275case, the petition also included the following allegations

283regarding the pendency of a civil action, as well as the notice

295requirements of the Plan.

299. . . a suit has been filed in the Circuit

310Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit, In and

318For Broward County, Florida against, among

324others, South Broward Hospital District doing

330business as Memorial Hospital West . . . .

339The South Broward Hospital District, on

345behalf of Memorial Hospital West, has raised

352as an affirmative defense to any civil

359liability the applicability of F lorida's

365Birth-Related Neurological Injury

368Compensation . . . [Plan]. While issues have

376been raised as to the adequacy and timeliness

384of the . . . notice, the South Broward

393Hospital District has agreed to a stay of any

402Court proceeding during the processing of

408this . . . petition.

413Petitioners also filed suit against

418Dr. Freling [the physician who provided

424obstetrical services at birth] and his

430professional association . . . Dr. Freling

437has tendered his policy limits and

443Petitioners are in the process of settling

450with the physician. The terms of the

457settlement specifically preserve, and are

462without prejudice to, Petitioners' claims

467against South Broward Hospital District,

472d/b/a Memorial Hospital West and/or Florida

478Birth-Related Neurological Injury

481Compensation Association. As stated above,

486the South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a

492Memorial Hospital West maintains that NICA

498benefits apply to this claim.

503DOAH served the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

510Compensation Association (hereinafter referred to as "NICA") with

519a copy of the claim on June 24, 1999. NICA reviewed the claim

532and on August 20, 1999, filed a motion to dismiss based on its

545perception that Petitioners had settled their civil claims with

554Dr. Freling and his professional association and, consequently,

562could not pursue a claim under the Plan. See Section 766.304,

573Florida Statutes. That motion was denied by order of

582September 7, 1999, "without preju dice to raise such matters in

593defense of the claim," and NICA was directed to file its response

605to the petition by September 30, 1999. That deadline was

615subsequently extended (with the parties' agreement) and on

623November 16, 1999, NICA filed a Notice of Acceptance of

633Compensability and Motion to Dismiss wherein NICA averred that it

"643agrees that the injury constitutes a 'birth-related neurologic

651injury' as defined by the NICA Plan," but again averred, by way

663of defense, that the claim be dismissed because "the injury is

674not compensable based upon the fact that the Petitioners have or

685will be settling their underlying medical malpractice claim . . .

696with the obstetrician and his professional association," and

704requested that a hearing be scheduled to address the

713compensability of the claim.

717By notice of December 30, 1999, a hearing was scheduled for

728February 3, 2000, to address "[w]hether the subject claim should

738be accepted for compensation or declined for reasons advanced by

748Respondent in its Notice of Acceptance of Compensability and

757Motion to Dismiss filed November 16, 1999." That hearing was

767ultimately re-scheduled, at the parties' request, for June 12,

7762000. In the interim, South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a

785Memorial Hospital West requested and was accorded leave to


795On May 22, 2000, an opinion of the Fifth District Court of

807Appeal, State of Florida, in the matter of O'Leary v. Florida

818Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association , DOAH

824Case No. 99-2901N, was filed with DOAH, which resolved certain

834issues relevant to the notice issue raised in Petitioners'

843initial claim. Pertinent to this issue the opinion noted that:

853The language used by the legislature in its

861amendment to . . . [section 766.304]

868indicates that the administrative law judge

874is to determine all matters relative to a

882claim. Notably, the determination of the

888adequacy of notice is not excluded from the

896duties of the administrative law judge.

902Section 766.304 states that the

907administrative law judge shall hear all

913claims and shall exercise the full power and

921authority grated that is necessary to carry

928out the purpose of the section. The section

936further grants exclusive jurisdiction to the

942administrative law judge to determine whether

948a claim is compensable and precludes any

955civil action until the issue of

961compensability is determined. We believe

966that under these amendments, any issue

972raising the immunity of a health provider,

979including the issue of whether the health

986provider satisfied the notice requirements of

992the Plan is an issue to be decided by the

1002administrative law judge as one which relates

1009to the question of whether the claim is

1017compensable under the Plan. We recognize

1023that lack of proper notice does not affect a

1032claimant's ability to obtain compensation

1037from the Plan. However, a health provider

1044who disputes a plaintiff's assertion of

1050inadequate notice is raising the issue of

1057whether a claim can only by compensated under

1065the [P]lan. All questions of compensability,

1071including those which arise regarding the

1077adequacy of notice, are properly decided in

1084the administrative forum.

1087O'Leary v. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

1094Association , 25 Fla. L. Weekly D1234, 1235 (5th DCA, May 19,

11052000). By letter of June 2, 2000, the parties were provided a

1117copy of the court's opinion, as a matter of import to the pending


1131On June 8, 2000, a pre-trial conference was held to address

1142the issues that would be litigated at hearing, and to facilitate

1153the presentation of proof. Those matters were again addressed at

1163the commencement of hearing on June 12, 2000, when it was

1174observed that the issues to be resolved were whether the claim

1185qualified for coverage under the Plan and, if so, whether proper

1196notice was given. As for the issue of settlement of the civil

1208action, and any effect it might have on the compensability of the

1220claim, the parties agreed the settlement was, at best, tentative,

1230and not finalized, and consequently was not an issue that merited

1241further consideration in resolving whether the subject claim was

1250compensable. 1

1252At hearing, the parties stipulated to the factual matters

1261set forth in paragraphs 1-3 of the Findings of Fact. Petitioner,

1272Mauricio Gugelmin, testified on his own behalf, and Petitioners'

1281Exhibits 1A-1F (the medical records filed with DOAH on June 23,

12921999), 2, 2A 2 , and 3 were received into evidence. No further

1304witnesses were called; however, Respondent's Exhibit 1 and

1312Intervenor's Exhibit 1 were also received into evidence.

1320Finally, official recognition was taken of the Order of Dismissal

1330with Leave to Amend and Final Order of Dismissal without

1340Prejudice in the matter of Berthony Adolphe, et al. v. Florida

1351Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association, et

1357al. , DOAH Case No. 99-2901N, as well as the C orrected O pinion and

1371M andate in the matter of Timothy D. O'Leary, M.D., et al. v.

1384Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

1389Association et al. , District Court of Appeal of the State of

1400Florida, Fifth District, true copies of which were attached to

1410the Notice of Intention to Take Official Recognition, dated June

142019, 2000. The O'Leary opinion has since been reported at 25 Fla.

1432L. Weekly D1234 (5th DCA, May 19, 2000).

1440The transcript of the hearing was filed on June 22, 2000,

1451and the parties were initially accorded 10 days from that date to

1463file proposed final orders; however, at Petitioners' request the

1472deadline was ultimately extended to July 15, 2000. Consequently,

1481the parties waived the requirement that a final order be rendered

1492within 30 days after the transcript has been filed. Rule 28-

1503106.216(2), Florida Administrative Code. The parties elected to

1511file such proposals and they have been duly considered.


