99-005125 Dade County School Board vs. Yvonne M. Weinstein
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, September 11, 2000.

View Dockets  
Summary: Teacher is incompetent as a result of inefficiency and incapacity, and her employment with the School Board should be terminated.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 99-5125




31Respondent. )



36Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

47May 2 and 3, 2000, in Miami, Florida, before Patricia Hart

58Malono, the duly-designated Administrative Law Judge of the

66Division of Administrative Hearings.


71For Petitioner: Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire

77School Board of Miami- Dade County

831450 Northeast Avenue, Suite 400

88Miami, Florida 33132

91For Respondent: G. Ware Cornell, Jr., Esquire

98Post Office Box 14633

102Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302


110Whether the Respondent should be dismissed from her

118employment as a teacher because of incompetency, as alleged in

128the Petitioner's letter to the Respondent dated November 16,

1371999, and in the Notice of Specific Charges filed with the

148Division of Administrative Hearings on December 22, 1999.


158In a letter dated November 18, 1999, the School Board of

169Miami-Dade County, Florida ("School Board"), notified Yvonne M.

179Weinstein that it had taken action to suspend her from her

190employment as a teacher and to initiate dismissal proceedings

199against her "for incompetency." Ms. Weinstein timely requested

207an administrative hearing, and the School Board forwarded the

216matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment

225of an administrative law judge. On December 22, 1999, the

235School Board filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings

244a Notice of Specific Charges in which it included specific

254allegations intended to support the charge of incompetency.

262Ms. Weinstein was charged in Count I of the Notice of Specific

274Charges with incompetency because of inefficiency, as set forth

283in Sections 230.23(5)(f) and 231.36(4)(c), Florida Statutes, and

291in Rule 6B-4.009(1)(a)1. and/or 2., Florida Administrative Code,

299and in Count II of the Notice of Specific Charges with

310incompetency because of incapacity, as set forth in

318Sections 230.23(5)(f) and 231.36(4)(c), Florida Statutes, and in

326Rule 6B-4.009(1)(b)1. and/or 2., Florida Administr ative Code.

334Pursuant to notice, the final hearing was held on

343May 2 and 3, 2000. At the hearing, the School Board presented

355the testimony of Larry Harmon, Charles Gibbs, Blanca M. Valle,

365Thomasina O'Donnell, and, on rebuttal, Joyce Annunziata.

372Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 24 were offered and received

381into evidence. Ms. Weinstein testified in her own behalf and

391presented the testimony of David Michael Feazell and Tyrone S.

401Luis. Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 9, 11, and 12 were

411offered and received into evidence. Respondent's Exhibit 10 was

420offered into evidence but rejected; the exhibit was accepted as

430a proffer.

432The two-volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed

441with the Division of Administrative Hearings on June 30, 2000.

451The parties timely submitted proposed findings of fact and

460conclusions of law, which have been considered in the

469preparation of the Recommended Order.


477Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the

487final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the

498following findings of fact are made:

5041. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is the

514entity authorized to operate the public schools in the county

524and to "provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion,

532suspension, and dismissal of employees" of the school district.

541Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution; Section

548230.23(4) and (5), Florida Statutes (1997).

5542. At the times material to this proceeding, Ms. Weinstein

564was an elementary school teacher employed under a continuing

573contract by the School Board and assigned to Miami Heights

583Elementary School ("Miami Heights Elementary"). Ms. Weinstein

592has been employed by the School Board since 1968. Ms. Weinstein

603is a member of United Teachers of Dade and is governed by the

616Contract Between the Dade County Public Schools and the United

626Teachers of Dade ("UTD Contract").

6333. During the 1998-1999 school year, Ms. Weinstein taught

642a second grade class at Miami Heights Elementary. She was

652placed on alternate assignment on February 9, 1999, and, in

662March 1999, she took medical leave, which was approved by the

673School Board.

6754. On October 13, 1999, Ms. Weinstein was advised that she

686must either resign or retire from her position as a teacher with

698the School Board by October 2 0, 1999, and that, if she did not

712do so, a recommendation would be made to the School Board at its

725November 17, 1999, meeting that she be dismissed from her

735employment. The decision that Ms. Weinstein could no longer

744teach in the Miami-Dade County public school system was based on

755two grounds. First, she had received an unacceptable evaluation

764for the 1998-1999 school year based on the determination that

774her teaching performance was not acceptable and that she had

784failed to remediate the deficiencies identified in the TADS

793formal observations conducted in September and November 1998 and

802in January 1999. Second, two psychologists had found

810Ms. Weinstein medically unfit for duty as an elementary school

820teacher as a result of psychological evaluations conducted in

829January 1999 and August 1999.

834Performance as a teacher

838A. Parent and teacher complaints

8435. Blanca M. Valle became principal of Miami Heights

852Elementary in June 1997. Soon after she assumed her duties,

862Ms. Valle received a letter from a parent co mplaining that

873Ms. Weinstein allegedly told her son he was "stupid"; the parent

884requested that her son not be assigned to Ms. Weinstein's class

895for the upcoming school year. At the time, Ms. Weinstein was

906teaching in a summer program at South Miami Heights Elementary

916School. Although the charge made by the parent was not

926substantiated, 1/ the child was assigned to a different

935teacher for the summer program, and Ms. Valle made sure that the

947child was not assigned to Ms. Weinstein's class for the 1997-

9581998 school year.

9616. Ms. Valle assigned Ms. Weinstein to teach a

970kindergarten class during the 1997-1998 school year. Ms. Valle

979received several letters from parents in September 1997

987complaining about Ms. Weinstein's treatment of their children.

995One parent complained that Ms. Weinstein ignored her son when he

1006raised his hand to participate in class; another parent asked

1016that his child be assigned to another kindergarten class because

1026the child felt intimidated and frightened in Ms. Weinstein's

1035class; another parent complained that Ms. Weinstein was not

1044aware that her daughter was lost in the cafeteria for 45 minutes

1056after lunch; another parent complained that her son's school

1065supplies were stolen from the classroom, his homework was not

1075collected by Ms. Wei nstein, and his shirt was cut in several

1087places by another student during the time he was under

1097Ms. Weinstein's supervision.

