Amendments update the licensure process to issue a license by site pursuant to Chapter Law 2024-176. Amendments also clarify and update the rules.  



    Substance Abuse Program



    65D-30.003Department Licensing and Regulatory Standards

    65D-30.0031Certifications and Recognitions Required by Statute

    65D-30.0032Display of Licenses

    65D-30.0033License Types

    65D-30.0034Change in Status of License

    65D-30.0036Licensure Application and Renewal

    65D-30.0037Department Licensing Procedures

    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: Amendments update the licensure process to issue a license by site pursuant to Chapter Law 2024-176. Amendments also clarify and update the rules.

    SUMMARY: Amendments include but are not limited to: (1) include, remove, and update definitions, (2) update licensure process to issue a license by site, (3) updates Departments website, (4) updates procedures to display licenses, (5) updates and clarifies license types, (6) clarifies and removes language, (7) amends form CF-MH 4024, (8) updates licensing procedures regarding the application process and inspections.


    The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.

    A SERC has not been prepared.

    The Agency has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification based on the statement of estimated regulatory costs or if no SERC is required, the information expressly relied upon and described herein: The Department used a checklist to conduct an economic analysis and determine if there is an adverse impact or regulatory costs associated with this rule that exceeds the criteria in section 120.541(2)(a), F.S. Based upon this analysis, the Department has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification.

    Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.


    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 397.311, 397.321, 397.4014, 397.403, 397.407, 397.410, 397.411, 397.417, 397.4871 FS.


    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Elizabeth Floyd. Elizabeth can be reached at




    65D-30.002 Definitions.

    (1) through (43) No change.

    (44) “Mobile Medication Assisted Treatment Unit” means a vehicle lawfully used at a location other than the providers site  which behavioral health services are provided.

    (44) through (74) are redesignated (45) through (75) No change.

    (76) “Site” means a physical location with multiple buildings, units, or structures on the same property where licensed service components are provided.

    (77)(75) “Stabilization” as defined in Section 397.311, F.S.

    (76) “Substantial Compliance” means an applicant for a new license that is in the initial stages of developing services, has demonstrated the ability to implement the requirements of these rules through operating procedures, and is thereby eligible for a probationary license.

    (78)(77) “Substantial Noncompliance” means an applicant or licensee that has not met all requirements as outlined in statute or Chapter 65D-30, and has not corrected all cited violations. that a provider operating on a regular license has significant violations, or a pattern of violations, which affects the health, safety, or welfare of individuals and, because of those violations, is issued an interim license or is subject to other sanctions as provided for in Section 397.415, F.S.

    (78) through (86) are redesignated (79) through (87) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.311, 397.321(1), 397.410 FS. History–New 5-25-00, Amended 4-3-03, 12-12-05, 8-29-19, 6-19-23. Amended __________________.


    65D-30.003 Department Licensing and Regulatory Standards.

    (1) Licensing.

    (a) License Required. All substance use abuse components, as defined in Rule subsection 65D-30.002(17), F.A.C., must be provided by persons or entities that are licensed by the Department pursuant to section 397.401, F.S., unless otherwise exempt from licensing under section 397.4012, F.S., prior to initiating the provision of services.

    (b) Licenses Issued by Site Component. The Department shall electronically issue one license for all each service components component offered by a provider at each site. A separate license is not required for the same component. A license is valid only for the specific service component(s) component listed for the each specific site location identified on the license. Each site location listed on the license shall reflect the license status type for that site component. The provider shall print the most recent version of the license and display a copy in the each facility providing the licensed service component. One (1) license is required where all facilities are maintained on the same premises and operated under the same management. If there are multiple buildings on the same premises, the buildings must appear as part of one (1) entity.

    For the purposes of paragraph (b), living arrangements utilized for individuals of day or night treatment with community housing do not constitute facilities or separate premises.

    (2) Mandatory Accreditation.