15231. Mauricio Gugelmin and Stella Gugelmin are the parents

1532and natural guardians of Giuliano Gugelmin (Giuliano), a minor.

1541Giuliano was born a live infant on July 14, 1994, at South

1553Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West (the

1561Hospital), a hospital located in Broward County, Florida, and his

1571birth weight was in excess of 2500 grams.

15792. The physician providing obstetrical services during the

1587birth of Giuliano was Eric N. Freling, M.D., who was at all times

1600material hereto, a "participating physician" in the Florida

1608Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (the Plan),

1615as defined by Section 766.302(7), Florida Statutes.

16223. Pertinent to this case, coverage is afforded by the Plan

1633for infants who have suffered a "birth-related neurological

1641injury," defined as an "injury to the brain . . . caused by

1654oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course

1663of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-

1672delivery period in a hospital, which renders the infant

1681permanently and substantially mentally and physically impaired."

1688Sections 766.302(2) and 766.309(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Here,

1695the parties have stipulated that Giuliano suffered a "birth-

1704related neurological injury," as that term is defined by the

1714Plan, and NICA proposes to accept the claim as compensable. The

1725parties' stipulation is grossly consistent with the proof and,

1734consequently, it is resolved that NICA's proposal to accept the

1744claim as compensable is approved.

17494. While the claim qualifies for coverage under the Plan,

1759Petitioners have responded to the health care providers' claim of

1769Plan immunity in the collateral civil action by claiming that the

1780health care providers failed to comply with the notice provisions

1790of the Plan. Consequently, it is necessary to resolve whether,

1800as alleged, proper notice was given.

18065. Regarding the notice issue, it must be resolved that the

1817proof failed to demonstrate, more likely than not, that

1826Dr. Freling provided Mrs. Gugelmin any notice of his

1835participation in the Plan or any explanation of a patient's

1845rights and limitations under the Plan. Indeed, the more

1854compelling proof was to the contrary. Moreover, there was no

1864proof to support a conclusion that Dr. Freling's failure to

1874accord notice was occasioned by a medical emergency or that the

1885giving of notice was otherwise not practicable.

18926. While Dr. Freling failed to give notice, the Hospital

1902did, as required by law, provide timely notice to Mrs. Gugelmin

1913as to the limited no-fault alternative for birth-related

1921neurological injuries. That notice included, as required, an

1929explanation of a patient's rights and limitations under the Plan,

1939and was given at 11:45 a.m., July 13, 1994, shortly after

1950Mrs. Gugelmin's admission to the hospital (which occurred at

1959approximately 11:22 a.m., July 13, 1994). Giuliano was delivered

1968at 12:25 a.m., July 14, 1994.


19777. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

1985over the parties to, and the subject matter of, these

1995proceedings. Section 766.301, et seq ., Florida Statutes.

20038. The Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

2009Compensation Plan (the "Plan") was established by the Legislature

"2019for the purpose of providing compensation, irrespective of

2027fault, for birth-related neurological injury claims" relating to

2035births occurring on or after January 1, 1989. Section

2044766.303(1), Florida Statutes.

20479. The injured "infant, his personal representative,

2054parents, dependents, and next of kin" may seek compensation under

2064the Plan by filing a claim for compensation with the Division of

2076Administrative Hearings. Sections 766.302(3), 766.303(2),

2081766.305(1), and 766.313, Florida Statutes. The Florida Birth-

2089Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association (NICA),

2095which administers the Plan, has "45 days from the date of service

2107of a complete claim . . . in which to file a response to the

2122petition and to submit relevant written information relating to

2131the issue of whether the injury is a birth-related neurological

2141injury." Section 766.305(3), Florida Statutes.

214610. If NICA determines that the injury alleged in a claim

2157is a compensable birth-related neurological injury, as it has in

2167the instant case, it may award compensation to the claimant,

2177provided that the award is approved by the administrative law

2187judge to whom the claim has been assigned. Section 766.305(6),

2197Florida Statutes.

219911. In discharging this responsibility, the administrative

2206law judge must make the following determination based upon the

2216available evidence:

2218(a) Whether the injury claimed is a birth-

2226related neurological injury. If the claimant

2232has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the

2239administrative law judge, that the infant has

2246sustained a brain or spinal cord injury

2253caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical

2259injury and that the infant was thereby

2266rendered permanently and substantially

2270mentally and physically impaired, a

2275rebuttable presumption shall arise that the

2281injury is a birth-related neurological injury

2287as defined in s. 766.303(2).

2292(b) Whether obstetrical services were

2297delivered by a participating physician in the

2304course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation

2310in the immediate post-delivery period in a

2317hospital; or by a certified nurse midwife in

2325a teaching hospital supervised by a

2331participating physician in the course of

2337labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the

2343immediate post-delivery period in a hospital.

2349Section 766.309(1), Florida Statutes. An award may be sustained

2358only if the administrative law judge concludes that the "infant

2368has sustained a birth-related neurological injury and that

2376obstetrical services were delivered by a participating physician

2384at birth." Section 766.31(1), Florida Statutes.

239012. Pertinent to this case, "birth-related neurological

2397injury" is defined by Section 766.302(2), Florida Statutes, to


2407. . . injury to the brain or spinal cord of a

2419live infant weighing at least 2,500 grams at

2428birth caused by oxygen deprivation or

2434mechanical injury occurring in the course of

2441labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the

2447immediate post-delivery period in a hospital,

2453which renders the infant permanently and

2459substantially mentally and physically

2463impaired. This definition shall apply to

2469live births only and shall not include

2476disability or death caused by genetic or

2483congenital abnormality.

248513. As the claimants, the burden rests on Petitioners to

2495demonstrate entitlement to compensation. Section 766.309(1)(a),

2501Florida Statutes. See also Balino v. Department of Health and

2511Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d 349, 350 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977)

2522("[T]he burden of proof, apart from statute, is on the party

2534asserting the affirmative issue before an administrative


254314. Here, the parties have stipulated, and the proof is

2553otherwise compelling, that the physician who provided obstetrical

2561services at birth was a "participating physician," as that term

2571is defined by the Plan, and that Giuliano suffered a "birth-

2582related neurological injury," as that term is defined by the

2592Plan. Consequently, Giuliano qualifies for coverage under the

2600Plan. Section 766.309, Florida Statutes.