11007. As a result of the complaints, Ms. Valle assigned

1110Ms. Weinstein in October 1997 to teach a third grade class that

1122had just been created at Miami Heights Elementary to accommodate

1132a greater-than-expected number of students. In addition to re-

1141assigning Ms. Weinstein, Ms. Valle assigned another teacher to

1150act as her mentor, assigned the grade level chairperson to work

1161closely with her, and referred her to the School Board's

1171Employee Assistance Program. 2/

11758. After Ms. Weinstein was transferred, Ms. Valle received

1184several letters from parents of third grade students complaining

1193about Ms. Weinstein and asking that their children be

1202transferred to another class. One parent complained that,

1210during a field trip the parent was chaperoning, Ms. Weinstein

1220spent an inordinate amount of time berating students for

1229misbehavior, to no effect; she lacked control of the class, and

1240she was disorganized; another parent complained that, during a

1249conference with Ms. Weinstein and Ms. Clayton, Ms. Weinstein

1258lied about sending progress reports home to the parent and said

1269that her daughter was crazy.

12749. During the 1998-1999 school year, Ms. Weinstein was

1283assigned to teach a second grade class. Ms. Valle received

1293several letters from parents complaining about Ms. Weinstein and

1302requesting that their children be transferred to another class.

1311Several parents stated that they wanted their children

1319transferred to another class because they had received negative

1328reports from other parents regarding Ms. Weinstein. One parent

1337complained that her son cried every morning and did not want to

1349go to school, that Ms. Weinstein told the parent that her son

1361lied to the parent and to himself, and that Ms. Weinstein did

1373not have a professional appearance; another parent complained

1381that Ms. Weinstein ignored her daughter when she raised her hand

1392to turn in her homework.

139710. Crystal Coffey was the assistant principal at Miami

1406Heights Elementary during the 1998-1999 school year, which was

1415her first year in the position at Miami Heights Elementary. It

1426was not unusual for parents to approach her and ask that their

1438child be transferred out of Ms. Weinstein's class.

144611. At the end of the 1998-1999 school year, when

1456Ms. Weinstein was on medical leave, Ms. Valle received letters

1466from three teachers complaining about Ms. Weinstein. The second

1475grade level chairperson during the 1998-1999 school year

1483complained that Ms. Weinstein was very difficult to work with

1493and did not grasp the curriculum or understand how to present

1504lessons. Another teacher commented that she had observed

1512Ms. Weinstein engage in a pattern of unprofessional and often

1522bizarre behavior over the years. A teacher who team-taught

1531language arts with Ms. Weinstein wrote that, among other things,

1541Ms. Weinstein would not let students go to the rest room, that

1553on two occasions Ms. Weinstein sat at her desk during class and

1565ate a chef salad and a tuna salad with her hands, and that

1578Ms. Weinstein would put a "bad behavior" check mark beside

1588children's names for the most minor offenses.

1595B. Observations of Ms. Weinstein's teaching performance

160212. Ms. Weinstein's performance as a teacher was rated

1611acceptable overall and acceptable in every performance category

1619in each annual evaluation from the 1978-1979 school year 3/

1629through the 1997-1998 school year.

163413. Ms. Valle signed Ms. Weinstein's Teacher Assessment

1642and Development System ("TADS") 4/ Annual Evaluation for the

16531997-1998 school year based on a formal TADS observation

1662conducted on April 13, 1998, by the then-assistant principal of

1672Miami Heights Elementary, Alice Clayton. Ms. Clayton prepared a

1681CAI-Post Observation Report for the April 13, 1998, TADS

1690observation rating Ms. Weinstein's performance acceptable in

1697each category assessed. She also rated Ms. Weinstein's

1705performance acceptable for each indicator in each category.

171314. Ms. Valle conducted informal observations of the

1721classroom performance of each of the teachers in Miami Heights

1731Elementary; it was her practice to visit all of the classrooms

1742in the school at least once a day. During her informal

1753observations of Ms. Weinstein's classroom performance, she

1760observed students who were not on task, discipline problems, and

1770a general lack of teaching and learning in the classroom.

178015. Ms. Coffey made it a practice to informally observe

1790each teacher's classroom at least three times each week.

1799Ms. Coffey informally observed Ms. Weinstein's classroom an

1807average of three times each week during the 1998-1999 school

1817year. At the beginning of the school day, Ms. Coffey would

1828often find Ms. Weinstein sitting at her desk in the classroom

1839eating her breakfast or looking "spacey," apparently unaware

1847that the classroom door was open and that a number of parents

1859were trying to talk with her and/or trying to get their children

1871organized for the day.

187516. On September 18, 1998, Ms. Valle, who was trained in

1886the use of TADS, conducted a formal TADS observation of

1896Ms. Weinstein' s classroom performance and completed both a CAI

1906Post-Observation Report and a Record of Observed

1913Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement with

1918respect to the observation. Ms. Valle rated Ms. Weinstein's

1927classroom performance acceptable in three categories listed on

1935the CAI Post-Observation Report: knowledge of subject matter,

1943teacher-student relationships, and assessment techniques.

194817. Ms. Valle rated Ms. Weinstein unacceptable in three

1957categories on the CAI Post-Observation Report: preparation and

1965planning, classroom management, and techniques of instruction.

1972The Record of Observed Deficiencies contains numerous references

1980to Ms. Weinstein's failure to use verbal or non-verbal

1989techniques to redirect students who were off task; rather,

1998Ms. Valle observed that Ms. Weinstein ignored students who were

2008talking and playing and generally behaving poorly, and she

2017seemed to be unaware of the students' behavior in her classroom.

2028Ms. Valle also observed that Ms. Weinstein ignored students who

2038raised their hands with questions or to contribute to the class

2049discussion, did not provide background information for her

2057lesson or any explanation of how to do the problems assigned,

2068did not acknowledge that many of the children were confused by

2079the lesson, and did not provide closure to the lesson.

