25-24. Telephone Companies  

25-24.455. Scope and Waiver (Repealed)
25-24.465. Terms and Definitions (Repealed)
25-24.470. Registration Required (Repealed)
25-24.474. Cancellation of a Registration (Repealed)
25-24.475. Company Operations and Customer Relations (Repealed)
25-24.480. Records and Reports (Repealed)
25-24.485. Tariffs (Repealed)
25-24.490. Toll Free Number Transfers (Repealed)
25-24.505. Scope (Repealed)
25-24.510. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Required (Repealed)
25-24.511. Application for Certificate
25-24.512. Application for Approval of Sale or Transfer of Certificate
25-24.514. Cancellation of a Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.515. Pay Telephone Service
25-24.516. Pay Telephone Operator Services (Repealed)
25-24.520. Reporting Requirements (Transferred)
25-24.555. Scope and Waiver (Repealed)
25-24.560. Terms and Definitions (Repealed)
25-24.565. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Required (Repealed)
25-24.567. Application for Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.568. Improper Use of a Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.569. Application for Approval of Sale, Assignment or Transfer of Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.572. Cancellation of a Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.575. Shared Tenant Service Operations (Repealed)
25-24.580. Airport Exemption (Repealed)
25-24.585. Rules Incorporated (Repealed)
25-24.600. Application and Scope (Repealed)
25-24.610. Terms and Definitions; Rules Incorporated (Repealed)
25-24.620. Service Requirements for Companies Providing Operator Services (Repealed)
25-24.630. Rate and Billing Requirements (Repealed)
25-24.640. Service Requirements for Call Aggregators (Repealed)
25-24.705. Scope and Waiver (Repealed)
25-24.710. Terms and Definitions (Repealed)
25-24.715. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Required (Repealed)
25-24.720. Application for Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.721. Tariffs Not Required (Repealed)
25-24.725. Certificates Not Transferable (Repealed)
25-24.730. Application for Approval of Sale, Assignment, or Transfer of Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.735. Cancellation of a Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.740. AAV Service Provider Operations; Rules Incorporated (Repealed)
25-24.745. Records and Reports; Rules Incorporated (Repealed)
25-24.747. Notification Requirements (Repealed)
25-24.800. Scope (Repealed)
25-24.805. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Required (Repealed)
25-24.810. Application for Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.815. Application for Approval of Sale, Assignment or Transfer of Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.820. Revocation of a Certificate (Repealed)
25-24.825. Price List (Repealed)
25-24.830. Consumer Information (Repealed)
25-24.835. Rules Incorporated (Repealed)
25-24.840. Service Standards (Repealed)
25-24.845. Customer Relations (Repealed)
25-24.900. Scope (Repealed)
25-24.905. Terms and Definitions (Repealed)
25-24.910. Registration or Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Required (Repealed)
25-24.915. Tariffs or Price Lists (Repealed)
25-24.920. Standards for Prepaid Calling Services and Consumer Disclosure (Repealed)
25-24.925. Refunds (Repealed)
25-24.935. Discontinuance of Service (Repealed)