69O-128. Privacy Of Consumer Financial And Health Information  

69O-128.001. Purpose and Scope
69O-128.002. Definitions
69O-128.005. Initial Privacy Notice to Consumers Required
69O-128.006. Annual Privacy Notice to Customers Required
69O-128.007. Information to be Included in Privacy Notices
69O-128.008. Form of Opt Out Notice to Consumers and Opt Out Methods
69O-128.009. Revised Privacy Notices
69O-128.010. Delivery
69O-128.011. Limits on Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information to Nonaffiliated Third Parties
69O-128.012. Limits on Redisclosure and Reuse of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
69O-128.013. Limits on Sharing Account Number Information for Marketing Purposes
69O-128.014. Exception to Opt Out Requirements for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information for Service Providers and Joint Marketing
69O-128.015. Exceptions to Notice and Opt Out Requirements for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information for Processing and Servicing Transactions
69O-128.016. Other Exceptions to Notice and Opt Out Requirements for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information
69O-128.017. When Authorization Required for Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Health Information
69O-128.018. Authorizations
69O-128.019. Authorization Request Delivery
69O-128.020. Relationship to Federal Rules
69O-128.021. Relationship to State Laws
69O-128.022. Protection of Fair Credit Reporting Act
69O-128.023. Nondiscrimination
69O-128.024. Effective Date
69O-128.025. Confidentiality of Personal Financial and Health Information Pursuant to Section 624.23, F.S
69O-128.030. Preamble
69O-128.031. Definitions
69O-128.032. Information Security Program
69O-128.033. Objectives of Information Security Program
69O-128.034. Examples of Methods of Development and Implementation
69O-128.035. Effective Date