58D-1.005. Program Administration  

Effective on Wednesday, September 24, 2008
  • 1(1) The Department of Elder Affairs shall plan, develop and coordinate a statewide program to carry out its responsibilities under the 22Alzheimer’s 23D24isease 25Initiative26.

    27(2) The 29a30rea 31a32gency on 34a35ging, 36under contract with the 40d41epartment, 42shall be responsible for the planning and administration of respite and model day care services funded under the 60Alzheimer’s 61D62isease 63Initiative 64and shall contract with local service providers for the provision of these services. Each 78a79rea 80a81gency on 83a84ging shall:

    86(87a88) Comply with State of Florida procedures regarding solicitation and execution of agreements with providers of services.

    105(106b107) Maintain coordination with the 112m113emory 114d115isorder 116c117linics, the Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Bank, and all other components of the A130lzheimer’s Disease Initiative 133in the designated planning and service area as outlined in 143its contract with 146the 147department.

    148(149c150) Comply with all terms and conditions of 158its 159contract 160with the department.

    163Specific Authority 165430.08 FS. 167Law Implemented 169430.502170-171.503 FS. History–New 3-28-95, Amended 10-30-05, 1779-24-08178.


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