    (a) In accordance with section 397.403(3), F.S., providers shall achieve accreditation by an accrediting organization recognized by the Department, as discussed in rule 65D-30.0031, F.A.C. Accreditation is required for or all clinical treatment services and for each location services are offered. Accreditation cannot be attained without a Department issued license for substance abuse treatment services.

    (b) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.403, 397.410 FS. History–New 5-25-00, Amended 4-3-03, 12-12-05, 8-29-19. Amended __________________.


    65D-30.0031 Certifications and Recognitions Required by Statute.

    (1) Department Recognition of Accrediting Organizations.

    (a) The Department shall recognize one (1) or more professional credentialing entities as an accrediting organization for persons providing substance use treatment, prevention, and recovery support services. A list of Department recognized accrediting organizations can be found at the following link:

    (b) Accrediting organizations that desire Department recognition shall submit a request in writing to Department the Director for the Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. The Department Director for the Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health shall respond in writing to the organization’s chief executive officer denying or granting recognition. An organization must meet the following criteria in order to be granted recognition by the Department.

    1. through 3. No change.

    4. For the purposes of this rule, a service provider must hold a valid license for each service component type prior to seeking accreditation for substance use treatment services, as defined in Rule subsection 65D-30.002(18), F.A.C.

    5. No change.

    (2) Department Recognition of Credentialing Entities.

    (a) The Department shall recognize one (1) or more professional credentialing entities as a certifying organization for addiction professionals. A list of Department recognized credentialing organizations can be found at the following link: An organization that desires recognition by the Department as a certifying organization for addiction professionals shall request such approval in writing from the Department. Organizations seeking approval shall be:

    1. through 7. No change.

    (b) The Department shall recognize one (1) or more credentialing entities as a certifying organization for recovery residences who meets all requirements of Section 397.487, F.S. A list of Department recognized credentialing entities can be found at the following link: An organization that desires recognition by the Department as a certifying organization for recovery residences shall request such approval in writing from the Department.

    (c) The Department shall recognize one (1) or more credentialing entities as a certifying organization for peer specialists, in accordance with Section 397.417, F.S. A list of Department recognized credentialing organizations for peer specialists can be found at the following link: An organization that desires recognition by the Department as a certifying organization for peer specialists shall request such approval in writing from the Department. Organizations seeking approval must demonstrate compliance with the following nationally recognized standards for developing and administering professional certification programs to certify peer specialists:

    1. through 8. No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), (15), 397.403, 397.417, 397.4871 FS. History–New 8-29-19, Amended 3-30-23. Amended ________________.


    65D-30.0032 Display of Licenses.

    (1) Display of Licenses. The most recent version of the provider’s license Licenses shall be displayed in a conspicuous, publicly accessible place within each facility.

    (2) through (3) No change.

    (4) Marketing or advertising materials shall use the legal entity’s name registered with the Division of Corporations, and any reference to a service component must use the name of the licensed service component as defined in subsection 397.311(26), F.S. and Rule subsection 65D-30.002(17), F.A.C.

    (5) Special Information Displayed on Licenses. In the case of addictions receiving facilities, inpatient detoxification, intensive inpatient treatment, and residential treatment, each license shall include the licensed bed capacity. The Department shall identify on the license all component(s) accredited by an accrediting organization recognized by the Department, which may be found at the following link: In the case of providers or components of providers that are accredited, licenses shall also include the following statement, “This license was issued based, in part, on the survey report of a Department recognized accrediting organization.” This statement will not be included on the license when issuance is also based on the results of the Department’s licensing inspections.

    (6) All licenses, certifications, or recognitions of any entity pursuant to this chapter shall also include the following statement, “The issuance of a license, certification, or recognition pursuant to chapter 65D-30, F.A.C., neither guarantees, expresses, nor implies an outcome. A license, certification, or recognition represents attainment of the minimum standards to conduct business as a substance use disorder treatment or prevention provider in the state of Florida.”