260515. Where, as here, it is resolved that an infant qualifies

2616for coverage under the Plan, a civil action is normally

2626foreclosed. Section 766.303(2), Florida Statutes, and Section

2633766.304, Florida Statutes ("If the administrative law judge

2642determines that the claimant is entitled to compensation from the

2652association, no civil action may be brought or continued in

2662violation of the exclusiveness of remedy provisions of s.

2671766.303.") See also Gilbert v. Florida Birth-Related

2679Neurological Injury Compensation Association , 724 So. 2d 688, 690

2688(Fla. 2nd DCA 1999)("[I]f an administrative petition results in a

2699determination that the infant is a NICA baby, a civil action is

2711foreclosed.") The Plan is a substitute, a "limited no-fault

2721alternative," for common-law rights and liabilities. Section

2728766.301(2), Florida Statutes. See also Section 766.303(2),

2735Florida Statutes, and Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

2742Compensation Association v. McKaughan , 668 So. 2d 974 (Fla.

27511996). Regarding the exclusiveness of the remedy afforded by the

2761Plan, Subsection 766.303(2) provides:

2765(2) The rights and remedies granted by this

2773plan on account of a birth-related

2779neurological injury shall exclude all other

2785rights and remedies of such infant, his

2792personal representatives, parents,

2795dependents, and next of kin, at common law or

2804otherwise, against any person or entity

2810directly involved with the labor, delivery,

2816or immediate postdelivery resuscitation

2820during which such injury occurs, arising out

2827of or related to a medical malpractice claim

2835with respect to such injury; except that a

2843civil action shall not be foreclosed where

2850there is clear and convincing evidence of bad

2858faith or malicious purpose or willful and

2865wanton disregard of human rights, safety, or

2872property, provided that such suit is filed

2879prior to and in lieu of payment of an award

2889under ss. 766.301-766.316. Such suit shall

2895be filed before the award of the division

2903becomes conclusive and binding as provided

2909for in s. 766.311.

291316. With but two exceptions, the statute forecloses any

2922civil action against a NICA participant when the injury is of the

2934type defined in Section 766.302(2), Florida Statutes. Barden v.

2943Haddox , 695 So. 2d 1271 (Fla. 5th DCA 1997). The first exception

2955is prescribed by Subsection 766.303(2) which permits a civil

2964action "where there is clear and convincing evidence of bad faith

2975or malicious purpose or willful and wanton disregard of human

2985rights, safety, or property." The second exception is based on

2995an interpretation of Section 766.316, which, pertinent to this

3004case, provided: 3

3007Notice to obstetrical patients of

3012participation in the plan.--Each hospital

3017with a participating physician on its staff

3024and each participating physician, other than

3030residents, assistant residents, and interns

3035deemed to be participating physicians under

3041s. 766.314(4)(c), under the Florida Birth-

3047Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan

3052shall provide notice to the obstetrical

3058patients thereof as to the limited no-fault

3065alternative for birth-related neurological

3069injuries. Such notice shall be provided on

3076forms furnished by the association and shall

3083include a clear and concise explanation of a

3091patient's rights and limitations under the


309817. In Galen of Florida, Inc. v. Braniff , 696 So. 2d 308,

3110309 (Fla. 1977), the Florida Supreme Court described the

3119legislative intent and purpose of the notice requirement as


3129. . . the only logical reading of the statute

3139is that before an obstetrical patient's

3145remedy is limited by the NICA plan, the

3153patient must be given pre-delivery notice of

3160the health care provider's participation in

3166the plan. Section 766.316 requires that

3172obstetrical patients be given notice "as to

3179the limited no-fault alternative for birth-

3185related neurological injuries." That notice

3190must "include a clear and concise explanation

3197of a patient's rights and limitations under

3204the plan." § 766.316. This language makes

3211clear that the purpose of the notice is to

3220give an obstetrical patient an opportunity to

3227make an informed choice between using a

3234health care provider participating in the

3240NICA plan or using a provider who is not a

3250participant and thereby preserving her civil

3256remedies. Turner v. Hubrich , 656 So. 2d 970,

3264971 (Fla. 5th DCA 1995). In order to

3272effectuate this purpose a NICA participant

3278must give a patient notice of the "no-fault

3286alternative for birth-related neurological

3290injuries" a reasonable time prior to

3296delivery, when practicable.

3299Consequently, the court concluded:

3303. . . as a condition precedent to invoking

3312the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

3317Compensation Plan as a patient's exclusive

3323remedy, health care providers must, when

3329practicable, give their obstetrical patients

3334notice of their participation in the plan a

3342reasonable time prior to delivery.

3347Such mandate dictates that where, as here, notice was not given

3358by the "participating physician" (the Plan participant), 4 the

3367patient may accept compensation under the Plan (thereby

3375foreclosing the filing or continuation of any civil action) or

3385reject the Plan benefits and pursue their common-law remedies.

3394That the hospital may have complied with the notice provisions of

3405Section 766.316, as it did in this case, does not alter the

3417options or accord the hospital any benefit independent of that

3427enjoyed by the "participating physician." See Section

3434766.303(2), Florida Statutes.

343718. In reaching the foregoing conclusion, the Hospital's

3445argument that by giving notice "the District [Hospital] has met

3455and fulfilled the condition precedent to invoking NICA as the

3465exclusive remedy as to liability of the [Hospital]" has not been

3476overlooked; however, there is no rational basis to embrace the

3486Hospital's argument or stated differently, to accord the Hospital

3495or the claimants any rights or remedies beyond those expressed in

3506the Plan. In so concluding, it is observed that there is nothing

3518in the language chosen by the Legislature that would suggest that

3529a hospital or other provider involved in the birth process enjoys

3540any benefit ( i.e. , Plan immunity) independently from that enjoyed

3550by the "participating physician." Stated differently, Plan

3557immunity is inclusive, not severable. See Section 766.303(2),

3565Florida Statutes (The rights and remedies granted by the Plan are

3576exclusive of any civil or other remedies that may be available

"3587against any person or entity directly involved [in the birth

3597process during which the injury occurs.]" See also Gilbert v.

3607Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

3612Association , supra , at page 690 ("[I]f an administrative petition

3622results in a determination, that the infant is a NICA baby, a

3634civil action is foreclosed . . . [since] [t]he remedies are

3645mutually exclusive.") Moreover, there is nothing in the

3654rationale announced in Galen that would suggest or compel a

3664different result. In summary, it must be resolved that where, as

3675here, the participating physician failed to give the patient

3684notice, neither the hospital (even though it gave notice) nor any

3695other health care provider involved in the birth process can

3705enforce the exclusivity of the Plan. Rather, acceptance or

3714rejection of the Plan benefits under such circumstances is, as it

3725is under the exception established by Section 766.303(2), a right

3735personal to the claimants. If accepted, the Plan forecloses a

3745civil action against all the health care providers. Conversely,

3754if rejected, the claimants may proceed with their civil remedies,

3764and the health care providers enjoy no greater benefit (under the

3775Plan) then they would have enjoyed had obstetrical services been

3785rendered by a physician who had elected not to participate in the


379819. Apart from the exceptions discussed supra , the Plan is

3808designed to foreclose any civil action against a NICA participant

3818when the injury is of the type defined in Section 766.302(2),

3829Florida Statutes, and obstetrical services were provided at birth

3838by a "participating physician;" however, the Plan "is not without

3848defects" and, as history has shown, its implementation has, on

3858occasion, proved cumbersome. Central Florida Regional Hospital,

3865Inc. v. Wagner , 656 So. 2d 491, 493 (Fla. 5th DCA 1995).