208918. On November 16, 1999, Ms. Coffey, who was trained in

2100the use of TADS, conducted a formal TADS observation of

2110Ms. Weinstein's classroom performance and completed both a CAI

2119Post-Observation Report and a Record of Observed

2126Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement with

2131respect to the observation. Ms. Coffey rated Ms. Weinstein's

2140classroom performance acceptable in two categories listed on the

2149CAI Post-Observation Report: knowledge of subject matter and

2157assessment techniques.

215919. Ms. Coffey rated Ms. Weinstein unacceptable in four

2168categories on the CAI Post-Observation Report: preparation and

2176planning, classroom management, techniques of instruction, and

2183teacher-student relationships. Ms. Coffey observ ed that

2190Ms. Weinstein did not follow her lesson plan and went beyond the

2202time allotted for the lesson, leaving the teacher who was to

2213teach the next lesson knocking at the classroom door for over

2224five minutes. Ms. Coffey noticed that students already had

2233completed the workbook page for the lesson, and, in Ms. Coffey's

2244opinion, Ms. Weinstein was not teaching a new lesson during the

2255observation but one she had already taught. Ms. Coffey observed

2265that Ms. Weinstein did not use any verbal or non-verbal

2275techniques to redirect the many students who were off task and

2286that she put check marks for bad behavior and stars for good

2298behavior beside students' names, which she had written on the

2308chalk board, without providing any explanation to the students

2317and often for no discernable reason. Ms. Coffey also observed

2327that Ms. Weinstein often ignored students' inappropriate

2334behavior, did not monitor whether the students were learning the

2344lesson, did not provide feedback to the students, and did not

2355respond to students who had questions.

236120. A Conference-for-the-Record was held on December 8,

23691998, to discuss Ms. Weinstein's September and November

2377performance assessments and related matters and her future

2385employment status with the School Board. Ms. Valle and

2394Ms. Coffey attended the conference, as well as Ms. Weinstein and

2405two union stewards. Ms. Valle discussed the two TADS formal

2415observations with Ms. Weinstein, as well as the prescriptive

2424activities assigned in the observation reports and ways in which

2434Ms. Valle and M s. Coffey would assist her to improve her

2446teaching performance. Ms. Weinstein was advised that

2453disciplinary action would be considered if her performance did

2462not improve.

246421. On January 25, 2000, Ms. Valle conducted her second

2474formal observation of Ms. W einstein's classroom performance, and

2483she completed both a CAI Post-Observation Report and a Record of

2494Observed Deficiencies/Prescription for Performance Improvement

2499with respect to the observation. Ms. Valle rated

2507Ms. Weinstein's classroom performance ac ceptable in three

2515categories listed on the CAI Post-Observation Report:

2522preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, and

2530teacher-student relationships.

253222. Ms. Valle rated Ms. Weinstein unacceptable in three

2541categories on the CAI Post-Observation Report: classroom

2548management, techniques of instruction, and assessment

2554techniques. At the time of the second observation,

2562Ms. Weinstein had not remedied many of the unsatisfactory

2571teaching behaviors Ms. Valle had observed in her formal

2580observation in September 1998. The lesson observed by Ms. Valle

2590on January 25, 1999, was on the concepts of solid, liquid, and

2602gas, but Ms. Valle observed that Ms. Weinstein did not use any

2614supplemental materials or hands-on activities to teach the

2622students, nor did she provide necessary background information

2630or closure for the lesson. Ms. Valle observed that

2639Ms. Weinstein did not call on students who had raised their

2650hands with questions or to contribute to the class discussion,

2660did not provide feedback to help students who were confused by

2671the lesson, failed to use verbal or non-verbal techniques to

2681redirect students who were off task, and ignored students who

2691were off task, seemingly unaware of their behavior. In

2700addition, Ms. Valle found that Ms. Weinstein had virtu ally no

2711documentation to support grades for the students: As of

2720January 25, 1999, the most recent grade recorded in

2729Ms. Weinstein's grade book was for December 9, 1998, and there

2740were no assessments and very little work contained in the

2750students' folders.

275223. On June 8, 1999, Ms. Valle prepared a memorandum

2762regarding Ms. Weinstein's TADS Annual Evaluation for the 1998-

27711999 school year, in which Ms. Valle rated Ms. Weinstein

2781unacceptable in every category of classroom assessment;

2788Ms. Valle rated Ms. Weinst ein acceptable in professional

2797responsibilities. The memorandum was prepared in lieu of

2805conducting a conference-for-the-record because Ms. Weinstein was

2812on extended medical leave. In the memorandum, Ms. Valle advised

2822Ms. Weinstein that her performance wa s unacceptable because the

2832deficiencies identified in the formal TADS observations in

2840September and November 1998 and January 1999 had not been

2850remediated. Ms. Valle advised Ms. Weinstein that the assessment

2859process would continue when she returned to Miami Heights


286924. Had Ms. Weinstein not gone on medical leave in

2879March 1999, she would have been entitled to at least one, and

2891perhaps two, formal TADS observations conducted by a School

2900Board administrator other than Ms. Valle and Ms. Coffey. A s it

2912was, no external TADS observation was conducted, and the TADS

2922assessment process was not completed.

2927Fitness for duty as a teacher

293325. In a memorandum to the Office of Professional

2942Standards dated January 13, 1999, Ms. Valle requested that

2951Ms. Weins tein be given a fitness evaluation because she had

2962observed Ms. Weinstein engage in behavior during the 1998-1999

2971school year that Ms. Valle considered unusual. Ms. Valle

2980attached to the memorandum letters that Ms. Weinstein had

2989prepared requesting that the parents of various students sign a

2999statement "for her autograph book" to the effect that

"3008Ms. Weinstein is a good teacher"; Ms. Weinstein passed the

3018letters out to students and parents and disrupted classes when

3028she took letters to other teachers and asked that they give them

3040to the students whose names she had written on the letters.

3051Both parents and teachers complained to Ms. Valle about these


306226. Ms. Valle observed Ms. Weinstein engage in other

3071behavior that Ms. Valle considered unusual: M s. Weinstein came

3081to school dressed in a manner that Ms. Valle considered

3091inappropriate, and her hair was often untidy; during the winter,

3101Ms. Weinstein sometimes wore a hat pulled down to her eyes the

3113entire day; during a meeting with Ms. Valle and others ,

3123Ms. Weinstein took a pair of leopard-print gloves out of a box

3135she carried and put on the gloves; Ms. Weinstein attended a PTA

3147meeting wearing a black see-through skirt and blouse;

3155Ms. Weinstein gobbled her food and ate food such as tuna salad

3167with her hands; Ms. Weinstein walked in the school halls with a

3179blank look on her face. In addition, Ms. Valle noted that

3190Ms. Weinstein had excessive absences from school.

319727. Ms. Coffey observed Ms. Weinstein engage in behavior

3206she considered unusual: When she had conferences with

3214Ms. Weinstein, Ms. Weinstein would not look at her or respond to

3226questions or statements except to say that "it's not true";

3236Ms. Weinstein wore a fur-like hat and long leopard gloves on hot

3248days and sometimes walked around school under an umbrella when

3258it was not raining; and Ms. Weinstein often had a "spacey" look

3270and seemed not to understand what was being said to her.

328128. In response to Ms. Valle's request that Ms. Weinstein

3291be referred for a fitness evaluation, a Conference-for-the-

3299Record was held in the Office of Professional Standards on

3309January 27, 1999, to consider, among other things,

3317Ms. Weinstein's performance assessment and her medical fitness

3325to perform her assigned duties. The Summary of the Conference-

3335for-the-Record reflected that Ms. Weinstein was advised that her

3344absences were considered excessive because she used more sick

3353leave than she had accrued, and the two formal TADS observations

3364completed in September and November 1998 were discussed.

3372Ms. Weinstein acknowledged that the School Board had the right

3382to require that she be evaluated to determine her fitness for

3393duty, and she chose to be evaluated by Dr. Larry Harmon, whose

3405name appeared on a list of psychologists approved by the School

3416Board. Ms. Weinstein appended a two-page response to the

3425Summary of the Conference-for-the-Record in which she admitted

3433to some of the behaviors identified by Ms. Valle and Ms. Coffey

3445but disputed the conclusion that these behaviors were unusual.

3454A. Dr. Harmon's evaluation - January 1999

346129. At the request of the School Board's Office of

3471Professional Standards, Larry Harmon, who is a licensed clinical

3480psychologist, performed a fitness-for-duty evaluation of

3486Ms. Weinstein on January 28, 1999. In evaluating Ms. Weinstein,

3496Dr. Harmon c onducted a clinical interview and a mental status

3507examination, administered several psychological tests, consulted

3513with other mental health professionals, and reviewed materials

3521provided to him by the School Board.

352830. Dr. Harmon issued a report dated Mar ch 10, 1999, in

3540which he deferred his diagnosis with respect to Axis I "Clinical

3551Disorders and Conditions." 5/ He diagnosed Ms. Weinstein with

"3560Personality Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified" with respect to

3568Axis II "Personality Disorders," 6/ commenting that she

3576exhibited moderate to severe patterns of defensiveness, denial,

3584projection, blame, rationalization, distorted thinking,

3589suspiciousness, selective listening, inability to process and

3596accept feedback, poor judgement, and lack of insight.

3604Dr. Harm on deferred his diagnosis with respect to Axis III

"3615Physical Disorders and Conditions" to her physician.

362231. Dr. Harmon concluded that Ms. Weinstein was not fit

3632for duty as an elementary school teacher. This conclusion was

3642based on his assessment that

3647[h]er impaired interpersonal behavior and

3652unacceptable work performance in Preparation

3657and Planning, Classroom Management,

3661Techniques of Instruction, and Teacher-

3666Student Relationships is likely to continue

3672and be considered below acceptable

3677standards. Based on this assessment, there

3683is insufficient supporting information to

3688clear her to return to work. . . .

3697Dr. Harmon's assessment that her interpersonal behavior was

3705impaired was based on his observations that Ms. Weinstein was

3715extremely defensive and almost in a state of denial that there

3726were any problems with her interactions and performance; that

3735she had difficulty processing information conveyed to her during

3744the clinical interview and mental status examination; that her

3753judgment was impaired and her problem-solving ability reduced;

3761and that she had a low level of insight into the effect of her

3775behavior on others. Dr. Harmon found that Ms. Weinstein

3784generally had serious difficulties with job tasks requiring

3792interpersonal interactions and stated that

3797individuals with her [Ms. Weinstein's] level

3803of defensiveness, distorted thinking,

3807suspiciousness, denial, selective listening,

3811inability to engage feedback, poor

3816judgement, and lack of insight are likely to

3824evidence significant work difficulties,

3828especially if she is under stress. . . .

3837[T]here appears to be a probability of

3844significant risk that her inadequate

3849interpersonal skills and inability to

3854benefit from feedback will adversely affect

3860her work performance . . . .

386732. Among other things, Dr. Harmon r ecommended in his

3877report that Ms. Weinstein be placed on medical leave for at

3888least one month to allow her to receive intensive mental health

3899treatment to help her improve her interpersonal skills and work

3909performance and that she participate in psychotherapy sessions

3917and follow the recommendations of her psychotherapist.

392433. Another Conference-for-the Record was held in the

3932Office of Professional Standards on March 17, 1999, for the

3942purpose of discussing Ms. Weinstein's medical fitness to perform

3951her assigned duties. At the time, Ms. Weinstein was temporarily

3961assigned to the Region VI Office, where she had been placed in

3973early February 1999. Dr. Harmon's report was reviewed at the

3983conference with Ms. Weinstein and the union representative, and

3992the recommendations in his report were accepted by the School

4002Board as conditions for Ms. Weinstein's continued employment as


4012Obtain medical clearance from the Board

4018approved evaluator to return to work within

402529 working days of this conference or

4032implement procedures for Board approved

4037medical leave.

4039Participate in psychotherapeutic sessions on

4044a regular basis to be monitored by personnel

4052from the District's support agency. Follow

4058all recommendations of the health care


4065Sign a limited Release and Exchange of

4072Information for all of your mental health

4079professionals which restricts the release

4084and exchange of information to those

4090symptoms, behavioral patterns, and treatment

4095compliance issues directly relevant to your

4101fitness for duty determination.

