40A-21.371. Water Use Restrictions in a Water Shortage Emergency  

Effective on Sunday, March 29, 1992
  • 1(1) When a water shortage emergency is declared and the Executive Director, with the concurrence of the Governing Board, issues orders imposing restrictions deemed necessary to meet the emergency, such restrictions may include: apportioning, rotating, limiting, or prohibiting the use of the water resources of the District.

    48(2) A water shortage emergency declaration shall identify all restrictions deemed necessary to meet the emergency. All users to whom an emergency order is directed will comply immediately, but may petition the Board for a hearing as set forth in Section 89373.119, F.S.

    91(3) All restrictions ordered pursuant to the declaration of a water shortage emergency shall be in addition to, and enforced in combination with, any and all restrictions imposed under a water shortage declaration, unless specifically stated otherwise within the orders.

    131(4) All restrictions ordered pursuant to the declaration of a water shortage emergency by the Executive Director, as provided in Section 15240A-21.331(3), 153F.A.C., will be subject to ratification, modification or elimination by the Board at its next scheduled meeting.

    170Rulemaking Authority 172373.044, 173373.113 FS. 175Law Implemented 177373.119, 178373.175, 179373.246 FS. 181History–New 3-29-92.


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