Minimum System Size, Permitting Requirements  



    62-610.451: Minimum System Size
    62-610.800: Permitting Requirements


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 33 No. 30, July 27, 2007 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.


    62-610.451 Minimum System Size.

    (1) Except as provided in subsection 62-610.451(2), F.A.C., no treatment facility with a design average daily flow of less than 0.1 mgd shall have the produced reclaimed water made available for reuse activities covered by Part III (Rules 62-610.450 through 62-610.491, F.A.C.) of this chapter.

    (2) through (3) No change.


    62-610.800 Permitting Requirements.

    (1) through (12) No change.

    (13) The Department encourages utilities implementing reuse projects to meter and charge for the use of reclaimed water as described in Section 403.064(16), F.S. Utilities implementing reuse projects are encouraged, except in the case of use by electric utilities as defined in Section 366.02(2), Florida Statutes, to meter use of reclaimed water by all end users and to charge for the use of reclaimed water based on the actual volume used when such metering and charges can be shown to encourage water conservation. Metering and the use of volume-based rates are effective water management tools for the following reuse activities: residential irrigation, agricultural irrigation, industrial uses, landscape irrigation, irrigation of other public access areas, commercial and institutional uses such as toilet flushing, and transfers to other reclaimed water utilities. Each domestic wastewater utility that provides reclaimed water for the reuse activities listed in this rule shall include a summary of its metering and rate structure as part of its annual reuse report to the Department.

    (14) No change.