6C8-7.030: Purchasing
Florida International University, Purchasing Services Department will receive sealed bids for the following: ITB89-001, Pharmed Arena Cooling Towers Replacement, FM 080239, estimated budget: $210,000 to be opened August 28, 2008, 2:00 p.m., in Purchasing Services, 11200 S. W. 8 Street, CSC 410, Miami, Florida 33199. Scope of Work: The project consists on the furnishing of all labor, material, supervision and equipment required for the replacement of (2) two 200 ton Cooling Towers (CT) in the Pharmed Arena. This CT replacement is to be done maintaining cooling system functional all the time, by installing a temporary TC on parking area, as per drawings. Scope of work also includes new electrical feeders for new CT from existing panel, and control wiring as required. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held August 1, 2008, 2:00 p.m., in the Campus Support Complex, Room CSC1123, University Park Campus, 11200 S. W. 8 Street, Miami, FL. Bid Documents are available in Purchasing Services, University Park CSC 414, 11200 S. W. 8 Street, Miami, FL, (305)348-2161, website: finance.fiu.edu/ purchasing.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILTY ACT OF 1990 If special accommodations are needed in order to attend the pre-bid meeting or bid opening, contact Purchasing at (305)348-2161 or purchasing@fiu.edu within three (3) days of the event.