Sonia Flores Machen; The petition asks eight complex questions, dealing with the interplay between Section 509.215, F.S., Chapter 663, F.S., and the rules comprising the Florida Fire Prevention Code, as they relate to fire sprinkler systems in ...  

  • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Department of Financial Services, Division of State Fire Marshal has issued an order disposing of the petition for declaratory statement filed by Sonia Flores Machen on June 12, 2009. The following is a summary of the agency's disposition of the petition:
    The petition asks eight complex questions, dealing with the interplay between Section 509.215, F.S., Chapter 663, F.S., and the rules comprising the Florida Fire Prevention Code, as they relate to fire sprinkler systems in transient public lodging facilities. The Declaratory Statement concludes that Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, provides a time frame for compliance with the sprinkler requirements contained therein. By January 1, 1994, all licensed transient public lodging facilities were required to be fully sprinklered; thereafter, they were required to meet the requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code for new and existing facilities.
    A copy of the Order Disposing of the Petition for Declaratory Statement may be obtained by contacting: Lesley Mendelson, Assistant General Counsel, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0340, (850)413-3604 or (850)413-4238, Fax: (850)922-1235 or (850)488-0697 (please advise if you would like it mailed or faxed to you and please include your phone number on your request in case any question arises) or by e-mailing your request to:

Document Information

Lesley Mendelson, Assistant General Counsel, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0340, (850)413-3604 or (850)413-4238, Fax: (850)922-1235 or (850)488-0697 (please advise if you would like it mailed or faxed to you and please include your phone number on your request in case any question arises) or by e-mailing your request to: