60CC-3.007. Recommended Decision of Special Master  

Effective on Monday, January 25, 1982
  • 1(1) Following the close of the hearing(s), the special ma11gistrate 12shall review and consider all of the relevant evidence which has been presented during the hearing(s) and any oral or written argument provided by the parties, and he shall prepare a recommended decision. In reaching a decision, the special ma52gistrate 53shall consider only that evidence presented at the hearing(s) in light of those factors set forth in Section 71447.405, 72F73.S. 74The special m77magistrate78’s recommended decision shall include findings of fact and recommendations for settlement of each issue in dispute.

    95(2) Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the close of the hearing(s), the special m110agistrate 111shall transmit his recommended decision to the Commission and to representatives of both parties, by registered mail, return receipt requested.

    131Specific Authority 133447.207(1) FS. 135Law Implemented 137447.403(3) FS. 139History–New 5-6-79, Amended 1-25-82, Formerly 38D-19.08, 38D-19.008.