Department of Education, Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University  


    Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University


    Pre Qualification Criteria and Public Bid of an 800-Bed Dormitory Project at FAMU

    Project #BR FM326 – Construction Budget 40 Million Dollars


    It is the intent of the University to employ a professional construction firm which will accept the existing conditions, provide a competitive bid for completion, propose the most qualified staff, be prepared to schedule the project out to completion, manage all aspects of the project up to project finalization and ready for student occupancy. Any items listed above should be clearly and thoroughly explained so that the University Review Staff has all of your pertinent information to make an informed decision as to the LOWEST and BEST QUALIFIED firm.

    The University reserves the right to waive minor technicalities which appear to be in the best interest of the project and the University.

    I.              Bid Instructions

    1.              Date and Time

            The bid shall be submitted in a separate envelope and marked “BID” at the same time as the RFQ.

    2.              The bid and RFQ are due on October 23, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Office of FAMU Facilities, Suite 100, 2400 Wahnish Way, Tallahassee, Florida.

    3.              Location:

            All bids will be opened and read aloud in Conference Room 214C, Office of Procurement Services, FAMU, 2400 Wahnish Way, Tallahassee, FL 32307-6400.

    4.              Plans & Specifications:

            Will be available on September 21, 2012, DAG Architects, Inc., 612 S. Copeland Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32304.

            Deposit on a full set of plans and specifications is $750.00 per set with a maximum of (2) sets per General Contractor. All plans and specifications returned in good condition within (10) days after receipt of bids will be eligible for a full refund.

    II.              Pre-Qualifications of Construction Team Submitting Qualified Bids.

    1.              All bidders must comply with the criteria for the 800 Bed University Student Housing Project per the requirements outlined in the RFQ below.

    2.              All bidders must have completed at a minimum a 400 Bed University Dormitory Student Housing Project.

    3.              All bidders must provide required documents specifically but not limited to:

                  a. Proof of compliance with Board of Governor’s (BOG) regulation 14.021.

                  b. Proof of Insurance.


            Workers Comp

            Ability to obtain Builder’s Risk.

            Letter from a bonding entity (rated A or better by AM Best) stating its agreement to bond your submitted bid proposal.

            Your company’s ability to manage the tax free savings purchases that are applicable should the University decide to use this method.

            Ability to obtain payment and performance bond.

    4.              In addition to the mandatory site visit, all perspective bidders may visit the site prior to submitting a bid and acknowledge acceptance of all existing conditions. Acceptance will be in the written form and certified to by the appropriate management of the submitting company.

    5.              A mandatory site walk thru will be on October 2, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. Any additional individual walk thru may be requested in writing to the Owner’s Representative and scheduled at the Owner’s discretion. It must be understood that certain portions of the work have already been performed and it is the University’s desire that the company’s visiting the site give clear definition in their response to the RFQ of their understanding and acceptance of the work in place as it exists.

    6.              A total staffing outline shall be submitted in the proposal identifying by name the staff that will be utilized on the facility outlining their relative experience, length of time with the company, names of previous projects with name and telephone numbers of the applicable Owners. Please be comprehensive in the staff which you identify (superintendents, foreman, in and out of office management, project managers, etc.).

    7.              Bidders must provide all proposed sub-contractors in a separate sealed envelope.

    Proposed Schedule

            Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference: October 2, 2012, 2:00 p.m., at Project Site, corner of Gamble and Perry Streets, Tallahassee, Florida.

            Deadline to submit Bids: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 2:00 p.m. (EST)

            All bids and RFQ’s should be to the attention of Craig Talton, Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, FAMU, 2400 Wahnish Way, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL 32307-6400. Bid opening will immediately follow in Conference Room.

            Open Bids: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 2:15 p.m., 2380 Wahnish Way, Suite 214, Conference Room 214C, Tallahassee, FL 32307.

            The University will open the submitted bids, read them aloud and go into a review process to determine the lowest and best proposal.


    1.              Local vendors, joint partner minority ventures and disadvantage and women owned are encouraged.

    2.              Any significantly skewed low bids will be further reviewed and the University reserves the right NOT to consider those bids.

    3.              Bidders are NOT allowed to have any communication with any entities associated with the University unless it is in writing. Any vendor having contact with University personnel associated with this project that is not in writing will be subject to disqualification. All inquiries shall be in writing and a written response shall be submitted to all plan and specification holders.


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