Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Program
The Florida Department of Transportation is soliciting new PROJECT CERTIFICATION(s) for funding Regional Trail System and Individual Trail projects through the Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail program for inclusion in the Tentative Five Year Work Program development cycle. Projects programmed for this cycle will be funded as early as Fiscal Years 2023/2024.
Authorization for the SUN Trail program is under Section 339.81; Florida Statues. Project phases may include corridor planning, preliminary, and environmental planning; design; acquisition of right-of-way; new construction; or reconstruction of trail surfaces and bridges, and maintenance.
To receive funding consideration the District Trail Coordinator must receive a separate, complete PROJECT CERTIFICATION for each eligible Regional or Individual Trail project with applicable information, including the prioritization and required signatures beginning October 5, 2017 and no later than 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, December 15, 2017. Proposals not meeting the Eligibility Criteria, and ineligible projects and phases will not receive funding consideration.
For more information, visit or contact Robin Birdsong, SUN Trail program manager, at (850)414-4922.