3877Frequently, parents elected to file a medical malpractice action

3886against the participating obstetrician and hospital, rather than

3894seek the benefits of the Plan. When the medical providers raised

3905the exclusivity of the Plan as an affirmative defense, they were

3916left to litigate the issue of coverage in the civil action. 5

3928Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

3933Association v. McKaughan , 668 So. 2d 974 (Fla. 1996). Accord

3943Central Florida Regional Hospital, Inc. v. Wagner , supra ; White

3952v. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

3958Association , 655 So. 2d 1292 (Fla. 5th DCA 1995); and Board of

3970Regents of the State of Florida v. Athey , 694 So. 2d 46 (Fla. 1st

3984DCA 1997). Moreover, when the parents traversed the providers'

3993defense of exclusivity, by alleging that they had not been

4003accorded notice as required by Section 766.316, Florida Statutes,

4012the providers were compelled to litigate both notice and coverage

4022in the civil action. Board of Regents of the State of Florida v.

4035Athey , supra .

403820. In response to the foregoing, the Legislature adopted

4047Section 6, Chapter 98-113, Laws of Florida, which amended

4056Sections 766.301 and 766.304, Florida Statutes, effective July 1,

40651998. Pertinent to this case, the amendments to Section 766.301

4075were as follows:

4078(1) The Legislature makes the following


4085* * *

4088(d) The costs of birth-related neurological

4094injury claims are particularly high and

4100warrant the establishment of a limited system

4107of compensation irrespective of fault. This

4113issue of whether such claims are covered by

4121this act must be determined exclusively in an

4129administrative proceeding. (Amendment


4133Pertinent to this case, the amendments to Section 766.304 were as


4145The administrative law judge shall hear and

4152determine all claims filed pursuant to ss.

4159766.301-766.316 and shall exercise the full

4165power and authority granted to her or him in

4174chapter 120, as necessary, to carry out the

4182purposes of such sections. The

4187administrative law judge has exclusive

4192jurisdiction to determine whether a claim

4198filed under this act is compensable. No

4205civil action may be brought until the

4212determinations under s. 766.309 have been

4218made by the administrative law judge. If the

4226administrative law judge determines that the

4232claimant is entitled to compensation from the

4239association, no civil action may be brought

4246or continued in violation of the

4252exclusiveness of remedy provisions of

4257s. 766.303. If it is determined that a claim

4266filed under this act is not compensable,

4273neither the doctrine of collateral estoppel

4279nor res judicata shall prohibit the claimant

4286from pursuing any and all civil remedies

4293available under common law and statutory law.

4300. . . (Amendment emphasized.)

430521. Given the amendments to Sections 766.301 and 766.304,

4314Florida Statutes, it has been resolved that the Legislature

4323intended to change the status quo and to compel resolution of any

4335issue regarding coverage, including the adequacy of notice, in

4344the administrative forum. O'Leary v. Florida Birth-Related

4351Neurological Injury Compensation Plan , 25 Fla. L. Weekly D1234

4360(5th DCA, May 19, 2000). As noted by the Court in O'Leary , at

4373page D1235:

4375The language used by the legislature in its

4383amendment to the Act indicates that the

4390administrative judge is to determine all

4396matters relative to a claim. Notably, the

4403determination of the adequacy of notice is

4410not excluded from the duties of the

4417administrative law judge. Section 766.304

4422states that the administrative law judge

4428shall hear all claims and shall exercise the

4436full power and authority granted that is

4443necessary to carry out the purposes of the

4451section. The section further grants

4456exclusive jurisdiction to the administrative

4461law judge to determine whether a claim is

4469compensable and precludes any civil action

4475until the issue of compensability is

4481determined. We believe that under these

4487amendments, any issue raising the immunity of

4494a health provider, including the issue of

4501whether the health provider satisfied the

4507notice requirements of the Plan is an issue

4515to be decided by the administrative law judge

4523as one which relates to the question of

4531whether the claim is compensable under the

4538Plan. We recognize that lack of proper

4545notice does not affect a claimant's ability

4552to obtain compensation from the Plan.

4558However, a health provider who disputes a

4565plaintiff's assertion of inadequate notice is

4571raising the issue of whether a claim can only

4580be compensated under the plan. All questions

4587of compensability, including those which

4592arise regarding the adequacy of notice, are

4599properly decided in the administrative forum.

460522. Here, it has been resolved that the infant qualifies

4615for coverage under the Plan, but that the participating physician

4625failed to accord the obstetrical patient notice of his

4634participation. Consequently, Petitioners may, at their election,

4641accept compensation under the Plan or reject the Plan benefits

4651and continue with their civil action. See O'Leary v. Florida

4661Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan , supra , at

4668page D1235 ("[L]ack of notice does not affect a claimant's

4679ability to obtain compensation from the Plan. However, a health

4689provider who disputes a plaintiff's assertion of inadequate

4697notice is raising the issue of whether a claim can only be

4709compensated under the plan."), and Gilbert v. Florida Birth-

4719Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association , supra . 6

472723. While the Plan has been interpreted by the courts to

4738accord claimants, such as Petitioners, the option to accept

4747coverage under the Plan (thereby foreclosing the filing or

4756continuation of any civil action) or to reject the Plan benefits

4767and pursue their common law remedies, neither the Plan nor the

4778courts expressly address how or when that election must be

4788manifested. Notably, however, the Plan does speak to such

4797matters with regard to the first exception to the exclusivity of

4808the remedy afforded by the Plan. That exception, as heretofore

4818noted, is prescribed by Section 766.303(2), Florida Statutes,

4826which permits a civil action under the following circumstances:

4835. . . where there is clear and convincing

4844evidence of bad faith or malicious purpose or

4852willful and wanton disregard of human rights,

4859safety, or property, provided that such suit

4866is filed prior to and in lieu of payment of

4876an award under ss. 766.301-766.316. Such

4882suit shall be filed before the award of the

4891division becomes conclusive and binding as

4897providing for in s. 766.311. (Emphasis


490424. Since the courts have interpreted the Legislature's

4912intention with regard to the notice requirements of Section

4921766.316 to accord claimants, such as P etitioners, the option of

4932accepting or rejecting Plan coverage, it is reasonable to infer

4942that, as with the first exception, the Legislature intended that

4952a claimant's election to proceed with their common law remedies

4962be evidenced "prior to and in lieu of payment of an award under

4975ss. 766.301-766.316," and that such election be made "before the

4985award of the division becomes conclusive and binding as provided

4995for in s. 766.311." Therefore, absent the rejection of the award

5006before it becomes final as provided in Section 766.311, it

5016reasonably follows that the remedy accorded by the Plan will be

5027considered exclusive and will bar the filing or continuation of

5037any civil action.

