53ER13-27. Miami Heat Playoff Experience Promotion Correction (Replaced by 53ER14-21)
Effective on Monday, April 22, 2013
1(1)2On April, 22, 2013, the Florida Lottery discovered that the12on-line13gaming14system was inadvertently set to include all 21Florida Lottery 23retailers in the state of Florida rather than just retailers in the Fort Myers, West Palm Beach and Miami Sales Districts44as specified in Rule 53ER13-26, 49F.A.C., 50Miami Heat Playoff Experience Promotion. 55The error was corrected and the promotion reset to include the three designated districts at approximately 12:00 72N73oon on April 22, 2013. 78Therefore,79all 80players who purchase83d84a single $10.00 or more POWERBALL® or POWERBALL with POWERPLAY® ticket at any Florida Lottery retailer on 101April 22, 2013,104and received a voucher for the promotion111during the period 114from 1156:00 a117.118m. through 120approximately 12112:00 122N123oon 124(125ET126), 127may128enter 129their130voucher131s132as set forth in Rule 53ER13-26, 138F.A.C.,139and 140will be included in the Friday, May 17, 2013,149drawing.
150(1512152) 153Except as provided in subsection158(1) 159above, all other provisio163ns 164of165R166ule 53ER16813-26, 169F.A.C.170shall remain in effect.