62-214.320. Applications  

Effective on Thursday, March 11, 2010
  • 1The designated representative of any Title V source containing an Acid Rain unit shall submit to the Department a complete Acid Rain Part application no later than the applicable deadline of this section. The Acid Rain Part application shall be submitted pursuant to this chapter and to Rule 4962-213.420, 50F.A.C. The designated representative of an Acid Rain Source has the option of filing the Acid Rain Part application as a separate document from the Title V Air Operation Permit application and requesting separate processing. The Department shall process the Acid Rain Part application pursuant to Chapter 62-213, F.A.C. The owners and operators of such source and any Acid Rain unit at the source shall not operate the source or unit without a Title V permit which includes an Acid Rain Part, except that a source having a valid air construction or operation permit or a site certification pursuant to the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act and for which the designated representative has submitted a timely and complete initial Acid Rain Part application shall be deemed in compliance with the Federal Acid Rain Program requirements provided that the designated representative submits all timely supplemental information as provided at Rule 20062-213.420, 201F.A.C., and provided the source operates in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Acid Rain Part application during the Department’s processing of the application.

    227(1) Timeliness. The designated representative shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application as set forth below 244and at each renewal248:

    249(a) For any new unit, the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department at least 24 months before the date on which the unit commences operation290.

    291(292b293) For any unit that did not serve a generator with a nameplate capacity greater than 25 megawatts-electrical (MWe) on November 15, 1990, but serves such a generator after November 15, 1990, the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department at least 24 months before the date on which the unit begins to serve a generator with a nameplate capacity greater than 25 MWe372.

    373(374c375) For any unit which was a simple combustion turbine on November 15, 1990, but which adds or uses auxiliary firing after November 15, 1990, the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department at least 24 months before the date on which the auxiliary firing device commences operation438.

    439(440d441) For any unit that was an exempt cogeneration unit pursuant to 45340 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(4), 456adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 46362-204.800, 464F.A.C., but which during any three calendar year period after November 15, 1990, sold to a utility power distribution system, as defined at 48740 C.F.R. 72.2, 490adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 49762-204.800, 498F.A.C., an annual average of more than one third of its potential electrical output capacity, as defined at 51640 C.F.R. 72.2, 519and more than 219,000 megawatts-electrical hours (MWe hrs) output, on a gross basis, the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department before March 1 of the year following the three calendar year period in which the unit sold to a utility power distribution system an annual average of more than one-third of its potential electrical output capacity and more than 219,000 MWe-hrs actual electric output on a gross basis605.

    606(607e608) For any unit which was exempt pursuant to 61740 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(5), 620adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 62762-204.800, 628F.A.C., but which at any time after the date of November 15, 1990, or the date the source containing the unit commences commercial operation, fails to meet one or more of the criteria of 66240 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(5), 665the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department before March 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the source fails to meet one or more of the criteria of 71240 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(5)715.

    716(717f718) For any unit which was exempt pursuant to 72740 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(6), 730adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 73762-204.800, 738F.A.C., but which at any time after the later of November 15, 1990, or the date the source containing the unit commences commercial operation, fails to meet one or more of the criteria of 77240 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(6), 775the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department before March 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the source fails to meet one or more of the criteria of 82240 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(6)825.

    826(827g828) For any unit which was a solid waste incinerator, burning less than 20 percent fossil fuel as described in 84840 C.F.R. 72.6(b)(7), 851adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 85862-204.800, 859F.A.C., the designated representative of the source containing the unit shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application governing such unit to the Department before March 1 of the year following the three calendar year period in which the incinerator consumed 20 percent or more fossil fuel on a British thermal unit (Btu) basis913.

    914(h) For any unit that would opt-in to the Acid Rain program as described in 92940 C.F.R. Part 74, 933Sulfur Dioxide Opt-Ins, adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 94362-204.800, 944F.A.C., the designated representative of the source containing the unit may submit a complete Acid Rain Part application with monitoring plan governing such unit at any time to the Department.

    974(i) Pursuant to subparagraph 97862-213.420(1)(a)9792980. and subsection 98362-213.430(3), 984F.A.C., the designated representative of any Title V source having a Title V permit with an Acid Rain Part shall submit a complete application for renewal of the Title V permit with an Acid Rain Part for each Acid Rain unit at the source, and the designated representative of a Title V source having a separate Acid Rain Part shall submit a complete application for renewal of the separate Acid Rain Part for each Acid Rain unit at the source.

    1064(2) Information Requirements for Applications. The designated representative shall submit a complete Acid Rain Part application using DEP Form 1083No. 108462-210.900(1)(a) 1085and DEP Form 1088Nos. 108962-210.900(1)(a)1., 10902., 1091and 10923., 1093as appropriate, and including the following:

    1099(a) Identification of the Acid Rain source;

    1106(b) Identification of each Acid Rain unit at the source;

    1116(c) A complete Acid Rain compliance plan for each unit, in accordance with Rule 113062-214.330, 1131F.A.C.;

    1132(d) If the unit is a new unit 1140or opt-in 1142souce, 1143the date that the unit commenced or will commence operation and the deadline for monitor certification, pursuant to 116140 C.F.R. Part 75, 1165adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 117262-204.800, 1173F.A.C.;

    1174(e) 1175If the unit is an opt-in combustion source, the information required pursuant to 118840 C.F.R. 74.16, 1191adopted and incorporated by reference at Rule 119862-204.800, 1199F.A.C.;

    1200(f) Notification for any exemptions of Acid Rain units if the designated representative indicates such exemption in accordance with Rule 122062-214.340, 1221F.A.C.; 1222and

    1223(g) Certification, in accordance with Rule 122962-214.350, 1230F.A.C., that the data submitted are true and correct and that the Acid Rain source and each Acid Rain unit shall operate in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Acid Rain Part application  (DEP Form 1267No. 126862-210.900(1)(a)1269).

    1270Rulemaking 1271Authority 1272403.061, 1273403.087, 1274403.0872 FS. 1276Law Implemented 1278403.031, 1279403.061, 1280403.0872 FS. 1282History–New 1-3-95, Amended 7-6-95, 121287-10-97, 1-3-01, 4-16-01, 6-2-02, 3-16-08, 12923-11-10.

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