504025. Where, as here, the administrative law judge determines

5049that "the infant has sustained a birth-related neurological

5057injury and that obstetrical services were delivered by a

5066participating physician at birth," the administrative law judge

5074is required to make a determination as to "how much compensation,

5085if any, is to be awarded pursuant to s. 766.31." Section

5096766.309(1)(c), Florida Statutes. In this case, the issues of

5105compensability and the amount of compensation to be awarded were

5115bifurcated. Accordingly, absent agreement by the parties, or

5123rejection of this award by the claimants, a further hearing will

5134be necessary to resolve any existing disputes regarding "actual

5143expenses," the amount and manner of payment of "an award to the

5155parents or natural guardians," and the "reasonable expenses

5163incurred in connection with the filing of the claim." Section

5173766.31(1), Florida Statutes. Nevertheless, and notwithstanding

5179that matters related to the amount of compensation may need to be

5191addressed (absent rejection of Plan benefits by Petitioners), the

5200determination that the claim qualifies for compensation under the

5209Plan constitutes final agency action subject to appellate court

5218review. Section 766.311(1), Florida Statutes.


5224Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5234Law, it is

5237ORDERED that:

52391. The claim for compensation filed by Mauricio Gugelmin

5248and Stella Gugelmin, as parents and natural guardians of Giuliano

5258Gugelmin, a minor, and NICA's acceptance of the claim for

5268compensation be and the same is hereby approved.

52762. NICA shall make immediate payment of all expenses

5285previously incurred, and shall make payment for future expenses

5294as incurred.

52963. Mauricio Gugelmin and Stella Gugelmin, as the parents

5305and natural guardians of Giuliano Gugelmin, a minor, are entitled

5315to an award of up to $100,000. The parties are accorded 45 days

5329from the date of this order to resolve, subject to approval by

5341the administrative law judge, the amount and manner in which the

5352award should be paid. If not resolved within such period, the

5363parties will so advise the administrative law judge, and a

5373hearing will be scheduled to resolve such issue.

53814. Petitioners are entitled to an award of reasonable

5390expenses incurred in connection with the filing of the claim,

5400including reasonable attorney's fees. The parties are accorded

540845 days from the date of this order to resolve, subject to

5420approval by the administrative law judge, the amount of such

5430award. If not resolved within such period, the parties will so

5441advise the administrative law judge, and a hearing will be

5451scheduled to resolve such issue.

54565. Pursuant to Section 766.312, Florida Statutes,

5463jurisdiction is reserved to resolve any disputes, should they

5472arise, regarding the parties' compliance with the terms of this

5482Final Order.

5484DONE AND ORDERED this 26th day of September, 2000, in

5494Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5502Administrative Law Judge

5505Division of Administrative Hearings

5509The DeSoto Building

55121230 Apalachee Parkway

5515Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

5518(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

5522Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


5527Filed with the Clerk of the

5533Division of Administrative Hearings

5537this 26th day of September, 2000.


55441/ Presumably, consistent with the mandate of Section 766.304,

5553Florida Statutes, the civil action will remain stayed until the

5563issue of compensability, including the issue of notice has been


55742/ Petitioners' Exhibit 2A did not include any documents

5583identified as deposition exhibits A-3, A-6, A-8, or A-10.

55923/ Effective July 1, 1998, Section 766.316, Florida Statutes,

5601was amended to read as follows:

5607. . . Each hospital with a participating

5615physician on its staff and each participating

5622physician, other than residents, assistant

5627residents, and interns deemed to be

5633participating physicians under s.

5637766.314(4)(c), under the Florida Birth-

5642Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan

5647shall provide notice to the obstetrical

5653patients as to the limited no-fault

5659alternative for birth-related neurological

5663injuries. Such notice shall be provided on

5670forms furnished by the association and shall

5677include a clear and concise explanation of a

5685patient's rights and limitations under the

5691plan. The hospital or the participating

5697physician may elect to have the patient sign

5705a form acknowledging receipt of the notice

5712form. Signature of the patient acknowledging

5718receipt of the notice form raises a

5725rebuttable presumption that the notice

5730requirements of this section have been met.

5737Notice need not be given to a patient when

5746the patient has an emergency medical

5752condition as defined in s. 395.002(8)(b) or

5759when notice is not practicable. (Amendment


5766Section 7, Chapter 98-113, Laws of Florida, provided that the

"5776[a]mendments to section 766.316, Florida Statutes, shall take

5784effect July 1, 1998, and shall apply only to causes of action

5796accruing on or after that date." However, such amendments

5805basically codified the conclusions reached in Galen of Florida

5814Inc. v. Braniff , discussed infra .

58204/ A plan participant (a "participating physician") is a term of

5832art, as that term is used in the Plan, and describes a "physician

5845licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 or 459 who wishes to participate

5856in the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

5863Plan . . . [,] who otherwise qualifies as a participating

5875physician under ss. 766.301-766.316," and who has paid the

5884special assessment required for participation. Section

5890766.314(4)(c) and (5)(a), Florida Statutes. Clearly, not all

5898qualified physicians are required to participate in the Plan.

5907See Galen of Florida, Inc. v. Braniff , supra . Distinguished from

5918a plan participant are other physicians (including physicians who

5927do not choose to participate in the Plan), as well as all

5939hospitals at which infants are delivered, who pay an annual

5949assessment or "tax" (except, inter alia , "a hospital owned or

5959operated by . . . a county . . . [or] special taxing district,"

5973such as the Intervenor Hospital), to help maintain the fund on an

5985actuarially sound basis. See , e.g. , Coy v. Florida Birth-Related

5994Neurological Injury Compensation Plan , 595 So. 2d 943 (1992),

6003certiorari denied 113 S. Ct. 194, 506 U.S. 867, 121 L. Ed.2d 137.

60165/ The Plan does not accord a participating physician or other

6027healthcare provider any right or opportunity to initiate such a

6037claim, and initially provided no opportunity to compel the

6046resolution of any dispute regarding the compensability of any

6055injury to an infant, before DOAH. See Sections 766.302(3) and

6065766.305(1), Florida Statutes (1997). Compare Sections

6071766.301(1)(d) and 766.304, Florida Statutes (1998 Supp.). See

6079also Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation

6085Association v. McKaughan , supra .