    (7) Failure to properly display a license is a Class IV violation as defined in rule 65D-30.0038, F.A.C., and must be corrected within five (5) calendar days.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.407, 397.410 FS. History–New 8-29-19. Amended _______________.


    65D-30.0033 License Types.

    (1) Probationary License.

    (a) Conditions Permitting Issuance. A probationary license is issued to a new applicant upon completion of all applicable requirements. For providers with existing licensed component(s), an amended license will be issued to the provider with the newly added service component under a probationary status. licensed for the same component at multiple locations, the license will display which service component locations are probationary and which provider locations have a current regular license for that service component.

    (b) If all licensure requirements are not met after issuing of a probationary status license, a regular status license will not be issued. If the applicant continues to pursue licensure, a new application including the applicable fees must be submitted.

    (c) Special Requirements Regarding Probationary Status Licenses. The following special requirements apply regarding new applicants:

    1. A new applicant shall refrain from providing non-exempt services until a probationary status license is issued;

    2. No change.

    3. In instances where an applicant fails to admit individuals for services during the initial probationary period, the Department shall not issue a regular status license, even where other standards have been met. If an applicant continues to pursue licensure, the applicant must reapply and pay the associated fees.

    4. The Department shall not issue a probationary license when doing so would place the health, safety, or welfare of individuals at risk.

    (d) No change.

    (e) Methadone Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Addiction Provider Components Licenses. A methadone medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder for addiction provider shall not initiate methadone medication assisted treatment during the probationary period, until SAMHSA provisional certification and DEA registration has been issued.

    (2) Regular License.

    (a) A regular status license is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance.

    (b) If a regular status license replaces a probationary status license, the regular status license shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date the probationary status license was issued if there are no other licenses issued to the provider.

    (c) When a provider has an existing regular status license, the regular status license replacing a probationary status license will carry the same expiration date as the provider’s existing license.

    (d) When a regular status license replaces an interim status license, the anniversary date of the regular status license shall not change.

    (3) Interim License.

    (a) Conditions Permitting Issuance. An interim status license will replace a regular status license for a period not to exceed 90 days, where the Department finds that any one (1) of the following conditions exist.

    1. The A facility or component of the provider is in substantial noncompliance with licensing standards. A provider is considered in substantial noncompliance if it is in compliance with less than 80 percent of the licensing standards.

    2. through 3. No change.

    All components within a facility that are affected shall be listed on the interim license.

    (b) Reissuing an Interim Status License. The Department may reissue an interim status license for an additional 90 days at the end of the initial 90-day period in the case of extreme hardship. Extreme hardship is defined as an inability to reach full compliance that cannot be attributed to the provider.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.407, 397.410 FS. History–New 8-29-19, Amended 11-22-22. Amended _____________.


    65D-30.0034 Change in Status of License.

    (1) Changing the Status of Licenses. Changes to a provider’s license shall be permitted under the following circumstances:

    (a) If adding a new component site to an existing licensed site component, the Department will issue an amended a license which shall indicate a probationary status license type for the specific location and component. Once the provider has satisfied the requirements for a regular status license, the Department shall reissue a an amended license to reflect the newly added component. license type as regular. The provider will print the most recent version of the license and display it in a conspicuous, publicly accessible place within each facility;

    (b) If a component operating under a regular license is found to be in substantial noncompliance, the Department will amend the license to reflect an interim type at that site. Once the provider has satisfied the requirements of a regular status license for that component at the specific site, the Department will reissue a license to reflect a regular status license type for that location. For each time the license is issued or reissued by the Department, the provider will print the most recent version of the license and display it in a conspicuous place, publicly accessible within each facility;

    (c) A provider’s current license shall be amended when a component at a specific site is discontinued. In such cases, the provider shall destroy its current license only after receipt of an amended license. Locations not affected by this provision shall be permitted to continue operation;

