25-9.028. List of Communities Served  

Effective on Wednesday, January 8, 1975
  • 1(1) This section shall list each community served and indicate for each the rate schedules available to customers located therein.

    21(2) If the operations of the utility are confined to a singularly small area and/or if the utility’s rate schedules are uniform with respect to the communities served (i.e., the same rates are available throughout the territory), this section may be omitted provided the “Description of Territory Served” (Rule 7025-9.023, 71F.A.C.) is complete and each rate schedule clearly states that it is available throughout the utility’s entire territory.

    89Rulemaking 90Authority 91366.05(1), 92367.121 FS. 94Law Implemented 96366.05(1), 97367.041(1), 98367.171(1) FS. 100History–New 1-8-75, Formerly 25-9.28.