4105Upon the recommendation of the District's

4111support agency, which will be based upon

4118discussions with your treating mental health

4124professionals, a re-evaluation will be

4129scheduled for you with Dr. Harmon.

4135Ms. Weinstein was advised that, if she did not c omply with

4147Dr. Harmon's recommendations, the School Board would be

4155compelled to take disciplinary measures against her including

4163suspension, demotion, or dismissal.

416734. In the School Board's opinion, Ms. Weinstein was not

4177ready to assume her duties after 30 days, and she subsequently

4188took School Board-approved medical leave through the end of the

41981998-1999 school year.

4201B. Dr. Feazell's evaluation - March 1999

420835. After the School Board received Dr. Harmon's

4216evaluation report, Ms. Weinstein sought a secon d opinion on her

4227fitness to carry out her duties as a second grade teacher with

4239the Miami-Dade County school system. David A. Feazell, a

4248licensed psychologist, conducted a psychological evaluation of

4255Ms. Weinstein on March 22 and 26, 1999, and prepared a report

4267summarizing his findings. Dr. Feazell spent approximately two

4275hours with Ms. Weinstein in a clinical interview and another two

4286hours administering psychological tests, which included

4292personality and intelligence tests. Ms. Weinstein provided

4299Dr. F eazell a copy of Dr. Harmon's report; he did not have

4312access to the information provided to Dr. Harmon by the School

4323Board, although he had access to the summary of the information

4334contained in Dr. Harmon's report.

433936. Dr. Feazell noted in his evaluation report that,

4348during the clinical interview, Ms. Weinstein's account of her

4357employment situation was relevant and detailed and consisted of

4366explanations for her behavior and rebuttal of the complaints

4375made about her. Ms. Weinstein believed that she had mad e an

4387unduly negative impression on Dr. Harmon because she was ill at

4398ease and defensive in answering his questions.

440537. The psychological tests given by Dr. Feazell revealed


4415Ms. Weinstein's MMPI-2 [Minnesota Multiphasic

4420Personality Inventory-2] profile is defensive, going

4426beyond that which is commonly seen in fitness for duty

4436evaluations. She denies emotional discomfort and

4442vulnerability, as well as common place human faults

4450and frailties. She presents an unusually positive

4457self-image, describes herself as self-controlled and

4463quite socially responsible, and reports unusually low

4470levels of depression or anxiety. In MMPI-2 item

4478responses, she admits minimal social anxiety and

4485characterizes herself as very outgoing, despite

4491describing herself in the interview as shy.

4498Individuals with Ms. Weinstein's MMPI-2 and

4504Rorschach profiles are typically inclined to

4510deny problems and not to have a high level

4519of introspection or insight into their own

4526feelings. They can be simplistic or

4532inflexible into [sic] their approach to

4538problems and tend to see things too much in

4547terms of how others do not understand them

4555or treat them unfairly. Ms. Weinstein

4561actually shows several signs of a particular

4568need for the approval and affection of

4575others, so that she may find situations

4582quite disconcerting in which others

4587evaluate, criticize, or take a demanding,

4593skeptical view of her.

4597In terms of judgment, Ms. Weinstein is

4604capable of thoughtful, perceptive analysis

4609of situations. However, she also appears

4615likely to overlook or misinterpret important

4621details. Her judgment can be inconsistent,

4627especially under conditions of emotional

4632stress. She seems to react strongly to

4639emotional stimuli. She could benefit from

4645the support or guidance of others in

4652learning to stop and to look at a situation

4661from other points of view before she draws

4669unwarranted or inaccurate conclusions. It

4674is noted that testing shows no bizarre

4681thinking or major distortion of judgment.

468738. Based on his clinical interview and testing of

4696Ms. Weinstein, Dr. Fe azell diagnosed her with an Axis I clinical

4708diagnosis of "Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Disturbance of

4716Emotions and Conduct in the face of occupational and personal

4726stress." Dr. Feazell did not make an Axis II diagnosis, noting

4737that "[a]lthough personality patterns predispose her to respond

4745with some defensive inflexibility to certain interpersonal

4752stresses, there may not be sufficient evidence of a formal

4762personality disorder." Dr. Feazell did note, however, that, at

4771the time of his evaluation, Ms. Wein stein was inclined to

4782overreact to stress and to misunderstand things and form

4791incomplete conclusions when she was under stress.

479839. Dr. Feazell finally observed that Ms. Weinstein

4806needs continuing psychotherapy to develop

4811better ways to recognize and deal with

4818uncomfortable feelings, to learn better

4823skills for hearing and taking in feedback

4830and information without over-reacting and

4835selectively misunderstanding it, and to

4840learn better awareness of how her won style

4848of judgment and interaction can hinder her

4855problem solving under pressure.

4859In Dr. Feazell's opinion, Ms. Weinstein was fit for duty at the

4871time he evaluated her in March 1999 "as long as she has the

4884support of treatment while working out her job issues with her

4895principal. It is recommended that Ms. Weinstein return to work

4905with continuing treatment." According to Dr. Feazell,

4912Ms. Weinstein's prognosis is fairly good if she continues in


4923C. Dr. Gibb's evaluation - August 1999

493040. Ms. Weinstein was referred by the School Board for a

4941follow-up fitness-for-duty evaluation, which was performed by

4948Charles C. Gibbs on August 13, 1999. Dr. Gibbs conducted a

4959clinical interview with Ms. Weinstein, administered several

4966psychological tests, reviewed records provided by the School

4974Board, and reviewed the evaluations of Ms. Weinstein performed

4983by Dr. Harmon, Dr. Feazell, and Dr. Maurer, a psychologist who

4994evaluated Ms. Weinstein at her request in June and July 1999.

5005Dr. Gibbs tried to contact Ms. Weinstein's psychotherapist,

5013Tyrone Lewis, but Mr. Lewis did not return several telephone


502441. In Dr. Gibbs' opinion, Ms. Weinstein's most likely

5033diagnosis would be an Axis I clinical disorder, such as

5043depression, anxiety, or an adjustment disorder.