60906/ Where, as here, a health care provider disputes a

6100Petitioner's assertion of inadequate notice, the burden is on the

6110health care provider to demonstrate, more likely than not, that

6120proper notice was given or that failure to accord notice should

6131be excused because of a medical emergency or because the giving

6142of notice was otherwise not practicable. Balino v. Department of

6152Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d 349, 350 (Fla. 1st

6163DCA 1977)("[T]he burden of proof, apart from statute, is on the

6175party asserting the affirmative issue before an administrative

6183tribunal.") See also Galen of Florida, Inc. v. Braniff , 696 So.

61952d 308, 311 (Fla. 1997)("[T]he assertion of NICA exclusivity is

6206an affirmative defense.")


6212(By certified mail)

6215Ben J. Weaver, Esquire

6219Dianne Jay Weaver, Esquire

6223Krupnick, Campbell, Malone, Roselli,

6227Buser, Slama & Hancock, P.A.

6232Courthouse Law Plaza, Suite 100

6237700 Southeast Third Avenue

6241Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

6245David W. Black, Esquire

6249Frank, Weinberg & Black, P.L.

62547805 Southwest Sixth Court

6258Plantation, Florida 33324

6261George E. Bunnell, Esquire

6265D. David Keller, Esquire

6269Bunnell, Woulfe, Kirschbaum, Keller,

6273Cohen & McIntyre, P.A.

6277888 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 400

6284Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

6288Lynn Larson, Executive Director

6292Florida Birth-Related Neurological

6295Injury Compensation Association

6298Post Office Box 14567

6302Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4567

6305Eric N. Freling, M.D.

63093850 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 301

6314Hollywood, Florida 33021

6317Memorial Hospital West

6320Legal Department

6322703 North Flamingo Road

6326Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028

6330Ms. Charlene Willoughby

6333Agency for Health Care Administration

6338Consumer Services Unit

6341Post Office Box 14000

6345Tallahassee, Florida 32308

6348Daniel Y. Sumner, General Counsel

6353Department of Insurance

6356The Capitol, Lower Level 26

6361Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300


6370A party who is adversely affected by this final order is entitled

6382to judicial review pursuant to Sections 120.68 and 766.311,

6391Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida

6400Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

6409filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the

6423Division of Administrative Hearings and a second copy, accompanied

6432by filing fees prescribed by law, with the appropriate District

6442Court of Appeal. See Section 120.68(2), Florida Statutes, and

6451Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association

6457v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992). The Notice of

6470Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

6483be reviewed.

