Definitions, Claims EDI Reporting Requirements and Implementation Schedules, Electronic First Report of Injury or Illness  

    69L-56.002: Definitions
    69L-56.300: Claims EDI Reporting Requirements and Implementation Schedules
    69L-56.301: Electronic First Report of Injury or Illness
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 35 No. 9, March 6, 2009 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    These changes are being made to address concerns expressed by the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee.

    69L-56, F.A.C. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Technical Requirements for Proof of Coverage and Claims (Non-Medical).

    In response to written comments received from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee, dated January 26, 2009, and based on subsequent discussions, the Department has deleted the second sentence from subsection 69L-56.002(23); changed “Industry Code” North American Classification System (NAICS) to reflect the most current edition (2007) in subsection 69L-56.002(34); clarified a statutory reference to “volunteer” found in subsection 69L-56.002(41); changed “Manual Class Code” Scopes Manual to reflect the most current Edition (2009) in subsection 69L-56.002(43); amended the “Policy Effective Date” in subsection 69L-56.205(1) to read “on or after October 1, 2009”; changed the word “may” to “shall” in subsection 69L-56.300(2)(b); and, deleted subsection 69L-56.301(10). Multiple references to the IAIABC Claims EDI R3 Implementation Guide have also been changed to reflect the most current Edition, dated 1/01/09. Additional technical changes are also included.

    The remainder of the rule reads as previously published.