Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal
Hillsborough County Aviation AuthorityRequest for Qualifications Solicitation Number 12-411-045 Project Number 5745 13 Runways 1L-19R and 10-28 and Associated Taxiways Joint and Slab Rehabilitation Design
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AVIATION AUTHORITY (AUTHORITY) Request for Qualifications Solicitation Number 12-411-045 Project Number 5745 13
Sealed qualifications for Runways 1L-19R and 10-28 and Associated Taxiways Joint and Slab Rehabilitation Design will be received from firms by the Authority at Tampa International Airport Offices located at 4100 George J. Bean Parkway, Suite 3311, Main Terminal, 3rd Floor, Blue Side, Tampa, Florida 33607.
Solicitation documents and detailed requirements will be available on the Tampa International Airport website at, Common, Airport Business, Notice of Solicitations on Wednesday, June 27, 2012.