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Date: 09/20/2005
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/09/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/08/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/06/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/02/2005
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Second DOAH FO
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipt stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/30/2005
Proceedings: Award and Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/26/2005
Proceedings: Stipulation for Settlement of Reimbursement of Actual Expenses filed.
Date: 08/18/2005
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 07/11/2005
Proceedings: Order (parties are accorded until August 23, 2005, to resolve any remaining issues related to reimbursement for past expenses).
Date: 07/08/2005
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to Settle remaining Issues filed.
Date: 05/16/2005
Proceedings: Order (parties are accorded until July 13, 2005, to resolve any remaining issues related to reimbursement for past expenses).
Date: 05/13/2005
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 04/14/2005
Proceedings: Order (parties advise the undersigned in writing on or before May 13, 2005, as to the status of any unresolved issues, and if unresolved issues remain, the earliest date they will be prepared to proceed to hearing to resolve them).
Date: 04/01/2005
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 02/23/2005
Proceedings: Order (parties shall confer and advise no later than March 31, 2005, as to the status of any unresolved issues).
Date: 02/22/2005
Proceedings: Status Report (filed by Respondent).
Date: 01/27/2005
Proceedings: Letter to Parties from Judge Kendrick responding to stipulations for settlement on the parental award.
Date: 01/26/2005
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation for Settlement of Parental Award filed.
Date: 01/26/2005
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation for Settlement of Reasonable Expenses filed.
Date: 01/18/2005
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by February 18, 2005).
Date: 01/13/2005
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 12/17/2004
Proceedings: Order (Respondent to advise Petitioners regarding acceptance of Petitioners` offer to settle by December 17, 2004; Petitioners shall comply with December 7, 2004 Order by December 15, 2004; and correcting scrivener`s error).
Date: 12/15/2004
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from B. Weaver regarding objection to Petitioners` Motion for Extension of Time to Respond filed.
Date: 12/13/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Respond filed.
Date: 12/10/2004
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Respond (filed by Petitioners).
Date: 12/07/2004
Proceedings: Order (Respondent`s moiton granted, and Petitioner shall produce by December 14, 2004).
Date: 12/02/2004
Proceedings: Motion to Compel (filed by Respondent).
Date: 10/11/2004
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/11/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for January 20, 2005; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/06/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Court Order of September 23, 2004 filed by Petitioner`s.
Date: 10/05/2004
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Court Order of September 23, 2004 filed by Respondent.
Date: 10/05/2004
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request to Produce to Petitioners filed.
Date: 10/04/2004
Proceedings: Intervenor`s Response to Order of September 23, 2004 filed.
Date: 09/23/2004
Proceedings: Order. (within 14 days of the date of this order, the parties advise the undersigned in writing whether they have resolved, among themselves, the amount of compensation to be awarded or, absent agreement)
Date: 05/28/2003
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 04/10/2003
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal Status filed by B. Weaver.
Date: 04/07/2003
Proceedings: Intervenor, South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s Status Report filed.
Date: 01/09/2003
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by April 9, 2003).
Date: 01/02/2003
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Continue Abatement filed by Respondent.
Date: 12/17/2002
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Abatement filed by B. Weaver.
Date: 12/16/2002
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Abatement (filed by Petitioner via facsimile).
Date: 12/13/2002
Proceedings: Intervenor, South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s Status Report (filed via facsimile).
Date: 11/05/2002
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by December 16, 2002).
Date: 10/21/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from D. Black updating the status of the civil proceeding filed.
Date: 10/18/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from G. Bunnell advising status of civil action filed.
Date: 10/17/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from B. Weaver requesting to continue the abeyance until 30 days after Circuit Court rules (filed via facsimile).
Date: 09/04/2002
Proceedings: Record Returned from the District Court of Appeal filed.
Date: 07/19/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Change Address filed by B. Weaver.
Date: 07/19/2002
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Placing Case in Abeyance issued (parties to advise status by October 21, 2002).
Date: 07/18/2002
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from G. Bunnell confirming that they do not intend to attend the video conference filed.
Date: 07/17/2002
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Hearing and/or Abate Matter (filed by Respondent via facsimile).
Date: 07/15/2002
Proceedings: Respondent`s Request to Produce to Petitioners filed.
Date: 07/08/2002
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 07/08/2002
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference issued (video hearing set for September 12, 2002; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/27/2002
Proceedings: Amendments to Final Order issued.
Date: 05/28/2002
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 05/28/2002
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 05/24/2002
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 05/08/2002
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 09/17/2001
Proceedings: Oral Argument Calendar for Thursday, October 25, 2001 filed.
Date: 08/31/2001
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Substitution of Parties issued.
Date: 08/23/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (appellants` motion filed August 17, 2001, for extensionof time for entry of order on motion for substitution of parties is granted). filed.
Date: 08/17/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing August 15, 2001 Order Entered in Circuit Court of Broward County (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/17/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Motion for Extension of Time for Entry of Order on Motion for Substitution of Parties (filed via facsimile).
Date: 08/15/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Motion for Substitution of Parties (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/28/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (Appellants` motion filed April 3, 2001, to stay appeal and consolidate with appeal to be taken from Broward County Circuit Court related proceedings is hereby denied). filed.
Date: 06/18/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Appellants` motion to Suppleement the record is reserved and will be considered along with the merits of the case)filed.
Date: 05/25/2001
Proceedings: Oral Argument Calendar for Wednesday, June 20, 2001 filed.
Date: 05/09/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (Appellants` motion filed May 3, 2001, for extension of time is granted). filed.
Date: 05/04/2001
Proceedings: Answer Brief of Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association filed.
Date: 05/04/2001
Proceedings: Request for Oral Argument filed by P. Savage
Date: 04/30/2001
Proceedings: Index, Record, Certificate of Record sent out.
Date: 04/24/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (NICA motion filed April 18, 2001, for extension of time is granted) filed.
Date: 04/23/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellants` motion filed April 3, 2001, to stay appeal and consolidate with appeal to be taken from Broward County Circuit Court is denied filed.
Date: 04/18/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (stipulation for substitution of counsel, Bryan S. Henry, P.A. and Weaver & Weaver, P.A. are hereby substituted for the law firm of Krupnick Campbell Malone Roselli Buser Slama Hancock McNelis Liberman & McKee, P.A.) filed.
Date: 04/10/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (B. Weaver, Esquire`s, April 4, 2001, Notice of Unavailability of Appellants` Counsel is hereby stricken as unauthorized). filed.
Date: 04/03/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (Appellee NICA motion filed March 5, 2001, to dismiss the appeal is hereby denied without prejudice). filed.
Date: 04/02/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Extension of time is granted) filed.
Date: 03/21/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: (Appellants` motion filed March 14, 2001, for extension of time is granted). filed.
Date: 02/16/2001
Proceedings: Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Defendant, Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association Motion to Dismiss Counts V and VI of Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint, Defendant, Florida-Birth Related Neurological Injury Compensation Addociation`s Motion to Dismiss counts V and VI of Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2001
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Defendant, Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association Motion to Strike Count V of Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint, Defendant, Florida-Birth Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association`s Motion to Strike Count V of Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2001
Proceedings: Petitioner` Notice of Filing Answer of South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West, to Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint, Answer of Defendant, South Broward Hospital District, to Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/07/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (appellants` motion filed January 30, 2001, for extension of time is granted). filed.
Date: 01/26/2001
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by P. Savage ).
Date: 01/11/2001
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT(Appellants` motion filed 01/03/01 for extrension of time is granted) filed.
Date: 12/29/2000
Proceedings: Letter to A. Cole from D. Black discrepancy in the index filed.
Date: 12/29/2000
Proceedings: Letter to A. Cole from D. Black Re: Second Order entered by Judge Kendrick on September 26, 2000 filed.
Date: 12/26/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appeellee`s motion filed December 5, 2000, to dismiss appeal is denied.
Date: 12/26/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Appellee`s motion filed 12/05/00, to dismiss appeal is denied) filed.
Date: 12/21/2000
Proceedings: Statement of Service Preparation of Record in the amount of $193.00 filed.
Date: 12/11/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Parties have 10 days to respond) filed.
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Facsimile Confirmation Sheet of Transmission of Notice of Appeal (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/06/2000
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Apellants emergency motion for extension of time is granted) filed.
Date: 12/04/2000
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. DCA Case No. 4D00-3874
Date: 12/01/2000
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. DCA Case No. 4D00-3874
Date: 11/06/2000
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from the District Court of Appeal filed. DCA Case No. 4D00-3874
Date: 11/06/2000