    (d) Whenever there is a change in a provider’s licensed bed capacity equal to or greater than 10 percent, the provider shall notify the Department within 24 hours of the change. The Department shall issue an amended license to the provider. within 30 business days of receipt of notice;

    (e) When there is a change in a provider’s status regarding accreditation, the provider shall notify the Department in writing within two five (5) business days of such change. In instances, where the change in status will adversely affect the provider’s license or requires other sanctions, the Department shall notify the provider within 30 business days of receipt of the notice of the Department’s pending action; and

    (f) Any change in the name of a facility that remains under the same ownership and management shall be submitted in writing to the Department regional office within 30 days prior to the effective date of the change. Upon receipt of the notification, the Department regional office will issue a letter confirming receipt of the notification along with a replacement license listing the correct facility name. Following failure to provide such notification to the regional office, the Department shall issue the administrative penalty as established in subsection 65D-30.0038(6), F.A.C.

    (2) License Non-transferable. In addition to section 397.407(6), F.S., an acquisition of a majority of ownership shall require the submission of a new application for each site component affected. A change in ownership of less than a majority of the ownership interest in a licensed entity only requires submittal of a local and Level 2 background check. All owners shall be screened according to the level 2 screening requirements of chapter 435, F.S.

    (a) Licenses are not transferable:

    1. No change.

    2. Where a provider relocates or a component of a provider is relocated or the address where services are rendered changes.

    (b) Submitting Applications. A completed “Application for Licensing Licensure to Provide Substance Abuse Treatment Use Services,” CF-MH Form 4024, July 2019, incorporated by reference in Rule 65D-30.0036, F.A.C. and available at, shall be submitted to the Department at least 30 days prior to acquisition or relocation. In lieu of the paper “Application for Licensure to Provide Substance Use Services,” the applicant may complete an on-line process through the Department’s statewide electronic system specific to licensure, which can be accessed at The online application, CF-MH Form 4024a, July 2019, is incorporated by reference and available at The “Treatment Resource Attestation,” CF-MH 4055, July 2019, which is referenced in form CF-MH 4024, is incorporated by reference and available at

    1. Acquisition. An entity shall submit an Application for Licensing to Provide Substance Abuse Treatment Services to the Department 30 days prior to a change in controlling ownership as defined in this rule of the licensed provider or of the contractual management entity. Failure to register the provider and submit an application 30 days prior to a change will result in the invalidation of the provider’s license or site, provided that the change in ownership occurs, effective the date of the action changing the control of ownership or management. In addition to the application, online application or CF-MH C&F-SA Form 4024, Nov 2017, the applicant shall be required to submit all items as required in Rule subsection 65D-30.0036(1), F.A.C. When the application is considered complete, the Department shall issue a probationary license.

    2. Relocation. In addition to an Application for Licensing to Provide Substance Abuse Treatment Services, if there is no change in the provider’s services, the provider shall only be required to provide proof of general liability insurance coverage and compliance with local fire and safety standards established by the State Fire Marshal, health codes, appropriate zoning, and occupational license/business tax receipt. If there is a change in the provider’s services, the provider shall be required to submit all items as required in Rule subsection 65D-30.0036(1), F.A.C. In this latter case, when the Department determines the application to be complete, the Department shall issue a probationary license. A regular license will not be issued if relocating during a probationary period, and the applicant must re-apply.

    3. Temporary Relocation. A provider may temporarily relocate services when an evacuation is necessary in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of individual’s being served.

    a. No change.

    b. The provider must notify the Department Regional Substance Abuse and Mental Health Office by phone or electronic mail within two five (5) business days of relocation.

    c. If the temporary relocation exceeds 30 business days, prior approval is required by the Department Regional Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office. The provider shall submit a written request to the Department, including justification for the temporary relocation, the beginning and ending dates of the temporary relocation, and a plan for the transfer of any individuals to other providers. The regional office shall approve written requests containing the required information. The regional office shall send a written approval or denial to the provider.

    d. No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.403, 397.407, 397.410 FS. History–New 8-29-19. Amended ________.


