The Florida State University Facilities Purchasing shall receive sealed bids until the dates and times shown for the following projects. Bids may be brought to the bid opening or sent to:
Florida State University
Facilities Maintenance, Purchasing
114F Mendenhall Building A
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
prior to bid opening. Bidder must reference bid number, opening date and time on outside of bid package to insure proper acceptance. Bids submitted by facsimile are not acceptable. For information relating to the Invitation(s) to Bid, contact the
Bid Number FAC22215-08
Purchasing Agent: B. J. Lewis, Facilities
Mandatory PreBid: December 2, 2008, 10:00 a.m.
The special prequalification submittal package may be obtained from the Architects office prior to the Prebid meeting. It should be completed and is to be turned in to the Architect at the time of the mandatory Prebid meeting.
Location: Front of University Center A, North side
Public Bid Opening: December 11, 2008, 2:00 p.m.
FSU-Facilities Maintenance
969 Learning Way
125 Mendenhall, Building A
Tallahassee. Florida 32306-4150
Facilities Maintenance Purchasing
Bid Documents: The work at University Center A includes replacement of existing insulating window glass and glazing indicated with an approved window glass and glazing system (approximately 300 lites in base bid). Also included is cutting out perimeter window joint sealant and sealing joints, window perimeters, flashing details and wet glazing as noted with premium silicone sealant. The base bid will cover replacement of the indicated exterior window glass and glazing at all levels and replacement of seven pairs of exterior aluminum storefront doors with new aluminum storefront door systems removable astragals.
Contact Person: Randy Lewis, Project Architect
MLD Architects
211 John Knox Road, Suite 105
Tallahassee, Florida 32303