Proceedings: Acknowledgment of New Case DCA Case No. 4D00-3874 filed.
Date: 11/03/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Cross-Appeal (N. Gregoire) filed.
Date: 11/02/2000
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 10/30/2000
Proceedings: Certified Petitioner`s Notice of Appeal sent out.
Date: 10/26/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Facsimile Confirmation Sheet or Transmission of Notice of Appeal (filed via facsimile).
Date: 10/26/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Appeal (filed via facsimile) (Filed by B. Weaver) filed.
Date: 09/28/2000
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 09/26/2000
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 09/26/2000
Proceedings: Final Order issued (hearing held June 12, 2000). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/26/2000
Proceedings: Order issued. (Official recognition is taken of all matters referenced in the Notice of Intention to Take Official Recognition)
Date: 09/12/2000
Proceedings: Order issued. (the law firm of Frank, Winberg & Black, P.L. shall be substituted as counsel of record for petitioners)
Date: 09/05/2000
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel filed.
Date: 07/20/2000
Proceedings: Objection to Interrogatories and Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 07/20/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing Respondent, NICA`s Objection to Interrogatories Filed in the Underlying Medical Malpractice Lawsuit filed.
Date: 07/18/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Objection to Respondent, Florida Birth Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association Election of Remedies Provision in their Proposed Final Order. (filed via facsimile)
Date: 07/11/2000
Proceedings: Petitioners Response to Notice of Intention to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 07/11/2000
Proceedings: Ltr. to Judge W. Kendrick from B. Weaver In re: Proposed Final Order w/diskette filed.
Date: 07/11/2000
Proceedings: Ltr. to Judge W. Kendrick from B. Weaver In re: exhibit attached filed.
Date: 07/06/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner`s motion for extension of time is granted)
Date: 07/05/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioners` motion for extension of time is granted)
Date: 06/30/2000
Proceedings: Petitioners` Motion for Extension of Time (filed via facsimile)
Date: 06/30/2000
Proceedings: Intervenor, Southbroward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s Response to Notice of Intention to take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/30/2000
Proceedings: Final Order with diskette (SBHD) filed.
Date: 06/30/2000
Proceedings: Final Order with diskette (NICA) filed.
Date: 06/29/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time (filed via facsimile)
Date: 06/22/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; Transcript filed.
Date: 06/19/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Intention to Take Official Recognition sent out. (parties are accorded 10 days from the date of this order to challenge information or to offer additional information)
Date: 06/19/2000
Proceedings: Letter to B. Weaver from Judge Kendrick sent out. Re: Enclosing a copy of a final order rendered in a separate matter
Date: 06/19/2000
Proceedings: Letter to B. Weaver from Judge Kendrick sent out. Re: Response to letter dated June 12, 2000
Date: 06/13/2000
Proceedings: Videotaped Deposition of Lynn Dickinson filed.
Date: 06/12/2000
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held; see case file for applicable time frames.
Date: 06/12/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Neurology Evaluation) filed.
Date: 06/08/2000
Proceedings: Neurology Evaluation (filed via facsimile) Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 06/08/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Neurology Evaluation) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/05/2000
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Telephone Pre-Trial Conference filed.
Date: 06/02/2000
Proceedings: Letter to B. Weaver, D. Black, G. Bunnell, L. Larson from Judge Kendrick sent out. Re: Enclosing a copy of a recent opinion rendered on a NICA matter
Date: 05/31/2000
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference sent out. (hearing set for June 12, 2000; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL, amended as to location of Tallahassee hearing site)
Date: 05/03/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Response to Petitioner`s Renewed Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/01/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference sent out. (hearing set for June 12, 2000; 10:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, FL)
Date: 05/01/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner`s renewed motion to stay administrative proceedings is denied, hearing will be set by separate notice)
Date: 04/28/2000
Proceedings: Response of Intervenor, South Broward Hospital District to Petitioners` Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 04/21/2000
Proceedings: NICA`s Response to Renewed Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings filed.
Date: 04/19/2000
Proceedings: NICA`s Response to Renewed Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/05/2000
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention sent out. (South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West)
Date: 03/27/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Brief filed.
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: Amended Complaint (filed in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit).
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: Transcript (filed in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit).
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: Order on Plaintiff`s Motion to Consider and Approve or Reject Proposed Settlement Offer From Defendant (filed in the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit).
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Renewed Motion to Stay Administrative Proceedings filed.
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: (G. Bunnell) Motion to Intervene in Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law With Reference to Indispensable Parties filed.
Date: 03/24/2000
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Letter to G. Blake from D. O`Malley enclosing the Notice of Administrative Hearing previously submitted to DOAH and returned to us by mistake.
Date: 03/08/2000
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Notice of Administrative Hearing (Telephone Status conference pursuant to Court Order of 1/27/00) filed.
Date: 03/08/2000
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Administrative Hearing (Telephone status conference pursuant to Court Order of 1/27/00) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/06/2000
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Notice of Administrative Hearing (Telephone status conference pursuant to Court Order of 1/27/00) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 03/02/2000
Proceedings: (D. Weaver) Notice of Special Set Hearing w/cover letter filed.
Date: 01/27/2000
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing cancelled)
Date: 01/25/2000
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Change of Address and Temporary Unavailability filed.
Date: 01/18/2000
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Motion for Pretrial Conference and Clarification filed.
Date: 01/13/2000
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Motion for Pretrial Conference and Clarification filed.
Date: 12/30/1999
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference sent out. (hearing set for February 3, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; and Tallahassee, FL)
Date: 12/21/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner`s request to abate is denied)
Date: 12/20/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Order Dated November 23, 1999 filed.
Date: 12/06/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Motion for Extension of Time to Comply With the November 23, 1999 Order That Requires Filings on or Before December 3, 1999 filed.
Date: 12/06/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Order of November 23, 1999 filed.
Date: 12/06/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner`s motion is granted and they are accorded until 12/17/99 to file their response to order of 11/23/99)
Date: 12/02/1999
Proceedings: (B. Weaver) Motion for Extension of Time to Comply With the November 23, 1999 Order That Requires Filings on or Before December 3, 1999 filed.
Date: 11/23/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (parties to respond within 10 days as to earliest date available for hearing)
Date: 11/16/1999
Proceedings: (D. Black) Notice of Acceptance of Compensability and Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 09/28/1999
Proceedings: Order (Respondent`s Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Response is granted, it is accorded until November 15, 1999, to file its response to the petition).
Date: 09/28/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (respondent is accorded until 11/15/99 to file its response to the petition)
Date: 09/27/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Response filed.
Date: 09/07/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (respondent`s motion to dismiss is denied)
Date: 08/30/1999
Proceedings: (D. Black) Re-Notice of Telephonic Hearing (9/2/99; 9:00 a.m.) filed.
Date: 08/27/1999
Proceedings: (D. Black) Notice of Telephonic Hearing (8/30/99; 1:30 p.m.) filed.
Date: 08/20/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 08/19/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (respondent is accorded until 9/10/99 to file its response to the petition)
Date: 08/18/1999
Proceedings: Letter to D. Black from B. Weaver Re: Extension to filing a "formal response accepting or denying" the NICA petition filed.
Date: 08/09/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Response w/cover letter filed.
Date: 08/09/1999
Proceedings: (David W. Black) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 07/23/1999
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Assignment of File filed.
Date: 07/13/1999
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion to accept L. Larson as its qualified representative is granted)
Date: 07/12/1999
Proceedings: (Lynn Larson) Motion to Act as a Qualified Representative Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: Authorization for Release of Medical Information (2) filed.
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: NICA Filing Fee; $15.00; Check No. 7719 (not available for viewing).
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: Certification of Birth (not available for viewing).
Date: 07/02/1999
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.
Date: 06/28/1999
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 06/24/1999
Proceedings: Notification Card sent out (D. Weaver).
Date: 06/24/1999
Proceedings: Ltr. to L. Dickinson and interested parties from MHL encl. NICA claim for compensation with medical records sent out.
Date: 06/24/1999
Proceedings: Notification Card sent out (L. Dickinson).
Date: 06/23/1999
Proceedings: Letter to D. Lemieux from D. Weaver with enclosures.
Date: 06/23/1999
Proceedings: NICA Medical Records (3 Expando Folders) filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 06/23/1999
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statutes 766.301 et seq.; (2) Authorization for Release of Medical Information; $15.00 Filing Fee (Ck# 7719); Certification of Birth; Cover Letter from D. Weaver filed.
Date: 02/16/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Answer of South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West, to Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/1999
Proceedings: Petitioners` Notice of Filing Answer of South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West, to Plaintiffs` Second Amended Complaint, Answer of Defendant, South Broward Hospital District, to Second Amended Complaint filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Myers, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related DOAH Cases(s) (2):

Related Florida Statute(s) (14):