    65D-30.0036 Licensure Application and Renewal.

    (1) Application for Licensing. Applications for any license described in this rule chapter shall be submitted initially and annually thereafter to the Department along with the required licensing fee. A renewal application is subject to the provisions of s. 397.407(8). Applications for renewal submitted less than 60, but more than 30 calendar days, prior to the expiration of the regular license, will be processed. Late fees will be applied to all renewal applications submitted after 60 days. If the application for renewal is not received by the Department prior to the expiration of the regular license, the application will be returned to the applicant, including any fees. In addition to requirements pursuant to Section 397.403, F.S., and unless otherwise specified, all applications for licensure shall include the following:

    (a) A standard application for licensing, using CF-MH Form 4024, (insert date) (December 2023), titled “Application for Licensing to Provide Substance Abuse Treatment Services,” which is incorporated by reference and available at In lieu of a standard application, the applicant may complete an online process through the Department’s statewide electronic system specific to licensure, which can be accessed at

    (b) through (h) No change.

    (2) through (7) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5), 397.4014 FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.4014, 397.403, 397.407, 397.410, 397.4014, 397.411 FS. History–New 8-29-19, Amended 11-22-22, 1-1-24. Amended ________.


    65D-30.0037 Department Licensing Procedures.

    (1) Department Licensing Procedures.  The regional offices shall be responsible for licensing providers operating within their geographic boundaries but are not prohibited from reviewing applications or conducting audits of service providers outside the boundary.

    (a) Application Process. The Department regional offices shall process all new and renewal applications for licensing and shall notify both new and renewal applicants in writing within 30 business days of receipt of the application that it is complete or incomplete. Where an application is incomplete, the Department regional office shall specify in writing to the applicant the items that are needed to complete the application. Following receipt of the Department’s regional office’s response, the applicant shall have 10 business days to submit the required information to the Department regional office. If the applicant needs additional time to submit the required information, it may request such additional time within five (5) business days of the deadline for submitting the information. Within five (5) business days of receipt of the request, the Department regional office shall approve the request for up to an additional 30 business days. Any renewal applicant that fails to meet these deadlines shall be assessed an additional fee equal to the late fee provided for in subsection 397.407(3), F.S., $100 per licensed component for each specific location. If the applicant is seeking a new license and fails to meet these deadlines, the application, excluding and all fees, shall be returned to the applicant unprocessed.

    (b) Licensing Inspection. The Department regional office may conduct announced or unannounced on-site licensing inspections pursuant to section 397.411, F.S. Prior to any scheduled inspection, the regional office shall notify the applicant of its intent to conduct an on-site licensing inspection or electronic file review and of the proposed date of the inspection. The regional office shall include the name(s) of the authorized agents who will conduct the inspection and the specific components and facilities to be inspected. This notification, however, shall not prohibit the regional office from inspecting other components or facilities maintained by a provider at the time of the review.

    (c) Licensing Determination. A performance-based rating system shall be used to evaluate a provider’s compliance with licensing standards. Providers shall attain at least 80 percent compliance overall on each component reviewed. This means that each set of standards within each facility operated by a provider is subject to the 80 percent compliance requirement. If any set of standards within a facility falls below 80 percent compliance, an interim license will be issued for that component. In addition, there may be instances where a component is rated at an 80 percent level of compliance overall but is in substantial noncompliance with standards related to health, safety, and welfare of individuals or staff. This includes significant or chronic violations regarding standards that do not involve direct services to individuals. In such cases, the regional office shall issue an interim license to the provider or take other regulatory action as permitted in section 397.415, F.S.

    (c)(d) Notifying Providers Regarding Disposition on Licensing. In the case of new and renewal applications, the Department regional office shall give written notice to the applicant as required in section 120.60(3), F.S., that the Department regional office has granted or denied its application for a license. In the case of new applicants, this shall occur within the 90-day period following receipt of the completed application. In the case of renewal applicants, this shall occur prior to expiration of the current license.

