68-5.003. Introduction of Non-native Species into the State  

Effective on Thursday, December 27, 2018
  • 1(1) No person shall transport into the state, introduce, or possess, for any purpose that might reasonably be expected to result in liberation into the state, any freshwater fish, aquatic invertebrate, marine plant, marine animal, or wild animal life not native to the state, without having secured a permit from the Commission, except:

    54(a) Fathead minnow (58Pimephales promelas60).

    61(b) Variable platy (65Xiphophorus variatus67).

    68(c) Coturnix quail (72Coturnix coturnix74).

    75(d) Ring-necked pheasant (79Phasianus colchicus81).

    82(2) No leopard tortoise (87Geochelone pardalis89), African spurred tortoise (94Geochelone sulcata96), or Bell’s hingeback tortoise (102Kinixys belliana104) shall be imported or transported into this state, without a Conditional/Prohibited/Nonnative Species permit subject to the following:

    122(a) Tortoises shall be inspected by a veterinarian and certified as being free of external parasites prior to being imported. Certified veterinary health certificates and written notice of the shipment shall be submitted to the Commission no less than 10 days before arrival of any tortoise.

    168(b) Containers used to transport tortoises shall be disinfected prior to importation, and shall be incinerated within 24 hours of arrival or exported out of Florida within 72 hours.

    197(c) Such other conditions as may be necessary to ensure that no tortoise infested with ticks capable of transmitting the Heartwater disease is imported into Florida.

    223Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. History–New 6-7-07, Amended 7-1-10, 8-26-10, 12-27-18.


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