64E-8.007. Corrective Actions  

Effective on Sunday, May 4, 2008
  • 1Subsections (1) through (7), below, apply to all Limited Use Public Water Systems. Chemical and microbiological MCLs and HALs are listed in subsection 2464E-8.006(2), 25F.A.C. Disinfection of a water system as required by subsection (3) or (4), below, to remove bacteriological contamination shall be accomplished by interrupting service and maintaining a minimum 50 mg/L solution of free available chlorine or its equivalent throughout the system for a minimum of three hours, then reducing the concentration to less than or equal to 4.0 mg/L prior to service being restored.

    89(1) When a microbiological sample analysis reveals the presence of coliform bacteria, the supplier must perform repeat testing within one (1) business day following notification as described in subparagraph 11864E-8.006(2)(b)3., 119F.A.C.

    120(2) An acute risk to health exists when a chemical MCL or HAL violation occurs, or when a fecal coliform MCL violation occurs. Upon occurrence of such an acute risk, immediate action shall be taken by the supplier to prevent consumer exposure, and shall include:

    165(a) Written public notice to consumers per Rule 17364E-8.008, 174F.A.C.

    175(b) For chemical MCL or HAL violations, provision of temporary access to an approved alternative source of water, or provision of one gallon per day per person of a state permitted brand of bottled water to consumers until a permanent solution is completed per subsection (5), below.

    222(c) For fecal coliform MCL violations, issuance of a boil water notice according to the Guidelines for the Issuance of Precautionary Boil Water Notices as referenced in paragraph 25064E-8.005(1)(b), 251F.A.C. In addition, the supplier shall take those actions required in subsection (3) or (4), below.

    267(3) For total and fecal coliform MCL violations in the well, the supplier shall:

    281(a) Disinfect the system within twenty-four (24) hours of notification of the MCL violation, then within twenty-four (24) hours of disinfection, perform a five (5) sample microbiological well survey as described in paragraph 31464E-8.002(9)(a), 315F.A.C. If the results are still unsatisfactory per subparagraph 32464E-8.002(9)(a)2., 325F.A.C., then;

    327(b) Within ten (10) days of receipt of the test results, apply to the Department for a system modification permit per Rule 34964E-8.002, 350F.A.C., for installation of continuous disinfection treatment equipment or construction of a new well. Then;

    3651. Install treatment equipment within fourteen (14) days of issuance of the modification permit, then within seven (7) days of equipment installation, perform a satisfactory two (2) consecutive day distribution system microbiological clearance, or

    3992. Construct a new well within fourteen (14) days of issuance of the modification permit, then within seven (7) days of well installation, begin a satisfactory five (5) sample microbiological well survey as described in paragraph 43564E-8.002(9)(a), 436F.A.C., and a two (2) consecutive day distribution system microbiological clearance.

    447(4) For total and fecal coliform MCL violations in the system, the supplier, within twenty-four (24) hours of notification of the MCL violation, shall verify the water quality of the system by collecting one (1) source water sample and one (1) repeat sample within the system at the same location that revealed the bacteria, then, if only the system still contains water violating the coliform MCL;

    513(a) Disinfect the system within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the confirmation test results, then within twenty-four (24) hours of disinfection, perform a two (2) consecutive day distribution system microbiological clearance. If the results are still unsatisfactory, then;

    552(b) Within ten (10) days of receipt of the test results, apply to the Department for a system modification permit per Rule 57464E-8.002, 575F.A.C., for installation of continuous disinfection treatment equipment. Then;

    5841. Install treatment equipment within fourteen (14) days of issuance of the modification permit, then;

    5992. Within seven (7) days of equipment installation, perform a satisfactory two (2) consecutive day distribution system microbiological clearance.

    618(5) When a water sample analysis result for any chemical or contaminant listed in paragraph 63364E-8.006(2)(a), 634F.A.C., exceeds a published MCL or HAL, the supplier shall:

    644(a) Perform a confirmation water sample analysis within fourteen (14) days of notification of the initial results, then if the MCL or HAL is exceeded again:

    670(b) Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the confirmation test results, apply to the Department for a system modification permit per Rule 69364E-8.002, 694F.A.C., for installation of corrective treatment equipment or construction of a new well. Then;

    7081. Install treatment equipment within thirty (30) days of issuance of the modification permit. Then, if the treatment equipment is not actively managed and maintained by the Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Supply Restoration Program, perform an analysis of the raw and treated water within seven (7) days after equipment installation and once every twelve (12) months thereafter, or

    7672. Construct a new well within thirty (30) days of issuance of the modification permit, then perform an analysis of the raw water within seven (7) days after well installation and once every twelve (12) months thereafter.

    804(6) All modifications performed under this section must be inspected by the Department to verify compliance with the approved plans and with this chapter. Re-inspection requests must be accompanied by a $40.00 fee.

    837(7) When corrective water treatment equipment is installed by the supplier of a Limited Use Public Water System as a result of chemical or coliform MCL violations, the owner may remove such equipment, provided that the Department is notified prior to its removal and has confirmed that all required quarterly analyses of the raw water for the past twenty-four (24) months or monthly analyses of the raw water for the past twelve (12) months have been satisfactory.

    914(8) When water main breaks or other planned or unplanned disruptions of water service occur after the master meter within a Consecutive Public Water System that is excluded from coverage under the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act as defined in subsections 95562-550.102(2) 956and 95762-550.200(18), 958F.A.C., the Department shall be notified by the supplier within twenty-four (24) hours of the disruption and corrective actions including disinfection, microbiological monitoring, public notification, and precautionary boil water notices shall be performed as described in Rule 99562-555.340, 996F.A.C.

    997Rulemaking Authority 999403.862(1)(f), 1000381.006 FS. 1002Law Implemented 1004381.006(1), 1005381.0062, 1006403.862(1)(f) FS. 1008History–New 1-1-93, Amended 8-20-96, Formerly 10D-4.030, Amended 1-26-98, 5-4-08.


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