59A-38.019. Hospice Employee Training Requirements  

Effective on Monday, July 1, 2019
  • 1(1) Each hospice licensed under chapter 400, part IV, F.S., shall provide that hospice employees receive the following training:

    20(a) Completion of the required initial one hour of training after June 30, 2003, shall satisfy the requirement referenced in section 41400.6045(1)(b), F.S. 43Initial one-hour training shall address the following subject areas:

    521. Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders;

    592. Characteristics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders; and,

    683. Communicating with patients with Alzheimer's Disease or Related Disorders.

    78(b) Completion of the required three hours of training after June 30, 2003, shall satisfy the requirement referenced in section 98400.6045(1)(c), F.S. 100The three hours of training must address the following subject areas as they apply to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders:

    1201. Behavior management;

    1232. Assistance with activities of daily life to promote the patient’s independence;

    1353. Activities for patients;

    1394. Stress management for the care giver;

    1465. Family issues;

    1496. Patient environment; and,

    1537. Ethical issues.

    156(c) A detailed description of the subject areas that shall be included in a curriculum which meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, can be found in the document Training Guidelines for the Special Care of Hospice Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders, September 2003, incorporated by reference, available from the Department of Elder Affairs, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000.

    222(d) Persons who seek to provide Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders training in accordance with this subsection shall provide the Department of Elder Affairs or its designee documentation that they hold a Bachelor’s degree in a health-care, human service, or gerontology related field from an accredited college or university or hold a license as a registered nurse, and:

    2801. Possess teaching or training experience as an educator of care givers for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders, or

    3012. Have one year of practical experience in a program providing care to persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders, or

    3223. Have completed a specialized training program in Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders from a university or an accredited health care or human service or gerontology continuing education provider.

    351(e) With reference to requirements in paragraph (d), years of teaching experience or training as an educator of care givers for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders may substitute on a year-by-year basis for the required Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree from an accredited college or university in a subject related to health-care, human service, or gerontology can substitute for the teaching or training experience referenced in paragraph (d).

    421(2) A hospice employee who has successfully completed training and continuing education consistent with the requirements of section 439429.178, F.S., 441or completed training consistent with the requirements of section 450400.1755 451or 452429.917, F.S., 454shall be considered as having met the training requirements of this rule.

    466(3) All training required by this rule and section 475400.6045, F.S., 477must be completed only once for each applicable employee.

    486Rulemaking Authority 488400.6045(1) FS. 490Law Implemented 492400.6045(1) FS. 494History–New 1-1-04, Formerly 49758A-2.027, 4987-1-19.