40D-3.042. Multiple Wells Under a Single Permit  

Effective on Sunday, April 22, 2007
  • 1(1) The construction, repair, modification or abandonment of:

    9(a) Up to eight (8) sandpoint irrigation, monitor, recovery, dewatering, or gang wells 4 inches or less in diameter; or

    29(b) A Class V air conditioning heat pump system consisting of one supply well and one return well; may be included under one permit provided the conditions of subsection (2) are met.

    61(2) A multiple well permit as described in subsection (1) will be issued provided:

    75(a) The wells are constructed in the same geologic material, completed in the same hydrogeologic unit, and drilled on a contiguous tract of land owned or controlled by the same individual or entity; and

    109(b) Each well is the same diameter and constructed of a similar material.

    122(3) The District requires both a supply well and a return well in the construction of an open heat pump system. A supply well without a return well is not permitted.

    153(4) The District will authorize multi-zone monitor wells consisting of multiple observation tubes monitoring different depths all located in a single larger diameter well casing under a single permit. Provisions listed in subsection (2) do not apply to this type of well.

    195(5) When a single well construction permit is issued for multiple wells as described above, a separate well completion report is required for each of the wells or tubes.

    224Rulemaking Authority 226373.044, 227373.113, 228373.171, 229373.309, 230373.337 FS. 232Law Implemented 234373.106(1), 235373.309 FS. 237History–New 12-31-92, Amended 4-22-07.


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