59A-26.005. Fiscal Standards  

Effective on Monday, December 21, 2015
  • 1The licensee must maintain fiscal records as required by Chapter 409, Part III, F.S, Rules 1659G-5.020 17and 1859G-6.040, 19F.A.C. There must be a system of accounting used to accurately reflect details of the ICF/DD operation, including clients’ funds held in trust and other client property. The fiscal and client fund records must be supported by documentation of all transactions. Documentation of quarterly reconciliation for client fund records must be kept on file for five years and must be provided to the Agency for review when requested. The licensee must:

    90(1) Refund any amount or portion of prepayment in excess of the amount or portion obligated for services already furnished if a client leaves the facility prior to the end of any prepayment period.

    124(2) Maintain financial and statistical records in accordance with Title 13442 CFR, 136Sections 483.420(b)(1)-(2), effective October 1, 2014, as incorporated by reference and located at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2014-title42-vol5/xml/CFR-2014-title42-vol5-sec483-420.xml 150and 151http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-06401153.

    154(3) Comply with requirements of Rules 16059G-6.040 161and 16259G-6.045, 163F.A.C.

    164(4) Keep complete and accurate records of all clients’ funds, other effects, and property.

    178(5) Deposit and maintain in an interest bearing account with a financial institution on behalf of each client, all money and interest on money held for that client. A copy of the client’s bank account statements and expenditure detail must be provided to the client or client’s representative within seven calendar days of written request.

    233(5) Protect clients’ funds from theft, negligence or abuse. Should loss of a client’s funds occur, the licensee will be responsible for reimbursing the client for the full amount of funds to which he or she is entitled within 30 calendar days of confirmation of the theft, negligence or abuse of client funds.

    286(7) Make a final accounting of all personal effects and money belonging to the client held by the licensee upon the discharge or death of a client within 30 calendar days after the client’s discharge or death.

    323Rulemaking Authority 325400.967 FS. 327Law Implemented 329400.967(2)(e) FS. 331History–New 12-21-15.


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