Florida’s Office of Early Learning
6M-4.620Health and Safety Checklists
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 42 No. 132, July 8, 2016 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
The following changes have been made:
6M-4.620 Health and Safety Checklists and Inspections
No change.
Form OEL-SR 6201, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Checklist for Licensed, License-Exempt, and School-Age Center-based Programs has the following changes:
No change.
Form OEL-SR 6202, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Handbook for Licensed, License-Exempt, and School-Age Center-based Programs has the following changes:
On Page 7, under Inspections, second paragraph down – after the words “contract a provider must” delete the rest of the sentence and insert “not have any outstanding violations or issues of noncompliance pending from their most recent inspection.”
Form OEL-SR 6203, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Checklist for Public and Non-public School Programs has the following changes:
No change.
Form OEL-SR 6204, School Readiness Health and Safety Standards Handbook for Public and Non-public School Programs has the following changes:
On Page 7, under Inspections, second paragraph down – after the words “contract a provider must” delete the rest of the sentence and insert “not have any outstanding violations or issues of noncompliance pending from their most recent inspection.”
Form OEL-SR 6205, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Checklist for Licensed/Registered Family Child Care Homes and Informal Providers has the following changes:
No change.
Form OEL-SR 6206, School Readiness Program Health and Safety Standards Handbook for Licensed/Registered Family Child Care Homes and Informal Providers has the following changes:
On Page 7, under Inspections, second paragraph down –
Delete the words “four (4)” and insert “six (6).”
After the words “contract a provider must” delete the rest of the sentence and insert “not have any outstanding violations or issues of noncompliance pending from their most recent inspection.”
Form OEL-SR 6207, School Readiness In-Service Training Record School Readiness Program has the following changes:
No change.
Form OEL-SR 6208, Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Requirements School Readiness Program has the following changes:
No change.