504942. Dr. Gibbs concluded that Ms. Weinstein was n ot fit to

5061return to her job duties as an elementary school teacher as of

5073August 1999, observing in the report of his psychological

5082evaluation that

5084[c]urrent test results and clinical data

5090indicate that Ms. Weinstein is excessively

5096defensive, guarded, substitutes fantasy for

5101reality in stressful situations and she is

5108plagued with poor judgment given her

5114tendency to make decisions based on

5120inadequate information. Furthermore she is

5125not introspective and lacks insight into her

5132behavior. As such she tends to project

5139blame onto others and minimize the effects

5146of her behavior on those in her environment.

5154The aforementioned summary of the data in my

5162professional opinion would make it difficult

5168for Ms. Weinstein to counsel students when

5175adjustment and/or academic problems arise.

5180Further concern is raised in that she tends

5188to make poor decisions based on inadequate

5195information. Working with children requires

5200a great deal of patience and as noted by

5209results from Dr. Maurer with which I concur

5217she is in a constant state of stimulus

5225overload. Thus such typical stressors such

5231as managing classroom rules and behavior of

5238students will likely result in Ms. Weinstein

5245becoming overwhelmed. Additionally, her

5249unconventional and egocentric style will not

5255allow her to meet the changing and

5262challenging emotional needs of elementary

5267children. I am further concerned that her

5274defensiveness will prevent her from

5279benefiting from constractive [sic] criticism

5284which will impair her participating in

5290professional meetings and being able to put

5297into action new information obtained from

5303conferences and inservice classes.

5307Dr. Gibbs noted in his report that Dr. Feazell and Dr. Maurer

5319had both concluded that Ms. Weinstein was fit for duty but that

5331they had not reviewed the materials he received from the School


534343. Dr. Gibbs also was concerned that Ms. Weinstein had

5353some mild organic impairment, and he recommended that she have a

5364full neuropsychological evaluation. He further recommended that

5371Ms. Weinstein continue in therapy for at least three months

5381before having another evaluation of her fitness for duty and

5391that, if she were at some point allowed to resume her duties as

5404an elementary school teacher, she "team teach with another

5413professional for 3 months prior to teaching on her own."

5423D. Ms. Weinstein's psychotherapy treatment

542844. Ms. Weinstein has been in treatment with Tyrone Lewis,

5438a psychotherapist, since January 1999. Mr. Lewis sees

5446Ms. Weinstein once a week and sometimes once every two weeks; he

5458engages in what he describes as "supportive psychotherapy" with

5467Ms. Weinstein, which is designed to provide her with insight

5477into her current situation and to help relieve her depression

5487and anxiety. Currently, he is working with Ms. Weinstein to

5497help her deal with the uncertainty about her job and the

5508possibility that she will not work as a teacher. At the time of

5521the hearing, Mr. Lewis was of the opinion that Ms. Weinstein was

5533much improved, specifically with respect to her cognitive

5541skills, her depression, her anxiety, and her awareness of her

5551current life situation.

5554Final Conference-for-the Record

555745. A Conference-for-the-Record was held at the Office of

5566Professional Standards on October 13, 1999, to review

5574Ms. Weinstein's performance assessment and her medical fitness

5582to perform assigned duties. Ms. Weinstein had been working in

5592her alternate assignment in the Region VI Office since the

5602beginning of the 1999-2000 school year.

560846. With respect to Ms. Weinstein's performance

5615assessment, the results of the observations done by Ms. Valle

5625and Ms. Coffey in September and November 1998 and in

5635January 1999 were reviewed, and it was noted that her 1998-1999

5646TADS Annual Evaluation was unacceptable. Ms. Weinstein was

5654advised that her teaching performance was not acceptable and

5663that she had not remediated the cited deficiencies.

567147. With respect to Ms. Weinstein's medical fitness to

5680perform her duties, the report of Dr. Gibbs was reviewed with

5691Ms. Weinstein and her union representative. The School Board

5700personnel acknowledged that Dr. F eazell and Dr. Maurer both

5710concluded that Ms. Weinstein was able to return to work, while

5721Dr. Harmon and Dr. Gibbs concluded that Ms. Weinstein was not

5732able to return to work. The School Board accepted the

5742assessment of Dr. Gibbs.

574648. Ms. Weinstein reque sted that she be evaluated by a

5757fifth doctor, as a "tie breaker"; this request was denied, as

5768were Ms. Weinstein's requests that she be transferred from Miami

5778Heights Elementary and that the School Board authorize

5786additional leave to allow time for her to have the neurological

5797examination recommended by Dr. Gibbs. Ms. Weinstein was advised

5806that she must either resign her job or retire because she had

5818been unable to obtain medical clearance to return to her

5828teaching duties and was not eligible for additional leave.

5837Ms. Weinstein did not choose to resign or retire by the

5848October 20, 1999, deadline, and the School Board suspended her

5858and recommended her dismissal from employment at its

5866November 17, 1999, meeting.


