40A-21.391. Implementing a Water Shortage Emergency Declaration  

Effective on Sunday, March 29, 1992
  • 1(1) When a water shortage emergency is declared or if already declared and more severe restrictions are imposed, the District shall make reasonable effort to inform all users to whom an emergency order is directed of the existence of such order, and all associated restrictions, by the best, practicable means available under the circumstances. Particular attention shall be given to presenting this information in a form which is easily understood and applied by the citizens of the affected areas.

    80(2) The District shall make reasonable effort to notify each affected user of any change in the condition of his use, any suspension of his use, or any other restriction on his use by any means reasonable under the circumstances. When the Board concurs in and ratifies the Executive Director’s action, affected permittees shall be notified as provided in subsection 14040A-21.291(2), 141F.A.C.

    142(3) The District shall notify local government officials of any water shortage emergency declaration. Notice shall be by the best, practicable means under the circumstances. In addition, local law enforcement officials shall be notified as soon as possible of any water shortage emergency declaration or change of restrictions affecting their areas of jurisdiction.

    195(4) The declaration of a water shortage emergency and any measures adopted pursuant thereto may be modified or rescinded by the Executive Director, with the concurrence of the Governing Board, and later ratified, modified, or rescinded, by the Board at its next scheduled meeting or at any following meeting.

    244(5) An order declaring a water shortage emergency and any measures adopted pursuant thereto shall become effective upon issuance, unless otherwise specified in the order. An order declaring a water shortage emergency and any measures adopted pursuant thereto shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded pursuant to subsection (4).

    294Rulemaking Authority 296373.044, 297373.113 FS. 299Law Implemented 301373.175, 302373.246 FS. 304History–New 3-29-92.


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