Other Agencies and Organizations, Florida Independent Living Council  



    Florida Independent Living Council

    Florida Independent Living Council, Inc., 1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 202, Tallahassee, Florida 32308

    Contact: Beth Meyer, Email: beth@floridasilc.org.


    The purpose for this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to facilitate funding communications between the Independent Living (IL) Network which includes 15 Centers for Independent Living (CILs), the Florida Independent Living Council (FILC) and the Designated State Entity (DSE). The coverage of services is statewide and includes 67 counties. The final product will provide a methodology of CIL funding in Florida as identified in the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL).


    The Florida Independent Living Council (FILC), formed in 1999, is a not-for-profit statewide planning organization advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through advocating systemic change. We strive to provide the leadership, research, planning, and education required to support independent living services in Florida.  We help identify and reach out to persons currently unserved and underserved by Centers for Independent Living; increase awareness of independent living services and the independent living philosophy; and help existing CILs to better serve persons with disabilities.

    The FILC is instructed to manage the SPIL. The SPIL encompasses the activities planned by the state to achieve its specified independent living objectives and reflects the state's commitment to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements during the three years covered by the plan. A single SPIL is to be submitted for each state, jointly developed by the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC), and directors of the CILs.

    Project Scope:

    From July 2020—December 2020, may be extended if necessary.

    Services to be Provided:

    The scope of work includes the following:

    1.                 Conduct no longer than a 2 hour call with each of the 15 Center for Independent Living (CIL) Executive Directors, Florida Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC), and the Florida Designated State Entity (DSE) to discuss their ideas for a new funding formula for Title VII funding.
    2.                 Facilitate at least 5 CIL funding workgroups to discuss findings from calls with the CIL Executive Directors, SILC, and DSE as well as discuss different options for Title VII funding.
    3.                 Present findings and recommendations of the workgroup in a formal report to the SILC and DSE. 

    The formal report will address Goal #2 in the 2021-2023 SPIL. See below:

    Goal #2: All Floridians with disabilities will have access to adequately funded Centers for Independent Living (CILs) as well as other resources that support Independent Living (IL). 

    Objective 2.1: The Florida IL Network has adequate resources to ensure all CILs have the capacity to provide the five federally required core services and other IL services identified as essential to the communities they serve. 

    Measurable Indicators:

    •                   The IL Network will establish a workgroup to review the existing funding formula and base funding currently in place with 100% of participation input (known as CIL Funding Workgroup).
    •                   The IL Network will create a funding methodology capturing current cost of living, geographic differentials, and other identified funding challenges. 
    •                   The workgroup will research and identify 2 additional funding opportunities to expand IL services, with an emphasis on groups that are currently underserved. The IL Network will present the findings to FILC and Designated State Entity (DSE).
    •                   CILs will leverage federally assisted technology programs.

    Application and Submission Information

    All submissions must be received by July 8, 2020 by 9:00 a.m., and sent directly to FILC Executive Director, Beth Meyer at beth@floridasilc.org. All applicants will be considered and contacted by July 10, 2020 by 5:00 p.m.

    Screening Criteria:

    The successful applicant will be an independent consultant that meets the following criteria:

    1.                 Applicant must have experience and a clear understanding of the federal funding under Title VII under the Rehab Act as amended. Please provided appropriate documentation.
    2.                 Documented experience in working with state organizations and leading collaborations.

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