587149. The evidence presented by the School Board is

5880sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty

5889that Ms. Weinstein is incompetent as a teacher because she

5899failed to communicate with or relate to her students to such a

5911degree that the students were denied a minimum educational

5920experience. Based on the formal and informal observations of

5929Ms. Valle and Ms. Coffey during the fall of 1998 and in

5941January 1999, Ms. Weinstein exercised virtually no control over

5950the students in her classroom and either indiscriminately

5958reprimanded the students or ignored their inappropriate

5965behavior. Ms. Weinstein did not present her lessons in a

5975coherent fashion, did not respond to students who were either

5985confused or wanted to participate in the class, and was

5995seemingly indifferent to whether the students learned in her

6004classroom. No improvement of Ms. Weinstein's classroom

6011performance was noted by Ms. Valle in her formal observation in

6022January 1999 even though Ms. Weinstein had completed the

6031activities prescribed by Ms. Valle and Ms. Coffey with r espect

6042to the September and November 1999 observations. The School

6051Board has shown by the greater weight of the persuasive evidence

6062that Ms. Weinstein is unable to perform her responsibilities as

6072an elementary school teacher as a result of inefficiency in the


608450. The evidence presented by the School Board is

6093sufficient to establish with the requisite degree of certainty

6102that Ms. Weinstein is incompetent as a teacher because she is

6113not emotionally stable. Dr. Harmon, Dr. Gibbs, and Dr. Feazell

6123reached virtually the same conclusions regarding Ms. Weinstein's

6131psychological profile and personality traits. All three

6138psychologists found that Ms. Weinstein is extremely defensive,

6146shows little insight into her own behavior, is unable to accept

6157and benefit from feedback, makes judgments based on incomplete

6166or incorrect information, and processes information poorly when

6174she is in a stressful situation. On the basis of their

6185assessments, Dr. Harmon and Dr. Gibbs concluded that

6193Ms. Weinstein is unfit to c arry out the duties as a teacher of

6207elementary school children; Dr. Feazell concluded that

6214Ms. Weinstein was fit to return to her teaching duties as of

6226July 1999, as long as she continued in treatment to resolve the

6238issues he identified in his evaluation report. The

6246psychotherapy treatment Ms. Weinstein is receiving is not,

6254however, focused on developing her ability to interact with

6263others, to process and benefit from feedback, or to improve her

6274judgment and ability to react properly in stressful situations,

6283and Mr. Lewis supported his opinion that Ms. Weinstein was fit

6294for duty as an elementary school teacher with nothing more than

6305the observation that she was "much improved." The School Board

6315has shown by the greater weight of the persuasive evidence that

6326Ms. Weinstein is not fit to discharge her duties as a teacher at

6339Miami Heights Elementary as a result of emotional instability.


635151. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

6358jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

6368the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

6377Florida Statutes (1999).

638052. Because this case is a proceeding to terminate

6389Ms. Weinstein's employment with the School Board and does not

6399involve the loss of a license or certification, the School Board

6410has the burden of proving the allegations in the Notice of

6421Specific Charges by a preponderance of the evidence. McNeill v.

6431Pinellas County School Board , 678 So. 2d 476 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996);

6443Allen v. School Board of Dade County , 571 So. 2d 568, 569 (Fla.

64563d DCA 1990); Dileo v. School Board of Lake County , 569 So. 2d

6469883 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990).

647453. Section 230.23(5), Florida Statutes (1999), provides

6481that a school board has the power to suspend and dismiss

6492employees as follows:

6495(f) Suspension and dismissal and return

6501to annual status.--Suspend, dismiss, or

6506return to annual contract members of the

6513instructional staff and other school

6518employees; however, no administrative

6522assistant, supervisor, principal, teacher,

6526or other member of the instructional staff

6533may be discharged, removed or returned to

6540annual contract except as provided in

6546chapter 231.

654854. Ms. Weinstein is a teacher with a continuing contract

6558with the School Board. Section 231.36, Florida Statutes (1999),

6567provides in pertinent part:

6571(1)(a) Each person employed as a member

6578of the instructional staff in any district

6585school system shall be properly certificated

6591pursuant to s. 231.17 or employed pursuant

6598to s. 231.1725 and shall be entitled to and

6607shall receive a written contract as

6613specified in chapter 230. All such

6619contracts, except continuing contracts as

6624specified in subsection (4), shall contain

6630provisions for dismissal during the term of

6637the contract only for just cause. Just

6644cause includes, but is not limited to, the

6652following instances, as defined by rule of

6659the State Board of Education: misconduct in

6666office, incompetency, gross insubordination,

6670willful neglect of duty, or conviction of a

6678crime involving moral turpitude.

6682* * *

6685(4)(a) An employee who has continuing

6691contract status prior to July 1, 1984, shall

6699be entitled to retain such contract and all

6707rights arising therefrom in accordance with

6713existing laws, rules of the State Board of

6721Education, or any laws repealed by this act,

6729unless the employee voluntarily relinquishes

6734his or her continuing contract.

6739* * *

6742(c) Any member of the district

6748administrative or supervisory staff and any

6754member of the instructional staff, including

6760any principal, who is under continuing

6766contract may be suspended or dismissed at

6773any time during the school year; however,

6780the charges against him or her must be based

6789on immorality, misconduct in office,

6794incompetency, gross insubordination, willful

6798neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction

6804of a crime involving moral turpitude, as

6811these terms are defined by rule of the State

6820Board of Education. Whenever such charges

6826are made against any such employee of the

6834school board, the school board may suspend

6841such person without pay; but, if the charges

6849are not sustained, he or she shall be

6857immediately reinstated, and his or her back

6864salary shall be paid. In cases of

6871suspension by the school board or by the

6879superintendent, the school board shall

6884determine upon the evidence submitted

6889whether the charges have been sustained and,

6896if the charges are sustained, shall

6902determine either to dismiss the employee or

6909fix the terms under which he or she may be

6919reinstated. If such charges are sustained

6925by a majority vote of the full membership of

6934the school board and such employee is

6941discharged, his or her contract of

6947employment shall be thereby canceled. Any

6953such decision adverse to the employee may be

6961appealed by the employee pursuant to s.

6968120.68, provided such appeal is filed within

697530 days after the decision of the school


698455. In the Notice of Specific Charges, the School Board

6994asserts in Count I that Ms. Weinstein's employment should be

7004terminated on the grounds of incompetency based on inefficiency,

7013as set forth in Rule 6B-4.009(1)(a)(1) and (2), Florida

7022Administrative Code. The School Board asserts in Count II of

7032the Notice of Specific Charges that Ms. Weinstein's employment

7041should be terminated on the grounds of incompetency based on

7051incapacity, as set forth in Rule 6B-4.009(1)(b)(1), Florida

7059Administrative Code.

706156. Rule 6B-4.009, Florida Administrative Code, provides

7068in pertinent part as follows:

7073The basis for charges upon which dismissal

7080action against instructional personnel may

7085be pursued are set forth in Section 231.36,

7093Florida Statutes. The basis for each of

7100such charges is hereby defined:

7105(1) Incompetency is defined as inability

7111or lack of fitness to discharge the required

7119duty as a result of inefficiency or

7126incapacity. Since incompetency is a

7131relative term, an authoritative decision in

7137an individual case may be made on the basis

7146of testimony by members of a panel of expert

7155witnesses appropriately appointed from the

7160teaching profession by the Commissioner of

7166Education. Such judgment shall be based on

7173a preponderance of evidence showing the

7179existence of one (1) or more of the


7188(a) Inefficiency: (1) repeated failure to

7194perform duties prescribed by law (Section

7200231.09, Florida Statutes); (2) repeated

7205failure on the part of a teacher to

7213communicate with and relate to children in

7220the classroom, to such an extent that pupils

7228are deprived of minimum educational

7233experience; . . . .

7238(b) Incapacity: (1) lack of emotional

7244stability; . . . .

724957. Section 231.09, Florida Statutes (1999), provides:

7256The primary duty of instructional

7261personnel is to work diligently and

7267faithfully to help students meet or exceed

7274annual learning goals, to meet state and

7281local achievement requirements, and to

7286master the skills required to graduate from

7293high school prepared for postsecondary

7298education and work. This duty applies to

7305instructional personnel whether they teach

7310or function in a support role. Members of

7318the instructional staff of the public

7324schools shall perform duties prescribed by

7330rules of the school board. Such rules shall

7338include, but not be limited to, rules

7345relating to a teacher's duty to help

7352students master challenging standards and

7357meet all state and local requirements for

7364achievement; teaching efficiently and

7368faithfully, using prescribed materials and

7373methods, including technology-based

7376instruction; recordkeeping; and fulfilling

7380the terms of any contract, unless released

7387from the contract by the school board.

739458. Based on the findings of fact herein, the School Board

7405has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that Ms. Weinstein

7416is incompetent as a teacher on the grounds of inefficiency. The

7427School Board did not satisfy its burden of proof by proving that

7439Ms. Weinstein repeatedly failed to perform all of the duties

7449assigned by Section 231.09, Florida Statutes (1999), or

7457contained in School Board rules. It did, however, satisfy its

7467burden of proof with respect to Ms. Weinstein's incompetency by

7477proving that Ms. Weinstein failed to provide her students with

7487the minimum educational experience to which they were entitled

7496because of her repeated failure to communicate with or relate to

7507the students.

750959. Based on the findings of fact herein, the School Board

7520has proven by a preponderance of the evidence that Ms. Weinstein

7531is incompetent as a teacher on the grounds of incapacity. The

7542School Board has satisfied its burden of proof with respect to

7553Ms. Weinstein's incompetence by proving that Ms. Weinstein is

7562emotionally unstable and unable to carry out her duties.

757160. Because it has proven Ms. Weinstein's incompetence,

7579the School Board may terminate her employment pursuant to

7588Section 231.3 6(4)(c), Florida Statutes (1999).


7595Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7605Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Miami-Dade

7615County, Florida, enter a final order sustaining the suspension

7624without pay of Yvonne M. Weinstein and dismissing her as an

7635employee of the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for


7646DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of September, 2000, in

7656Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7664Administrative Law Judge

7667Division of Administrative Hearings

7671The DeSoto Building

76741230 Apalachee Parkway

7677Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

7680(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

7684Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


7689Filed with the Clerk of the

7695Division of Administrative Hearings

7699this 11th day of September, 2000.


77061 / The assistant principal of South Miami Heights Elementary

7716School and the assistant principal of Miami Heights Elementary

7725School spoke with students sitting near the child, and none

7735remembered Ms. Weinstein making the comment. There is nothing

7744in the record indicating that School Board personnel further

7753investigated the incident.

77562 / The Employee Assistance Program provides counseling and other

7766help to teachers who are having difficulties. The program is

7776entirely voluntary.

77783 / The 1978-1979 school year was the first year the Miami- Dade

7791County school system used an evaluation form virtually identical

7800to the one currently in use.

78064 / TADS is the instrument used by the School Board to evaluate

7819teachers' classroom performance.

78225 / Pursuant to the American Psychological Association

7830guidelines, Axis I diagnoses identify clinical disorders that

7838are the cause of the current, acute illness and that are

7849transient and usually resolved with treatment.

78556 / Axis II diagnoses identify personality disorders that are

7865part of the personality structure and that, while not transient,

7875can usually be resolved with lengthy and intensive treatment.


7886Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire

7890School Board of Miami- Dade County

78961450 Northeast Avenue, Suite 400

7901Miami, Florida 33132

7904G. Ware Cornell, Jr., Esquire

7909Post Office Box 14633

7913Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302

7917Roger C. Cuevas, Superintendent

7921School Board of Miami- Dade County

79271450 Northeast Second Avenue

7931Room 912

7933Miami, Florida 33132-1308

7936Honorable Tom Gallagher

7939Commissioner of Education

7942Department of Education

7945The Capitol, Plaza Level 08

7950Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400


7959All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

796915 days from the date of this R ecommended O rder. Any exceptions

7982to this R ecommended O rder should be filed with the agency that

7995will issue the F inal O rder in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/18/2000
Proceedings: Final Order of the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida filed.
Date: 12/14/2000
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/02/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Written Exceptions to Judge`s Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/11/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/11/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order issued (hearing held May 2 and 3, 2000) CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/11/2000
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying hearing record referred to the Agency sent out.
Date: 08/16/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/14/2000
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed by via facsimile).
Date: 08/14/2000
Proceedings: Ltr. to Judge P. Malono from G. Cornell In re: videotape of Ms. Weinstein teaching w/ videotape filed.
Date: 08/14/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/30/2000
Proceedings: Transcript (2 Vols, Tagged) filed.
Date: 05/02/2000
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/20/2000
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Taking Deposition (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/31/2000
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 01/18/2000
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing set for May 2 and 3, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL)
Date: 01/13/2000
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Unopposed Motion to Continue Hearing (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/06/2000
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for March 16 and 17, 2000; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL)
Date: 12/29/1999
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 12/22/1999
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Specific Charges filed.
Date: 12/20/1999
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/16/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Judge J. D. Parrish from M. Schere Re: Additional address filed.
Date: 12/15/1999
Proceedings: Letter to Judge J. D. Parrish from M. Schere Re: Request for Subpoenas filed.
Date: 12/09/1999
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/06/1999
Proceedings: Agency Referral Letter; Request for Hearing, Letter Form; Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (3):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):