60CC-3.006. Proceeding Before Special Master  

Effective on Sunday, May 6, 1979
  • 1(1) Upon appointment by the Commission, through the Chairman, the special ma13gistrate 14shall set, and notify all parties of, the time and place of the hearing(s). In appropriate circumstances, the special ma34gistrate 35may, after conferring with the mediator, defer conducting hearings, pending satisfactory resolution of the impasse, for a reasonable length of time.

    56(2) All motions, objections, or other requests for ruling shall be made to the special ma72gistrate 73either in writing, with copies thereof being simultaneously served upon all other parties to the hearing and proof of such service being given to the special ma100gistrate, 101or orally during a hearing. The special ma109gistrate 110shall permit such response to a motion, objection or other request for ruling as he believes is reasonable and just.

    130(3) Any party directly involved in the proceedings shall have the right to appear at the hearing in person, by counsel, or by other representative, and any such party and the special ma163gistrate 164may call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, and offer documentary and other evidence for introduction into the record. Witnesses shall be examined orally under oath. Stipulations of fact may be introduced in evidence with respect to any issue. Compliance with the rules of evidence shall not be required.

    211(4) The special ma215gistrate 216may issue subpoenas when requested by a party, or upon his own motion.

    229(5) In the event of any misconduct at any hearing before a special ma243gistrate, 244the special ma247gistrate 248shall submit an affidavit describing such misconduct for action by the Commission.

    260(6) The special ma264gistrate 265may permit the submission of a written memorandum in support of a party’s position after the close of the hearing upon such conditions as he may reasonably impose, provided that the request for permission to file such post-hearing memorandum was made before the close of the hearing.

    312Specific Authority 314447.207(1), 315447.403(3) FS. 317Law Implemented 319447.207(5), 320447.403(3) FS. 322History–New 5-6-79, Formerly 38D-19.07, 38D-19.007.