25-6.055. Portable Standards  

Effective on Monday, May 19, 1997
  • 1(1) Each utility shall have one or more watthour meters to be used as portable standards, which shall have adequate capacity and voltage range to test all watthour meters used by the utility for billing purposes.

    37(a) All portable standard watthour meters shall be compared with a basic reference standard once a year.

    54(b) Each portable standard watthour meter shall be adjusted, if necessary, so that its accuracy will be within plus or minus 0.10 percent at 1.00 power factor and within plus or minus 0.20 percent at 0.50 power factor.

    92(2) If error exceeding that referenced in paragraph 10025-6.055(1)(b), 101F.A.C., in the percent registration of a watthour meter used as a portable standard is observed in the comparisons in subsection 12225-6.055(1), 123F.A.C., the utility shall investigate the source of the error. If the cause of the error cannot be corrected, use of the watthour meter as a basic reference standard shall be discontinued.

    155(3) The calibration history of each standard shall be made available to the Commission upon request.

    171Rulemaking Authority 173366.05(1) FS. 175Law Implemented 177366.05(1), 178(3) FS. History–New 7-29-69, Amended 5-13-85, Formerly 25-6.55, Amended 5-19-97.


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