    (e) Reports of Licensing Inspections. The regional offices shall prepare and distribute to providers a report of licensing inspections that shall include:

    1. The name and address of the facility;

    2. The names and titles of principal provider staff interviewed;

    3. An overview of the components and facilities inspected and a brief description of the provider;

    4. A summary of findings from each component and facility inspected;

    5. A list of noncompliance issues, if any, with rule or statutory references and a request that the provider submit a plan for corrective action, including required completion dates;

    6. Recommendations for issuing a probationary, a regular, or an interim license and recommendations regarding other actions permitted under chapter 397, F.S.; and

    7. The name and title of each authorized agent of the Department.

    8. If the criteria established for a licensable component are not met, deficiencies must be classified according to the nature and scope of the deficiency and cited as isolated, patterned, or widespread. The type must be identified on the licensing inspection.

    (d)(f) Distribution of Licenses and Notices. For new and renewal applications, the Department regional offices shall send providers a written, signed license along with the written notice as described in subparagraph 4 of this section. Additionally, any adverse action by the Department regional offices (e.g., issuance of an interim license, license suspension, denial, revocation, fine or moratorium) shall be accompanied by notice of the right of appeal as required by chapter 120, F.S.

    (g) Content of Licensing Records. The regional offices shall maintain current electronic licensing files on each provider licensed under chapter 397, F.S. The contents of the files shall include those items submitted to the Department, as required in subsections 65D-30.0036(1)-(3), F.A.C., as appropriate, and subparagraph 65D-30.0037(1)(a)5., F.A.C. All documentation and updates will be entered into the Department approved database within 35 business days of changes to the applicant or provider status to ensure contents of licensing records are current.

    (h) Listing of Licensed Providers. The regional offices shall maintain a current listing of all licensed providers by components, with license expiration dates as required by section 397.6774, F.S.

    (i) Complaint Log. The regional offices shall electronically document all complaints regarding providers in the data system approved by the Department. Documentation shall include the date the complaint was received, dates review was initiated and completed, and all findings, penalties imposed, fines collected, reports to other licensing or credentialing entities, and other information relevant to the complaint.

    (j) Publishing Provider Information. A list of licensed providers shall be published to the Department’s website. The list shall include provider name(s), address(es), contact information, number of beds for inpatient services, inspection score, and other information the Department deems useful to the public.

    (2) Closing a Licensed Provider. Pursuant to chapter 120, F.S., providers shall notify the Department in writing at least 90 30 days prior to ceasing operation. The provider, with the Department’s assistance, shall attempt to place all individuals being served in need of care with other providers along with their clinical records and files. The provider shall notify the Department where the clinical records and files of previously discharged individuals are and where they will be stored for the legally required period. A service provider may not engage in patient brokering as established in section 397.55(2), F.S.

    (3) through (4) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 397.321(5) FS. Law Implemented 397.321(6), 397.4014, 397.403, 397.407, 397.410 FS. History–New 8-29-19. Amended _______.






Document Information

Comments Open:
Amendments include but are not limited to: (1) include, remove, and update definitions, (2) update licensure process to issue a license by site, (3) updates Departments website, (4) updates procedures to display licenses, (5) updates and clarifies license types, (6) clarifies and removes language, (7) amends form CF-MH 4024, (8) updates licensing procedures regarding the application process and inspections.
Amendments update the licensure process to issue a license by site pursuant to Chapter Law 2024-176. Amendments also clarify and update the rules.
Rulemaking Authority:
397.321(5) FS.
397.311, 397.321, 397.4014, 397.403, 397.407, 397.410, 397.411, 397.417, 397.4871 FS.
Related Rules: (2)
65D-30.002. Definitions
65D-30.003. Department Licensing and Regulatory Standards